>> >>
(Message started by: DJ-Glock 28.04.2006 13:53:55)

DJ-Glock 28.04.2006 13:53:55
, - . , , , :)

- ?! ???

2 Luficer : , ?

PS :dont2:

: Re:
Glucka 28.04.2006 14:21:07

- ?!
. , , , , ( ), - . .

: Re:
Zar XaplYch 28.04.2006 15:01:42
2Glucka: ;D
2DJ-Glock: , ? ;)

: Re:
Satan`s Claws 28.04.2006 15:21:45
2Glucka: . ;)

: Re:
DJ-Glock 28.04.2006 15:51:19
2Zar XaplYch: ... -... ;D ? ? ;D :D ;)

: Re:
Luficer 28.04.2006 15:58:08
2 Luficer :

" ?"


, " " ? ;)
: http://812.ru/0-134-7154-0/20050827-20050827/2098489--0/

- . - .

- ?!

, , . , . - , ,- - .

: Re:
Immk@ 28.04.2006 15:59:56


- ?

: Re:
Zar XaplYch 28.04.2006 16:01:32
2Immk@: ::)

: Re:
Luficer 28.04.2006 16:03:16
? ?

, . , , - , , .

, , .   , . :P

: Re:
maks_tm 28.04.2006 16:03:27


, - . " ?"

: Re:
Luficer 28.04.2006 16:18:44

, . -- 9 . , .

- , TBS ! ;D

: Re:
28.04.2006 16:26:30
2Luficer: : "! , ! ! , !". ;)

: Re:
Luficer 28.04.2006 16:43:04
2DJ-Glock: , 2 ! . , -, ::)

: Re:
gyv 02.05.2006 10:41:03
2DJ-Glock: .

: Re:
DJ-Glock 02.05.2006 11:38:10
, , ??? ??? ::)

: Re:
gyv 02.05.2006 11:46:07
2DJ-Glock: - . . , . .

: Re:
Zar XaplYch 02.05.2006 11:47:12
2gyv: :rzhach:

: Re:
Tailor 02.05.2006 11:48:55
: , ?

: Re:
gyv 02.05.2006 11:52:47
2Tailor: , .
- . .

: Re:
Luficer 02.05.2006 12:03:24

- !  ;D
2DJ-Glock: " , "()
- -, .. / . .

: Re:
gyv 02.05.2006 12:31:25
2Luficer: ? (, ).

: Re:
02.05.2006 13:43:22
2DJ-Glock: .

: Re:
Luficer 02.05.2006 13:52:43

, - --- .  ;)
. 8)

, ,

- . - , - .  :P
,- 100% - . . ;)
- */**, ***. , , .. "... - 3,14 ..."
, , , . , , . - ****.
*-02 -- ;
**-3000 -- ;
*** - ;
**** - .

: Re:
Zar XaplYch 03.05.2006 11:32:29
, ., . (http://pakt.zatopol.ru/2006/04/25/leksikon_populjarnykh_zabluzhdenijj_vkremer_gtrenkler.html)

: Re:
Skeletal 03.05.2006 16:03:22

-- ;
= :)

: Re:
arheolog 04.05.2006 15:20:17


, .  :P

: Re:
Ushwood 04.05.2006 18:31:43
2Zar XaplYch:
, ., .
-. , . - ;D

: Re:
21.05.2006 19:40:24
: " , ?!"

: Re:
Immk@ 21.05.2006 20:18:12



: Re:
GreenEyeMan 21.05.2006 20:18:18
2: . ;)

: Re:
Satan`s Claws 22.05.2006 10:07:21
2 : - . , - .

: Re:
Tiny_man 01.06.2006 23:50:12
? ( - , ). ?

: Re:
gyv 02.06.2006 07:08:21
2Tiny_man: - , ( " "). (, - , ), . .

: Re:
02.06.2006 07:40:17
2Tiny_man: 2gyv: = . 19 - 20 . .

: Re:
Luficer 02.06.2006 09:08:16
2Tiny_man: . " ." . . :)

: Re:
Tiny_man 02.06.2006 10:09:52
, :)

: Re:
gyv 02.06.2006 10:42:27
2Luficer: - - . - , - ( ).

: Re:
Immk@ 16.06.2006 17:10:28

: Re:
DJ-Glock 16.06.2006 17:12:56
:rzhach: :lol: !!! ;D :D

: Re:
Ushwood 16.06.2006 17:21:28
2Immk@: , :P.
( , ) - , ;D.

: Re:
Immk@ 16.06.2006 17:29:19

- ... + + () + = . ! ! !


, ... ;D

: Re:
DJ-Glock 16.06.2006 17:32:42
2Immk@: :(

... ... :)

: Re:
16.06.2006 17:39:05
... ... :rzhach: ;)

: Re:
Immk@ 16.06.2006 17:55:14
2 :
()  ;D

: Re:
DJ-Glock 16.06.2006 18:49:02
2: , : ( ??? ) . ... , 2 , , ... :(

: Re:
gyv 16.06.2006 19:09:51
2Immk@: , ? 1, - (/) . .

: Re:
cha 16.06.2006 20:02:15


2Immk@: :rzhach:

: Re:
Immk@ 16.06.2006 20:36:28

, ( ) , . , - , ( ), ... ... - :nervous:

: Re:
DJ-Glock 18.06.2006 10:17:44
2 : :)

: Re:
Luficer 19.06.2006 13:46:49


- . ;D
, , . :P

: Re:
gyv 19.06.2006 15:09:24
. . .

: Re:
DJ-Glock 19.06.2006 18:27:32
, ;)

: Re:
LDV 19.06.2006 18:53:50
2DJ-Glock: ?  :o

: Re:
DJ-Glock 19.06.2006 18:55:25
:lol: ... 2 :)

: Re:
GreenEyeMan 22.06.2006 19:19:29

: Re:
Immk@ 22.06.2006 21:30:40
, ... : ( )?

: Re:
22.06.2006 22:00:44
2Immk@: , - :confus:

: Re:
GreenEyeMan 22.06.2006 22:09:13
2Immk@: .

: Re:
Immk@ 26.06.2006 19:42:23
Germany 2006?

: Re:
GreenEyeMan 26.06.2006 19:46:36
2Immk@: , . ;D

: Re:
26.06.2006 22:52:53
2Immk@: 2056 ! :)

: Re:
Daito 27.06.2006 11:39:21
Deus Ex Machina? , .

: Re:
maks_tm 27.06.2006 12:40:43
- " ".

, ( ), , . , , , etc.

: , 30 . ( - ). !

Deus Ex Machina.

: Re:
Daito 27.06.2006 12:42:35
- ( )?

: Re:
Satan`s Claws 27.06.2006 12:44:18
Deus ex machina (" ", .) - , .

: Re:
maks_tm 27.06.2006 12:47:58

- ( )?

. . 5 : 2 + 2 + . .

, .

: Re:
bugmonster 27.06.2006 13:01:34
2Daito: , "Deus Ex", .. " ". , . , ( ). .. . 0 . :)

: Re:
desants 28.06.2006 19:30:13
2bugmonster: Ex mahina? , .


: Re:
Ice_T 28.06.2006 20:20:29

- . , , ;D.

. Exodus , , , .

: Re:
BoSS 29.06.2006 00:55:26

- . , ,


: Re:
BoSS 29.06.2006 01:00:07
Deus Ex -
System Shock
, .


: Re:
GreenEyeMan 30.06.2006 17:34:59
2BoSS: -, Deus ex machina - carmagedon.

: Re:
Romen 01.07.2006 16:34:31
. , . , . , .

: , ?

: Re:
Luficer 03.07.2006 13:49:47
: , ?

. !

: Re:
DJ-Glock 03.07.2006 15:48:29

:) ::)

: Re:
Ushwood 03.07.2006 15:54:14

: Re:
GreenEyeMan 04.07.2006 18:14:37
2Ushwood: , ? .

2Romen: . .

: Re:
Romen 04.07.2006 19:40:19
2GreenEyeMan: .

2All: Discovery . , . - . , ( ) . - " ". . ?

: Re:
arheolog 05.07.2006 00:39:12

: , ?

, , () , , . , , . .

: Re:
Romen 06.07.2006 20:55:24
  . " ":
, ?

: Re:
DJ-Glock 06.07.2006 21:31:17
2Romen: , :P ;D

: Re:
GreenEyeMan 08.07.2006 10:34:10
2Romen: , , , ( ).

: Re:
Daito 09.07.2006 12:46:39
, - "AD-SIZE"? ?

: Re:
DJ-Glock 09.07.2006 16:32:38
: , , ( )?  :(

: Re:
maks_tm 10.07.2006 09:47:01



: Re:
DJ-Glock 10.07.2006 11:51:20
2maks_tm: , ...  :( " " ...

: Re:
maks_tm 10.07.2006 11:59:28
... ;D

: Re:
Ushwood 10.07.2006 16:16:25


... :rzhach:

: Re:
istr 23.07.2006 22:43:01
: . / , .
: , / ?

, - .

: Re:
DJ-Glock 24.07.2006 07:43:21
2istr: , , , 5  ;D

: Re:
istr 24.07.2006 12:21:33
2DJ-Glock: ...

: Re:
Zar XaplYch 01.08.2006 23:50:34
, . . ( , ), :( , 8)

: Re:
02.08.2006 18:43:43
2Zar XaplYch: , - - . - - , . , ;D

.. ()

, ?

: Re:
Zar XaplYch 02.08.2006 19:19:11
2 : , , .
- , , . .

: Re:
Brkut 02.08.2006 19:38:12
21.00 22.00, 19.00?

: Re:
Ghaydn 02.08.2006 20:42:41
2Brkut: , ?
2 : , , ASCII ?

: Re:
Zar XaplYch 02.08.2006 21:06:52
2Ghaydn: . , . , . , ! ! , , ;) ;D

: Re:
gyv 02.08.2006 22:39:29
2Ghaydn: ( , ) - . - .

2Brkut: , ( ) , 2 . , , - .

: Re:
Ice_T 03.08.2006 04:05:15

, . , , . , , - . . , ( "" ), . , / ( - ). , (! !).

, , . .

, , , (, ) . , - :(. , , , , . , Adobe (Photoshop, InDesign) ( ). , ( ). :) , (Tahoma) , . , .
Word . , . , , ( ). , , . - , :o. - , . , , , . . , :(.

. , Adobe InDesign, ( , !), , . , , , , , , , .

. , , . , .

. 2, , . , :).

: Re:
Zar XaplYch 03.08.2006 07:56:15
2Ice_T: , ??? :confus:
: - ( ) ( ) - , :(

: Re:
Brkut 03.08.2006 08:59:12
Alt+0151 ( NumPud', Alt)

, . , .

: Re:
Ice_T 03.08.2006 09:18:37

html :




: Re:
Ice_T 03.08.2006 09:47:06

, . . , , . . , , - .
, , .

, Photoshop InDesign ? , , , .

: Re:
Ghaydn 03.08.2006 10:57:39
2Brkut: : . , .
2Ice_T: , . , . TXT- .


                    ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ 

Jcj,tyyj vtyz ghbrfksdftn? rjulf cgtwbfkmyj yt gthtrk.xf.n hfcrkflre///

: Re:
Ice_T 03.08.2006 12:42:29

Jcj,tyyj vtyz ghbrfksdftn? rjulf cgtwbfkmyj yt gthtrk.xf.n hfcrkflre///

? ;)

txt- html, . , , , . , ?

: Re:
gyv 03.08.2006 13:34:24
2Ghaydn: 200 NT-based+ ( ...) ( ).
, + + . :( .
2Ice_T: MKey . Far .

: Re:
Ghaydn 03.08.2006 17:10:10
2Ice_T: , gyv' . . ;)

! , ""?

: Re:
DJ-Glock 03.08.2006 17:13:07
2Ghaydn: = () CHA  ;D

: Re:
Ice_T 03.08.2006 17:19:12

, gyv'

, .

feature , .

: Re:
Brkut 03.08.2006 17:35:29
2, :
Jcj,tyyj vtyz ghbrfksdftn? rjulf cgtwbfkmyj yt gthtrk.xf.n hfcrkflre/// , ...
njkmrj yt vjq vjpu? ghjrkznst ghbitkmws - ,

P.S. Punto Switcher .

, , , ? , , .

: Re:
DJ-Glock 03.08.2006 17:42:12

, , , ? , , .
, ? :D ;D ;D ::)

, ;)

: Re:
Brkut 03.08.2006 18:39:31


! . :)
, . .
, .

: Re:
Ghaydn 03.08.2006 18:41:53
2DJ-Glock: . , ! .
2Brkut: , , . " ": , , ; .

: Re:
Brkut 03.08.2006 18:51:19
2Ghaydn: , , -, . . , , .

: Re:
Zar XaplYch 03.08.2006 19:03:54
2Brkut: . , , ... , , .. ( ) .

: Re:
Ghaydn 03.08.2006 19:10:54
2Zar XaplYch: , ?

: Re:
Zar XaplYch 03.08.2006 19:58:18
2Ghaydn: ( , , ) - . - - , , . . , :) , , . "", . - , , . , . ;D

: Re:
Zar XaplYch 03.08.2006 21:02:20
2DJ-Glock: ? - , , , , .

: Re:
gyv 03.08.2006 22:17:37


: Re:
DJ-Glock 03.08.2006 22:39:58
2all: : , , , ( , , - , )
, - , , , - :(

: Re:
Zar XaplYch 03.08.2006 22:53:09
2DJ-Glock: , :confus:
, , -
, . - , - , . , .

: Re:
DJ-Glock 03.08.2006 23:17:24
! !  :)

: Re:
Zar XaplYch 03.08.2006 23:24:35
2DJ-Glock: :insane: , , (, , ).

: Re:
DJ-Glock 03.08.2006 23:34:43
2Zar XaplYch: , , , ., , , . , , , . , . , , . 100% , ...

, , , , :)

: Re:
04.08.2006 00:06:36
, , . ( ) .
- . :). , - . , - , , ;D

: Re:
04.08.2006 00:13:15
2DJ-Glock: , , , . , , , . ? , :)

: Re:
gyv 04.08.2006 08:07:58
2DJ-Glock: " " - . ( ) sience_freaks.

? ? , . , .

: Re:
DJ-Glock 04.08.2006 08:14:15
2gyv: . , , ,  ;) ?

: Re:
Ghaydn 04.08.2006 13:35:36
, , , .
, . . , , . : . ( ), . , , .. . , , , . . :umnik:
. :glasses:

: Re:
04.08.2006 16:00:57
2DJ-Glock: ? :) ? ;) , ;D

: Re:
DJ-Glock 04.08.2006 17:29:41
2 : , , ...

: Re:
arheolog 05.08.2006 20:59:23
, , .. . , , , . .

, .

: Re:
Ghaydn 05.08.2006 21:09:35
2arheolog: , .
, , . ?

: Re:
arheolog 05.08.2006 21:16:17


, . , - ...

: Re:
Ghaydn 05.08.2006 21:30:19
2arheolog: - ? , . .

: Re:
Clayman 05.08.2006 21:45:02

, , . .

.. ? , , (2d ) - , . :)



: Re:
05.08.2006 23:32:49
2Clayman: , ? ;D

: Re:
arheolog 05.08.2006 23:40:25

- ? , . .

- , . , ( , ) , , , . . ( ) , ( ), .

: Re:
Romen 06.08.2006 18:48:57
2Ghaydn: .
, . . .. (t=0), ( ) . - .
  . . 0,5 ( ), , - 2 . /, .
  . . , : . . ( =2 ).

: Re:
06.08.2006 22:26:26
, :

! , , . - , , , , , - .
, (, - ), 180 . :)

: Re:
Ushwood 07.08.2006 16:39:47
... , ... :)

, , , ?
. , , , . .. " " - , .
- . 141 142 - , - .

, . , . : , , ( ), (, ) , - , .

, , . " ": , , ; .
. - . .
, .. , . (, , ) - .
( , , ;))

, , , ( , , - , )
(, ), -, . " ". , , , ( ) - . - ( ) ( ).

. . 0,5 ( ), , - 2 .
. (38 /) .

: Re:
Ghaydn 07.08.2006 18:19:09
(38 /) .

. 38 / . , . .. " ", , . :
, / , ( ). , () ; , 1/2 ; , .


: Re:
Ushwood 07.08.2006 18:30:51
2Ghaydn: :). , . 38, .
, .

: Re:
Ghaydn 07.08.2006 20:19:43
2Ushwood: , , , .

: Re:
Ushwood 08.08.2006 15:17:20
2Ghaydn: , - .

, (. ). c . , , , , ( ) . .

. . . , . /, .

: Re:
Ushwood 08.08.2006 15:21:57
, , - , "" . , , , , ...

, . , . , , . , () - ( , , - , , ).
, , , -, . , , .
, , , , , , .

: Re:
Ghaydn 08.08.2006 15:35:25
2Ushwood: , - .

2 :
, . ?

: Re:
Eug 08.08.2006 15:52:18
, . , , - .
, , ;)


[. director < dirigere ] , .
[<. rector ] 1) - ; 2)

: Re:
gyv 09.08.2006 08:32:55
2Ushwood: - ( - , , ). , - . , , " c ". - ( - , ). .
, ...

: Re:
Ushwood 09.08.2006 14:35:11
" n . , , k".
, ;D

: Re:
gyv 10.08.2006 07:42:20
2Ushwood: , , ( ).

: Re:
Brkut 10.08.2006 14:43:37
, - , ?

: Re:
Ushwood 10.08.2006 16:25:53
2Brkut: - , "", Hair - .

: Re:
Zar XaplYch 10.08.2006 17:06:55
2Ushwood: - ;D - heiraten () - / .

: Re:
Ushwood 10.08.2006 17:25:04
2Zar XaplYch: , , , :).

: Re:
Zar XaplYch 10.08.2006 19:12:09
2Ushwood: ? :shuffle: , :)

: Re:
10.08.2006 22:11:33
, - , - ?

: Re:
Zar XaplYch 10.08.2006 22:40:17
2 : ;D

: Re:
10.08.2006 22:44:23
2Zar XaplYch: , .  :) - .

: Re:
MicDoc 19.08.2006 14:57:17
2Zar XaplYch: , . ,

: Re:
Ghaydn 20.08.2006 19:50:25
, @ ?

: Re:
20.08.2006 22:25:46
, - "". "", .

: Re:
Ice_T 21.08.2006 07:31:34

, , - ;). -, , , , ... -, ( ) , , . . , , .

: Re:
21.08.2006 07:38:10
2Ghaydn: " , !".  ;)

: Re:
maks_tm 21.08.2006 10:30:04
-, , , , ...

, "at".

- : - at dot

deadushka@derevnya.ru at () dot ru

: Re:
Ice_T 21.08.2006 11:04:10


, , :


deadushka@derevnya.ru at () dot ru

. , | | | | . ;D

: Re:
Ghaydn 23.08.2006 14:53:01
2Ice_T: "". , . "", .
, , . ;D

: Re:
Ghaydn 25.08.2006 21:06:46
""? : "COBRA ". - ( !), ...

: Re:
Ice_T 26.08.2006 07:17:53

, , ..

Also Known As aka .

: Re:
31.08.2006 20:29:48
? :(

: Re:
Ice_T 31.08.2006 20:47:40

: Re:
gyv 31.08.2006 21:19:22
2Ice_T: .

: Re:
Ice_T 31.08.2006 21:23:49

: Re:
Eug 31.08.2006 21:59:21
( )
, !
, , - 2137 .
, , .

: Re:
Ice_T 31.08.2006 22:26:40


? ? :).

, , , ? , ;D. , , , .

, .

: Re:
gyv 01.09.2006 07:36:14
2Ice_T: . , , .

: Re:
Ghaydn 02.10.2006 21:21:59
, RND? , . ? - .

: Re:
Satan`s Claws 03.10.2006 10:03:20
2Ghaydn: . ( ). , ().

: Re:
Ushwood 03.10.2006 15:09:42
2Satan`s Claws: . - , , ; - , - ... , "".
- , , , , "", .
. - :). - , .

: Re:
SHAman 09.10.2006 11:10:22
, , ? , , .

-: . , ? -, . , , , . , . - - ! . ! , . - ?

. !

: Re:
Strax5 09.10.2006 12:29:35
2SHAman: 49 - . 62 .
. " . - " ().
(, , ) (+ - )

, ( 30 ) .

: Re:
L A X 09.10.2006 14:50:47
! ;)

: Re:
SHAman 10.10.2006 10:45:59
. . . ... . , , . . - - . , .

2L A X:
, .... , , , . - . . - .

. , "". ! , ! ( ) ! 16 . ! : , ( . 7.62 )+ 3 . , .. , . . - . - Mac-10 +   . . !:)
. , . , ? -?

: ?

: Re:
Zar XaplYch 10.10.2006 10:58:23
2SHAman: , , - :D ;)
. , ? ;) :D .

? , :) ;) ;D

: Re:
DJ-Glock 10.10.2006 19:09:50

. , "". ! , ! ( ) !
: , ( . 7.62
, ( ) - 9, , !

: Re:
Zar XaplYch 10.10.2006 19:55:07
2DJ-Glock: ;)

: Re:
DJ-Glock 10.10.2006 20:15:45
2Zar XaplYch: , ?!  :P ::)

: Re:
Zar XaplYch 10.10.2006 22:01:45
2DJ-Glock: , , :-[ ;D

: Re:
SHAman 11.10.2006 14:26:31

, ( ) - 9, , !

, , . , ...

, . !?

.... ???

: Re:
Eug 11.10.2006 16:01:52
, ,
. . ? ? . - , . . , , . , . . , , . , , ...  ;)

: Re:
bugmonster 11.10.2006 16:04:02
2SHAman: - , , , "!". , , , . , , "" . . , . , , .


: Re:
SHAman 12.10.2006 09:46:22
, - ... .

. ! ! 8)

: Re:
D.Capone 12.10.2006 13:13:25
"", :P

: Re:
SHAman 12.10.2006 13:20:48
, !? ! .... 8) , AIM ! - -. . , .

, ! , - .

, , , , !!!!:maniac:

. . . . . , . :war:

: Re:
DJ-Glock 12.10.2006 18:14:25
2SHAman: , :) : " "...

: Re:
D.Capone 13.10.2006 13:12:38
- ?

: Re:
14.10.2006 20:18:35
- - .
- , :
""? ( )
" "?
"", "" "" ?
, ...

: Re:
DJ-Glock 14.10.2006 20:52:44

"", "" "" ?
. , , ... :) :D ;D ::) :P

: Re:
Zar XaplYch 14.10.2006 21:23:02
2 : - ? , =)

: Re:
istr 15.10.2006 04:22:17
2 : ,

: Re:
15.10.2006 08:48:07

, ... - ... ... ;D

: Re:
15.10.2006 08:50:12
, , ...
, , . , ? :)

: Re:
Clayman 15.10.2006 21:50:53
. , (http://img423.imageshack.us/img423/6800/strangethingtg5.jpg). .:)
: ?

: Re:
DJ-Glock 16.10.2006 08:37:43
2Clayman: ?  :)
, :)
2! ( ). .

: Re:
Clayman 16.10.2006 20:12:14
, , , - :drug:. - , .   .:)

: Re:
Zar XaplYch 16.10.2006 20:49:07
2Clayman: ? :lol: :crazy:

: Re:
Clayman 16.10.2006 20:55:16
2Zar XaplYch:
, :)

: Re:
SHAman 17.10.2006 12:25:25
, , , . . , . , .

, , , -, .

: Re:
L A X 28.10.2006 20:11:51
, ( 3:00, :)). ( ;D) ? :confus:

: Re:
Zar XaplYch 28.10.2006 20:24:58
2L A X: , ?! :)

: Re:
L A X 28.10.2006 20:39:55
2Zar XaplYch: . ...

: Re:
Clayman 29.10.2006 11:03:38
2L A X:
. , ,   , .
, , ...

: Re:
Brkut 05.11.2006 16:37:10
, ! ,   , .

. . , , , .

: ?

: Re:
arheolog 05.11.2006 17:59:06

: Re:
Brkut 05.11.2006 21:09:39
2arheolog: , .. , ?
P.S. .

: Re:
05.11.2006 21:13:30
- . ,   (, , ) (, ) , () , . , , . , ... ... - , - . :)

: Re:
arheolog 06.11.2006 01:32:54
( ) . , ( ) .

: Re:
Brkut 06.11.2006 05:08:01
2arheolog: , ? . , , , , .

: Re:
DJ-Glock 06.11.2006 08:20:09
2Brkut: . ,  :)

: Re:
06.11.2006 09:39:44
2arheolog: , ? - , ? , - ? ?
2Brkut: - , , - , , . :) .

: Re:
Drakon 06.11.2006 11:08:15
2 :

: Re:
Brkut 06.11.2006 14:03:35


2 : . ? , , , . .

: Re:
DJ-Glock 06.11.2006 14:51:04
! .. !  :P .

: Re:
06.11.2006 16:28:29
2Brkut: , , . , , , . , . , , . ;D

: Re:
arheolog 06.11.2006 16:48:16

. . , , , .

, ....
, - .

, ? - , ?

, , . .

, , .

: Re:
06.11.2006 16:56:41
2arheolog: , " " , . . :) , , . , - , , (- ) . , , - , , . , . ? . ( , , ). ? , , , , , . :) , ( , , ), , .

: Re:
arheolog 06.11.2006 17:03:19
2 :
1 1 , .

: Re:
06.11.2006 17:08:33
2arheolog: - , . .

: Re:
Drakon 07.11.2006 15:00:08
, , , ;D

: Re:
L A X 07.11.2006 23:18:12
, - . , ?

: Re:
Zar XaplYch 08.11.2006 01:59:50
2L A X: , ? - , , , ( :o), - , - :P , , ***, ??? , .

: Re:
Drakon 08.11.2006 15:21:28
2L A X: . ;), 2-3 ,  :(.

: Re:
L A X 08.11.2006 16:50:31

: Re:
Ushwood 08.11.2006 16:57:07

: ?
, - , . ()

: Re:
L A X 10.11.2006 17:02:50
2 :
.... -? - - , ?
- - , , , -... ;)

: Re:
10.11.2006 17:08:43
, " " , 3 - .

: Re:
DJ-Glock 10.11.2006 17:17:53
2 :
,  :)

: Re:
Ushwood 10.11.2006 17:23:52
2DJ-Glock: , , - ? :)

: Re:
DJ-Glock 10.11.2006 17:27:18
2Ushwood: , , , , "" :)

: Re:
L A X 10.11.2006 17:27:27
, .

: Re:
DJ-Glock 10.11.2006 17:33:38
2L A X: " "? ?

: Re:
10.11.2006 17:35:02
2DJ-Glock: . -   . , - . , . , , , , - , , ( ), , , . :) , - :)

: Re:
L A X 10.11.2006 17:37:33
2DJ-Glock: , ... , , ?

: Re:
DJ-Glock 10.11.2006 17:38:46
2 : , ... ... / ? ?  :)

: Re:
L A X 10.11.2006 17:41:41
2DJ-Glock: , ...

: Re:
DJ-Glock 10.11.2006 17:42:22
2L A X: , ,   , , ( )

: Re:
DJ-Glock 10.11.2006 17:54:04
2LAX: ?

: Re:
L A X 10.11.2006 17:57:45
2DJ-Glock: - ... !

: Re:
DJ-Glock 10.11.2006 18:04:19
2L A X: **- ?

: Re:
L A X 10.11.2006 18:10:17
2DJ-Glock: **-, , - ! :P

: Re:
DJ-Glock 10.11.2006 18:13:09
, :


: Re:
Drakon 10.11.2006 18:28:42
2DJ-Glock: .

: Re:
Ushwood 10.11.2006 18:29:03
2DJ-Glock: :P

: Re:
Ushwood 10.11.2006 18:30:04
2Drakon: ? , !

: Re:
Drakon 11.11.2006 11:29:47
2Ushwood: , , ?  ;D
2Ushwood: ? ?

: Re:
Clayman 11.11.2006 12:11:24


- :)

: Re:
L A X 11.11.2006 12:59:55

: Re:
Zar XaplYch 11.11.2006 13:04:29
Fraquently Asked Questions.

: Re:
Ushwood 13.11.2006 13:28:04
, , ?
, ::). :).

: Re:
Drakon 13.11.2006 14:28:42
2Ushwood: , . , ?

: Re:
Ushwood 16.11.2006 14:11:56
: - " "?
- , ""? , albus - ... ?

: Re:
DJ-Glock 16.11.2006 16:28:29
2Ushwood:   :)

: Re:
Ice_T 17.11.2006 14:56:04

, , , ( ). , , .
.   . , , .

, . , , albus . , . , . , , :).

. , , .

: Re:
Ushwood 17.11.2006 16:09:13
2Ice_T: :)

, , .
. , , ::).

: Re:
Drakon 17.11.2006 18:31:37
. , , .
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol::applause:

: Re:
L A X 18.11.2006 21:51:56
(http://svetlovodsk.com.ua/fun/magic-square/) ? :confus:

: Re:
arheolog 18.11.2006 22:25:29
... ... ...

: Re:
Clayman 18.11.2006 22:46:53
2L A X:
? , :)

: Re:
L A X 19.11.2006 00:09:01
! , , ... , . Clayman, ...

: Re:
Clayman 19.11.2006 11:31:50
2L A X:
, 9. 59-5-9=45,
19-9-1=9 . 9 , , .:)

: Re:
istr 22.11.2006 15:12:13
" "?

: Re:
Ice_T 22.11.2006 16:33:00

, ;D.

: Re:
Eug 07.12.2006 20:49:07
, .
- , , , - , ?

: Re:
07.12.2006 21:00:43
2Eug: - , - - .
. , - . , , . - , .
- . - - , , , - , - , - - , - . , - , . , . , , - , - - , - , .

: Re:
GreenEyeMan 09.12.2006 01:00:57


- , , - ? :P

: Re:
istr 09.12.2006 09:39:21
2GreenEyeMan: ,  ;D

: Re:
DJ-Glock 09.12.2006 20:49:01
2 :
, ! :D ;D

2Eug: , , , , , - .
, -, , .

, , ,  ;D ::)

: Re:
Immk@ 29.12.2007 21:58:31
. . ? .

: Re:
Ingris 29.12.2007 22:11:36
. ?

-: 1. - " "
2. - " ".

: Re:
Zar XaplYch 29.12.2007 22:13:46
2Ingris: , , , , :) , ;)

: Re:
Ingris 29.12.2007 22:16:07
2Zar XaplYch: ;D

: Re:
Immk@ 29.12.2007 22:27:36

:) .

: Re:
Zar XaplYch 29.12.2007 22:43:04
2Ingris: :) . .

: Re:
29.12.2007 22:43:27
2Ingris: ? , :)

: Re:
29.12.2007 22:44:34
2Zar XaplYch: - . !!!

: Re:
Zar XaplYch 29.12.2007 23:00:49
2 : , , ;D :D ;D

: Re:
30.12.2007 00:04:10
2Zar XaplYch: . - ... , , , , , , - ( , ) . - (, - ), , ;D. ...

: Re:
Drakon 30.12.2007 01:34:49
. , , .

, .

: Re:
Zar XaplYch 30.12.2007 01:49:32
2Drakon: , . ::) ? :D

: Re:
Immk@ 30.12.2007 02:50:25
2Zar XaplYch:


: Re:
Zar XaplYch 30.12.2007 10:52:09
2Immk@: ::) ! :D ;) , ;D

: Re:
Drakon 30.12.2007 11:26:35

: Re:
30.12.2007 13:27:11
" " () .

: Re:
Satan`s Claws 01.01.2008 16:53:01
2Drakon: , , ...

: Re:
Drakon 01.01.2008 17:10:47
, .

: Re:
nikandrus 16.02.2008 21:12:12
2Drakon: : 01.01.08 ! . . .  ;D

: Re:
G.E.M. 16.02.2008 22:04:46

- [offtop] , . :P[/offtop]

: Re:
17.02.2008 03:48:36
? :P

: Re:
G.E.M. 17.02.2008 07:04:20

- , .

: Re:
17.02.2008 09:24:55
, ?

: Re:
Drakon 17.02.2008 10:15:49

: Re:
17.02.2008 10:18:59
- , ?

: Re:
Drakon 17.02.2008 10:48:07
? " ", , ... .

: Re:
17.02.2008 16:52:44
- . . - . ?

: Re:
jarni 18.02.2008 10:11:13
2 : -. , . , ,   .

: Re:
Strax5 18.02.2008 10:16:08

, . ...

: Re:
18.02.2008 10:23:51
, " ". - ?

: Re:
jarni 18.02.2008 11:49:27
. . . :)

: Re:
G.E.M. 19.02.2008 17:01:08

- . - . , (, ). , " - ?"

: Re:
19.02.2008 18:57:37
, . - . " , , , - !" - , - ?

: Re:
G.E.M. 19.02.2008 19:25:34

- , , ( ).

- , - ?
- ? .

: Re:
Airbus 04.06.2008 18:02:03

, ?? . ??

: Re:
MAn 04.06.2008 18:14:04
. - . - .

: Re:
G.E.M. 04.06.2008 18:20:59

- .
-[offtop] ? :( - ! ...[/offtop]

: Re:
Legend 04.06.2008 21:53:04
2G.E.M.: , , ::) :no: ;D
2Airbus: , ;) 8)

: Re:
04.06.2008 23:50:59
2Airbus: , - . - , !
, - , ...

: Re:
Airbus 05.06.2008 16:38:45
2Legend:   ?!  :o  ;D

22- , . (oMEN) 24-.

: Re:
Legend 05.06.2008 18:25:10
2Airbus: , ;D
, , , , . ... ... . , .

: Re:
Ice_T 06.06.2008 18:39:55


: Re:
Legend 07.06.2008 00:08:12
2Ice_T: ::) , :) :o

: Re:
Airbus 08.06.2008 08:07:01
2Legend: 2Ice_T: ,?? :insane: :cranky:

, ...  :D

: Re:
Ghaydn 09.06.2008 00:26:53
Unnamed ? , . , SJ ( , - ).

: Re:
G.E.M. 09.06.2008 15:29:02
C ? - ?

: Re:
Legend 09.06.2008 15:36:30
2G.E.M.: ? , ? - ? :o

: Re:
G.E.M. 09.06.2008 16:17:01

- ?
- . - . ;) - . :-/

: Re:
Legend 09.06.2008 16:18:13
2G.E.M.: :)

: Re:
Immk@ 16.06.2008 15:31:07
, ... :) - , . , . ? ? ?

: Re:
Morgenstern 16.06.2008 15:39:09

? ? ?

, ;) - ,

: Re:
Strax5 16.06.2008 15:51:40
2Immk@: :

: " , , ... , - ".
: " , , ... , - ".

: Re:
16.06.2008 16:01:51
2Immk@: - , , , - , . , , , .

: Re:
Drakon 16.06.2008 19:35:10
2 : ?

: Re:
16.06.2008 19:44:25
2Drakon: - . , , , - 40, , .
- " " - .
, - - , . - , , , .

: Re:
MAn 18.06.2008 15:07:27
, .   , . ,   , .

: Re:
G.E.M. 19.06.2008 10:00:20

, . ? ? ?
- , . , , , , ( ). ;)
. - . , , "". ::)

, . , , .
- , "" ( ). ::)

, "" . ", ", . :)

: Re:
Legend 19.06.2008 10:33:41
2G.E.M.: , - :D :devil:

: Re:
G.E.M. 19.06.2008 10:48:22

- . . ( , ).
( ) - "" ( , , ).

: Re:
Legend 19.06.2008 10:56:37
2G.E.M.: - , :D ;D

: Re:
19.06.2008 13:31:07

, , , ( ).    

, ( , ) - - .
(, ) , - . , , ( - ) :)

: Re:
MAn 19.06.2008 13:58:56

: Re:
G.E.M. 19.06.2008 14:09:05

- . :P ( ).

: Re:
MAn 19.06.2008 15:02:40
, , :

: Re:
Legend 19.06.2008 16:06:02
2MAn: , : ;) :devil: :shuffle: ::)

: Re:
Strax5 19.06.2008 16:30:56
2Legend: . !!...
. .
: ", , ?".

, .

: Re:
pipetz 19.06.2008 17:05:37
, . , . ;D

: Re:
Legend 19.06.2008 17:11:28
2pipetz: na kosha4iy forum proboval? Tam boltayut o vrem, krome kotov ;-)

: Re:
MAn 19.06.2008 17:19:25
. , , , ...

.   ?

: Re:
G.E.M. 19.06.2008 17:20:56

- ... :P

: Re:
MAn 19.06.2008 17:22:57
, . - ?

: Re:
G.E.M. 19.06.2008 17:27:24

, .
- ... :P

: Re:
MAn 19.06.2008 17:30:13

: Re:
pipetz 19.06.2008 19:16:51

- ...

, ?

: Re:
G.E.M. 19.06.2008 20:46:33

, ?
- " ", " ", " ", ( " 2", ). ;)
- ( ). , , ( ). . :P

: Re:
Airbus 15.07.2008 10:39:16
- . :

11.11.03>10:09:51 - .
31.12.02>08:04:38 - Ja2 Forum's Mercenaries Database
29.11.02>15:40:47 - I

01.11.02>12:38:08 -
01.11.02>13:23:38 -
01.11.02>15:11:43 -

, 3 .

, .

: Re:
Morgenstern 16.07.2008 09:56:59
2Airbus: ! , - " "  ;)

: () , , , ? , ... ::)

: Re:
keper 16.07.2008 10:01:06
2Morgenstern: ;D , , ;)  

: Re:
Airbus 16.07.2008 10:16:47

... 12 ...  ;D

: Re:
Morgenstern 16.07.2008 10:16:54
2keper:, 2Airbus:
!!! , , , ! (! ;D ;D ;D)

: Re:
Xoxo_JI 16.07.2008 10:28:03
? ::)

: Re:
Airbus 16.07.2008 10:48:45
2Xoxo_JI: , . . ;)

: Re:
Legend 16.07.2008 12:42:26
2Xoxo_JI: .
2Morgenstern: - , ;D

: Re:
Drakon 16.07.2008 13:58:24
2Xoxo_JI: (- ).

: Re:
Morgenstern 16.07.2008 22:26:45
! !!!  ;D ;D ;D

: Re:
Legend 16.07.2008 22:41:39
2Morgenstern: ;) :D ;D

: Re:
G.E.M. 17.07.2008 09:55:55
2Legend: . - , ( ). ;D

- "Shadow Warrior" Duk`. .
, , ... . ::)  

: Re:
Morgenstern 17.07.2008 18:39:54

( )

, : , , " ", , .

: Re:
Legend 17.07.2008 18:50:35
2Morgenstern: :dont: , :P , +40! :o

: Re:
Morgenstern 17.07.2008 21:34:14

, +40!

-... :) , !  ;D ;D

: Re:
Legend 17.07.2008 22:00:16
2Morgenstern: , , . :)
, ? :( . , , , .

: Re:
Morgenstern 17.07.2008 22:17:53

, ? :( . , , , .

! , ! ))))

: Re:
Legend 17.07.2008 22:25:20
2Morgenstern: , ? , , , !

: Re:
Immk@ 13.09.2008 14:04:36
, , // ? - ?

: Re:
Airbus 13.09.2008 14:38:40

70-80 \.

50-60 \.


[. AIM edition.]


: Re:
Immk@ 13.09.2008 14:57:07

... 100-150 /

, ! ;D , ?

: Re:
Airbus 13.09.2008 15:36:20

... 100-150 /

50-80 ... :)

: Re:
G.E.M. 13.09.2008 15:37:02

- " : 41,71 /" wikipedia: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9C%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D0%BC%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BD

- : 0 \. ;D , .


: Re:
Immk@ 13.09.2008 15:43:52

, , , )))))))

: Re:
G.E.M. 13.09.2008 15:49:47

- [offtop] , - , ( )[/offtop].

: Re:
MAn 13.09.2008 18:05:17

: Re:
13.09.2008 20:05:48
, - . :)

: Re:
G.E.M. 14.09.2008 08:23:15

- [offtop] -? . , , . ::)[/offtop]

: Re:
Ximik 14.09.2008 10:59:18
[offtop]2G.E.M.: , , ,     8)[/offtop]

: Re:
G.E.M. 14.09.2008 11:59:08

- [offtop] . :P , , .[/offtop]

: Re:
Ximik 14.09.2008 12:28:54
[offtop] 2G.E.M.: , , ;D  [/offtop]

: Re:
G.E.M. 14.09.2008 13:14:17

, ,
- [offtop] ( ). ... ::)[/offtop]

: Re:
MAn 15.09.2008 00:39:27
?   , , , , "God is dead", - ?

2 :
, :  - , - (i).   , :)

: Re:
Strax5 15.09.2008 08:46:50
. , . 60 /. .

, , .

: Re:
G.E.M. 15.09.2008 14:56:37

? , , , , "God is dead", - ?
-[offtop] , - : , , , , "-". ;D .[/offtop]

: Re:
MAn 16.09.2008 01:15:05
, ?!
, , ... , ? .
- ? ... . , . , - , ...  , :)

, , , 3/2 - .
25-30, .   ?

: Re:
Strax5 16.09.2008 09:39:53
. , .
60 / , , . (, , ).

. 100 / - ? 150-180. ? . 5-10.   100 /. - .

. . .
. . , -.
. - @, !!!

: Re:
G.E.M. 16.09.2008 11:06:39

, ?!  
- [offtop] . ;D[/offtop]
. . .
. . , -.
. - @, !!!  
- . . ;)

: Re:
MAn 16.09.2008 17:03:03
:  "..., , , , "-".   , :)

. .  


: Re:
16.09.2008 17:20:39
? ! , ?

: Re:
MAn 16.09.2008 17:32:56
2 :
, ?  

: Re:
MAn 16.09.2008 17:34:11
, ! :)

: Re:
16.09.2008 17:41:22

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
, , , , - ...

: Re:
G.E.M. 16.09.2008 20:27:37

? ! , ?  
- , . .

- [offtop], , .  [/offtop]

: Re:
Drakon 17.09.2008 08:17:59
? !

: Re:
MAn 17.09.2008 15:01:20
2 :

, , -

, ? , :)

: Re:
G.E.M. 17.09.2008 16:54:39

, ? ,
- . :P - . ::)

: Re:
MAn 17.09.2008 17:15:15
, ?!  :)
, . -

: Re:
G.E.M. 17.09.2008 17:19:36

, ?!
- [offtop] . :P[/offtop]

, . -  
- [offtop]" !"[/offtop]

: Re:
MAn 17.09.2008 17:27:09
"!   "



, ?!  

- . ?
? ?   , ! , !  :)

: Re:
G.E.M. 17.09.2008 17:31:12

, ! , !
- . :o

: Re:
Immk@ 17.09.2008 17:34:46
- .[/offtop]

.... .
                                              - :)

: Re:
G.E.M. 17.09.2008 17:46:13

- . :P

: Re:
17.09.2008 19:26:18
, - . -. - . , , - , , , . :)

: Re:
Xoxo_JI 17.09.2008 19:31:56
2 :  :)

: Re:
MAn 18.09.2008 01:31:17
? , , . .

2 :


? , , . - :) , , ?

- :)

: Re:
18.09.2008 02:05:44


. ... - , ...

: Re:
18.09.2008 02:11:28


: Re:
G.E.M. 18.09.2008 07:54:33

- [offtop] ?[/offtop]

: Re:
18.09.2008 08:24:14
2G.E.M.: , - . , , - , - ., - , . , . , , , . - , , . , , - . - .

: Re:
MAn 18.09.2008 16:06:45
9- , 10, ?

: Re:
18.09.2008 16:11:40
2MAn: , .

: Re:
G.E.M. 18.09.2008 16:28:03

9- , 10, ?
- . "". ::)
. .

: Re:
MAn 18.09.2008 17:21:58
, :)
= 9. ? , ,- ...\

. .

, :)

: Re:
G.E.M. 18.09.2008 17:37:43
: ?
: - . , : " ". : " ?" ? ::)

: Re:
18.09.2008 19:20:52
= 9.
- . , , . 9 - .

: Re:
MAn 19.09.2008 01:00:05
2 :
, !   , ?

. - , .
. .. , , , ...

: Re:
19.09.2008 07:39:18
2MAn: , ! - " " , . , .

. , . .

.. . .: , 1970. 47 .

: Re:
Strax5 19.09.2008 09:13:47
2 : , . ...
24- .

: Re:
G.E.M. 19.09.2008 18:53:27

, , ...
-[offtop] ... :P[/offtop]

24- .  
- [offtop] . :)[/offtop]

: Re:
MAn 19.09.2008 18:55:55
. . .

? ?

: Re:
G.E.M. 19.09.2008 18:59:35

? ?  
- , ( ).

: Re:
19.09.2008 19:41:55
. , , . - " - 9 ", - 9 . . ... - . , . - ... ... :)

: Re:
Sowa 19.09.2008 22:18:34

9- , 10, ?

. :
5 . (6 . ) .
9 (10) - .
2, 1 , .

----, , - ! :)

: Re:
Strax5 22.09.2008 09:22:08
2 :  
. , , . - " - 9 ", - 9 . . ...


, 9- :
. , . .

: Re:
jarni 22.09.2008 14:50:53
2 :  
"" , , , 2-3 , 120-180 2 . , , , -. . - .

: Re:
22.09.2008 15:53:08
2jarni: ... , . - , - . -. ...

: Re:
jarni 22.09.2008 16:02:13
2 :  ;). , , , . .

: Re:
22.09.2008 16:13:10
? ? ? ;)

: Re:
G.E.M. 22.09.2008 18:42:37

- [offtop], , , ? - . , . ::) [/offtop]

: Re:
22.09.2008 20:20:50
" , " () .  :D

: Re:
Strax5 23.09.2008 10:28:40
2 :  
, ?

: Re:
23.09.2008 16:54:08
, ?  
- , , .

: Re:
Zed 23.09.2008 16:56:32
2 :
? ()  ;D

: Re:
23.09.2008 17:32:42
2Zed: , 5 ;D

: Re:
G.E.M. 25.09.2008 11:44:40

, ?  
- , - ? ? :o

: Re:
MAn 25.09.2008 14:43:10
,  :)

: Re:
G.E.M. 25.09.2008 14:52:38

- [offtop] . .[/offtop] :P

: Re:
MAn 25.09.2008 14:55:16
, , , . , - -?

: Re:
G.E.M. 25.09.2008 15:24:28

- [offtop]? - . :([/offtop]

, : ?

: Re:
MAn 25.09.2008 15:41:20


, : G.E.M. Legend - :)

: Re:
G.E.M. 25.09.2008 18:00:52

, : G.E.M. Legend -
- [offtop], ( ( , )), . :)[/offtop]

: Re:
G.E.M. 03.10.2008 18:15:20
"". : " ". - , . ? :(

: Re:
Morgenstern 03.10.2008 18:20:28
" ." () . ;)

: Re:
MAn 03.10.2008 18:23:34
- , , .

: Re:
G.E.M. 03.10.2008 18:25:36

" ."
- . ( ) : , , , . .
( ). , - ... ( , " !", ). :(

- , , .  
- [offtop] - . [/offtop]

: Re:
MAn 03.10.2008 18:25:38
, ?   , , , :   ! !

: Re:
G.E.M. 03.10.2008 18:31:51

, ?
- [offtop] , . , ... - , "-" . - " ", " "... . , , - ( ). ::)[/offtop]

: Re:
Xoxo_JI 07.10.2008 16:50:34
" " - . - , ?  :)

: Re:
G.E.M. 07.10.2008 17:14:21

" "
- , , .

: Re:
Strax5 07.10.2008 18:11:06
2Xoxo_JI: ..

, , , .

: Re:
Ingris 07.10.2008 22:23:07
2Strax5: . 8) - ! , , ... , ... ;D

: Re:
08.10.2008 06:36:15

, ... , ...  
, , ? ;) :D

: Re:
Drakon 08.10.2008 08:46:31
   21. .

    . . . 12 .

    , - , , .


   " ,- ,- ."

    , , , . - -.

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   " ?"- .- , . ."

    , . , , . , .

    10 , .

    , . , . " ,- ,- ."


() 101 .

: Re:
Xoxo_JI 08.10.2008 14:14:29
2Drakon: :D

: Re:
D.Capone 08.10.2008 14:29:19

, .


: Re:
22.10.2008 21:12:50
( , ), ?

. ? - ?

: Re:
Airbus 23.10.2008 06:34:13
2 : , : . - .

: Re:
jarni 23.10.2008 09:46:15
2 : , . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_city :

: - - , .
: , .
: - , .
: 1983, .
: . , , .
: . ( , , ), .
: . - , . .
: - 30 1990. .
(): 2005, , . ().
: , 21 2, , .
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: - , , , " ", , . .
: . , . 1910.
: - . , .
: 1973, .
: , .
, -, .

: Re:
23.10.2008 12:19:49
2jarni: . , .

: Re:
ThunderBird 29.10.2008 07:08:02
! , : - ? , .

: Re:
Strax5 29.10.2008 08:17:28

: Re:
29.10.2008 13:03:56
- .

: Re:
Ushwood 29.10.2008 13:10:31
2 : - !
: " - ..."

: Re:
29.10.2008 13:41:02
2Ushwood: "" ? - .

: Re:
MAn 29.10.2008 14:05:37
, ... -. , ? :)

--   .   , . . .

, .

: Re:
Zatvor 29.10.2008 14:56:28
" ..", :)
- , ::)

: Re:
MAn 29.10.2008 15:23:48

- ,  

:)   .   - .

: Re:
Ximik 29.10.2008 15:37:59
2ThunderBird: 2Strax5: 2 : 2MAn: 2Zatvor:  

: Re:
Drakon 29.10.2008 15:47:14
- . .

: Re:
29.10.2008 15:58:36
2Drakon: ... , - , . , .

: Re:
MAn 29.10.2008 18:59:45
- .   .  
, .

: Re:
Ushwood 29.10.2008 21:11:47

! , - ! ;D

: Re:
MAn 30.10.2008 11:53:17
, , .   . - .

: Re:
Strax5 30.10.2008 12:07:59
, , ?

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, !

1. , - -?
2. , , ?

: Re:
keper 30.10.2008 14:23:37


50 :)

, , ?  

, , .

: Re:
pipetz 30.10.2008 15:01:16

2. , , ?

.  ;D

: Re:
30.10.2008 15:03:35
, ... ;D

: Re:
Ushwood 30.10.2008 15:22:50
. , - . .

: Re:
MAn 30.10.2008 17:11:11
2pipetz: 2 : 2Ushwood:
, -, - :)     , .

, ,

, , , . . , , . , , .
: (" ", . " ") , (" " .. 2, .33), , - ?
. -, - . , , .
, , , , , , , ; , " ".

: Re:
Strax5 30.10.2008 17:12:46
2keper: " " , , .

, .

, , .

? .
, , , , .

: Re:
30.10.2008 17:18:08
2MAn: - . - , .

: Re:
keper 30.10.2008 17:21:18
2MAn:, ! :o

: Re:
30.10.2008 17:31:35

:) :D ;D :o ::) ;D ;D ;D

: Re:
cha 30.10.2008 17:35:37

, " ".

. ( - http://www.intv.ru/v/KIt90Sz2uV&playNow=1) (28 ) 1895 . "-" . " " , , , ".."

: Re:
jarni 30.10.2008 17:42:48
2. , , ?

: Re:
Strax5 30.10.2008 17:44:41
2jarni: , "". - .

: Re:
30.10.2008 17:45:16
2jarni: ? , , ????

: Re:
Strax5 30.10.2008 17:59:39
- !


04.06, 17:10 .GZT.RU
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(, ) ( ). .
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: Re:
MAn 30.10.2008 18:03:17

. ( - http://www.intv.ru/v/KIt90Sz2uV&playNow=1) (28 ) 1895 . "-"  

! .
, , , .
, . - .



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, :)   .

: Re:
jarni 30.10.2008 18:06:10
2 : , ... ;) : 5, . , . , ~100-150 , .

: Re:
MAn 30.10.2008 18:13:37
, - . . . - - .

: Re:
jarni 30.10.2008 18:18:29

, , , , , , .

, , (2-3) , () , .

: Re:
30.10.2008 18:20:10

, , , , ( ) - . . ? .

: Re:
MAn 30.10.2008 18:24:49
. , , , .
, , , - . , , , , .

: Re:
30.10.2008 18:27:46

, (2-3) ,  

, , . , ( - ) , , - , , , - , . , , , "".

: Re:
MAn 30.10.2008 18:27:48
2 :

: Re:
pipetz 30.10.2008 18:34:11

, , , , .

, , . . .
, . :
, ? :)

: Re:
MAn 30.10.2008 18:38:54
-, , , :)
, . , , .

: Re:
jarni 30.10.2008 18:40:18
2 :
, , , , . , , . , , , , . , , .

. , , . . . . . . . ( , , ). . .[attach]

: Re:
30.10.2008 18:50:56

? , ?

: Re:
jarni 30.10.2008 18:55:11
2 :  ;D . , .

: Re:
30.10.2008 20:53:57
2jarni: .   , . . . . .

: Re:
G.E.M. 31.10.2008 09:56:53

! !
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, - -?  
- - . ::)

: ( , ). , ( , ). . ;)

: , ( : : , , , , )? -. :P

: Re:
G.E.M. 31.10.2008 14:07:13
: http://www.vokrugsveta.ru/news/5179/ , ( ... ) - ? ( - ). :P

: Re:
cha 02.11.2008 16:23:19
- http://community.livejournal.com/useless_faq/8953654.html :)

: Re:
pipetz 02.11.2008 16:52:11


, . , ,
, . , . :)  

: Re:
jarni 02.11.2008 22:40:58
2G.E.M.: . 20 , , 600 .

: Re:
G.E.M. 04.11.2008 08:49:14

- [offtop], "" ( ) . (+ 3), ( , ). :P[/offtop]

- ( - ), . . ::)

: Re:
Strax5 05.11.2008 13:57:48
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: 1) , ; 2) 5-6 ; 3) , , . . 100-150 .
, , .

. .
, , .

: Re:
Ushwood 05.11.2008 14:08:07
" ." ?

: Re:
G.E.M. 05.11.2008 14:17:15

" ." ?  
- - "", - " ". "" - .

: Re:
05.11.2008 14:18:28
"" - , "" - . , - ?

: Re:
G.E.M. 05.11.2008 14:34:52
2 : "" ?

: Re:
Ushwood 05.11.2008 14:46:31
2 :  
"" - , "" - . , - ?  
. ;).
- , . , ;).

: Re:
G.E.M. 05.11.2008 14:55:24
2Ushwood: [offtop] ( , ), . ( ) , ( ). ;)[/offtop]

: Re:
Strax5 05.11.2008 15:20:50
2Ushwood: .
:" ".
- . - . - ?
, - " ".

: Re:
05.11.2008 20:02:56
, , , . ( . .)

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G.E.M. , Ushwood " ".

, . , . "" - , "".
38 ( ) - !!! :)

: Re:
Ushwood 05.11.2008 20:47:25
2 : :)

: Re:
05.11.2008 22:40:11
2Ushwood: , - , , . . ... :)

: Re:
Strax5 06.11.2008 10:22:31
2 : , .
, ?

: Re:
06.11.2008 13:52:02
2Strax5: . , "". . . - , , , :)
" " - , . , . .

: Re:
06.11.2008 14:44:06
2 :

38 ( )  

38 ? :)

: Re:
pipetz 06.11.2008 14:54:44

38 ?

.  ;D

: Re:
MAn 06.11.2008 16:22:59
, - 3,8 ( ) :)

: Re:
Strax5 06.11.2008 16:36:56
2: , , .
, . - .

: Re:
06.11.2008 16:55:45


" ( ::) ) ." ()

, , , . . , , . .

: Re:
Strax5 06.11.2008 18:07:14
2: .

: Re:
06.11.2008 20:45:53
2: - 29 ( ) .
: , : , , , ...
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- , - ... , . - , : ...
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: , - , ;) :)

: Re:
Ushwood 06.11.2008 21:37:49
2 :  
- : .  
? ::)

: Re:
06.11.2008 22:15:54
2Ushwood: , ( ) , - .... :)
, ? ;)

: Re:
G.E.M. 06.11.2008 22:21:07

- , - , .

: Re:
Ushwood 26.11.2008 18:05:22
. . , , ... :(.

( ), , , , . .. , - . f l f=l/v, v - (330 /).
, ( ) 0.65 , , , , (330/)/(1.3)=253.8 , - , .
, : 5 110 ( ), 6 - 82.5 ( )? ::)

110 - 3 ::)

: Re:
26.11.2008 19:00:25

f l f=l/v, v - (330 /).  
, , - . , ? ? - ( - , ). - ? , ( ) , , , - - , , .
- , - ? . , .
, - , - , , , . , , .

: Re:
Ushwood 26.11.2008 20:16:26

, ? ? - ( - , ).
. , "". .. , - , - , .
( ... :)), .
, , 3 , , 65 ... ...

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: Re:
Ushwood 26.11.2008 20:31:15
, , . , .. , :).

: Re:
26.11.2008 23:06:24

, - , , , , , ( - , "" ).
, ? - ... , - , . , , , ...

: Re:
26.11.2008 23:14:25
2Ushwood: () . . - 20-30. 20 . ? , :D - , !
- . ? ;D

: Re:
pipetz 27.11.2008 10:05:40
2 :

- . ?  

. , , .
. ,
. :)

: Re:
Ushwood 27.11.2008 11:30:38

, ? - ...  
. , , .. ( , , ;)). , , , .. " " . ( ), , , .

() . . - 20-30. 20 . ?
- , , .

: Re:
27.11.2008 11:48:10

- , ? :)
, . .

: Re:
Ushwood 27.11.2008 12:05:33
2 : :) .
, , . - :).

: Re:
Strax5 27.11.2008 12:10:08
( ), , :


: Re:
Ushwood 27.11.2008 12:16:46
2Strax5: -, , :D

: Re:
pipetz 27.11.2008 17:33:55
2 :

- , ?

, , , .
: / ,
. .


PS. .
, , 1 .

.  ;D

: Re:
Strax5 27.11.2008 18:56:39

: Re:
28.11.2008 02:37:18

: / ,
. .  

. , .. , . ( ) , .
. , "--" . - - .
- , , ?

: Re:
pipetz 28.11.2008 09:41:17
2 :
? .
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. :) , , Ximik
. :)

PS Ximik , .
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, "" . "" -
, .
, , .
, , . :)

, .

: Re:
Ximik 28.11.2008 22:09:44
2pipetz: - ;D

, .. , . ( ) , .
- . , , -( ) .

: Re:
Ushwood 28.11.2008 22:46:17
. . , .

: Re:
pipetz 29.11.2008 01:28:10


. :) ?
, ? :)

: Re:
Ximik 29.11.2008 02:47:06
2pipetz: , ( - ). , . , .

: Re:
Ushwood 29.11.2008 10:55:24
, ?
, ; , , . , , :).

: Re:
G.E.M. 15.01.2009 17:44:12
. , , - (, , , , .). , ( ) - , " " " "?
, , "", () -?
. ::)

: Re:
Strax5 15.01.2009 18:37:13
- , . . , .

" ", "" - ( " " "").

- , . .
, - .
, . , . . -. . .
( ), - .

- , , . , - .

, - 1,5-2 . . . , , .
3 , - 2 - .

: Re:
G.E.M. 16.01.2009 20:12:18

- , , . , - .  
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" "
- - ? , . ::)
" ", , , .

: Re:
Strax5 19.01.2009 17:55:59

" "  

, .

. .
. :" -- N- . 50 ..."
:" , 3 ." , -.

, . . - , . -. , .
, .
, . , , .

: Re:
G.E.M. 20.01.2009 10:48:31

, . , , .
- - ( - ). , " , , \\\ ( ) \ \ . - . - , . "", , - , . .
,   -. , , ( , ). - .
, . :)
, , ( ).

: Re:
Strax5 20.01.2009 11:59:04

- .  

: .

: Re:
G.E.M. 20.01.2009 12:36:45

- . , . , ( , ) .
. - , .

, : , ?

: Re:
Legend 20.01.2009 13:55:28
2G.E.M.: . , , . , , .

: Re:
jarni 20.01.2009 14:05:54
, : , ?  
, () . . . . , , , , . - . , , .. - , . , . , . , , . - "" "" "" , , , .

: Re:
G.E.M. 20.01.2009 14:43:46
2Legend: 2jarni: , . " ", (, 478 ). , , . ::)

: Re:
Strax5 20.01.2009 15:38:53

- -.


1. , , ( ), , .
, , , .
2. , .
3. , , , , , , . , , , , .
4. .


: Re:
20.01.2009 15:49:12

- . .

, 478 , .

: Re:
G.E.M. 20.01.2009 21:05:40
2Strax5: . . :)

, 478 , .
- . .
[offtop] 330. , , . , . . :P[/offtop]

: Re:
G.E.M. 16.03.2009 06:07:54
, () ctrl? ( ).

: Re:
Redson 16.03.2009 06:42:56
, WASZ ( ) Ctrl . , Ctrl , .

: Re:
MAn 16.03.2009 23:33:46

, Ctrl ,


: Re:
Invait 16.03.2009 23:48:49
, , :). , Ctrl AltFire .

: Re:
MAn 16.03.2009 23:53:38
. , :)

: Re:
Invait 17.03.2009 00:21:07
2MAn: . . :)

: Re:
Redson 17.03.2009 03:50:03


! , , ! ! >:(

: Re:
Legend 17.03.2009 04:05:38
2Redson: , ? () :P

: Re:
ThunderBird 17.03.2009 04:45:03

, Ctrl , .  
;D ;D ;D

: Re:
Legend 17.03.2009 04:52:03
2ThunderBird: , , Ctrl Shift - //. , .

: Re:
jarni 17.03.2009 18:23:58
2Legend: Ctrl Shift , ? .

: Re:
G.E.M. 17.03.2009 20:00:11
Ctrl Shift , ? .
- . "" . wasd , - "".
-, ctrl , ( ( )) .

: Re:
Legend 17.03.2009 21:19:23
2jarni: pol'zuyus strelkami. Mne tak udobnee, ya tak privyk. Pod rukoy i cifroblok, i vse ostalnoe - ku4a poleznyh klavish :-)

: Re:
jarni 17.03.2009 22:07:04
2Legend: ? , , ,   . 2000 . , , . ///.

: Re:
Legend 17.03.2009 22:33:54
2jarni: u menya stol o4en shirokiy, rasstoyanie mezhdu klavoy i myshoy dostato4no bolshoe.

: Re:
Invait 17.03.2009 22:40:49
2jarni: " ?

: Re:
Xoxo_JI 17.03.2009 22:54:26
TFGH - 9   7  :)

: Re:
MAn 17.03.2009 23:27:15

: Re:
Legend 18.03.2009 00:35:16
2Invait: , . , , , . , ( ). V - .

: Re:
Redson 18.03.2009 02:50:37

V - .

? - , , ... ;D

: Re:
Invait 18.03.2009 03:54:03
2Redson: , . :D. - , .

: Re:
ThunderBird 18.03.2009 03:54:17

:o :o :o :o .......


, , Ctrl Shift - //.  
, :D

: Re:
Xoxo_JI 18.03.2009 04:18:34

, Quake III : - , , - ctrl,  x - , z -  :o , -  :o[/offtop]

: Re:
ThunderBird 18.03.2009 04:32:15
2Xoxo_JI: , . - ;D ;D

: Re:
G.E.M. 18.03.2009 04:46:56
, -  
- ( ). :)

- windows - . ;D

: Re:
Xoxo_JI 18.03.2009 04:59:44

( )

WCG ,  ;)  :D

: Re:
jarni 18.03.2009 18:57:59
2Invait: , , .. .

: Re:
Legend 18.03.2009 18:59:40
? - , , ... ;D
, ... ;) :D ;D

: Re:
Redson 18.03.2009 21:06:47


. - , , .

" ", ... - - . ( ), -. , , .

: Re:
Strax5 18.03.2009 21:21:39

( )

- : , , ...
- , ?

: Re:
MAn 02.04.2009 22:40:25

: Re:
G.E.M. 03.04.2009 02:20:28
- , ""? ::)
, , " ". ;D

: Re:
03.04.2009 02:23:34
"" 10 . . - 3-5. - 20. - 35-70. , . - .

: Re:
MAn 03.04.2009 02:40:46

- , , :)

"" 10 . .  

, ,- ::)

: Re:
G.E.M. 03.04.2009 05:26:32
: "", "", ""? , ?

: Re:
Ushwood 03.04.2009 06:29:59
2G.E.M.: .

: Re:
G.E.M. 03.04.2009 07:03:17
- " ""?" " !" ::)

: Re:
Morgenstern 03.04.2009 07:10:03
2G.E.M.: , ? ;)

: Re:
Ice_T 03.04.2009 11:04:11

, 18 :)

: Re:
G.E.M. 03.04.2009 12:03:22
[offtop] - 28 . ;D[/offtop]

: Re:
Drakon 03.04.2009 17:57:12
... :( :P

: Re:
03.04.2009 21:59:20
, - .

: Re:
MAn 04.04.2009 00:34:03

: "", "", ""?  

, .
"", "", "", "", ""...

: Re:
Invait 04.04.2009 01:34:41
"" "" :)

: Re:
G.E.M. 04.04.2009 01:44:55
- . : " , ***! *****! ***** ***** *** ******!" ::)

"" ""
- , . :)

: Re:
Strax5 04.04.2009 02:23:31
2G.E.M.: . . , - . :
- . , . , , , .

: Re:
MAn 06.04.2009 23:26:59

. : " , ***! *****! ***** ***** *** ******!"

, , , :)

: Re:
Redson 07.04.2009 00:17:29


, , ;D. .

: Re:
MAn 07.04.2009 02:26:08
--,  :)

: Re:
Xoxo_JI 08.04.2009 04:09:10

I'm from where they overthrow democratic leaders
not for the people but for the Wall Street Journal readers
from where blacks, indigenous peoples and Asians were once
slaves of the Caucasians and it's amazing how they trained them
to be racist against themselves in a place they were raised in
and you kept us caged in

: Re:
08.04.2009 04:46:28
2Xoxo_JI: :

, Wall Street Journal


, :confus:

: Re:
Xoxo_JI 08.04.2009 04:50:05
2 : , - - :(

: Re:
Invait 08.04.2009 04:52:06
2Xoxo_JI: :
, , " " , , , , , ,


: Re:
G.E.M. 08.04.2009 05:17:42
2Xoxo_JI: ?

( , , ( )):

"" () , () , " ".   () , ()   (), () () , , "" "-" ... ( , - - ( ) ): ... , , ... ( , ... - ). :P

: Re:
Xoxo_JI 08.04.2009 05:34:00
2G.E.M.: immortal technique -  :)

: Re:
G.E.M. 08.04.2009 05:39:54
- - . :cranky:
, - ", , ?"

, , . ( , ), : " ? - -- --". ::)

?! - , - , . ( - ), ...
, , ...

: Re:
Ushwood 08.04.2009 07:28:15

I'm from where they overthrow democratic leaders
not for the people but for the Wall Street Journal readers
from where blacks, indigenous peoples and Asians were once
slaves of the Caucasians and it's amazing how they trained them
to be racist against themselves in a place they were raised in
and you kept us caged in
, , , "Wall Street Journal"; , , - , , [ - , - , ] , , .

, , ...

, : " , . , , , , ." ;)

: Re:
G.E.M. 08.04.2009 07:38:15
Caucasians - ? :o

: Re:
Redson 08.04.2009 11:50:52
Caucasians - ?

, , ! ;)[/offtop]

: Re:
ThunderBird 08.04.2009 15:29:05
2Redson: , .

: Re:
Xoxo_JI 08.04.2009 16:32:36
2Ushwood:  :) , , , ;D  ::)

: Re:
Ushwood 08.04.2009 22:18:25
Caucasians - ?
, .

: Re:
Ushwood 08.04.2009 22:24:41

and it's amazing how they trained them
to be racist against themselves
, . , .

: Re:
G.E.M. 09.04.2009 02:29:20
- - . , . .

, . , .
- .

: Re:
G.E.M. 09.04.2009 08:03:10
. : " ?" ? :confus:

: Re:
G.E.M. 09.04.2009 08:37:21
. . . ? , . . . :P
. ::)

: Re:
MAn 09.04.2009 21:42:29
? ? :)
...   ,

: Re:
G.E.M. 09.04.2009 22:55:27

? ?
- ... . :P

, . ( , :-/ ).

: Re:
Legend 09.04.2009 23:02:36
2G.E.M.: , , :P :cranky:

: Re:
G.E.M. 09.04.2009 23:19:31
2Legend: [offtop] - , . :P[/offtop]

: Re:
jarni 10.04.2009 01:22:20
, , ...

, . :(

: Re:
Strax5 30.04.2009 01:02:26
. . ?

: Re:
30.04.2009 01:14:10
... , - . 300 . - 10 , 3000 . , 10 . 7 = 70 , 3000/70=43 . , - , . .
" ", , - . 20 - -- . 12

: Re:
MAn 30.04.2009 02:44:33
?  , "" , .

: Re:
Strax5 30.04.2009 03:51:05
2MAn: - .

: Re:
Legend 30.04.2009 04:39:15
? , ? " " , =)

: Re:
G.E.M. 30.04.2009 07:10:50
? , - , . ???

: Re:
MAn 01.05.2009 01:55:01
, , , .

: Re:
G.E.M. 29.05.2009 07:01:54
. "" -? :confus:

: Re:
Strax5 29.05.2009 19:27:17

"" -?


: Re:
ThunderBird 30.05.2009 22:43:18
2Strax5: 2G.E.M.: ,

: Re:
Strax5 31.05.2009 00:22:09
2ThunderBird:  ;D

: Re:
G.E.M. 31.05.2009 07:48:52
- .
[offtop] 3- - , . ::)  [/offtop]

: Re:
jarni 02.06.2009 01:59:29
"" , ?

: Re:
MAn 02.06.2009 03:01:57

: Re:
Legend 02.06.2009 03:29:27
2jarni: .
2MAn: ???

: Re:
jarni 02.06.2009 04:11:21
, ( ) / :P

: Re:
G.E.M. 02.06.2009 05:31:02

"" , ?
- , . ;D

: Re:
02.06.2009 06:07:37
. - , , . , - ! , - , !

: Re:
jarni 02.06.2009 08:08:13
2 :  
- , , .
, , .

" " .

- ? , , , . , ?

: Re:
02.06.2009 08:14:55
2jarni: , , . - . , , . , .

: Re:
Ushwood 31.07.2009 21:34:54
- - , , , , - , ?

: Re:
pipetz 31.07.2009 22:04:01

- - , , , , - , ?

. - , - . :)

PS . . :)

: Re:
Strax5 31.07.2009 22:57:57
. .
- . , .  :(

: Re:
Ushwood 01.08.2009 01:06:45
2Strax5: ? - ?

: Re:
Strax5 01.08.2009 01:21:56
2Ushwood: -

: Re:
pipetz 01.08.2009 01:22:03

? - ?  

.  ;D

. .

: Re:
G.E.M. 01.08.2009 02:00:01
- - , , , , - , ?
- . ... -, . . , - ( , ( - - , - )).

, : http://www.krugosvet.ru/enc/nauka_i_tehnika/tehnologiya_i_promyshlennost/KOMPAS.html

: Re:
Ushwood 01.08.2009 02:46:36
. , -
. - ;). .
, - , , , - .
, :).

, ( - - , - )
. .

: Re:
G.E.M. 01.08.2009 02:49:39
. - ;). .
, - , , , - .
- , , - , - . :P

. .  
- , . ;D

: Re:
G.E.M. 29.08.2009 06:57:27
: ? - , . , , ?

: Re:
29.08.2009 08:39:17
2G.E.M.: - "" . , , (, , ) , . , , , , .

: Re:
Ushwood 29.08.2009 10:48:03
2 : -, - .
"" "" .
, , - , ( , , ).
( ) - . , -, .

on 1251518247, G.E.M. wrote:
, - . , .
: - , .. . - , , , . , , ( ) .

: Re:
29.08.2009 15:37:48
2Ushwood: , . , - -. ( - , , , , , , - . . :)) . - . . - -, , - , .

on 1251532083, Ushwood wrote:
. - , , , - . - , , - , , . , - , , . - , , .

, . - , . - ! ;D

" ", - . - " " , , , ? :)

: Re:
29.08.2009 17:12:48
,    , - ,
     -  , -  
 .       :  
,     .
,  ,
   . :  
,      .       ,
, ."

? :)
- ?

: Re:
G.E.M. 29.08.2009 18:41:40
2Ushwood: 2 : - . ( " "). :)

on 1251555168, wrote:
- , - "" ?
"", - (, ) .

on 1251555168, wrote:
- . ;)

: Re:
29.08.2009 20:39:34
2G.E.M.: , - .  
on 1251560500, G.E.M. wrote:
- .  

, - , ? , ! :D

: Re:
Ushwood 30.08.2009 02:45:27

on 1251549468, wrote:
, . , - -. ( - , , , , , , - . . :)) .
, - , - ;).

, " , ", . , , , . , , , , .
, 1899 ., - , - " ". , , .
... . , . , , .

: Re:
30.08.2009 03:42:52
2Ushwood: ... , .
, - " ( ), , . , , ."
- , . , , , .
, !
- -, , - -?
  ? ?
- , , ?

: Re:
MAn 31.08.2009 22:59:31

on 1251555168, wrote:


: Re:
31.08.2009 23:37:49

: Re:
MAn 01.09.2009 01:44:08

: Re:
01.09.2009 02:34:03
2MAn: ...
- ?

: Re:
MAn 01.09.2009 02:46:26
, , ...   ? :)

: Re:
ddd 01.09.2009 02:57:23
.  ;D

: Re:
01.09.2009 03:11:55
2MAn: . .

: Re:
01.09.2009 03:19:25
2ddd: . ?
2MAn: - , - "" :)

: Re:
MAn 01.09.2009 10:40:39
2 :
? : " - " :)

on 1251764365, wrote:
2ddd: . ?  

,  :)
:   ?

: Re:
01.09.2009 11:25:54
on 1251790839, MAn wrote:
? ! ! :D

: Re:
01.09.2009 11:31:46

: Re:
MAn 01.09.2009 11:51:08
:)   , . ?

: Re:
01.09.2009 19:48:10
2MAn: ! , !

: Re:
Legend 01.09.2009 20:10:40
2 : , ! ? .

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 01.09.2009 21:49:50

: Re:
MAn 01.09.2009 22:26:59

on 1251823690, wrote:
2MAn: ! , !

: , ,   :)

: Re:
Legend 01.09.2009 22:36:53
on 1251833219, MAn wrote:
, (http://forum.ja2.su/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=flame;action=display;num=1246960549)!

: Re:
01.09.2009 22:47:07
2MAn: -200 ! - ! , , ! , , , . - , ! ;)
, ?
... ... ... ! :D

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 01.09.2009 22:49:12

: Re:
MAn 01.09.2009 23:20:40

on 1251833813, Legend wrote:
, !


on 1251834427, wrote:
2MAn: -200 ! - ! , , !  

?!   , , !

: Re:
02.09.2009 00:19:28

on 1251836440, MAn wrote:
? , ? ...

: Re:
MAn 02.09.2009 00:27:04
,  :)

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 02.09.2009 01:42:30

on 1251840424, MAn wrote:

.. , .-1000  8)

: Re:
02.09.2009 02:09:32

on 1251829297, G.E.M. wrote:
- .
... .   , .

on 1251844950, Sir-Dorosh wrote:
.. , .-1000
. - -1978.

: Re:
Ushwood 29.09.2009 06:07:23
, ? "", , -, ...

: Re:
29.09.2009 22:52:27
2Ushwood: ! "", , - "".
"" - , "".
. - .

: Re:
MAn 30.09.2009 02:46:43
.   - ... :)

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 30.09.2009 07:32:57

on 1254193643, Ushwood wrote:
, ? "", , -, ...

, ? 8)

: Re:
Ushwood 30.09.2009 10:36:06
, , :).
- -

? ::)

: Re:
Legend 30.09.2009 10:38:05
2Ushwood: - , , .

: Re:
30.09.2009 11:14:32
- ( ) ( - , - , ) , . . "", "" "" - , .
, , - (, , ).
- , .
"" "" - , - "". , .

: Re:
MAn 30.09.2009 21:39:03
, , , . , , .
- "" :)

: Re:
MAn 30.09.2009 21:49:00
. ; , , ; , , , , , .

: Re:
30.09.2009 21:51:00
2MAn: , - . "", "" "" . , ? , !
, , "" - , , , - .

: Re:
MAn 30.09.2009 21:52:09

, , . (. .). , .


: Re:
MAn 30.09.2009 21:54:05
"", ? :)

, , ""

: Re:
30.09.2009 21:57:40
2MAn: . - "". , , . .
"" - , , . - .

: Re:
Ushwood 30.09.2009 22:06:43

on 1254336729, MAn wrote:
, , . (. .). , .  
, - "" - .

: , , ... :). , " ", ; . " " - ; , .

" " :).

- " "; , , ...

: Re:
pipetz 30.09.2009 23:04:35
:) " ", .
" ". " " , "", .
" " . . :)

: Re:
30.09.2009 23:21:19
2Ushwood: ? , 60 , . - "" , . , , -, , 50 .

: Re:
Drakon 01.10.2009 00:12:24
. ...

: Re:
Ushwood 01.10.2009 00:45:44

on 1254342079, wrote:
:). , .

on 1254341075, pipetz wrote:
" ".
" ", .. .

: Re:
Ushwood 01.10.2009 01:24:03
2<<GEM>>: .
, " " - .

: Re:
01.10.2009 01:48:57
on 1254345144, Drakon wrote:
. ...  
50-60 . "" . - , , 17-18 , , "".  :)

: Re:
Drakon 01.10.2009 02:32:42
, 40-50 - , , . - , , .

: Re:
Force_Majeure 03.10.2009 18:46:30

on 1254337603, Ushwood wrote:
: , , ... :)

" ".
- . :)

: Re:
MAn 03.10.2009 21:03:28
- , .   , : .
, .

: Re:
Force_Majeure 03.10.2009 21:40:52
, , .
"" . , .

: Re:
MAn 03.10.2009 23:13:23
?   . , .   . - .

: Re:
Force_Majeure 03.10.2009 23:19:01
, , , . " ". .

: Re:
MAn 03.10.2009 23:29:43
:) .
- , . , .

, . . , .

: Re:
Force_Majeure 03.10.2009 23:44:55
, :)
, " " . , , .

: Re:
Icey 07.10.2009 06:14:28
Jagged Alliance 2:

: Re:
07.10.2009 06:18:21

on 1254885268, Icey wrote:

on 1254885268, Icey wrote:

. ;)

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 07.10.2009 06:20:39

on 1254885268, Icey wrote:
Jagged Alliance 2:

, ,   -   .  8)

: Re:
Icey 07.10.2009 08:34:13
2 :

: Re:
jarni 03.11.2009 17:26:22
? - ?

: Re:
Morgenstern 03.11.2009 17:42:24
http://www.afisha.ru/blogcomments/5561/#comments - . + , , " " , .

: Re:
Zed 04.11.2009 04:51:12

on 1257261982, jarni wrote:
- ?

1/8 , .
. . .

: Re:
Zed 04.11.2009 05:56:54

on 1257304445, <<GEM>> wrote:
- . , , .

? :) , .
, , :)
- , , 2 ?

: Re:
Force_Majeure 04.11.2009 18:11:21
GEM , "". :)

: Re:
Zed 04.11.2009 21:11:07
, .
"" ? ? .
"" , ( ), , .
, .

: Re:
MAn 04.11.2009 21:13:57

on 1257361867, Zed wrote:
, .

-, .

: Re:
Ushwood 04.11.2009 22:35:51

on 1257307014, Zed wrote:
? :) , .
, . , , .
(, , ), . , .
() , , , .

( , ) - "Lock, stock and two smokin' barrels". - .

: Re:
Zed 04.11.2009 23:02:49

on 1257366951, Ushwood wrote:
(, , ), .

:) ? , , - " " :)
. . , . .

: Re:
Force_Majeure 04.11.2009 23:10:34
, , . - . , , " ", . ,   , .

: Re:
04.11.2009 23:33:09
on 1257361867, Zed wrote:
, ( ),

, . , . , ( , .   , , , - -, , - ). , - , , , . , - , .
- . , , . , , , -- . , , - . !
- "" , - , , , , . "", , "1001 " . . , , - , "" . , 600 . , , - , 150 , 17 , !

: Re:
Zed 05.11.2009 00:26:47
2 :
, ? :)
on 1257370389, wrote:

? :) , , :) , .

on 1257369034, Force_Majeure wrote:
, ,

, , :)

You are beautiful.
? :) ?
: .

:) ?

: Re:
05.11.2009 01:00:06

on 1257373607, Zed wrote:
"" . - . , . ;)
, - .

: Re:
Force_Majeure 05.11.2009 01:29:48
- . , , .
, . " . , ". , . :)

? , . (!) . (!) ?

- , . . , - .

- , . - . , .

- - , . .

: Re:
Ushwood 05.11.2009 02:06:49

on 1257377388, Force_Majeure wrote:
- - , . .  
. , , .
, - - .
, - . :).

: Re:
Zed 05.11.2009 02:29:00

on 1257377388, Force_Majeure wrote:
" . , ".  

"" , , . " " :)

on 1257375606, wrote:
- .

? :)

, ? ? ?

: Re:
Force_Majeure 05.11.2009 02:41:13
, , , . . .

on 1257380940, Zed wrote:
"" , , . " "

, . - . , .

: Re:
05.11.2009 03:21:33

on 1257380940, Zed wrote:
, . :) , , . - , , , ! , , , - . !!!!
, - , , " " - . .

on 1257380940, Zed wrote:
, ? ? ?
. - . , . . , - . , - , , - . , , . ? ?

: Re:
05.11.2009 03:35:45
2Zed: . - . ! , , . - - . . , :)

-, 1924 ""

. , .

" , , ,
- :

- .

- !
, - ,
, , .

! !... ..:

", , !
- .
, !... -! -!

. , .

, 1967 , ""


, !

, ,




-, -! ,
- ,
! !



: Re:
Zed 05.11.2009 03:58:08
, . .
.. - ? :)
- , :)

on 1257381673, Force_Majeure wrote:
, , , . . .

:) . . " " ? ? .
2 :
. :) , .


Tyger! Tyger! burning bright,
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

In what distant deeps or skies
Burnt the fire in thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand dare seize the fire?

And what shoulder, and what art?
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat,
What dread hand, and what dread feet?

What the hammer? What the chain?
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? What dread grasp
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?

When the stars threw down their spears,
And watered heaven with their tears,
Did he smile his work to see?
Did he who made the Lamb, make thee?

Tyger! Tyger! burning bright,
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?


. .

on 1257384093, wrote:
? ?

" " :) .

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 05.11.2009 04:14:50
, ?
, GUN () ,,
.. ? - , ?
Zed ,
. .
.. . 8)

: Re:
Force_Majeure 05.11.2009 04:50:53

on 1257386288, Zed wrote:
, . .

- .. . - ( ). . , , - , .

on 1257386288, Zed wrote:

, ? :)

: Re:
Zed 05.11.2009 05:38:49

on 1257389453, Force_Majeure wrote:
- .. .

. .
. . . .
, , . , .

on 1257389453, Force_Majeure wrote:

" " , . :)

on 1257389453, Force_Majeure wrote:
, ? :)  

. . :) , , , .

. ? , , :)

: Re:
Zed 05.11.2009 08:57:41
2 :
, .
" " .
" , , ."

: Re:
Ushwood 05.11.2009 09:53:52
2Zed: , , "". , :). , .

: Re:
05.11.2009 10:47:43
, - . , . . , - . :)

: Re:
Force_Majeure 05.11.2009 18:32:12

on 1257392329, Zed wrote:
. .  

, , , . , . / / - . , , .. .. . . . - . , ( ) , , ? , , .. .. . ?

- / - :) - . -, "!" .

: Re:
Ushwood 05.11.2009 19:33:45


"" : - . , , - , , ?

: Re:
05.11.2009 20:17:35
2Ushwood: , - , ( , , ) . - , , .
- , , "" . -2 -2 ( ), , .
-104 -18, . -154 -62 - . -10 "" , , . .

: Re:
Ushwood 05.11.2009 21:01:06
2 : -. , 10 , . , , ? ?
, , , , .. .

: Re:
MAn 05.11.2009 22:04:41
, , . , ,   "", , , . .

: Re:
05.11.2009 22:39:01
2Ushwood: " " - , , . ?   ?:)
, , , . , - , - , - . - , - , ! , , . . , , - .

: Re:
05.11.2009 22:49:16

on 1257447666, Ushwood wrote:
10 , .  
, . - ""? - , - (, , ? - ), 10 , - , (, ). (, ), - , , () . - , ( ) .

: Re:
Ushwood 05.11.2009 23:05:27

on 1257453541, wrote:
, , .
. . : , 10 , 100 , - ? , " ". ?

. , , :)

: Re:
05.11.2009 23:24:44

on 1257455127, Ushwood wrote:
, . 10 , . . 50-60 . , " " - ? - , - ( ), - , - " ", , . , - " " , - , - , , 25 .

: Re:
05.11.2009 23:26:17

on 1257455127, Ushwood wrote:
, . :) ;)
, ( ) , , . () () (- ). - .

: Re:
Ushwood 05.11.2009 23:37:48

on 1257456284, wrote:
- " ", , .
: ( ) ( )?

: Re:
05.11.2009 23:40:13
2Ushwood: . , . - !

: Re:
Satan`s Claws 06.11.2009 03:48:25
on 1257457068, Ushwood wrote:
: ( ) ( )?

1) ( , - ; - ).

2) : P, k*P, k - - < 1 (, ).
k*P 500 0 , 500 1000 .
, .

- , - ( ) .
/ / .
, , - , ..

: Re:
Ushwood 06.11.2009 06:40:54
.. , , .

Ice_T 08.11.2009 07:36:02
/, - , . ,   .

PS. , "" . , .

: Re:
Ushwood 08.11.2009 22:03:39
:). , , . , - , , , .
. - 1500-2000 . . 1 , .
, - : , ...

: Re:
08.11.2009 23:38:11

on 1257710619, Ushwood wrote:
, .
on 1257710619, Ushwood wrote:
, - ( ) , . :)

: Re:
08.11.2009 23:44:59

on 1257710619, Ushwood wrote:
- 1500-2000 .

on 1257710619, Ushwood wrote:
, , .

? - , . - , , - , . , - , , - , , , ? :)

: Re:
Ushwood 09.11.2009 01:30:15

on 1257716699, wrote:
, - , , - , , , ?  
. . , , .
" " - . " " .

: Re:
Ushwood 09.11.2009 01:35:08
2 : , , (http://www.popmech.ru/article/1922-sekretyi-avialaynerov/), - 0.75 . , , " , " , , :).
, : , . " , " .


: Re:
09.11.2009 03:03:32

on 1257723308, Ushwood wrote:
" , " .  

, ! - . . - , . - ? - ? , -104 , , -154, - - ? , 20 ?
- , , .
-10, , - . - , ( , , :)).

: Re:
Legend 10.11.2009 02:06:06
2<<GEM>>: 8)

: Re:
Satan`s Claws 10.11.2009 04:42:33
2<<GEM>>: "" ? ;)

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 10.11.2009 05:03:52
on 1257811184, <<GEM>> wrote:
, -
, .
, .

on 1257811184, <<GEM>> wrote:

1000 :cool:

: Re:
Legend 10.11.2009 05:54:33
, .
, ? , . , , , ? , , .
: , , , / , () . (, )? ( , , , ), , , ;)

: Re:
Ushwood 10.11.2009 06:34:50

on 1257811184, <<GEM>> wrote:
( , ), ( ) . , , ..
, , .
, ? ;D

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 10.11.2009 06:42:00

on 1257825273, Legend wrote:
, ?

on 1257811184, <<GEM>> wrote:

, .. ,
- .
on 1257825273, Legend wrote:
, , , ?

, .

on 1257825273, Legend wrote:
, , .

  . , .

on 1257825273, Legend wrote:
: , , , / , () . (, )?

, .   - .

on 1257825273, Legend wrote:
( , , , ), , ,

  . .  :rotate:

: Re:
Zed 10.11.2009 06:42:39
. () :) , :)
"" .

on 1257825273, Legend wrote:

, ( , )

: Re:
Zed 10.11.2009 06:45:54

on 1257827690, Ushwood wrote:
, , .  

, " " , , :)

: Re:
Legend 10.11.2009 06:57:06
" ", - : , .


, .
, " " :)


, .   - .
. : 10.000 ( ) . , , . - :P

2Zed: , , " " . - WTCC =) :D

, ( , )
, , , ( ) ;) , .

: Re:
Zed 10.11.2009 07:02:08

on 1257829026, Legend wrote:
, , , ( ) ;) , .

, ?
, .
"" .

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 10.11.2009 07:04:02

on 1257827690, Ushwood wrote:
( ) .

, ,

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 10.11.2009 07:25:44
. ? , , . :drug:
, ? :confus:
, ?-
, ? :o

: Re:
Legend 10.11.2009 07:49:49
2Zed: , =) , , .
, ?

: Re:
10.11.2009 08:45:35
2Legend: , ? " " . . .
( - ) . . , , , - . - , . - , - , - , . - , , - - , - , . , , , , "" .
- , .  
, . .
- ! ( ? ) -, , . .
... , , - . ... :)

: Re:
10.11.2009 08:50:20
on 1257811184, <<GEM>> wrote:
. - "" . :)

: Re:
Legend 10.11.2009 08:59:22
2 : , ;D , : , ? :)
: - / ... ? ;)

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 10.11.2009 09:24:30
.. .
()- 100 , .
..   , - , ...:lamer:

: Re:
Legend 10.11.2009 09:29:50
2Sir-Dorosh: :lamer: .

: , , , - =)

: Re:
10.11.2009 09:32:48
2Legend: , , . , .

on 1257836362, Legend wrote:
, , - . . - ( - ). . , ! , ?

on 1257836362, Legend wrote:
: -  
. ? ? - . - Ѩ! . . , . - , - , " ", , , .  :)

: Re:
Legend 10.11.2009 09:39:48
, .
2 : : - - , - / / , . , , , . , . , , .

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 10.11.2009 09:43:24
- .
..   -   $$$ , , .:shot:

: Re:
Legend 10.11.2009 10:06:40
2Sir-Dorosh: , " ", :) , (http://lurkmore.ru/%D0%92%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%BC_%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%85%D1%83%D0%B9).

: Re:
10.11.2009 10:10:22
on 1257838788, Legend wrote:
: - ... ..
, , .
on 1257838788, Legend wrote:
, .
? ?
, "" .
, - . , , . - . - , - , - . - , , . , , . . - , , - .
- , , . ( - ) , - . - , . - , .

- " " - . ! ! - , , , , -.  

: Re:
10.11.2009 10:16:37
2Legend: , -75, , , - , - , !

: Re:
Legend 10.11.2009 10:27:31
2 : , , " " (http://prodam.slando.ru/moscow/zhorzh_blon_velikiy_chas_okeanov_v_2_h_tomah_P_14605461.html) , , . , - , . , , . .

: (http://lib.aldebaran.ru/author/blon_zhorzh/blon_zhorzh_flibusterskoe_more/). , .

: , , .

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 10.11.2009 11:02:04

on 1257840400, Legend wrote:

  -  >:(
( . , ), . 8)

: Re:
10.11.2009 11:13:09
2Legend: " " , .  ;D
, ... , - , "" . , . . - ( , !)
- , , -, - ( , ). , . - ! ! - , . ( - - )? , ? , , , ( ) . - , . . - , . ( , .) , . ;)

: Re:
Legend 10.11.2009 20:52:42
2Sir-Dorosh: 2 : , , - , . , , ( ) .

: Re:
10.11.2009 21:23:27
2Legend: , . , , - , . , , - , . , , , ...

: Re:
ThunderBird 11.11.2009 01:37:15
, .

, , ,


: Re:
Ushwood 11.11.2009 03:35:00
2<<GEM>>: :)

: Re:
Ushwood 11.11.2009 04:00:59
2<<GEM>>: , , (, ?)

"" . -, ( ); -, , robe robes. ( - - ); ""; " " - , "" (, :)).

, . (, , ), ? .
... , . - , - . - ; . , , .

: Re:
Ushwood 11.11.2009 06:51:16
2<<GEM>>: - cloak. , . .
- , - cloak . , , (http://lingvo.yandex.ru/en?text=cloak).

: Re:
Zed 11.11.2009 07:15:30
... :)

: Re:
11.11.2009 07:34:00
2Ushwood: cloak - . .

: Re:
Ushwood 11.11.2009 11:13:09
2 : ? - . , - klobuk :).

: Re:
Force_Majeure 11.11.2009 19:14:55
, :)
- - . / .. - .
- . , , , . ? ! . . , . // , , - . , , .

: Re:
11.11.2009 21:28:06
: .()
, ; . ()
, , ()

"" - ? , ! , .

- , - , .

-  , , , ; . , b ; , , , , , . ()

: Re:
11.11.2009 21:39:59
2Ushwood: - , cloak - . - " ".
- , - ( - ) - - .
, cloak klobuk - , .
- , - . - , - .

: Re:
MAn 11.11.2009 21:59:09
, , .   , , . , .

: Re:
12.11.2009 00:30:00
2MAn: . - , . 300 ?

: Re:
MAn 12.11.2009 02:16:27
-, ? :)
, , . , . , , , , .

: Re:
12.11.2009 02:33:01
2MAn: , - " ". .  :)

: Re:
Ushwood 12.11.2009 03:14:46
2 : , , - ;).
, -, , , . , , . " ", " ".
, , . " ", - , - , .

. - , (http://images.google.ru/images?gbv=2&hl=ru&newwindow=1&q=%D0%BA%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%83%D0%BA&sa=N&start=0&ndsp=20).

: Re:
12.11.2009 04:19:24
2Ushwood: , , "", ", - - , , , , , .. - , .
, . , - . , - .  ( - ). ! - , . - , ! - , ! - , - , ! , , , , , - , , , - - ? , !

on 1257988486, Ushwood wrote:
, , .  
! , ! - "", " "! - "", ", ". "" - , , , - , , - "", !  :)

: Re:
Ushwood 12.11.2009 04:24:59

on 1257992364, wrote:
! , !
, , - " ". , , .

on 1257992364, wrote:
, !
- , . , , , . , , , ;).

: Re:
12.11.2009 05:06:18

on 1257917640, wrote:

on 1257992699, Ushwood wrote:
, , ,

"" .
, , - " - (, ) (, )   (, "") ", , , . , "", , "" ( - !) "" "", .

: Re:
12.11.2009 05:18:03

on 1257992699, Ushwood wrote:
, - " "
. ?   . - ? ? , - ? - , - ? . " ? - ? , .   "" - , " ". - !

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 13.11.2009 22:10:37
13 - ?
? , ?

: Re:
Legend 13.11.2009 23:12:41
2Sir-Dorosh: 13 - , , , , , ( ) , / . , 13.

: Re:
Alk0m 13.11.2009 23:15:18
2Sir-Dorosh: , .

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 13.11.2009 23:33:19

on 1258146761, Legend wrote:

, -
. 2 1066 - .
. ,
.  :moderator: :insane:

on 1258143235, <<GEM>> wrote:


: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 13.11.2009 23:41:54

on 1258146918, Alk0m wrote:
, .

, :beer:
, .
, :applause:

: Re:
Legend 13.11.2009 23:48:54
, , - : , :nervous:
: =)

: Re:
MAn 14.11.2009 01:18:07

on 1257985981, wrote:
2MAn: , - " ".


: Re:
Morgenstern 14.11.2009 01:32:56

on 1258154287, MAn wrote:

! ;D

: Re:
17.11.2009 19:07:06
- .

: Re:
Legend 17.11.2009 21:09:20
2<<GEM>>: . ( ), . , , . , , , . , , .. , , , . , 98. . , , .
- ;D
: - , , , ;)

: Re:
17.11.2009 22:06:26

on 1258484960, Legend wrote:
, ,

, . - , " ", . - , , , - - " ", . , ?
" , , ".
, , - , ( ) - . , 2-3 - - , - , - .

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 18.11.2009 00:20:05

on 1258488386, wrote:

  8)   . -,
, .

: Re:
Alk0m 18.11.2009 01:01:40
2Sir-Dorosh: ?

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 18.11.2009 01:06:36

on 1258498900, Alk0m wrote:

, -. :o,  
on 1258488386, wrote:

: Re:
Xoxo_JI 18.11.2009 01:08:17

(. , , , . , . Litwini) , , , XX . , (12401791 .) ( ). .


: Re:
MAn 18.11.2009 01:17:15
, , , ,   .

: Re:
18.11.2009 01:38:36
2Sir-Dorosh: - . . , , . , - , - . - . - .
"" , , . , , - , , - . - , . , .
, , - , , .
, , , , , . , ?  :)

: Re:
18.11.2009 01:47:06

on 1258496405, Sir-Dorosh wrote:
. - . ( - ) ( ) . , .

: Re:
Legend 18.11.2009 01:48:04
2 : , , , . , , . , , , .

? , . =) , , . , , .

: Re:
18.11.2009 01:56:24

on 1258501684, Legend wrote:
?  :) , , , - ? , ?
, - . , , - . , , , ( / ), .

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 18.11.2009 02:02:08
  - . (,,)  () . ()
1240 1791 , , .. .
  XOxo -
..( - , , - -
- ) . - .
on 1258499297, Xoxo_JI wrote:
 :lol: , -, -
.. - () - ,
. :o

on 1258499835, MAn wrote:
, , , ,   .

, ,
. :gigi:

: Re:
ThunderBird 18.11.2009 02:23:01
on 1258502864, <<GEM>> wrote:
. :)

: Re:
Alk0m 18.11.2009 02:27:13
2Sir-Dorosh: , 100%
2 : .

: Re:
18.11.2009 02:34:55
on 1258502528, Sir-Dorosh wrote:
- . (,,)  () . () 1240 1791

!!!!! !!!
" (Lituae) 1009 , ( , )." ;)
" 1213 ( ). , XIII : (, , , (. ) , . 1219 - (- ), . 5 "
- - , - !
" , , 1252 ( ) (), , , , , ( )".
. , - . - , .
, ... . , , , .
- ... ? , ? , , , , . ... ... .  ;)

: Re:
18.11.2009 02:40:57

on 1258504033, Alk0m wrote:

, - . . - , , (! - , ) ..
- - ! .

: Re:
Alk0m 18.11.2009 02:55:43

on 1258501116, wrote:
"" , , .
, .. , , .
[offtop] , , , [/offtop]

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 18.11.2009 02:56:27

on 1258504033, Alk0m wrote:
, 100%

:lol:, , - ,   (
 - ,
,   1240-1791.
on 1258488386, wrote:

: Re:
18.11.2009 03:25:03
2Sir-Dorosh: , "" ? , ( - , - - "", ).
on 1258505787, Sir-Dorosh wrote:
, - , 200 , . :)
"" ? , , , - - ... :) ( , )

: Re:
18.11.2009 03:36:42
on 1258505743, Alk0m wrote:
, . , ( - !). .
(. Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodw, . г , . ,   ), .
Rzeczpospolita ( )- , .

: Re:
18.11.2009 03:37:17
2<<GEM>>: [offtop] ?[/offtop] ;D

: Re:
ThunderBird 18.11.2009 04:00:10

on 1258504199, <<GEM>> wrote:
- . ;D
( \).
;) ( ). "" .

, . :shuffle:

: Re:
ThunderBird 18.11.2009 05:02:35

on 1258512089, <<GEM>> wrote:
? , .  
. , ,     , : "" - , - . , - % . "" "" - () , .

1. : 10$.
: n- 10 .

2. : 1% .
: n- 1% .

, - ,  ;D

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 18.11.2009 05:17:42

on 1258507503, wrote:
, ""

ALKOM ;D, , , , .
on 1258507503, wrote:
"" ?

, - , .
. -
? - , .  
on 1258507503, wrote:
, - - ...

..- , ?
( - ):smoke:

: Re:
18.11.2009 05:59:29
on 1258514262, Sir-Dorosh wrote:

. ( !) - , .

on 1258514262, Sir-Dorosh wrote:
. -  

. "". , !
""? ? ? , , . 30-40 , , "", - "". 300-500 , , , , , .
( , ) "" - , ? , - , .  
, 1920 - .

: Re:
18.11.2009 06:19:05
on 1258514262, Sir-Dorosh wrote:
, ?

. , - , , 500 , . . - . 20 " " . , , 20 "/", "" , - , - !
, , - 1795 . - !

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 18.11.2009 06:21:18

on 1258516769, wrote:
, 1920 -

, , GRODNO siti
,  :o
on 1258516769, wrote:

,  , ,  
.:beer:, -
6 B.C.
. :o - -


: Re:
18.11.2009 06:28:51
on 1258518078, Sir-Dorosh wrote:
- 6 B.C.

- "" 20 , - , . "" - , , , - . -, - ! "" , , - 20 ! :)
6 , - .

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 18.11.2009 07:07:41

on 1258518531, wrote:
- 20 !

    . 21 .

on 1258518531, wrote:
. :o
on 1258518531, wrote:
, .
on 1258518531, wrote:

, .

: Re:
cha 18.11.2009 07:14:26

on 1258484960, Legend wrote:
, ,  


on 1258488386, wrote:
, .
2 :
, : "" ( , "", "" .) 18- , .

on 1258499835, MAn wrote:
, , , ,   .  

, . . , , ( , ) , - - 18, .

: Re:
18.11.2009 07:21:55

on 1258520861, Sir-Dorosh wrote:
, .  
. , . - , , - (, ). - , , , .
, "" - , , . " ". , "" - , , " ". "" 18 - .

: Re:
18.11.2009 07:32:10
on 1258521266, cha wrote:
, : "" ( , "", "" .) 18- , .  
, -, 17, . - , "" . "" , , - , , ( , " " - , - ). - , !  ;)

: Re:
cha 18.11.2009 08:26:40
2 :
. "", .

: Re:
Legend 18.11.2009 08:30:08
- - ? : rolleyes :
, , , =)

: Re:
Zed 18.11.2009 09:48:12
: ?

: Re:
18.11.2009 10:08:28
on 1258525600, cha wrote:
"", .  
. "" -, , , , -.  ( - !) , . . :). - , - "" , 200 - , , - , , , , .
, , "" 150 , "" . , ! " ", . :)

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 18.11.2009 11:48:33
, civilization 1 , :bow:
13 ,
Mana -  
on 1258499835, MAn wrote:
,   .

, , :_offence:
on 1258521715, wrote:

on 1258516769, wrote:
( , ) ""  

, , , ( - , , - -
- -..) 5-10
B.C. , , - . , , . .
( ., ) -
C - ( ) , , ( ). 8)

: Re:
18.11.2009 15:42:36

on 1258537713, Sir-Dorosh wrote:
, ,

. . - , . , . .

on 1258537713, Sir-Dorosh wrote:
- , , - - - -..
- , . , , , - .

on 1258537713, Sir-Dorosh wrote:
C - ( ) ,
- , () ? , , ? :) . (). , , , ! - , , , (, " " - , - , ).
"", , , - . , . . , , , , , , - , , ? :)

: Re:
Legend 18.11.2009 19:38:47
2Zed: :-)

: Re:
MAn 19.11.2009 23:08:54

on 1258537713, Sir-Dorosh wrote:
, ,  

, . , - , , .

, , , , , , , , .. , , , , ... ?   .
, - , , .
, , 1000 , . , , -  :)   , ""  ;D

: Re:
cha 19.11.2009 23:29:27

on 1258664934, MAn wrote:
- , ,

2MAn:   .
. , , .
- http://www.peoples.ru/military/hero/mahno/

on 1258664934, MAn wrote:
, ..

" , ."
- http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9D%D0%B0%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F

2 : 2Sir-Dorosh:
http://www.litvania.org/  ;)

: Re:
MAn 19.11.2009 23:41:14
.. .  
- , . ,  :)
, .

: Re:
cha 19.11.2009 23:44:25

on 1258666874, MAn wrote:

. .

on 1258666874, MAn wrote:
... , . , - ..
- ...

: Re:
MAn 19.11.2009 23:44:56

on 1258666167, cha wrote:

--, .   .   ?

: Re:
cha 19.11.2009 23:46:30
2MAn: "" - . , .

: Re:
MAn 19.11.2009 23:48:09

: Re:
20.11.2009 00:27:21

on 1258667096, MAn wrote:
, . , - , , . - "".

- ( )
XIII ., 200 , . - , : , , , . .  

: Re:
20.11.2009 00:32:26
2cha: - " ", -
- , .

: Re:
20.11.2009 00:54:53
. , 200 . , , , 350 .

, . "" - , . , . :)

: Re:
cha 20.11.2009 00:55:06
2 :
- ? ?
( ), : " ( - ) ..." " ( ) ..."?  

2 :

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 20.11.2009 01:03:36

on 1258669641, wrote:
- ( )

. , (. )
, - ,
.. - ..

on 1258669946, wrote:
, , .2cha: 2cha:
, .:dont:

on 1258667289, MAn wrote:

on 1258664934, MAn wrote:

: Re:
Zed 20.11.2009 02:13:39

on 1258671816, Sir-Dorosh wrote:

? ? :)
? 4 ? ? , :)

: Re:
20.11.2009 02:22:40

on 1258671306, cha wrote:
- ? ?  
10, , . , ? - , , - , - , , - .  :)

on 1258671306, cha wrote:
, , . .

: Re:
20.11.2009 02:24:05
on 1258676019, Zed wrote:
? ? -, ?

: Re:
20.11.2009 02:37:56
2cha: . . , , , . .

: Re:
cha 20.11.2009 06:39:41

on 1258676560, wrote:
10, , . , ?

on 1258676560, wrote:

2 :
, .
, .

: Re:
20.11.2009 06:54:50
2cha: , . , , . - , - , ?
, . , , " " . :)

: Re:
cha 20.11.2009 07:51:27

on 1258692890, wrote:
, , " " .

2 :

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 20.11.2009 07:56:52

on 1258696287, cha wrote:

, .
- ? .
, .

: Re:
20.11.2009 08:42:38
on 1258696287, cha wrote:

, ! - ! :)

: Re:
cha 20.11.2009 09:44:06

on 1258699358, wrote:
! - !

, ? ( - )

, , Sir-Dorosh... :asthanos:

: Re:
MAn 20.11.2009 22:27:23
, , .   , , , ?

: Re:
Legend 20.11.2009 22:55:29
2MAn: . , , . , ? . , , :cranky:

: ? ?

: Re:
cha 20.11.2009 23:02:00
, :

- () 10
: 1 , 60% 100 .

" " - .., , " ".

- http://ana-sm.ru/ideas/interest/391-chto-takoe-zelenka.html

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 21.11.2009 00:21:51
on 1258750920, cha wrote:
:lol: , ?

on 1258750920, cha wrote:
" " - ..

,  :o .
? - ,
, 2012 , ?

. :biglaugh:

: Re:
cha 21.11.2009 00:41:05

on 1258755711, Sir-Dorosh wrote:
2Sir-Dorosh:   , .
, , - . , ..  :confus:

: Re:
Icey 23.12.2009 05:54:33
? ?
, , - , , , Jagged Alliance 2 v1.13(RU)?
, ... :)

: Re:
Legend 23.12.2009 07:11:58
2Icey: , - , ;) ? =)

: Re:
Icey 23.12.2009 07:25:11
2Legend: , ? =)

: Re:
Legend 23.12.2009 10:22:52
2Icey: , ? ? =)

: Re:
Icey 23.12.2009 10:51:19
2Legend: , ?
( , ) =)
. ;D

: Re:
cha 23.12.2009 11:03:58

on 1261558279, Icey wrote:

: . .
, , :

, , .

: Re:
<<GEM>> 23.12.2009 18:12:12

on 1261559038, cha wrote:
, , .
- ? ;D ().

2Icey: , .
FAQ , , . ;)

: , ? ( )?

: Re:
Icey 25.12.2009 05:36:07

on 1261584732, <<GEM>> wrote:

, .
( ;D ), - http://sun.anime-last.info/images/578014default.gif
[ ]? :-/

: Re:
cha 25.12.2009 07:59:10

on 1261712167, Icey wrote:
[ ]?  

: http://forum.ja2.su/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=flame;action=display;num=1118564801;start=1455#1455

: Re:
Icey 30.12.2009 06:03:29
, ? http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/w/wink.gif

: Re:
30.12.2009 06:54:51
2Icey: - " , " . , " "!

: Re:
Ushwood 30.12.2009 08:53:57
... , ? -, 1.02 " "... ::)

: Re:
<<GEM>> 30.12.2009 09:00:29
2Ushwood: , , . :)

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 30.12.2009 09:08:47

on 1262156037, Ushwood wrote:

1.5     ,
130 , -
-   ( ) -

: Re:
Ushwood 30.12.2009 10:54:48

on 1262156927, Sir-Dorosh wrote:
-   ( ) -  
. ? ().

: Re:
Force_Majeure 31.12.2009 07:49:22
, , , ? , :)

: Re:
Bonarienz 31.12.2009 07:52:31
""... - !..  :P

: Re:
<<GEM>> 31.12.2009 18:33:15

on 1262238562, Force_Majeure wrote:
, , , ?
- , ( ). ::)

: Re:
01.01.2010 04:40:24
2<<GEM>>: - , !
, !

: Re:
Icey 13.01.2010 06:45:53
? http://sun.anime-last.info/images/752754ii_4to.gif

: Re:
<<GEM>> 13.01.2010 18:21:20
2Icey: http://sun.anime-last.info/images/184686_.gif - - (wtf)? . :P

: Re:
Icey 14.01.2010 02:06:07
2<<GEM>>: ... http://sun.anime-last.info/images/382037_.gif

: Re:
Legend 14.01.2010 02:24:18
2Icey: * , , *

: Re:
Icey 14.01.2010 02:26:37
2Legend: , - ? :)

: Re:
<<GEM>> 14.01.2010 02:27:20
2Icey: [offtop] . , . ::)[/offtop]

: Re:
Ios 20.01.2010 00:05:58
... 3 ?

: Re:
cha 20.01.2010 00:10:17
, . .. :asthanos:

: Re:
Ios 20.01.2010 00:13:15
2cha: ? ?

: Re:
cha 20.01.2010 00:18:38

: Re:
Ios 20.01.2010 00:19:31
2cha: .

: Re:
20.01.2010 00:36:12
, - , ...

: Re:
Ios 20.01.2010 00:38:24
2 :  
on 1263940572, wrote:


: Re:
20.01.2010 00:44:12
2Ios: ...

: Re:
Icey 23.01.2010 08:54:09

: Re:
Strax5 26.01.2010 03:04:04
""? " MI".

: Re:
Icey 28.01.2010 03:32:27
http://sun.anime-last.info/images/44986189720752754ii_4to05.gif , MI?

: Re:
<<GEM>> 29.01.2010 18:37:20
! ( )!?!
. - , , !
. - !! :drug:

: Re:
Icey 29.01.2010 18:51:02
2<<GEM>>: , (http://www.animesector.ru/faq/download/index.html) ;)

: Re:
<<GEM>> 29.01.2010 18:53:45
2Icey: [offtop] . - . :P
, . ::) [/offtop]

: Re:
Icey 29.01.2010 19:00:12
2<<GEM>>: [offtop], ? , narod.yandex.ru?
-? ::)[/offtop]

: Re:
<<GEM>> 29.01.2010 19:14:26

on 1264784412, Icey wrote:
, narod.yandex.ru?
- [offtop] . - . - . .
: http://rghost.ru/, http://ifile.it/, http://dump.ru/
, , .
. ;D[/offtop]

: Re:
cha 16.02.2010 02:35:30
"" ( , ) , , :
_\ I /_
/ i \
, ( "" ), .
"" ?

: Re:
16.02.2010 02:37:52
2cha: "". "".

: Re:
cha 16.02.2010 02:42:34
2 :
: .
, , , . (, ...) , , ?

: Re:
Legend 16.02.2010 02:46:45
2cha: ? , . , , , - :) ĸ, ! ()

: Re:
cha 16.02.2010 03:07:40


, , "" ?

: Re:
jarni 16.02.2010 03:15:26
2cha: . . , , .

: Re:
cha 16.02.2010 03:26:12
, - . .
, .

, , ...

: Re:
MAn 16.02.2010 03:28:46
.   , .

: Re:
jarni 16.02.2010 03:29:38
on 1266283572, cha wrote:
. .

, .

: Re:
cha 16.02.2010 03:37:50
, , ?

: Re:
MAn 16.02.2010 03:48:03
, "" .
, , , ?!


- ,
- ,
, .

: Re:
16.02.2010 03:50:06
2cha: - . , , , - , . " " , , () . - " () ", , , ( ) - , () .
. , , . , , , - , . ? :) ?

: Re:
16.02.2010 03:54:53
- ?

: Re:
MAn 16.02.2010 03:54:57

on 1266285006, wrote:
- .

"". ?   , .

: Re:
16.02.2010 03:55:45

: Re:
jarni 16.02.2010 03:56:09
2 :  
on 1266285006, wrote:
?   ?
, , -, -, . ;)

: Re:
16.02.2010 03:57:49
, - ,
- , !

: Re:
16.02.2010 04:03:08
! - !!!!!

: Re:
cha 16.02.2010 04:05:26

on 1266285006, wrote:
- " () ", , , ( ) - , () .  

on 1266285345, wrote:

-, :


", ", ...

: Re:
cha 16.02.2010 04:09:10

on 1266285006, wrote:
?   ?  

, ..

on 1266285006, wrote:
" " , , ()

-, , . , ..  ;D

: Re:
16.02.2010 04:09:54
, .

: Re:
16.02.2010 04:11:05

on 1266285926, cha wrote:
", ", ...

on 1266285006, wrote:
() .

: Re:
cha 16.02.2010 04:11:37
2 :
, ..

: Re:
16.02.2010 04:12:40

on 1266286297, cha wrote:
, ..  
? ?

: Re:
MAn 16.02.2010 04:13:53

on 1266285469, wrote:
, - ,  
- , !  

  , !

: Re:
cha 16.02.2010 04:16:07
2 :

: Re:
16.02.2010 04:18:45
2MAn: "" ? - - ""...

: Re:
cha 16.02.2010 04:22:35
2 :
- .

: Re:
MAn 16.02.2010 04:24:57
, .

: Re:
16.02.2010 04:38:56
2MAn: ! ... , . , . ...  ;D

: Re:
MAn 16.02.2010 04:43:03
, ?   , :)

"" , "" , , ..

: Re:
Alk0m 16.02.2010 04:47:59
2 : , ,   Ҹ,

: Re:
cha 16.02.2010 04:50:06
" ", , .

: Re:
jarni 16.02.2010 04:52:20

on 1266285297, MAn wrote:
"". ?   , .

. . , . , , . , . -, , , .

: Re:
cha 16.02.2010 04:53:43
, "" . .

: Re:
Alk0m 16.02.2010 04:55:24
2cha: , , ,

: Re:
16.02.2010 05:17:15
on 1266288924, Alk0m wrote:


on 1266288924, Alk0m wrote:

2cha: , . .  ;)

: Re:
Xoxo_JI 16.02.2010 05:18:24

on 1266290235, wrote:

, :)

: Re:
16.02.2010 05:20:57
on 1266288183, MAn wrote:
"" , "" , , ..  

"" - "", -- "" - "".
, 200-300 ? () ( )  - .

: Re:
Alk0m 16.02.2010 05:21:35
2 : , , , ,  ;)  

: Re:
16.02.2010 05:22:26

on 1266290304, Xoxo_JI wrote:

?  ;D

: Re:
16.02.2010 05:24:14
on 1266290495, Alk0m wrote:
. . - .
- . , . . ;)

: Re:
MAn 16.02.2010 05:29:18

on 1266288740, jarni wrote:

. .
"" , , . "" ,   . "" .    :)

: Re:
MAn 16.02.2010 05:32:15
2 :
[offtop] , . , [/offtop]

: Re:
Alk0m 16.02.2010 05:34:33
2 :
, , ,

: Re:
16.02.2010 05:43:55
2MAn: [offtop], - .
, , - . [/offtop]

: Re:
MAn 16.02.2010 05:47:42
[offtop], , , ...

: Re:
Xoxo_JI 16.02.2010 05:48:44

on 1266290546, wrote:
?  ;D

- :)

: Re:
jarni 16.02.2010 05:53:14
on 1266290958, MAn wrote:
, . , . . ( ) .

: Re:
<<GEM>> 16.02.2010 11:32:04
... ( : ", !").
? :)

: Re:
jarni 16.02.2010 22:39:23
2<<GEM>>: . : .

: Re:
MAn 17.02.2010 00:42:29

on 1266292394, jarni wrote:
, .

? , .

: Re:
cha 17.02.2010 00:51:55
-- . . , .
, , , ..

: Re:
MAn 17.02.2010 01:09:51
.   , .   ?

: Re:
ThunderBird 17.02.2010 01:26:49
on 1266361791, MAn wrote:
- , ;)

on 1266360715, cha wrote:
, , , ..

* *

: Re:
cha 17.02.2010 01:27:16
2MAn: , , . .

: Re:
MAn 17.02.2010 01:41:15
, . - .   .. . , . .

: Re:
<<GEM>> 17.02.2010 03:42:41

on 1266363675, MAn wrote:
- . ::)

: Re:
MAn 17.02.2010 03:44:12
, -

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 18.02.2010 23:14:04

: Re:
<<GEM>> 18.02.2010 23:18:38

on 1266371052, MAn wrote:
, -
- ? ::)

on 1266527644, Sir-Dorosh wrote:
- , . :P

: Re:
Icey 27.03.2010 17:41:27
? ;D
, ?

: Re:
Alk0m 02.04.2010 02:31:42
, ?

: Re:
MAn 02.04.2010 02:58:25

: Re:
Legend 02.04.2010 02:59:44
, . , . - :-/

: Re:
Zed 02.04.2010 03:12:50
, .

: Re:
02.04.2010 03:18:02
2Zed: , ?
- ?
- , ?
- , ?

: Re:
Alk0m 02.04.2010 04:00:35
2Zed: ,  ;D

: Re:
Strax5 06.04.2010 03:27:18

on 1270167482, wrote:

. ...
. . , XII-XV . 1894 , , 1600 ( 1300).
. . , - 60. , , . :
- " ? ?
- []...

, . .
. .

: Re:
Ice_T 06.04.2010 20:07:20

on 1270164702, Alk0m wrote:
, ?  


: Re:
Ushwood 07.04.2010 01:37:43
- , ? ::)

: Re:
<<Green Eye Man>> 30.04.2010 18:17:36
. "" ? ( , , , ), . ? :)

on 1270593463, Ushwood wrote:
- , ?
- [offtop]. ;)[/offtop]

: Re:
Coelty 30.04.2010 18:22:59
2<<Green Eye Man>>: o oeo oa ae.) o ooa, aeo, ao, a ... eaoa ea ooa. :D

: Re:
<<Green Eye Man>> 30.04.2010 18:24:36

on 1272640979, Coelty wrote:
o oeo oa ae.
- -. :P

: Re:
Coelty 30.04.2010 19:04:29
2<<Green Eye Man>>: . ''JA'' ? =\

: Re:
ThunderBird 30.04.2010 20:57:30
2Coelty: . 3 , .. JA2!

: Re:
Ushwood 30.04.2010 21:06:50
"Deidranna rules" ::)

: Re:
<<Green Eye Man>> 30.04.2010 21:12:54

on 1272650810, Ushwood wrote:
"Deidranna rules"
- . , " - ", - ( ). ::)

: Re:
Coelty 30.04.2010 21:19:25
2ThunderBird: +1
2Ushwood: + 500 ;D

: Re:
Ushwood 30.04.2010 21:37:32

on 1272651174, <<Green Eye Man>> wrote:
, " - ", - ( ).
, " - ".

: Re:
<<Green Eye Man>> 30.04.2010 22:05:37
, . :P

: Re:
Coelty 30.04.2010 22:50:47
2<<Green Eye Man>>: . ;) !

: Re:
<<Green Eye Man>> 10.05.2010 08:12:55
. , - . ?
, , - .

- .

, , ( ) 1939 . . :P

: Re:
Legend 10.05.2010 10:09:48
2<<Green Eye Man>>: (, ) , . ? , , . , - , , , . : , , , , .
: ( ) . - " " - . :D . , , ;)

: Re:
MAn 10.05.2010 10:20:09
. ?

: Re:
Legend 10.05.2010 11:37:11
2MAn: ;D

: Re:
MAn 10.05.2010 22:12:47
, ˸, ,  ;D

: Re:
<<Green Eye Man>> 07.09.2010 06:21:48
. . - , .
? .

: Re:
Ushwood 07.09.2010 06:48:09

on 1283829708, <<Green Eye Man>> wrote:
? .  
, .

: Re:
aazmav 08.09.2010 17:54:51
15%? .

: Re:
cha 08.09.2010 19:06:19

on 1283957691, aazmav wrote:

- . - . () . ? - (http://www.gost.ru/wps/portal/pages.root.About?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/gost/GOSTRU/AboutAgency).
, ( ) , "", . , . , , , , .. .

: Re:
pipetz 08.09.2010 19:21:08
, .
, .
. , , , ,
. ?  

: Re:
cha 08.09.2010 19:34:01
. , . . . - . , " . ". . . , .

- , .

on 1283962868, pipetz wrote:
, . .

-. . , , "". - ...

: Re:
Icey 04.10.2010 06:39:22
, , INI Editor, .
, , .

: Re:
Zed 04.10.2010 06:58:56

: Re:
Icey 05.10.2010 09:06:19
, :(
. , , ?

: Re:
Zed 05.10.2010 09:40:42

on 1286258779, Icey wrote:

, , :)

on 1286258779, Icey wrote:
, , ?  

" ". , ?

: Re:
Luficer 12.10.2010 23:01:29
1 000 000 000 ?!?

: Re:
jarni 13.10.2010 01:16:32
2Luficer: 1 000 000 000 , ... ;)

: Re:
ThunderBird 13.10.2010 04:25:32

on 1286913689, Luficer wrote:
. . ;D

- , .

: Re:
<<Green Eye Man>> 13.10.2010 04:47:21

on 1286913689, Luficer wrote:
- . , "" - "" , , . ::)

: Re:
Tiny_man 13.10.2010 09:17:15

on 1286913689, Luficer wrote:

" ", , , , ,  :) , .

: Re:
Luficer 14.10.2010 00:01:20

on 1286950635, Tiny_man wrote:
, .  

[offtop] - , ?[/offtop]

( !) , , , . . 10500 30 :(

, . - ?!?

: Re:
jarni 14.10.2010 00:14:29
on 1287003680, Luficer wrote:
? / 30 , , 30 000 000 000 , .

: Re:
ThunderBird 14.10.2010 01:35:22
, , .

, 3 : Diebold, NCR Nixdorf. , . (. (http://www.fotodeneg.ru/archives/212/euro-16) (http://fishki.net/comment.php?id=43107)), , 000 .


: Re:
Luficer 14.10.2010 02:01:19

on 1287009322, ThunderBird wrote:

.. "000" , , / ? ::)

: Re:
Legend 14.10.2010 02:16:39
, .
, :devil: 90% ( , ) =)

: Re:
ThunderBird 14.10.2010 02:32:26

on 1287011799, Legend wrote:
, . .

on 1287010879, Luficer wrote:
.. "000" , , / ? : rolleyes :

: Re:
<<Green Eye Man>> 19.10.2010 18:42:56
, "" Windows 7 (Vista) , ? 7- ( - ). , , .

: Re:
pipetz 19.10.2010 19:44:43

on 1287502976, <<Green Eye Man>> wrote:
, "" Windows 7 (Vista) , ? 7- ( - ). , , .

. 10 ,
7 ! ! :)
/ .
, . :)

PS , , -
" ", " Win 7",
, , .

- . :)

: Re:
<<Green Eye Man>> 02.11.2010 21:36:51
, , ( )? , .

: Re:
cha 02.11.2010 21:38:14
2<<Green Eye Man>>:

: Re:
pipetz 02.11.2010 23:04:10

on 1288726611, <<Green Eye Man>> wrote:
, , ( )? , .

// ( ).

: Re:
jarni 02.11.2010 23:39:09
2<<Green Eye Man>>: Shift . , , , , ( - ).

: Re:
<<Green Eye Man>> 03.11.2010 01:57:37
2cha: 2pipetz: . ;D

: Re:
Korchy 03.11.2010 03:03:23

on 1288733949, jarni wrote:

:) , .

: Re:
Legend 03.11.2010 04:05:05
2Korchy: ( ), ;)

: Re:
<<Green Eye Man>> 03.11.2010 07:04:27

on 1288749905, Legend wrote:
( ),
- . . ( ). , . :(

: Re:
cha 03.11.2010 07:13:22

on 1288760667, <<Green Eye Man>> wrote:

2<<Green Eye Man>>:

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 03.11.2010 08:07:56

on 1288761202, cha wrote:

- :gigi:
....   :type:
[offtop] , - [/offtop]

: Re:
<<Green Eye Man>> 04.11.2010 02:31:23
2cha: . :)

: Re:
jarni 30.12.2010 01:45:05
( ) , ?

: Re:
MAn 30.12.2010 01:57:52

on 1293666305, jarni wrote:
( )  

" ..."

on 1293666305, jarni wrote:

,   .
 , (, ).

on 1293666305, jarni wrote:

: Re:
jarni 30.12.2010 02:45:37
2MAn: , . . , . , . :o :o :o ? .

: Re:
Legend 30.12.2010 03:00:39
2jarni: , ? ;) .

: Re:
MAn 30.12.2010 04:42:43
, , , . .
. -   .  , - , :)   , .. -

: Re:
<<Green Eye Man>> 30.12.2010 18:03:23

on 1293666305, jarni wrote:
- . , . :P

: Re:
02.01.2011 06:23:50

on 1293676963, MAn wrote:

. - , ...

: Re:
<<Green Eye Man>> 02.01.2011 07:38:15
46 .

: Re:
02.01.2011 07:46:28
2<<Green Eye Man>>:  "" - ? ...

: Re:
<<Green Eye Man>> 02.01.2011 23:59:29

on 1293947188, wrote:
"" - ?
- . . ;D

, , ( )? :P

: Re:
Ushwood 03.01.2011 08:58:39

on 1294005569, <<Green Eye Man>> wrote:
, , ( )?  
"" ?

: Re:
Bonarienz 03.01.2011 09:12:23
2<<Green Eye Man>>:

, ... ...

: Re:
Airbus 03.01.2011 10:01:19
2<<Green Eye Man>>: , (), , (, , ). - .

: Re:
<<Green Eye Man>> 03.01.2011 18:17:10

on 1294037919, Ushwood wrote:
"" ?
- . :(

on 1294041679, Airbus wrote:
, (), , (, , ). - .
- .

: Re:
Legend 03.01.2011 21:36:54
2<<Green Eye Man>>:
, - . , . " , " () ;)

: Re:
Bonarienz 03.01.2011 21:51:48


... :


: Re:
<<Green Eye Man>> 03.01.2011 22:35:43

on 1294083414, Legend wrote:
" , "
- , . :P

: Re:
Legend 04.01.2011 01:36:39
2<<Green Eye Man>>: . :devil:

: Re:
<<Green Eye Man>> 21.01.2011 04:34:07
, , ?

, - , , . :shuffle:

: Re:
Legend 21.01.2011 05:48:13
2<<Green Eye Man>>: , - ! () =)

: Re:
21.01.2011 19:14:03
?:) ?

: Re:
Bonarienz 21.01.2011 19:21:03

! (Sic!) !

, - - ?

: Re:
21.01.2011 19:25:52
2Bonarienz: :) .........., :) ! ;D

: Re:
<<Green Eye Man>> 21.01.2011 19:58:10

on 1295581693, Legend wrote:
, - ! () =)
- , . ;D

on 1295630043, wrote:
- - . ;D
. , . ;)

on 1295630463, Bonarienz wrote:
, - - ?
- , - - - . . :P

on 1295630752, wrote:
- . , , - ( - ( )).

: Re:
Bonarienz 21.01.2011 20:04:46

on 1295630752, wrote:

, - - !!!

(Sic!), (!), !

2<<Green Eye Man>>:

- . (.. ) .

- . - , , - , ...

- :

- ,
- ,
- !

: Re:
Zed 21.01.2011 20:05:08

on 1295632690, <<Green Eye Man>> wrote:

, , , , .

: Re:
<<Green Eye Man>> 21.01.2011 21:03:52

on 1295633108, Zed wrote:
, , , , .  
- , . ::)
, . . :)

on 1295633086, Bonarienz wrote:
- . (.. ) .  
- ? ;D

: Re:
ThunderBird 21.01.2011 21:27:18

on 1295636632, <<Green Eye Man>> wrote:
, . , . !!! ;D

: Re:
<<Green Eye Man>> 21.01.2011 22:02:14

on 1295638038, ThunderBird wrote:
, . , . !!!
- - . :P :)

: Re:
ThunderBird 21.01.2011 22:24:05

on 1295640134, <<Green Eye Man>> wrote:
15:27:18, ThunderBird (a):
, . , . !!!
- - . :P :)

, - ,  ;D ;D

: Re:
<<Green Eye Man>> 21.01.2011 23:14:13

on 1295641445, ThunderBird wrote:
, - ,
- , ? . :P

: Re:
ThunderBird 22.01.2011 02:07:12

on 1295644453, <<Green Eye Man>> wrote:
, ?
- ;D

: Re:
Legend 22.01.2011 03:28:17
2<<Green Eye Man>>: - :)

: Re:
<<Green Eye Man>> 22.01.2011 04:27:53

on 1295659697, Legend wrote:
- , .
. ;)

: Re:
Legend 22.01.2011 05:43:17
2<<Green Eye Man>>: ;)

: Re:
<<Green Eye Man>> 22.01.2011 06:38:49

on 1295667797, Legend wrote:
- . ;)

: Re:
Noel 23.02.2011 05:30:28

: Re:
Green Eyes 23.02.2011 07:55:41

on 1298431828, Noel wrote:
- . , , . ;D

: Re:
Noel 10.03.2011 20:17:14

: Re:
Green Eyes 10.03.2011 21:38:06
. ;)

: Re:
Lion 19.03.2011 05:08:49
 :). , . : 2 , 2 ? :confus: :confused:

: Re:
Legend 19.03.2011 05:38:18
2Lion: .

: Re:
Green Eyes 19.03.2011 05:39:17

on 1300504129, Lion wrote:
: 2 , 2 ?
- , - .

: Re:
19.03.2011 05:54:34
. , . .

: Re:
MAn 19.03.2011 08:57:06

: Re:
Lion 19.03.2011 21:16:49
. 2.
, , , , . , , . ? :confus: - - ? :confused:

: Re:
Green Eyes 19.03.2011 23:07:04

on 1300562209, Lion wrote:
- , . ;)

: Re:
20.03.2011 02:20:42
, , .

: Re:
MAn 20.03.2011 09:37:56
, .  

: Re:
Lion 23.03.2011 18:45:24
Tailor'. , .
, :
1. ? :confused:
2. ? :confus:

: Re:
ThunderBird 23.03.2011 18:51:07

on 1300898724, Lion wrote:
1. ? : confused :
, -

on 1300898724, Lion wrote:
2. ? : confus :
, , , ;D

: Re:
Ushwood 23.03.2011 19:31:51

on 1300898724, Lion wrote:
1. ?
, .

: Re:
Green Eyes 24.03.2011 03:53:27

on 1300901511, Ushwood wrote:
, .
- ? . :confus:

: Re:
Ushwood 24.03.2011 20:58:39
2Green Eyes: , - ? , , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 24.03.2011 21:22:37

on 1300993119, Ushwood wrote:
, , .
- ?

: Re:
Zed 24.03.2011 22:22:46
2Green Eyes:
, :)

: Re:
Green Eyes 24.03.2011 22:36:44

on 1300998166, Zed wrote:
- - ? :)

-. ;D

: Re:
Zed 24.03.2011 22:44:41

on 1300999004, Green Eyes wrote:
- - ?  

, .

: Re:
Green Eyes 24.03.2011 22:52:12

on 1300999481, Zed wrote:
, .
- ;D

on 1301003941, wrote:
, , .
- . :)

: Re:
24.03.2011 23:59:01

on 1300994557, Green Eyes wrote:
- ?  

, , .

: Re:
Ushwood 25.03.2011 00:11:45

on 1300994557, Green Eyes wrote:
- ?  
, ;D.

: Re:
Lion 04.04.2011 02:37:59
. !?  ??? . , , , ?  ???  ;)

: Re:
Legend 04.04.2011 02:52:42
2Lion: .

: Re:
Lion 04.04.2011 02:57:39
2Legend: ? ( ) - , . , .  ;)

: Re:
Korchy 04.04.2011 03:23:00
... :)

: Re:
Lion 04.04.2011 05:35:57
2Korchy: , . - .  ;D

: Re:
MAn 04.04.2011 06:23:11
:)   .., ,

: Re:
Korchy 04.04.2011 07:10:02
: 100 100 pix - .

: Re:
04.04.2011 21:52:31
" - "? . ... ;)

: Re:
jarni 04.04.2011 22:19:09
2: . , "" . . , , . .

: Re:
Green Eyes 05.04.2011 01:20:18
2: :
, .
, , "" .
, .

- , - , ( ).  

: Re:
05.04.2011 01:45:04

on 1301955618, Green Eyes wrote:
, .  
, ;D

: Re:
Green Eyes 05.04.2011 02:04:09

on 1301957104, wrote:
- - . :alien:

: Re:
Lion 05.04.2011 02:04:33
2Korchy: . :) , , 100 100 . ;D
2MAn: - , 400 400 ? :confused: 1 160 000 160 000 1 ( ) . ;D ;D

PS 2Korchy & MAn: 400 400 . . :nervous: , , . . :pray:

: Re:
Green Eyes 05.04.2011 02:08:35

on 1301958273, Lion wrote:
- , , . ;)

: Re:
ThunderBird 06.04.2011 05:38:41

on 1301958515, Green Eyes wrote:
- , ,
!  ;D

: Re:
Lion 13.04.2011 00:46:31
( ) . (14 ) brammator. brammator, ? :confused: 2.
"", ? :confused:
"", brammator? :confused:

: Re:
Green Eyes 13.04.2011 00:54:05
2Lion: http://forum.ja2.su/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?action=display;board=eggogs;num=1131751230;start=603#603

: Re:
Lion 13.04.2011 01:14:13
2Green Eyes: . .  :(  :( ? , SJ .  ;)

: Re:
Green Eyes 13.04.2011 02:02:16

on 1302646453, Lion wrote:
- :idontknow:

on 1302646453, Lion wrote:
, SJ .
- . , . , " " . - : " N. A B." , , .
, - . .

[offtop]: . , ( ), . , , . ;D[/offtop]

: Re:
Lion 13.04.2011 02:22:35

on 1302649336, Green Eyes wrote:
" " .
, .  :(

on 1302649336, Green Eyes wrote:
N. A B
, - .  :)
, . -, .  ;)
- , , , ?  ;)

: Re:
Zed 13.04.2011 03:45:04

on 1302649336, Green Eyes wrote:

, .
Satan`s Claws.
, :)

on 1302649336, Green Eyes wrote:
. , ( ), .


: Re:
Lion 13.04.2011 03:58:46

on 1302655504, Zed wrote:
, .  
. (  ;) )

on 1302655504, Zed wrote:
, 2007 .

on 1302655504, Zed wrote:
?  :confused:  ;)  ;D - :

, .
 ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D
: . :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
, . , .  :D

: Re:
ThunderBird 13.04.2011 04:05:08

on 1302655504, Zed wrote:
Satan`s Claws.
, :)  

- ...  ;D

on 1302655504, Zed wrote:
, , ;D ;D

: Re:
Legend 13.04.2011 04:35:33
- ...  ;D

! :war: =)

: Re:
Green Eyes 13.04.2011 17:42:06

on 1302655504, Zed wrote:
- , . :shuffle:

: Re:
Ice_T 14.04.2011 02:03:19
. , ( ), .

, ! , - !

: Re:
ThunderBird 14.04.2011 04:00:57

on 1302735799, Ice_T wrote:
, ! , - !  
" ", " " !!!

: Re:
Lion 17.04.2011 05:19:58

on 1302742857, ThunderBird wrote:
" ", " " !!!
! ""!
! etc.
. ! .  ;)
[offtop] - , :
- http://forum.ja2.su/
- , Cha.
, .  ;D  ;D

: Re:
ThunderBird 17.04.2011 06:45:44
, http://lurkmore.ru/%D0%A0%D0%A4 ;D

, ,

: Re:
Legend 17.04.2011 07:03:05
, . , , ", ". , . , . , . - , .

: Re:
Lion 17.04.2011 07:42:59
2ThunderBird: , . . Legend . " " .  ;D  ;D , , .
2Legend: .  ;) :
    "" - ""
  "" - ""
    " " - ""
.  ;D
.  ;D

: Re:
ThunderBird 17.04.2011 16:34:30
2Lion: "" ""!!!! ?

: Re:
Green Eyes 21.04.2011 21:24:30
, , , - , " "? :)

- ", !" " !" :)

: Re:
Legend 21.04.2011 21:40:36
2Green Eyes: :)

: Re:
Green Eyes 22.04.2011 17:49:47
, "" , " " " ", , ? ;D

: Re:
MAn 23.04.2011 05:40:28
- ?
- , ... , ,

: Re:
MAn 23.04.2011 20:39:27

: Re:
23.04.2011 21:03:27
2MAn: () " "

: Re:
MAn 23.04.2011 22:11:02
, ... .

: Re:
24.04.2011 00:02:45

on 1303585862, MAn wrote:
, ! !

: Re:
Green Eyes 24.04.2011 04:23:48

on 1303580367, MAn wrote:
- .

: Re:
MAn 24.04.2011 10:47:23
... , . : , ! .

: Re:
Green Eyes 06.05.2011 02:15:17
, , ?
", , - ".
. ;D

: Re:
jarni 06.05.2011 02:37:45
2Green Eyes: ? . . ;)

: Re:
Green Eyes 06.05.2011 03:29:02

on 1304638665, jarni wrote:
- . " ", - . - .

, - ?
, , ?

: Re:
Legend 06.05.2011 08:58:20
2Green Eyes: , . , . , . : ( ) - , , - " ", =) .. , . , . , , . , ... , . , :)
, .. , , -. .. , . , - - , . :P
, , , , - .

: Re:
Zed 06.05.2011 09:14:16

on 1304661500, Legend wrote:
- , ,


on 1304661500, Legend wrote:

. .

: Re:
Legend 06.05.2011 09:37:17
2Zed: , ˸, :)
: . , . , , ... =)

. .
, , .

on 1304661500, Legend wrote:

: Re:
Zed 06.05.2011 09:53:50
on 1304663837, Legend wrote:
, ˸,  

. ().

on 1304663837, Legend wrote:

? () .

: Re:
Lion 13.05.2011 04:57:52

: Re:
Ice_T 13.05.2011 05:06:03


: Re:
Green Eyes 15.05.2011 18:43:29
2Lion: .

: Re:
Green Eyes 01.07.2011 20:39:29
: , - ?
, , "" . - , , .

: Re:
Ushwood 02.07.2011 01:21:05
2Green Eyes: , - , . - , :).

: Re:
Kestrel 15.08.2011 07:58:06
cross fier. , . ( ), , . (99%) , . .
: .   sats(c , -''''. ?)? ? . http://forum.z8games.com/showthread.php?t=168462

: Re:
Legend 15.08.2011 08:16:35
2Kestrel: , (http://forum.ja2.su/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=veche;action=display;num=1116601450;start=828;new=1#829).

: Re:
Green Eyes 01.09.2011 23:34:55
... . . - . . - . ( "" ), . . , , ... ? :P

: Re:
02.09.2011 00:20:29
2Green Eyes:

. .

: Re:
Green Eyes 02.09.2011 00:34:08

on 1314912029, wrote:
- . :(

: Re:
ThunderBird 02.09.2011 00:39:13

on 1314912848, Green Eyes wrote:
18:20:29, (a):
- . :(

2Green Eyes: !!!!

: Re:
Green Eyes 02.09.2011 00:45:29

on 1314913153, ThunderBird wrote:
- . . :)


: Re:
MAn 02.09.2011 02:59:36
2Green Eyes:
,  , , , ( ) .
( )

: Re:
Irishman 18.10.2011 13:24:18

on 1070809686, ivashkin wrote:
, AG - , !

- Ag? ?

: Re:
Green Eyes 18.10.2011 18:54:54

on 1318933458, Irishman wrote:
- Ag? ?  
- , . . .

: Re:
Irishman 18.10.2011 18:58:17
2Green Eyes: , ... ...

: Re:
Green Eyes 18.10.2011 19:01:23

on 1318953497, Irishman wrote:
, ...
- ( ). .

: Re:
Legend 18.10.2011 19:44:50
2Irishman: , , Citizen Kane . , .. . , .. - , ;D

: Re:
Irishman 18.10.2011 20:30:46
2Green Eyes: ...
2Legend: , , .

: Re:
Luficer 20.10.2011 00:29:34

on 1318933458, Irishman wrote:
- Ag?

AG, , .. - .

on 1318956290, Legend wrote:
Citizen Kane
-  ::)

: Re:
Irishman 20.10.2011 00:37:23

on 1319059774, Luficer wrote:
... , . , ... .

: Re:
Irishman 22.10.2011 06:28:54

on 1319227526, Irishman wrote:
, , , .

on 1319242089, - wrote:
, , , .


: Re:
Kestrel 22.10.2011 06:48:43
, , , .

: Re:
Irishman 22.10.2011 07:33:07
2Kestrel: , , .

: Re:
Ushwood 22.10.2011 09:05:53

on 1319254134, Irishman wrote:
" " - " " - ? :)

: Re:
Irishman 22.10.2011 09:37:13
2Ushwood: ,  ;).

: Re:
Legend 22.10.2011 10:36:18
2Irishman: , ""?

: Re:
Irishman 22.10.2011 19:05:48
2Legend: , , , . ... , ? : " ", - ... ...

: Re:
Legend 23.10.2011 00:55:27
... , ?
, ? :)

: Re:
23.10.2011 07:12:43

on 1319299548, Irishman wrote:

. , " ".

: Re:
Lion 10.11.2011 22:13:40
(http://forum.ja2.su/cgi-bin/mafia/YaBB.pl) , .  :D

, . , 29.10.2002. - , , :
10 !!!

: Re:
Legend 11.11.2011 02:29:30
2Lion: ! ?! ?! :o :nervous: , - .

: Re:
Lion 11.11.2011 03:12:15
2Legend: , , 2006 .  ::)
, .  8)

: Re:
Kestrel 11.11.2011 03:17:54

on 1320952420, Lion wrote:
" -"?

: Re:
Lion 11.11.2011 03:26:25
2Kestrel: , . . , .  ::)

: Re:
Green Eyes 11.11.2011 07:34:02

on 1320952420, Lion wrote:
, .
- ? , ( , ).

"" - . ;)

: Re:
Lion 12.11.2011 02:55:36

on 1320986042, Green Eyes wrote:
- ?
.  8)

on 1320986042, Green Eyes wrote:
Legend' , . .  ::)

: Re:
Legend 12.11.2011 03:51:20
2Lion: 5-6 , . , .

: Re:
Kestrel 12.11.2011 07:30:35
2Lion: ?0_0 . .

: Re:
Lion 12.11.2011 07:33:01

on 1321072235, Kestrel wrote:

: Re:
Legend 12.11.2011 10:55:55
2Kestrel: ... , .

: Re:
Kestrel 12.11.2011 21:29:39
... 8 .

: Re:
Lion 12.11.2011 23:02:00
2Kestrel: :devil: .  ;)
, , , , .  :D

: Re:
Legend 12.11.2011 23:17:18
2Lion: , . , . , .

: Re:
Lion 13.11.2011 00:12:35
2Legend: -, . :
? - .  

: Re:
Legend 13.11.2011 00:46:57
2Lion: ( , ) , , ? , , , . , .

: Re:
Kestrel 13.11.2011 01:02:55
, ? - . ?:-P

: Re:
Lion 13.11.2011 01:03:46
2Legend: . . , , .  ;D
on 1321134417, Legend wrote:
, ?  
. :applause:[/offtop]

: Re:
VVA 13.11.2011 02:30:09

on 1321135426, Lion wrote:

...  :P ;D

: Re:
Legend 13.11.2011 02:37:22
2Lion: , .

: Re:
Lion 13.11.2011 04:45:34

on 1321140609, VVA wrote:
...  :P ;D
? , (, ) .  8)
?  :o
2Legend: .  ::)

: Re:
Legend 13.11.2011 05:00:20
2Lion: - . ! :P - , ˸.

: Re:
Lion 13.11.2011 05:21:46
2Legend: ? . :dont:  ;)

on 1321149620, Legend wrote:
.  ;) , .
?  :P

: Re:
Legend 13.11.2011 07:00:35
2Lion: ? ;D , ˸. . .

: Re:
Kestrel 13.11.2011 07:27:47
2Legend: .( ) . ;-)

: Re:
Legend 13.11.2011 07:37:10
2Kestrel: , - ? , , , ?!

: Re:
Kestrel 13.11.2011 08:19:38
......(--)'' ''. .

: Re:
14.11.2011 02:07:02

on 1321156835, Legend wrote:
. . , , - , . - ( , ), , - . ...

: Re:
Legend 14.11.2011 02:09:04
2 : :') :bow:

'' ''. .

: Re:
Kestrel 14.11.2011 03:40:38
' ' .

: Re:
VVA 14.11.2011 06:30:27
, . "", ... 8 , .  ;)
, , ! :D
, ?!

: Re:
Lion 14.11.2011 07:02:32

on 1321241427, VVA wrote:
, ?!  
?   :D[offtop] "" - .  ::)[/offtop]

on 1321241427, VVA wrote:
... 8 , .

, .
. [offtop] -  ;D[/offtop] . :shuffle:
- , , , "".  :D

: Re:
Kestrel 14.11.2011 07:16:13
2Lion: . 2 )

: Re:
Legend 14.11.2011 07:34:50
"" - .  :rolleyes:
! ?! :o

: Re:
MAn 27.11.2011 02:36:12
" , , ?"

: Re:
Kestrel 27.11.2011 02:47:27
2MAn:, , .  ;D

: Re:
MAn 27.11.2011 03:04:56
, , .  , , ,   .
- , .
, - :)

: Re:
Kestrel 27.11.2011 03:08:32
2MAn: , .

: Re:
MAn 27.11.2011 03:11:45
, ... :)

: Re:
27.11.2011 09:16:55
.... . , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 27.11.2011 19:14:10

on 1322350572, MAn wrote:
" , , ?"
- , .

: Re:
Lion 28.11.2011 00:00:05
2MAn: .  ::)
[offtop]  ;)[/offtop]

: Re:
Green Eyes 28.11.2011 00:02:59

on 1322427605, Lion wrote:
- [offtop]: .[/offtop]

: Re:
Airbus 02.12.2011 00:08:30
"-1" , - -?? :o

UPD: . ;D

, "-1". , . :
1) . "-".
2) - . - "-1".

: Re:
Green Eyes 02.12.2011 00:32:56
2Airbus: "-1" "-"? ::)

: Re:
Legend 02.12.2011 00:42:22
2Green Eyes: , . ;)

: Re:
Green Eyes 02.12.2011 00:49:00
2Legend: . - ?

: Re:
Airbus 02.12.2011 01:39:03
2Green Eyes: , . :) .

" " . , ?

: Re:
Korchy 02.12.2011 01:50:39
? ? - . - . , .

: Re:
Airbus 02.12.2011 02:47:18
2Korchy: , , . , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 13.12.2011 02:20:35
(- ) ? ( ).

: Re:
Legend 13.12.2011 02:37:47
2Green Eyes: , ? ;) ;D

: Re:
Green Eyes 13.12.2011 04:18:10

on 1323733067, Legend wrote:
, ?
- -, . ::)

: Re:
Ejik_026 08.03.2012 12:26:59
: 2 ?

: Re:
Green Eyes 10.03.2012 21:27:20

on 1331198819, Ejik_026 wrote:
: 2 ?
- , , . ? , . ::)

: Re:
27.03.2012 19:31:55
" , "? . , , , - , ?

: Re:
Psyho 27.03.2012 20:24:58
2: . " ". . .
" " - .

: Re:
27.03.2012 20:32:18
2Psyho: .... .

: Re:
Psyho 28.03.2012 17:41:46


: Re:
ThunderBird 31.03.2012 18:22:15
2Psyho: 9 (

: Re:
Lion 31.03.2012 18:55:12
2ThunderBird: .

: Re:
31.03.2012 20:44:07
2Psyho: . , ( , , 5, , - ). http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%90%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B1%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B5_%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%84%D1%80%D1%8B

: Re:
Airbus 05.05.2012 08:00:33
, . , , , , " ". , , , .

, , - . . .

, .
. , - .
, , .

, , , . , , - ...

: Re:
Ushwood 05.05.2012 08:32:56
, . , ; " ". , " - ", .
, , , ... (... "" ? .)

, , - , . , , - Sword Art Online, . - , , :).

: Re:
05.05.2012 10:48:24

on 1336194033, Airbus wrote:

, . - "". , , , , , "" , , . , "", , - , , . - ( ).  :)

: Re:
Airbus 05.05.2012 16:20:13
2 :
on 1336204104, wrote:
, , , . , , , , . , , .


on 1336195976, Ushwood wrote:
"" ... Sword Art Online
. :)

, , .
"" .
, , , , , .

: Re:
Korchy 05.05.2012 16:47:08
, "" . , . .
- - " ".

: Re:
05.05.2012 20:11:24

on 1336224013, Airbus wrote:

, . "" . . - , ? , - . , , , , .

: Re:
Luficer 05.05.2012 21:05:41
on 1336194033, Airbus wrote:
" "

" " http://www.e-reading.org.ua/book.php?book=84797 - . . - )))

on 1336194033, Airbus wrote:
, , - . . .

( - ) " " http://www.e-reading.org.ua/book.php?book=84809

, , .. " " ( ), .

: http://iskander288.livejournal.com/285763.html

: Re:
Airbus 07.05.2012 21:04:35

on 1336225628, Korchy wrote:
" "
, . :)

on 1336237884, wrote:
, ?
"" . , . - . :)

on 1336241141, Luficer wrote:
.. " "
, - .

on 1336241141, Luficer wrote:
, . :)

: Re:
Kestrel 30.06.2012 05:18:51
***** , , , - ?!( ) .  :P

: Re:
Green Eyes 30.06.2012 17:53:30

on 1341022731, Kestrel wrote:
***** , , , - ?!
- . ;)

: Re:
Kestrel 30.06.2012 20:58:01
2Green Eyes: 60?  ;)

: Re:
02.07.2012 21:16:54
. " " " , , "? - ?

: Re:
Luficer 02.07.2012 22:46:34

on 1341022731, Kestrel wrote:
***** ,

. , , .   - , .
, , .
- 250 ( , ) . 100-150 . , 15 .


: Re:
coolberg 03.07.2012 00:00:13
2Luficer: , . , " " - , , :D

: Re:
Korchy 03.07.2012 00:06:43
, , , . , . :)

: Re:
Luficer 03.07.2012 01:17:59
2coolberg: 2Korchy: , . ;D
. . ( LDV, ) . . ;)

: Re:
Olmat 03.07.2012 04:37:16

on 1341253014, wrote:
. " " " , , "? - ?

, , - , .

: Re:
03.07.2012 10:48:21

on 1341279436, Olmat wrote:
, - ,

. .  
on 1341253014, wrote:
. . , . , , .

: Re:
Korchy 03.07.2012 15:22:49

on 1341301701, wrote:
. . , . , , .

"" , , .. . "", - .

: Re:
03.07.2012 18:39:50

on 1341301701, wrote:
" " (, ) - . .

: Re:
04.07.2012 07:49:00
2: - , .  :) - . - , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 04.07.2012 17:51:00

on 1341258394, Luficer wrote:
, , .
- [offtop] , , . .[/offtop]

: Re:
Kestrel 04.07.2012 19:27:41
2Green Eyes: [offtop] ;D[/offtop]

: Re:
Green Eyes 04.07.2012 19:43:03

on 1341419261, Kestrel wrote:
- [offtop] , ? , . ::)
, . , 6 , - .
, - .[/offtop]

: Re:
Kestrel 04.07.2012 20:35:37
on 1341420183, Green Eyes wrote:
? , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 04.07.2012 21:01:46

on 1341423337, Kestrel wrote:
- [offtop] , . ;D[/offtop]

: Re:
Ushwood 04.07.2012 21:39:11
: , , ? ?

: Re:
Kestrel 04.07.2012 22:22:37
2Green Eyes: [offtop] .[/offtop]
2Ushwood: , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 04.07.2012 22:31:23

on 1341429757, Kestrel wrote:
- [offtop] ?[/offtop]

: Re:
Strax5 04.07.2012 23:13:31
2Ushwood: , .



: Re:
Ushwood 05.07.2012 06:06:19
, -.
, :)

: Re:
05.07.2012 11:16:08
2Ushwood: , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 07.07.2012 01:36:53
, " " 80- . , ?

, .

: Re:
Olmat 07.07.2012 09:13:03
2Green Eyes: . , , . , , . , , !!!. , 70- ,, , .

: Re:
07.07.2012 10:26:51
2Green Eyes: "" . , , . , - . , . , .
, , , . , , , , - () ().
. , - .

: Re:
Green Eyes 08.07.2012 01:34:02
. - . ( - ).

: Re:
Strax5 09.07.2012 20:17:21
: " ? - ".
? - , : . , : .
, . , , -, .
. , , - - .
- . -. ! - , , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 16.07.2012 21:49:13
- . , ( ) . , . , , .
, ( - ). . , , , .


: Re:
Strax5 16.07.2012 22:03:10
, , , .

- . , - , ( ) 100 . . - ...

: Re:
Airbus 16.07.2012 22:26:07
2Green Eyes: , ? , , - .

[offtop] ? ? , 20 -.[/offtop]

: Re:
Green Eyes 16.07.2012 22:48:08

on 1342466767, Airbus wrote:
, ? , , - .
- , . , "" ( , ).

? ? , 20 -.
- ( - ) .
, . , "" . . .

, , , . . - .

1000 - .

on 1342465390, Strax5 wrote:
- [offtop] ... ... ...? ::)
, , .[/offtop]

: Re:
Korchy 16.07.2012 22:55:18

on 1342466767, Airbus wrote:
? ? , 20 -.

, : , , .

: Re:
Korchy 16.07.2012 22:58:59
: , , , - ? . ? ? , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 16.07.2012 23:06:18

on 1342468739, Korchy wrote:
- , - . , .

: Re:
coolberg 16.07.2012 23:16:35
2Korchy: . - -11 , . - , . .
- .

: Re:
17.07.2012 08:06:48

on 1342468739, Korchy wrote:
, .

, ( ) 3 , . , , "-" . - .

on 1342469795, coolberg wrote:
-11 ,
, . - , .

on 1342468739, Korchy wrote:
- , - . , , "" , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 30.07.2012 07:14:45
, " ", , "" ( - ) ?

: Re:
Kestrel 24.09.2012 02:34:34
, . 2 , 2 . , .
, ?

: Re:
Sarge 24.09.2012 02:43:43
2Kestrel: "". 2.

: Re:
Green Eyes 24.09.2012 03:10:22
VTOL . ;)

, - ( ( )).

- . VTOL:



- -12. ;)

: Re:
Kestrel 24.09.2012 03:46:17
2Green Eyes: [offtop]http://s1.hostingkartinok.com/uploads/images/2012/09/271f781b66883ba63d313976a94bf9f1.jpg (http://hostingkartinok.com)[/offtop] , "" ?
, .
[offtop]http://s3.hostingkartinok.com/uploads/images/2012/09/31e44bc0107caa8efa2e74079dea2ab0.jpg (http://hostingkartinok.com)[/offtop]

: Re:
Shy 24.09.2012 03:52:39
2Kestrel: .

: Re:
Shy 24.09.2012 03:57:43

on 1348445422, Green Eyes wrote:
- . VTOL:





: Re:
Green Eyes 24.09.2012 04:09:41
2Shy: C -12 X3 , . - VTOL ( - ).

: Re:
Shy 24.09.2012 04:13:52

on 1348448981, Green Eyes wrote:

, - . - , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 24.09.2012 04:18:33

: Re:
Shy 24.09.2012 04:28:23

on 1348449513, Green Eyes wrote:

, :))


( ) , , .

() , . , , .

[offtop] . ( , .) : ( (. )), ( ) () [/offtop]

( ) , .

[offtop] , - - .[/offtop]

: Re:
Kestrel 24.09.2012 04:39:17
2Shy: , , ?

: Re:
Shy 24.09.2012 04:44:27
2Kestrel: :)

, .

: Re:
Green Eyes 03.10.2012 02:08:21
. , - ( ) ? - , , 16 . :P

: Re:
MAn 10.10.2012 07:22:13

: Re:
Green Eyes 10.10.2012 07:32:36

on 1349842933, MAn wrote:
- 21 -. . ::)

: Re:
MAn 10.10.2012 07:53:55
... . - , -  :)

: Re:
Green Eyes 10.10.2012 09:08:01

on 1349844835, MAn wrote:
- , -
- , . :P

: Re:
Kestrel 10.10.2012 23:57:15
2Green Eyes:
9- .

: Re:
Shy 15.10.2012 18:11:10
, , ? .

: Re:
Strax5 15.10.2012 18:59:14
, ,


: Re:
Shy 15.10.2012 19:03:03

: Re:
Korchy 17.10.2012 20:00:11
, " ". , , " " ?

: Re:
Shy 17.10.2012 20:18:18
- " "?

: Re:
coolberg 17.10.2012 20:57:07
2Korchy: . " ". " ".

: Re:
Green Eyes 17.10.2012 21:13:14
, . .

. ( ). .

: Re:
Lion 17.10.2012 21:28:31

on 1350497594, Green Eyes wrote:

2Green Eyes: ( ).  ;)

(http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9C%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%B3%D0%B0%D0%BD,_%D0%91%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%BB%D0%B8)   ::)

: Re:
Luficer 17.10.2012 22:02:48

on 1350497594, Green Eyes wrote:

, . - . ;)

: Re:
Lion 18.10.2012 01:52:34
2Luficer: , . :shuffle: . ;)

, - , , - .

, , .

: Re:
Shy 18.10.2012 02:29:33
- )))

: Re:
Lion 18.10.2012 02:36:31
2Shy: , .  ::)

, , . , . ( ). ?

: Re:
Green Eyes 18.10.2012 02:49:30

, "" . .

: Re:
Lion 18.10.2012 02:59:27

on 1350517770, Green Eyes wrote:
, .

, , , -- ( )...

.. , , , ( ) , *** , , .  ::)

: Re:
Green Eyes 18.10.2012 03:28:06
2Lion: , - . : - . . . "" ( ). - - , , ..
- . ;)

on 1350518367, Lion wrote:
, , , -- ( )...  
- ? ( , - , - ). , ( ) . . - . ;)

, , ( ), , .

. . ::)

: (, ) ( ). , . , . ( , ), ?

: Re:
Lion 18.10.2012 04:55:28
2Green Eyes: :
- ? ? ?

.  ;)

on 1350520086, Green Eyes wrote:
? : " - . "

on 1350520086, Green Eyes wrote:
(, )
, . , " ", , , .
, ?

: Re:
Green Eyes 18.10.2012 05:10:03

on 1350525328, Lion wrote:
- ? ? ?
- ? ;)

on 1350525328, Lion wrote:
- "" , ? .

on 1350525328, Lion wrote:
, ?
- , . . - - .

: Re:
18.10.2012 05:13:41

on 1350500568, Luficer wrote:

, ! , -.

on 1350520086, Green Eyes wrote:
. , - .  :)

: Re:
Lion 18.10.2012 06:27:45

on 1350526203, Green Eyes wrote:
- "" , ?
, , .
, ( ).

, , .
[offtop] : " ."  ;) , - , - . , ( ) , _/__/__/___.[/offtop]

on 1350526203, Green Eyes wrote:
- - .      
- .  ::)

: Re:
Korchy 18.10.2012 06:36:54
  . - , :)

: Re:
Green Eyes 18.10.2012 07:23:21

on 1350530865, Lion wrote:
, , .  
- . ;)
- . ( , "" ).

2Korchy: , , . :(

: Re:
Lion 18.10.2012 07:26:51
2Green Eyes: , .  ;D
:crazy: :drug: :insane: :spy: :maniac: :splat: :weep: :cranky: :shuffle:

on 1350531414, Korchy wrote:
  . - ,
.  ;D

: Re:
Green Eyes 18.10.2012 07:34:11

on 1350534411, Lion wrote:
- , . . ;)

: Re:
Lion 18.10.2012 07:57:44
2Green Eyes: . ;)


, , , . , .

, . ;)
[offtop] , , - , .
, , .

, , . , - .

: Re:
Green Eyes 18.10.2012 10:11:50
, 157 . ( ).

( ), . . ;D

on 1350536264, Lion wrote:
, , . , - .
- . . - ( , ), , . ::) "" ?

on 1350536264, Lion wrote:
- ?

: Re:
Lion 18.10.2012 17:25:19

on 1350544310, Green Eyes wrote:
.  ;)

on 1350544310, Green Eyes wrote:
"" ?  
, .

on 1350544310, Green Eyes wrote:
. .
. "" . " "  ;)

1788 - .
1794 .
1799 .

. , 1794 , , .  ::)


on 1350544310, Green Eyes wrote:
, ( ), , - .  ::)

, , , , - .


: Re:
aazmav 18.10.2012 17:51:11

on 1350570319, Lion wrote:
, , , , - .  

, - , - , -

: Re:
Luficer 18.10.2012 20:28:53

on 1350514354, Lion wrote:
, - , , - .  

, :) , - .
/ - , . ;)
. Paula rhei

: Re:
Green Eyes 18.10.2012 21:14:33

on 1350581333, Luficer wrote:
/ - , .  
- . :up:

: Re:
Legend 19.10.2012 01:23:03
: " - ". , . " , ".
: - . - , . .

: Re:
Lion 19.10.2012 04:14:03

on 1350581333, Luficer wrote:
/ - , .
, .

, . ;)

on 1350598983, Legend wrote:
, .

. , .

, . ::)

: Re:
Legend 19.10.2012 04:19:09
. , - ( , , ). , , . - , , . .

: Re:
Lion 19.10.2012 04:26:45

on 1350609549, Legend wrote:
, , .
.. ?

- .  ::)

, , . , // " " . , .  ;)

: Re:
Legend 19.10.2012 04:33:51
on 1350610005, Lion wrote:
.. ?
- .
, - , , --....

: Re:
Lion 19.10.2012 04:45:01
2Legend: , , (  ;) ), , , .  ;D .

, - - , , , . - , , , .  ;)

- , . , : " , ", " , "...

[offtop] ! :4u:[/offtop]

: Re:
Green Eyes 19.10.2012 06:41:11

on 1350610431, Legend wrote:
- , ,
- , ", ".

- ( ?). ( - , - (-, )). ::)

2Lion: . . ;)

on 1350610005, Lion wrote:
.. ?  
- ? , "" , "" .
[offtop] (, , ). :P[/offtop]

: Re:
Lion 19.10.2012 07:16:37

on 1350618071, Green Eyes wrote:
. . ;)
. , , , , , , , . . .

, .  ;)

, . , , .

on 1350618071, Green Eyes wrote:
Ÿ . ::)[/offtop]

: Re:
Green Eyes 19.10.2012 07:21:46

on 1350620197, Lion wrote:
. , , , , , , , . . .  
- . ( ) , "" .

on 1350620197, Lion wrote:
, .
- - . , .

: Re:
Lion 19.10.2012 07:32:03

on 1350620506, Green Eyes wrote:
"" .
- . . , .

on 1350620506, Green Eyes wrote:

: Re:
Green Eyes 19.10.2012 07:42:13

on 1350621123, Lion wrote:
- . . , , , ( ( , )).

on 1350621123, Lion wrote:
- . . , .  
- . . . . , .

: Re:
Lion 19.10.2012 07:55:38

on 1350621733, Green Eyes wrote:
, , , ( ( , ))
, .

on 1350621733, Green Eyes wrote:
... , .
. , .

, .


: Re:
Airbus 25.10.2012 00:57:18
... : 42, 62, 64, 88 , ...

62 ? . - , , . ?

: Re:
coolberg 25.10.2012 01:11:02
2Airbus: , 1.5 , , 1.5 (). = = . , .

: Re:
Legend 25.10.2012 01:12:56
2Airbus: . - 7.5 ? , . , ( ), 62 64. , (, ) . , , , .

: Re:
Shy 25.10.2012 06:57:50

: Re:
Airbus 27.10.2012 03:27:45
2Shy: =) , , 42.

, ! , . :)

2coolberg, Legend: .. ? ?

: Re:
Legend 27.10.2012 04:43:35
2Airbus: . " ", " ". 50-60, - "" ( .. ) . - (, , ), - . . , . .
, , . , . , - , , , , . .

. . 62, 64, , , , / ( ). . , 62-4 ;)

: Re:
Shy 27.10.2012 07:45:20
2Airbus: :)


: Re:
Kestrel 29.10.2012 02:31:42

: Re:
coolberg 29.10.2012 02:46:03
2Kestrel: . , ..

: Re:
Ushwood 29.10.2012 08:16:31
, , .

: Re:
Lion 29.10.2012 09:46:03
2Ushwood: ? , .  ::)
! :idea:

: Re:
Legend 26.12.2012 09:01:50
. , , , , . (2011.) - . : 2012 ? , 2008 +-, . 1/8 - . 1/4 - , - , . - ?

: , ...

: Re:
Strax5 26.12.2012 17:41:53
, . , . - . , , - !

: Re:
mcmaser 26.12.2012 19:34:20
" " ,

: Re:
Green Eyes 26.12.2012 20:37:22

on 1356539660, mcmaser wrote:
" "
- . ( ).

: Re:
bugmonster 27.12.2012 00:24:00
2Green Eyes:
1. .
2. .

: Re:
Kestrel 27.12.2012 04:11:15

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 27.12.2012 04:13:12
- , ( )-

- ( - ) , ,- 2003-2007

: Re:
Green Eyes 27.12.2012 08:36:55

on 1356557040, bugmonster wrote:
1. .  
- . . . ;)

on 1356570675, Kestrel wrote:
- , , - . ( - ) . - . ;D

: Re:
Legend 31.12.2012 04:24:44
, . , , ( ), ... , :down: - 3.14 , - . - . - , , , . , , , . .

: , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 11.01.2013 04:48:49
? ::)

: Re:
Lestan 11.01.2013 04:57:52
2Green Eyes:  
on 1357868929, Green Eyes wrote:
, . ;D

: Re:
Lion 11.01.2013 04:58:11
2Green Eyes: - .  ::)

: Re:
Airbus 13.01.2013 07:44:55
? . , - . -, . -, - . :)

: Re:
Green Eyes 13.01.2013 07:50:17
2Airbus: . ;D

, . . :shuffle:

: Re:
Lion 13.01.2013 07:52:31
2Airbus: Follow the white rabbit.  ;)

: Re:
coolberg 13.01.2013 09:28:28
2Green Eyes: .

: Re:
Luficer 13.01.2013 10:05:41

on 1358052617, Green Eyes wrote:

[offtop] -  ;D[/offtop]

: Re:
Legend 13.01.2013 12:24:06
! - , ! 8)

: Re:
Green Eyes 13.01.2013 20:36:26

on 1358060741, Luficer wrote:
- , . . , . ;D

on 1358069046, Legend wrote:
! - , !
- . . :D

: Re:
Strax5 14.01.2013 19:49:38

on 1358069046, Legend wrote:
! - , !

, ....

: Re:
Kestrel 14.01.2013 19:58:56
2Strax5: . 2 ;D.

: Re:
arheolog 14.01.2013 20:41:07
, . .

: Re:
MAn 15.01.2013 00:29:50
, ?
.   - ,   - , .   , - , , , , .. .

, ... .

: Re:
arheolog 15.01.2013 15:30:59

on 1358198990, MAn wrote:
, ?  


: Re:
MAn 15.01.2013 20:29:53

on 1358185267, arheolog wrote:
, .

, -   .

: Re:
Green Eyes 17.01.2013 00:28:29
, , . , , . ;D
. ;)

: Re:
arheolog 17.01.2013 00:45:43

on 1358371709, Green Eyes wrote:
, , . , , .

" " " " .  :)

: Re:
Strax5 17.01.2013 00:53:20
. .

: Re:
arheolog 17.01.2013 01:54:57

on 1358373200, Strax5 wrote:

.  ;D

on 1358373200, Strax5 wrote:

, ().
, - =)

: Re:
Legend 17.01.2013 06:30:53
, ( , ). . .. , , - , . : - " " - . : . , , , , . , , .
, : , , , /// =) . "" .
: . .. - . , . - . , , . .

, . , , , . , . : , , , - . .

: Re:
Shy 17.01.2013 06:36:11
2Legend: :)

, :)))   )))

: Re:
Legend 17.01.2013 06:44:20
2Shy: , - . " " " " - . " " " " - . ;)
, , "" , , ( , - 80lvl ;)). ( ) "" .
, - ;)

: Re:
VVA 19.01.2013 02:55:47
, .
: , - , .
, , ...

: Re:
Legend 19.01.2013 03:16:32
2VVA: =)
- .. . . , . . , . " , ". , , , , .. , .
. , (.. , ). , , , . . , , , , , . - . , , ? , , ? ( , ). , ( ) - . , , , , , , .. . =)

, , , , . , , , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 19.01.2013 08:03:02
2Legend: "" . - . , , , - . , ( ).
. , , wi-fi .

, , . ( ). - "" . - . ::)

: - . - . . - . , .
( , ), . ( ), ( ). :)

, , .

: Re:
coolberg 19.01.2013 10:28:17
:) , ;D

: Re:
Legend 19.01.2013 11:07:40
2Green Eyes:
"" . - .
- - , , , , . .

- . , .

: Re:
Lion 19.01.2013 20:26:27
2Legend: , .
- ( -), ( , ).

: Re:
Green Eyes 19.01.2013 22:10:02

on 1358582860, Legend wrote:
- . . . - ( ).
. ::)

2Lion: wi-fi (, , ..) wi-fi . ;)

: Re:
Legend 19.01.2013 22:12:20
2Green Eyes: .

: Re:
Green Eyes 19.01.2013 22:18:08

on 1358622740, Legend wrote:
-, . - . :)

: Re:
bugmonster 21.01.2013 20:13:15
, : , . - ( ;D ) . , , .

, . <100 . , , . .   .

: Re:
Green Eyes 21.01.2013 20:44:03

on 1358788395, bugmonster wrote:
- , .

- ( ), - , . . :P

: Re:
bugmonster 21.01.2013 21:34:21
2Green Eyes: , ... , ,  :P

: Re:
Green Eyes 21.01.2013 23:33:29

on 1358793261, bugmonster wrote:
, ... , ,
-[offtop] , ( ( ) ). ::)[/offtop]

: Re:
Strax5 20.02.2013 22:18:20
, Ingris , , :

. 10 ( - ).

/ ? ?

: Re:
Green Eyes 25.02.2013 22:13:02
(?) , , ? ?

: Re:
25.02.2013 22:22:42

on 1361819582, Green Eyes wrote:
, ? :)

: Re:
Legend 26.02.2013 02:19:34
2 : , - . , . - "", .. , , . . , . - , "" .

: Re:
26.02.2013 02:31:28
2Legend: , ! -  
on 1361834374, Legend wrote:

. , , , ?

on 1361834374, Legend wrote:
, "" .  
 - ? ? :D
- , , .
, "" - . ?

: Re:
Green Eyes 26.02.2013 03:10:00

on 1361820162, wrote:
, ?
- . ( ) ( 5-9 ). , .

, "" , ( ).

"" ( , , - ).

: Re:
26.02.2013 03:41:06
2Green Eyes:
on 1361837400, Green Eyes wrote:
( ) ( 5-9 ).

. - , , , , . 9-10 , - ( , ?)

, , , . , - . , , , . ( 10 ) , . , . - ! , .

, , "" , , , , - . - , - .

: Re:
Ushwood 26.02.2013 03:45:22

on 1361837400, Green Eyes wrote:
"" ( , , - ).
, , ? (, , ).

: Re:
Ushwood 26.02.2013 03:47:28

on 1361839266, wrote:
. , , - , . ( , - )

: Re:
26.02.2013 03:58:08

on 1361839648, Ushwood wrote:
. , . , - ?
... . , .  :)

: Re:
Ushwood 26.02.2013 04:13:10
, , - . (, "" ) , , . , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 26.02.2013 04:15:22

on 1361839522, Ushwood wrote:
, , ? (, , ).  
- ( ... ) , , . ;D

2 : ( ) " " " "?

, .

: Re:
Ushwood 26.02.2013 04:17:25
2Green Eyes: . , , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 26.02.2013 04:20:35
2Ushwood: . ;)

: Re:
Ushwood 26.02.2013 04:45:59
2Green Eyes: .
. , - , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 26.02.2013 05:08:36

on 1361843159, Ushwood wrote:
. , - , .
- ? , , ( ). , . , . , .

- . ( ) .

: Re:
26.02.2013 05:16:59
2Green Eyes:
on 1361841190, Ushwood wrote:
(, "" ) , , .

- .
2Ushwood: " "?  :)

: Re:
Ushwood 26.02.2013 06:38:53

on 1361844516, Green Eyes wrote:
, .
. . - ... , , - .

on 1361845019, wrote:
" "?
, , - , .

: Re:
Legend 26.02.2013 06:54:57

on 1361835088, wrote:
2Legend: , ! -   13:19:34, Legend (a):

. , , , ?  
13:19:34, Legend (a):
, "" .  
 - ? ? :D
- , , .  
, "" - . ?  

, ? , .

on 1361841190, Ushwood wrote:
, , - . (, "" ) , , . , .  
, - . - , . , , ?

: Re: Re: #1464
Lion 26.02.2013 06:56:34

on 1361849933, Ushwood wrote:
- ... , , - .
, .

on 1361849933, Ushwood wrote:
. .

on 1361849933, Ushwood wrote:
, , - , .
, -
. ;D

P.S. .  ;)
, . :shuffle:

: Re: Re: #1464
Ushwood 26.02.2013 07:08:15
2Lion: F=m1*m2*r/r^3 ( ). , ?

: Re: Re: #1464
Ushwood 26.02.2013 07:10:01

on 1361850897, Legend wrote:
, ?  
, . -: , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 26.02.2013 07:12:46
: , "" . "" () , ?

"" - , , , .

: Re: Re: #1464
Lion 26.02.2013 07:19:17
2Ushwood: . . :D

2Ushwood & : , . ::)


: Re: Re: #1464
Lion 26.02.2013 07:21:59

on 1361851966, Green Eyes wrote:
: , "" . "" () , ?  
, .

on 1361851966, Green Eyes wrote:
"" - , , , .  
, - , . .

: Re: Re: #1464
Green Eyes 26.02.2013 07:33:51

on 1361852519, Lion wrote:
, - , . .
- .

, .

on 1361852519, Lion wrote:
, .
- . .

: Re: Re: #1464
Lion 26.02.2013 07:49:37
2Green Eyes: ? . ( ) - ( ).
, .

, , - .

: Re: Re: #1464
Green Eyes 26.02.2013 07:59:40

on 1361854177, Lion wrote:
, , - .  
- ? ( ) " ".

- . , .

: Re: Re: #1464
Ushwood 26.02.2013 08:21:36

on 1361852357, Lion wrote:
, .
1. .
2. - ?

: Re: Re: #1464
Lion 26.02.2013 08:23:45
2Green Eyes: , . : " " ;D

? . . .

: ( ).
, . , ("") .

. . ( , )

90 .

: Re: Re: #1464
Lion 26.02.2013 08:28:23

on 1361856096, Ushwood wrote:
1. .
. :)

on 1361856096, Ushwood wrote:
2. - ?
, , F=G*m1*m2*r/r^3.
) .

, , : , . :)

- , . :shuffle:


. .

: Re: Re: #1464
26.02.2013 08:37:45

on 1361850897, Legend wrote:
, ? , .  

. , , , , .  :(

: Re: Re: #1464
26.02.2013 08:54:59
on 1361852357, Lion wrote:
, .
, , , , () . , , - , , . ? , - ?

: Re: Re: #1464
Lion 26.02.2013 08:56:31
2 : Legend'a - . - , .  :D
. .

2Legend: , .

on 1361834374, Legend wrote:
.  :)

, , - .

? : .  ;)

: Re:
Legend 26.02.2013 09:08:40
on 1361851801, Ushwood wrote:
, . -: , .  
: . . , , , ? : , (.. )?

2Green Eyes:
- ? ( ) " ".
. , . . ( ) . .

, .  : rolleyes :
- "" . ? , , ? =)

2 : , . - : . , .

on 1361858191, Lion wrote:
2Legend: , .
13:19:34, Legend (a):

.  :)
** ? , .

? : .  ;)
, . , .

: Re: Re: #1464
Lion 26.02.2013 09:10:45
2 : , .  ::)

, ( ), . , .  :D

( . ), - . , , . , , , .. .


-, , . .. , .

: Re: Re: #1464
26.02.2013 09:11:57

on 1361858191, Lion wrote:
, , , " " 1933 . - . .   , ?   , , , , . , , , .  :)

: Re: Re: #1464
26.02.2013 09:15:55

on 1361859045, Lion wrote:

. . , ( , ) , , .

: Re:
Legend 26.02.2013 09:18:59
2 :
, , , " " 1933 . - . .
, . : - . , - .

  , ?

: Re: Re: #1464
Lion 26.02.2013 09:21:36

on 1361858920, Legend wrote:
. , , , ? : , (.. )?  
1) .

2) , .
, , , . .  ;D

, .  ::)

on 1361858920, Legend wrote:
- "" .
- , . . , . .  ;D

on 1361858920, Legend wrote:
** ?
** .. , , .  :)

: Re: Re: #1464
26.02.2013 09:31:35

on 1361859539, Legend wrote:


on 1361834374, Legend wrote:
, "" .

- , ? , ,   (, - ) , .
- , . , -, "". , , , .

: Re: Re: #1464
Lion 26.02.2013 09:32:06

on 1361859355, wrote:
. . , ( , ) , , .  
, - , . :applause:

, . ( , )

on 1361859117, wrote:
, , , " " 1933 .
, , , , .  ;) .

on 1361859117, wrote:
  , ?
, , .
- .  ;D

- .  8)

: Re:
Legend 26.02.2013 09:33:14
- , . . , . .  ;D
. -? ? ? "" "" ? , 1 ( , ) , "" ?

on 1361859696, Lion wrote:
** .. , , .  :)
, , , , . " ", - , .

: Re: Re: #1464
Lion 26.02.2013 09:36:40

on 1361860295, wrote:
- , ?
, . ;D

, .

- . .

: Re:
Legend 26.02.2013 09:40:52
2 : , "" . "" , , . , . , .. .

: Re:
26.02.2013 09:42:34

on 1361860394, Legend wrote:

on 1361859696, Lion wrote:

. ( ) .

: Re:
26.02.2013 09:45:21

on 1361860852, Legend wrote:
"" , ,  

, . , . " , ". , ? , .  :D

: Re:
Lion 26.02.2013 09:53:02

on 1361860852, Legend wrote:
, "" . "" , , .
. :up:
2 : 1) - -.  :(
( , )

2)   ,
, "" . , .

: Re:
Legend 26.02.2013 09:53:25
2 :
, . , . " , ". , ? , .  :D

on 1361834374, Legend wrote:
"", .. ,

- , "" .
, () . , - . , . , , , - 180 , - , . , , , .

: Re:
26.02.2013 09:55:34

on 1361859539, Legend wrote:
- .

- ? ?
.. .

: Re:
Legend 26.02.2013 09:56:37
, "" . "" , , .
. : up :
. , , , . , ? , " ?" - , . , , -. ?

2 :
- ? ?
, . . - , - . ?

: Re:
26.02.2013 09:59:38

on 1361861605, Legend wrote:
, () .
, Ш , Ш! ! !
on 1361861605, Legend wrote:
, ,
, . . , 0 360, , . :)

: Re:
Lion 26.02.2013 10:02:08
2Legend: , ?

on 1361861605, Legend wrote:
, , , - 180 , - , .
" , ." /

: Re:
26.02.2013 10:03:26

on 1361861582, Lion wrote:
( , )

- ! , , , , , - . ;) :)
- ? - - .  ;D

: Re:
Legend 26.02.2013 10:09:11
2 :
, Ш , Ш! !
, - ? . , ? *.

, . . , 0 360, , .
, , . : - , , ( , ), . , , .

, ?

" , ." /
, ?

: Re:
26.02.2013 10:15:14

on 1361862551, Legend wrote:

on 1361862551, Legend wrote:
- ,  

˸, - , , , . , . .  ;D

: Re:
Lion 26.02.2013 10:15:16

on 1361861797, Legend wrote:
, , -. ?  
1) -, . , , , - , .
2) . .
3) - . ". ."

2 : - ?
0 360 ? 90 ?
" " - .

: Re:
26.02.2013 10:23:59

on 1361862551, Legend wrote:
, - ? . , ?  
- . , . . , , , , - 90 . - .

: Re:
Lion 26.02.2013 10:26:12

on 1361862206, wrote:
- !
Legend , . - . :gigi:

on 1361862206, wrote:
- ?
. - ( ). , .

- . .

on 1361862551, Legend wrote:
, , .  
. - .

, . ? ?  ;)

on 1361862914, wrote:

: Re:
26.02.2013 10:34:40

on 1361862916, Lion wrote:
0 360 ? 90 ?
" " - .

? , , . 90 , 180 , 360 - , .
( )? 0 ? 360 ?
- , - , , , ( - ) , .

: Re:
Lion 26.02.2013 10:35:21
2 : . :

on 1361863439, wrote:
- 90 .
( ) 90 ., 100. 90.  ::)

- , 90 .

: Re:
Lion 26.02.2013 10:43:11
2 : - .

0 90 , ( ) , .

on 1361864080, wrote:
( )? 0 ? 360 ?  
- .
.. () , . .. 90 .

- 0 360 , - , .

: Re:
26.02.2013 10:45:49

on 1361864121, Lion wrote:
- , 90 .

, , , - ! . . , , . - - ?
, "" "", "."?

: Re:
Lion 26.02.2013 10:52:19

on 1361864749, wrote:
, , , - !  
, .  ;)

on 1361864749, wrote:
"" - . .


.  ::)

: Re:
26.02.2013 10:58:20

on 1361865139, Lion wrote:
"" - .  
, "" - " ". - "." ( ) "", "" - .

: Re:
Lion 26.02.2013 11:01:08

on 1361864749, wrote:
, , .
3) ( )
4) ( )
5) ( http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%98%D0%BA%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%B0%D1%8D%D0%B4%D1%80)
6) ( )

on 1361865500, wrote:
"" - .  
, . .

on 1361864080, wrote:
. 90 , 180 , 360 - , .  
( )? 0 ? 360 ?  

: Re:
Legend 26.02.2013 11:55:34
2 :
- . , . . , , , , - 90 . - .
--, '. , .

1) -, . , , , - , .
, ? ,
2) . .
, ? ?

3) - . ". ."
, , , , , , , - , :D ?

on 1361863572, Lion wrote:
Legend , . - . : gigi :
, - , , . , . ?

on 1361863572, Lion wrote:
, . ? ?  ;)
, , . . , . .

on 1361864121, Lion wrote:
- , 90 .  
, , , , (). , ? **, .

: Re:
MAn 26.02.2013 12:40:22
, . .
, - - , - , :)

: Re:
Lion 26.02.2013 17:00:05

on 1361868934, Legend wrote:
, ?
, . . , - .

on 1361868934, Legend wrote:
, .

2MAn: :D

, . , . , , . ( , )

: Re:
26.02.2013 21:02:37
2MAn: - . , (˸) .
2Legend: , - . .

: Re:
Lion 26.02.2013 21:35:11
2 : , .

, . . :)


: Re:
Legend 26.02.2013 22:06:21
2MAn: - , ( - ), . . , , - , , . , .

2Lion: , , . - , (, ), .

, .
- ?

2 :
on 1361903711, Lion wrote:
, . . :) .  
- " "? , . , .

: Re:
26.02.2013 22:15:47

on 1361903711, Lion wrote:

, - , . , , . :)

on 1361905581, Legend wrote:
, ? - , , (, , ). , - , ( ?) (), (). - - . , , ( ) "" - "", .
, . ( ), - , .  

: Re:
Legend 26.02.2013 22:38:52
2 :
on 1361906147, wrote:
, , . :)
- ˸ , , - . , .

, ?
? ? , - - . , , ( ) . . ? .

, - , ( ?) (), ().
, , - , , , ( , ), .., , , - , , - -, .

, .
, - ?

: Re:
26.02.2013 23:01:39

on 1361907532, Legend wrote:
, - - .
". . - . , . .  :)

on 1361907532, Legend wrote:
, . - , , , . , ? 5 , ϸ.

: Re:
arheolog 26.02.2013 23:46:03
, , , . , , , . , ( =) ) , =) .

: Re:
Legend 26.02.2013 23:54:41
2 :
5 , ϸ.

". . - . , . .  :)

on 1361911563, arheolog wrote:
, , , . , , , . , ( =) ) , =) .  
, , , .

2arheolog: :)

: Re:
27.02.2013 05:12:14
2Legend: . -  

on 1361839266, wrote:
, , , . ( 10 ) , . , . - ! , .  

, , "" , , , , - . - , - .  

, , .

: Re:
Legend 27.02.2013 05:28:21
2 : , -, (, , , ), , . , , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 27.02.2013 06:30:51
2arheolog: , .

: [offtop] , , - ( ).[/offtop]

: Re:
27.02.2013 07:25:32

on 1361932101, Legend wrote:
, .      

, - ? , , . , , , , - .

: Re:
arheolog 27.02.2013 08:11:13
2 :
? , , . , , , .

: Re:
Lion 27.02.2013 08:52:39
2arheolog: . :)

: Re:
27.02.2013 08:59:52
2arheolog: , , , - . , , , ,   - . , , - , . "" .
, , , , , , , , , - - . - " ", .

: Re:
Legend 27.02.2013 11:18:37
2 :
, - ?
, ? , ,
on 1361939132, wrote:

: Re:
27.02.2013 19:46:35

on 1361953117, Legend wrote:
, ,

? . , ? , - ( , - , - ).
, . , . .

on 1361834374, Legend wrote:

on 1361859117, wrote:
, , " " 1933 .

on 1361859539, Legend wrote:
, . :

˸, . , , . - . - , , . , . , .

: Re:
arheolog 27.02.2013 21:13:30
2 :
, , =) , =)
, , , , .

: Re:
27.02.2013 23:45:27
. -
on 1361983595, wrote:

. , , ? , . , .
˸ , . - - ", , ". , - , , . - , , .
, "" - , , .

: Re:
Strax5 28.02.2013 01:02:38

: Re:
Korchy 28.02.2013 01:23:15

: Re:
Ushwood 28.02.2013 02:29:43

: Re:
jarni 28.02.2013 04:12:19
on 1362002558, Strax5 wrote:
. ;)

- . .

: Re:
Korchy 09.03.2013 17:52:00
, , .
- ? , , : - , 100 ( , ), - , 700. : , - , - ? - ? , . . , - :)

: Re:
10.03.2013 07:04:31
2Korchy: .  ;) - . .

: Re:
Korchy 10.03.2013 07:06:56
2 :
. - , .

: Re:
10.03.2013 07:24:22
2Korchy: , . - . - - , , 1 .
2-3 - , , - - , , , , ( ) - +++ .
, . .

: Re:
MAn 10.03.2013 08:25:02
, () - .

: Re:
10.03.2013 20:01:24
2MAn: . ( , ) . (, , , ..) "" " 666", - - . , , ( - )   . - ... ... , - , - , , ( ) - , .

: Re:
Strax5 11.03.2013 17:37:05
2Korchy: .
, , - 1 , - ( ).

: Re:
Korchy 11.03.2013 19:12:50
. , . . - ? ? - , ?

: Re:
Strax5 11.03.2013 19:29:08
. , . , 300 , .
- .

. .

: Re:
Korchy 11.03.2013 19:44:41

on 1363019348, Strax5 wrote:
, . , 300 ,

. . 180 .

: Re:
Strax5 11.03.2013 23:00:07
"" - .

: Re:
bugmonster 15.03.2013 02:01:55
1) .
2) , .. . Pinot Noir ( ).
3) ( , ).

: Re:
Korchy 15.03.2013 04:42:58
. - .

: Re:
Green Eyes 24.03.2013 08:41:37
( - , , ), ( , , )? ( ) - .

[offtop] ? ( - ) - , ( .. , ). , "" " ".
: , ( ( ) - ).[/offtop]

. - ? - , ?

: [offtop] - ( ""), . , "" "", , . .[/offtop]

2: [offtop] - , . (, , ). -1 .[/offtop]

3: [offtop], ( ). : " ", " ", " ". , ( ). , .[/offtop]

4: [offtop] ( ) , . ( ). .[/offtop]

: Re:
MAn 24.03.2013 11:40:18

on 1364103697, Green Eyes wrote:
( , , )?

, ?
, .
, - .

on 1364103697, Green Eyes wrote:
. - ? - , ?

- .
, , , , , . . , .

: Re:
24.03.2013 18:03:22
2Green Eyes:  
on 1364103697, Green Eyes wrote:

. - ( - , "" ), ?
, . ( , 40 - " -", , ). ( !). - ( 1939 - -). .., - - (, , ), .
- ( - , , - , , , ). "", , , , - , , .
, ( , ), .  :)

: Re:
Green Eyes 24.03.2013 20:35:41
, - , " " ? .

on 1364114418, MAn wrote:
, .  
- [offtop] ( , ). , , , , . ( ) - , - , - " ". - "" - 1905 , ( , ). "" , , , . " ", ( ) ( - ). , " " ( ), ( ).[/offtop]
- - , . " ". :)
? - , ( , - "").

on 1364137402, wrote:
- ( - , "" ), ?  
- , . ( ). , , - , -. - ( , ).

on 1364137402, wrote:
- [offtop] , .[/offtop]

[offtop] . - . 20- . ( , - , ). .[/offtop]

: Re:
Korchy 24.03.2013 21:40:22
2Green Eyes:
. , ? - - , , , , . . . , - - ? . , , , , . , , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 24.03.2013 23:50:34

on 1364150422, Korchy wrote:
- [offtop] , . , - . , . . :)[/offtop]

: Re:
Strax5 26.03.2013 01:25:32
. , , . , .
() .
. , .

- .

. , , , , , , , .

: Re:
bugmonster 26.03.2013 02:05:31
2Green Eyes:  
( , , )?

, ? , ?

, :
1) , , .
2) , @@ , . " " .
3) . , , . . .

, 90- . , , .

: Re:
26.03.2013 06:16:34
2bugmonster: . , , ( , !) . , , , 22 ...

: Re:
Strax5 26.03.2013 19:28:38
. .
, : , , ( , ).
, , . , .

. .
, - . ( 70 ) , - .
. , , . : , , , , ( ), , .
( )- ( - , ? - , ). "" - . , ( , , ). " " . .
. . . .

, , .


: Re:
26.03.2013 22:46:25
2Strax5: , , - . , , , :
on 1364315318, Strax5 wrote:
, , ( )
, . , .
( , , - , , ) , . , . - , , , .

: ...
shoalqiar 20.05.2013 22:09:02
- ?  ;D

: Re: ...
Green Eyes 20.05.2013 22:29:26

on 1369076942, shoalqiar wrote:
- ?
- .

: Re:
Music Volume 20.05.2013 23:54:51
- )) FAQ | - ?)

: Re:
Strax5 21.05.2013 00:07:04
, . , , , .

: Re:
Music Volume 21.05.2013 00:16:54
, ?  ;) ))

: Re:
Strax5 21.05.2013 00:55:45

. OFF . , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 21.05.2013 02:40:52
: ...

, . , "" , ?

, , , 8, OICW ..?

, , - SCAR - ( ) .

: Re:
Music Volume 24.05.2013 06:07:17
? ?

: Re:
Legend 24.05.2013 06:23:27
2Music Volume: , - , .

: Re:
Lion 24.05.2013 06:24:49
2Legend: .
- - .  ;)

: Re:
Legend 24.05.2013 06:28:11
2Lion: , ?

: Re:
Lion 24.05.2013 06:30:13
2Legend: , . .
, - , , .  ;)

: Re:
Legend 24.05.2013 06:32:09
2Lion: .. . . ?

: Re:
Lion 24.05.2013 06:36:03
2Legend: - - .  :)

: Re:
Legend 24.05.2013 06:39:58
2Lion: , . , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 24.05.2013 07:12:57

on 1369364837, Music Volume wrote:
? ?  
- , , ? - .

: Re:
Music Volume 24.05.2013 08:49:25
2Green Eyes:

on 1369368777, Green Eyes wrote:
- , , ?

, ... , ( ), . , . , .

: Re:
Music Volume 24.05.2013 08:51:27
2Legend: )

: Re:
Ushwood 24.05.2013 08:53:49
2Music Volume: , .

: Re:
Music Volume 24.05.2013 08:57:24
2Ushwood:   , )) -

: Re:
Legend 24.05.2013 09:14:37
2Music Volume: , . - , - , - .

: Re:
Music Volume 24.05.2013 09:32:13
2Legend: ;D  , ))

: Re:
Strax5 24.05.2013 18:27:12

on 1369376077, Legend wrote:
, . - , - , - .

- , , AG   - - .

: Re:
Music Volume 26.05.2013 19:40:20
ja2.su ,   ja2.su ?

: Re:
Korchy 26.05.2013 20:12:29

on 1369586420, Music Volume wrote:

http://forum.ja2.su/YaBBImages/yabblogo.gif  ;)

: Re:
Music Volume 27.05.2013 08:26:30
2Korchy: , ;) ,

: Re:
Music Volume 28.05.2013 03:44:31
? ;)

: Re:
Lion 28.05.2013 03:49:27
2Music Volume: . ...

: Re:
Vitalatar 27.06.2013 18:29:07
. , , , , , -? "", , - "". ? ? ? ? -, . - ::)

: Re:
Strax5 27.06.2013 18:59:57
. . . .

1.13 - . . . .

NO. JA1 JA2. . .


: Re:
Vitalatar 27.06.2013 19:23:11
! , ?
? ;)
" "? . - ?

: Re:
bugmonster 27.06.2013 21:19:50
2Vitalatar: :
1. bitComposer Jagged Alliance: Back in action, JA2, , , JA2.
2. , Jagged Alliance: Back in action: Crossfire, , , Deadly Games.
3. ( ) Jagged Alliance Online.
4. Full Control . Jagged Alliance Flashback , . PayPal 15 , $10.

: Re:
Vitalatar 27.06.2013 21:42:13
;D 2, 2 1.13, 2 , , , ? , back in action ?

: Re:
KombaT 27.06.2013 21:52:45

on 1372357190, bugmonster wrote:
Crossfire, ,

, Back in action, , ,

: Re:
Green Eyes 28.06.2013 06:08:15

on 1372348797, Strax5 wrote:
- [offtop], . " ". , - , . ;)[/offtop]

: Re:
Kestrel 01.11.2013 11:59:23
. ?
. ?

: Re:
Legend 01.11.2013 12:09:44
2Kestrel: , ;)

: Re:
Airbus 01.11.2013 18:05:26
2Legend: =) , . , -5; , ( 4-). "", , 45% . ... ;D

: Re:
Green Eyes 01.11.2013 18:06:44

on 1383296984, Legend wrote:
- ? .

on 1383296363, Kestrel wrote:
- , - . - .

. . ::)

: Re:
Lestan 01.11.2013 21:11:50

on 1383296363, Kestrel wrote:
. ?
.  :)

: Re:
Luficer 01.11.2013 21:55:25
. .

: Re:
Legend 01.11.2013 22:16:12
2Airbus: , , . , , . , . :)

: Re:
Luficer 01.11.2013 22:47:12
2Legend: - , ... ::)

: Re:
Legend 01.11.2013 22:57:00
2Luficer: . ;D

: Re:
Kestrel 01.11.2013 22:59:14

on 1383318404, Green Eyes wrote:
- , - . - . . .

1) . , . 100% , , .
2) .........

: Re:
Luficer 01.11.2013 23:19:24
2Legend: ? ;D "&"

on 1381184328, Luficer wrote:
highscreen boost 4000+

, , . 6000 :


Android 4.1
5 , 1280 x 720, 294 ppi
4- Snapdragon S4 Play 1,2
2 , microSD
GPS, Bluetooth 4.0
3000 + 6000
: 140 x 68,6 x 9,8 / 15
: 151 / 202 .

: 11

: Re:
Luficer 01.11.2013 23:31:22

on 1383335954, Kestrel wrote:
100% ,

, . .

on 1383335954, Kestrel wrote:

, ... ... . :)

: Re:
Airbus 01.11.2013 23:44:55
, , . , Windows . Linux . , . , , . :)

: Re:
Kestrel 01.11.2013 23:45:55
2Luficer: , ?
. .
, ....

: Re:
Luficer 02.11.2013 00:43:31

on 1383338755, Kestrel wrote:
, ?


- , . , . vs 16 :)

? ? ! - . - , . .
on 1383338755, Kestrel wrote:
. .
( - , ) . . . . -.

. , , .

: Re:
Kestrel 02.11.2013 01:06:48
2Luficer: , . , , . )))
, , , , .

: Re:
Legend 02.11.2013 01:29:29
: 151 / 202
! ! S4 mini, 4, :o

: Re:
Luficer 02.11.2013 01:32:37

on 1383343608, Kestrel wrote:

8) - . , .

on 1383343608, Kestrel wrote:
, . , , .

. & ( ;) ) . , , . , ( :lamer: ) . -.

: Re:
Luficer 02.11.2013 01:38:04

on 1383344969, Legend wrote:
! !  


, , . , ?

: Re:
Kestrel 02.11.2013 01:54:20
2Luficer: ,   , , .
, , . , " ?".

: Re:
02.11.2013 04:13:27
2Luficer:  ;D
- - 5,7", 2300. - , , ...
, , THL, . 6 , .

: Re:
Legend 02.11.2013 04:21:14
2Luficer: ( ), ;D

: Re:
Green Eyes 12.12.2013 04:12:31
, - ( ). . ... ?
, (, , ..) ?
, ( - ).

, ( ... ) . .

: Re:
Legend 12.12.2013 05:49:59
2Green Eyes: -. , , . .

: Re:
Korchy 12.12.2013 06:02:24
2Green Eyes:
. , , , , .. , , , - . - .

: Re:
Green Eyes 12.12.2013 19:44:46

on 1386817344, Korchy wrote:
- , - . ::)

, " iptv - ". :D

: Re:
Legend 13.12.2013 05:30:17
2Green Eyes:
" iptv - ".

: Re:
Green Eyes 30.01.2014 08:33:02
- :

( ), , , ... , ?
, , , - , ( ) . .
" " - ? - 40 ( 700 ). . ::)
, , . , . , , . , , . :)

: Re:
Lion 30.01.2014 08:58:39

on 1391059982, Green Eyes wrote:
, , . :)
(Air Force One)

: Re:
Green Eyes 30.01.2014 10:33:56
2Lion: . :D

: Re:
Legend 30.01.2014 12:29:27
2Green Eyes: , , .
, . , - . , , , -, .

: Re:
Green Eyes 30.01.2014 21:24:42

on 1391074167, Legend wrote:
, , , -, .
- , , - ( ). - .

: Re:
Lion 30.01.2014 23:48:17
2Legend: , , .
, ( , ), .



- . , - . - . - , - , - (, ) , , , .

: Re:
Legend 31.01.2014 01:13:17
2Lion: , . "" . , , .
, - , . , ? ;)

, ? :puke: -.
-, - ( , ) - , , . - - , , ..

- . , - . - . - , - , - (, ) , , , .
, ˸, , ? ?().

: Re:
Lion 31.01.2014 01:43:44

on 1391119997, Legend wrote:
-, - ( , )
. . "" MGM, --.

on 1391119997, Legend wrote:
"" .

on 1391119997, Legend wrote:
, ˸, , ?

: Re:
Green Eyes 31.01.2014 02:47:15

on 1391119997, Legend wrote:
- - . , . , . , , , . :)
, .

, , . - , - " " "". - .
, , ( , ?).

: Re:
Legend 31.01.2014 02:49:07
, , - =)

, "" .

. . . "" - . , - . , .

: Re:
Lion 31.01.2014 02:55:21

on 1391125747, Legend wrote:
, , - =)
" !" , . ( , ).
" !" " ", .

on 1391125635, Green Eyes wrote:
- .

: Re:
Legend 31.01.2014 03:56:32
" !" " ", .
? , 12 . ", ". , - , . .

: Re:
Lion 31.01.2014 04:01:09
2Legend: , .  ;)

" !" ( ) , ( -  ;) ), .

: Re:
31.01.2014 04:02:05

on 1391125747, Legend wrote:
, -

, , ( , , , , , , - ), , ,   - .

: Re:
Legend 31.01.2014 04:13:54
2Lion: . :D "" ;)

2 : . . , , . , . .. , - , - , . , , - , . - , - .

: Re:
31.01.2014 04:26:19

on 1391130834, Legend wrote:

, , . . , . :)

: Re:
Legend 31.01.2014 07:17:55
2 : , .. , , ڸ ? :crazy: , , vs. , , . , .

: Re:
31.01.2014 08:28:32
2Legend: , , ? , , ( ). , , , - , . , ? . - ? - .

: Re:
Legend 31.01.2014 09:23:40
2 : , , ? , , , , ?

, ?
, , . ", " "". .

? (, , ), - . . , , . , .

: Re:
31.01.2014 09:38:07

on 1391149420, Legend wrote:
, .

- . . :)
. , . - , - ( - ), . , , , . , . - . , . :)

. .
, ?

: Re:
Lion 31.01.2014 09:41:46
2 : [offtop] :
" - .

: Re:
Legend 31.01.2014 11:05:51
2 : . " , - - ". , ( ), . , -.

, ?
? ;D

2Lion: ? ? :spy:

: Re:
Lion 31.01.2014 12:06:29

on 1391155551, Legend wrote:
? ? :spy:

. . - , .

. - . : " ".

. ::)

: Re:
Legend 31.01.2014 13:21:46
- , .
. , , . , , , =)

: Re:
Lion 31.01.2014 17:47:48

on 1391163706, Legend wrote:
, , .
, .  ;)

, Legend , .[offtop]The lioness has rejoined her cub, and all is right in the jungle[/offtop]

: Re:
01.02.2014 04:01:08

on 1391179668, Lion wrote:
, Legend , .

, . .

: Re:
Legend 01.02.2014 04:09:52
2: , . .

: Re:
Lion 01.02.2014 04:17:25
2: . , . :shuffle:

: Re:
Green Eyes 01.02.2014 04:32:23

on 1391216992, Legend wrote:
, . .
- [offtop] . ;D
-, - ( " " " "), .
, . , . ;D[/offtop]

, -.

: Re:
Legend 01.02.2014 05:14:46
2Green Eyes: .

: Re:
Green Eyes 01.02.2014 06:24:44
, . : http://chtoes.li/page/diamond

: Re:
Green Eyes 13.02.2014 06:40:06
, mp4, avi?

: Re:
Green Eyes 06.03.2014 04:52:24
, (!) (?)?

: Re:
Legend 06.03.2014 04:56:35
2Green Eyes: ? ? ?

: Re:
Green Eyes 06.03.2014 05:16:35

on 1394070995, Legend wrote:
? ? ?  
- ... . ;D .

: Re:
aazmav 07.03.2014 01:56:04
, , , , ?

: Re:
Green Eyes 07.03.2014 05:45:16

on 1394146564, aazmav wrote:
, , , , ?  
- : " - " ( - - ). , - (), - , . . ;D

: Re:
Korchy 15.04.2014 01:31:36
(-) : , , . ?  >:(

: Re:
Lion 15.04.2014 01:37:28
2Korchy: .  ;)

: Re:
Legend 15.04.2014 01:51:43
2Korchy: 8)

: Re:
Green Eyes 15.04.2014 06:07:35

on 1397514696, Korchy wrote:
- . . ;)

: Re:
Green Eyes 30.06.2014 18:46:38
"?", "?" "?"

- :

1. , - - " ", . , , .

2. . ( ) , - \ .

, ?

: Re:
Legend 01.07.2014 00:10:59
2Green Eyes: , , - . , . , , - . , :P

: Re:
Green Eyes 01.07.2014 00:51:01

on 1404162659, Legend wrote:
- , . , .

: Re:
Legend 01.07.2014 01:16:11
2Green Eyes: , ;) (, ) ( ) ( ), , . , , .

: Re:
Ushwood 01.07.2014 01:49:08

on 1404143198, Green Eyes wrote:
1. , - - " ", . , , .  
. , , . - .

: Re:
Green Eyes 01.07.2014 02:19:45

on 1404168548, Ushwood wrote:
. , , . - .  
- , , , . . - , . , . ::)

- ? .


: Re:
Legend 01.07.2014 03:58:43
2Green Eyes: . , , . .

: Re:
Korchy 02.07.2014 02:08:53

, , , , - ?

: Re:
Green Eyes 02.07.2014 04:19:05

on 1404256133, Korchy wrote:
, , , , - ?  
- . ;D

: Re:
Korchy 04.09.2014 05:44:05
? , - . :(

: Re:
Green Eyes 04.09.2014 05:50:56

on 1409798645, Korchy wrote:
- , . - . "" , ( ).

. ::)

, ( ) ? , .
, \ . , . :P

: Re:
Korchy 04.09.2014 07:09:31

on 1409799056, Green Eyes wrote:
- .

. .

: Re:
Green Eyes 04.09.2014 17:55:00

on 1409803771, Korchy wrote:
- . ( ?!). .

, ( ..) .

- ( 90- ).

: Re:
jarni 05.09.2014 20:27:53

on 1409842500, Green Eyes wrote:
"", ? , ø . - ,  :)

: Re:
Green Eyes 05.09.2014 20:45:10

on 1409938073, jarni wrote:
- [offtop] (, , ). . ;D , , - " " - . , , , , , , , , .. ( ). - . ;)[/offtop]

on 1409938073, jarni wrote:
- ,
- -. . - , , .

? ? \ , . . :)

: Re:
jarni 05.09.2014 21:22:21
2Green Eyes:
on 1409939110, Green Eyes wrote:
, , .

on 1409939110, Green Eyes wrote:
"" , , , . " " , . , , , .

, , "" . , , , ( ), , , , "/" .

on 1409939110, Green Eyes wrote:
" " - - , .

on 1409939110, Green Eyes wrote:
, *, , ;). .

- . ( ) ? , , ( , ) .

: Re:
KombaT 05.09.2014 21:41:12

on 1409941341, jarni wrote:
- . ( ) ?


: Re:
jarni 05.09.2014 21:48:43
on 1409942472, KombaT wrote:
, , ;)

on 1409942472, KombaT wrote:
. ... , , . , , "".

, , , :D

: Re:
05.09.2014 21:50:03
2jarni: , , , "", " " . , , , . "" - , "" . ( ) " ", " , " " ".
, , " ", - .
, ? . "",  , ( , ). , , , , , , , , .

: Re:
Strax5 05.09.2014 21:53:42
, . " " - . " ", .

. . , " non bis in idem..." - , , , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 05.09.2014 21:58:09

on 1409941341, jarni wrote:
, , .
- . . -, , , , , . ( , ), . :D
- . , . , , , "", , , , . "" . . ( ) - .
" ". .

on 1409942472, KombaT wrote:
- ( ) , . , ", " ", -" . , - . " " . :)

on 1409941341, jarni wrote:
- . ( ) ?
- , ? - , " - ". - - . - . ;)
. , . , , , . , . , " ", " , , ?" ? ::)

- , , . ;D

: Re:
KombaT 05.09.2014 22:09:42
, , - ( , , )

on 1409942923, jarni wrote:

, , , , - , , , , - :
" , ?"

ps^ ( ), , ( 0 ,   ).. , (  :D),  ;)
( ) 6 , ..  ;)
pss^  ;)

: Re:
KombaT 05.09.2014 22:10:09
2 : ))
,   :D

: Re:
jarni 05.09.2014 22:10:33
2 : . , . , " " , , , , "", , , "", "".

on 1409943489, Green Eyes wrote:
, , , .

on 1409943489, Green Eyes wrote:
, , , .
, . , , ( 600 ) - .

2KombaT: (, , ) - , , . , , "" - , , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 05.09.2014 22:16:00

on 1409944233, jarni wrote:
- .
- , , ( , - -) "", "", "", "" .. ( , ) .

on 1409944233, jarni wrote:
, , , .
- "" "" - . , . "" , ( ) , . (, ) " " ( , ) - .

( ) - , . . . .

: Re:
05.09.2014 22:29:05

on 1409944233, jarni wrote:
, ( 600 ) - .  

. - , - . "" - , , . , , , , " " " ", "", " " " ". . - , ( , ). , ... - .

: Re:
Green Eyes 06.09.2014 04:41:01

on 1409945345, wrote:
- . , (, ) -. . :(

: Re:
Legend 06.09.2014 08:35:45
, , ;D * *

"" . .
, , ? :spy: ;D

, *, , ;). .

, , ... - =)

, , , :D
, , . , , . , , . ?

, , , - - . . , , . .


, , , :(

: Re:
Green Eyes 06.09.2014 08:58:44

on 1409981745, Legend wrote:
- . :P

: Re:
Green Eyes 08.09.2014 22:34:34
, - :

. , , 3 , - , 7 .

, ?

: Re:
Legend 09.09.2014 00:03:43
2Green Eyes: ? , ( , , :o) , , , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 09.09.2014 00:53:25
2Legend: . , - . "", ( 4- , Wi-Fi ). .
, , , . 7- - ( +, - ). , .

: Re:
Korchy 09.09.2014 00:55:44
- . .

: Re:
Green Eyes 09.09.2014 01:02:40

on 1410213344, Korchy wrote:
- . .

: Re:
jarni 09.09.2014 02:52:33
on 1409981745, Legend wrote:
, "", .

on 1409981745, Legend wrote:
, - ( ). , - , .

on 1409981745, Legend wrote:
? , ;). , ( , ), . .

: Re:
Legend 09.09.2014 02:59:10
, "", .
. "" , , , . .. " " , . , , .


: Re:
Korchy 09.09.2014 04:43:04

on 1410213760, Green Eyes wrote:
- . .

, , , .

: Re:
KombaT 09.09.2014 05:28:14

on 1410226984, Korchy wrote:
, , ,

, , ..
", "

: Re:
Green Eyes 09.09.2014 05:41:51

on 1410226984, Korchy wrote:
, , , .
- 0 , 0 . ;)

- .

, - \ (, , ).

: Re:
Legend 09.09.2014 06:14:11
2Green Eyes: , . , - . , , 3 7 .

: Re:
09.09.2014 07:10:08
2Legend: , 30 70, , , ... . 3 7 - . , , - , - ! , 100 , 200...  

: Re:
KombaT 09.09.2014 07:12:55

on 1410235808, wrote:
3 7 -


: Re:
Legend 09.09.2014 11:01:07
2 : - , . , , :)

: Re:
09.09.2014 13:53:07
2Green Eyes: , - .
, , ? . - .
, - - (, -).
- , 3 , 7 - . ( , 20 , 10 ), . - .
, , 3, , 7 . - .

: Re:
Legend 09.09.2014 16:47:02
2 : , , - - ;D

: Re:
Green Eyes 09.09.2014 17:55:38
2 : . ( ) - , . ( , ). :)

. . - , , . , . :P

: Re:
Green Eyes 13.09.2014 17:55:26
. ?

- ( ). . ( , , ).

- , - . , ( ), .

? . , , . , . . ( - ).

: Re:
Korchy 13.09.2014 18:10:44
- :)

: Re:
Green Eyes 13.09.2014 18:56:31

on 1410621044, Korchy wrote:
- . :P

: Re:
VVA 14.09.2014 00:27:09
, , -.. , , ..
- ! - , - ! !!
- , - . - __ ! , -...

: Re:
Korchy 05.10.2014 06:13:27
" " 5-10, ? - , , , .

: Re:
Strax5 05.10.2014 06:27:33
, .

: Re:
Legend 05.10.2014 07:02:07
2Korchy: . - , TeamViewer - , , , . , , , , . , . , - , . , , , ____ . , , , .

: Re:
Korchy 05.10.2014 17:45:10
- " " . - .

: Re:
Airbus 05.10.2014 20:16:25
2Korchy: . , . - .

: Re:
Green Eyes 05.10.2014 23:51:11
2Korchy: , - . , . :)
( ) . , ( ).

- . , . - "" " " -, ( , ) .

, ? ( , ).
, , ( ) , - . :P

: Re:
Legend 06.10.2014 00:16:01
2Green Eyes: , " ". - - . . , . (www.livetv.sx ), . , - , , , , =) , , . - .

, , :spy: , ! :maniac:

: Re:
Green Eyes 06.10.2014 00:39:02
, - ( ) ?

( ). :P

: Re:
Strax5 06.10.2014 17:52:33

on 1412542271, Green Eyes wrote:
, ? ( , ).
, , ( ) , - .  

" ". , .
, . : / , - ""...

: Re:
Green Eyes 06.10.2014 18:01:55

on 1412607153, Strax5 wrote:
, .  
- (, , -). - ( ).

on 1412607153, Strax5 wrote:
- ? [offtop] . - ( - , - ). , . :)

- . (- , ).

, , ( , ). . . .[/offtop]

: Re:
Strax5 06.10.2014 23:51:23

on 1412607715, Green Eyes wrote:

. , , , : " ".
, .

: Re:
Green Eyes 07.10.2014 00:16:19

on 1412628683, Strax5 wrote:
" "
- [offtop]... , . . :)
, " " . , . ( , , " ").
: " - ." . .[/offtop]

: Re:
Strax5 07.10.2014 00:32:46
- . , , .
, "" , "" .

: Re:
Green Eyes 07.10.2014 00:42:18

on 1412631166, Strax5 wrote:
- .
- [offtop] . , " ". , . , .[/offtop]

on 1412631166, Strax5 wrote:
, "" , "" .  
- [offtop] . .[/offtop]

: Re:
Korchy 07.10.2014 00:49:00
, - .

: Re:
Green Eyes 07.10.2014 01:30:49

on 1412632140, Korchy wrote:
, - .
- [offtop] "" ? ?[/offtop]

: Re:
Korchy 07.10.2014 01:46:38
[offtop] , .[/offtop]

: Re:
Green Eyes 07.10.2014 02:27:20

on 1412635598, Korchy wrote:
, .
- [offtop]... " ", .[/offtop]

: Re:
Legend 07.10.2014 04:13:33
2Green Eyes: " " , , , . , , . , () 25.000 , ( - , ). .
, - , , , .. . , , , . , , - . - - , , . .

: Re:
Strax5 07.10.2014 20:30:25
, , . - . .

"", "Ltd", "" "Gmbh" .
, - . .

: Re:
Green Eyes 07.10.2014 22:19:29

on 1412703025, Strax5 wrote:
, , . - . .  
- . ;D

: Re:
Airbus 23.10.2014 08:57:13
, - ? , .

: Re:
Legend 23.10.2014 10:20:12
2Airbus: , - , . , , - ;)

: Re:
Ushwood 05.11.2014 01:43:24
, .
, , - - . , ?

. , . 15 .

: Re:
Lion 05.11.2014 01:54:10
2Ushwood: , . - .  ::)

: Re:
ThunderBird 05.11.2014 02:11:53
2Ushwood: , . .

* *


: Re:
Lion 06.11.2014 02:40:41
2Ushwood: .

* - *

* - *
* - *

P.S. .

: Re:
Ushwood 06.11.2014 03:59:01
2Lion: . , :).

: Re:
Lion 06.11.2014 04:17:58
2Ushwood: . .
.  ::)

: Re:
ThunderBird 06.11.2014 04:48:46

on 1415236678, Lion wrote:
! :D

: Re:
Legend 06.11.2014 06:11:06
2ThunderBird: 2Lion: , ? :D

: Re:
Green Eyes 06.11.2014 06:38:08
[offtop], - ( - ) , - , - . . ;)[/offtop]

on 1415230841, Lion wrote:
* - *
- , . (1, 2, 3) ?..

, - .
, - , - . , .

: Re:
Lion 06.11.2014 07:33:52
2Legend: , . ;)

: Re:
Legend 06.11.2014 08:17:00
2Green Eyes:
(1, 2, 3) ?..
. .

. , . =)

: Re:
Green Eyes 06.11.2014 09:11:33

on 1415251020, Legend wrote:
. .
- , . , "" . ;D

on 1415251020, Legend wrote:
. , . =)  
- :


, , . ;D

: Re:
06.11.2014 15:07:55
. - "". , ...

: Re:
KombaT 06.11.2014 16:08:48

on 1415254293, Green Eyes wrote:

: Re:
Green Eyes 07.11.2014 02:34:39

on 1415275675, wrote:
- . . :) "" .

- . ;D

: Re:
ThunderBird 08.11.2014 03:20:49

on 1415243466, Legend wrote:
2ThunderBird: 2Lion: , ?  
- , ;D ;D ;D

: Re:
Legend 08.11.2014 04:46:20
- ?

: Re:
Green Eyes 08.11.2014 20:27:35

on 1415406049, ThunderBird wrote:
- ,
- [offtop] ( ) . IRL. ;D[/offtop]

: Re:
ThunderBird 08.11.2014 21:12:37

on 1415411180, Legend wrote:
- ?
;D ;D

: Re:
Legend 08.11.2014 22:36:00
2Green Eyes: , , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 09.11.2014 02:00:07
2Legend: . ;)

: Re:
Legend 09.11.2014 03:05:49
2Green Eyes: , , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 09.11.2014 05:04:33

on 1415491549, Legend wrote:
, , .
- [offtop] . , .[/offtop]

: Re:
Legend 09.11.2014 06:38:07
2Green Eyes: , =)

, ?

: Re:
Green Eyes 09.11.2014 06:59:44

on 1415504287, Legend wrote:
, =)
- [offtop] . ::)[/offtop]

on 1415504287, Legend wrote:
, ?
- [offtop] , (" , , - "" "" "). ::) , - .[/offtop]

: Re:
Legend 09.11.2014 07:23:57
2Green Eyes:
- .
, , - , , - -, =)

: Re:
KombaT 09.11.2014 07:41:36

: Re:
Green Eyes 09.11.2014 08:31:43
2Legend: [offtop] . :)[/offtop]

on 1415508096, KombaT wrote:
- [offtop] . , , . ::)[/offtop]

: Re:
Legend 10.11.2014 00:37:28
2Green Eyes: , . , , , ? =(

: Re:
Green Eyes 10.11.2014 05:26:48
2Legend: [offtop] , ... ? :D [/offtop]

: Re:
Legend 10.11.2014 05:52:17
2Green Eyes: ? ? ;)

: Re:
KombaT 10.11.2014 07:43:13

on 1415587937, Legend wrote:

- !  ;D

: Re:
Legend 10.11.2014 08:35:58
2KombaT: , ;D

: Re:
Green Eyes 11.11.2014 05:10:46
2Legend: ? . :-X

, , :
http://i9.pixs.ru/thumbs/6/8/6/PC101047JP_4480664_14671686.jpg (http://pixs.ru/showimage/PC101047JP_4480664_14671686.jpg) ;D

on 1415594593, KombaT wrote:
- !
- , - . ;D

: Re:
Legend 11.11.2014 07:26:43
2Green Eyes: ..

: Re:
Green Eyes 11.11.2014 09:27:18

on 1415680003, Legend wrote:
- ? :D

: Re:
Legend 11.11.2014 11:58:33
2Green Eyes: ? .

: Re:
Strax5 11.11.2014 18:48:06

on 1415680003, Legend wrote:

, .

: Re:
Legend 11.11.2014 20:34:18
2Strax5: , , :gigi:

: Re:
Green Eyes 11.11.2014 21:36:49

on 1415696313, Legend wrote:
? .  
- . ;D

: Re:
Green Eyes 15.11.2014 03:20:11
, - ?

[offtop] , , , Intel Nvidia\Ati. , , , , , ?
- , , . - ! - , . -. ;D

. , " ". - . : , , - . , . -.

. , . .

, - . , . , 90, - . ;D[/offtop]

: Re:
Luficer 18.11.2014 00:40:04

on 1416010811, Green Eyes wrote:
" "

, !

: Re:
Green Eyes 18.11.2014 00:53:21

on 1416260404, Luficer wrote:
, !
- , , . . :P

: Re:
Green Eyes 25.11.2014 08:50:58
, ( ):

, " ". "" , , . , - ( ), - , , -... , - ?

: Re:
Legend 25.11.2014 13:09:55
2Green Eyes: - - , , /, ? "" , , . : - , . ** - , , , "" . - , - - .
, . , . -, , . .

: Re:
Green Eyes 25.11.2014 22:50:43
2Legend: . "?", - "?"

? ( ). "", , .


on 1416910195, Legend wrote:
- - , , /, ?
-[offtop] - , - . ( ) , , . , .[/offtop]

: Re:
Legend 26.11.2014 06:13:46
2Green Eyes:
? ? - ? ?

: Re:
Airbus 29.12.2014 01:16:55
, ? , . : " . ..."

: Re:
arheolog 29.12.2014 02:39:14
, - - . - .
- - .

: Re:
Airbus 29.12.2014 02:59:35
2arheolog: .. ( ), "" , "" ?

: Re:
Legend 29.12.2014 03:11:43
2Airbus: . , , , ... -. - , - , . , .

: Re:
Airbus 29.12.2014 03:22:03
2Legend: IT , . - , - - . :) , - , .

: Re:
arheolog 29.12.2014 04:03:13

- , , ( - , , )
- - , .
, "", , "", , , .
, , , , , ( ) .

: Re:
arheolog 29.12.2014 04:47:07
, () , - . . , ,  "" , "" , .
"" , , "".

: Re:
Airbus 29.12.2014 07:43:36
2arheolog: :)

: Re:
Strax5 29.12.2014 19:30:51
, ? .

- , ( ).
- . . .
"" . , , , ..
(). , .
, .

: Re:
Airbus 29.12.2014 20:52:32
2Strax5: . , , . . :)

: Re:
Strax5 29.12.2014 22:37:39
, [-], .

, - .
: .
: .

. . , - , , . , .

, . , .

: . , . , ( ).
, . (). (, ) , .

, - . .
. - . . ( ) .
. , . . - , !
, () . , , , , . - .

, -, - . , , .

, + .


-. ( ). , . . : - - ( )
. , - , , . ... . , .
, . . , , .

() .
- , . () - .
- .
- .
- .
- -- - .
- . - .

. 1 2014 : . . - . - . , / .

: Re:
Luficer 13.01.2015 02:09:31
- , . .
, , " " .

: Re:
Korchy 13.01.2015 02:11:24
, ;)

: Re:
Legend 13.01.2015 02:28:04
2Luficer: . , , . , .

: Re:
13.01.2015 03:28:33
, ( ) . .

: Re:
Legend 13.01.2015 04:39:24
2: , . , - , .

: Re:
13.01.2015 05:11:12
, :) ,

: Re:
aazmav 13.01.2015 18:54:14
! .

: Re:
Luficer 13.01.2015 22:53:11
on 1421104284, Korchy wrote:

, . . :applause:

2005 Xbox 360
2009 Kinect

: Kinect, , , ?
- . - xbox one. 360 - : http://community.skype.com/t5/%D0%94%D1%80%D1%83%D0%B3%D0%B8%D0%B5-%D1%83%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B9%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%B0/Skype-%D0%BD%D0%B0-xbox-360/td-p/3769573


: Re:
Green Eyes 13.01.2015 23:51:53

on 1421178791, Luficer wrote:
- .

: Re:
Legend 14.01.2015 00:55:12
2Luficer: , , , , , . , , .. . , . . - , , . , :(

: Re:
Luficer 14.01.2015 01:34:06
2Legend: ? , , , , __ ?

. , , ?

: Re:
Legend 14.01.2015 02:03:25
2Luficer: - . - , - , , , . . , , . , . . .
, Whats up - , . . , . - . , , , , .

: Re:
Korchy 10.03.2015 23:06:01
"" .
. , , , . ? , . , , - ? - , . , - . ?

: Re:
arheolog 11.03.2015 01:04:41
1) , , . 40 200 .
2) . , ( , ), , , . .

: Re:
Green Eyes 11.03.2015 01:11:33

on 1426017961, Korchy wrote:
, - .
- "" . :)

, - , " " ( , , ).
- , .

[offtop] . , , . :) [/offtop]

: Re:
Korchy 11.03.2015 23:13:41
, , .
( ), . , , . , , . . , ?
, , . . , , ?

: Re:
arheolog 11.03.2015 23:45:28
? .
.   () , . .
, ?

: Re:
Korchy 12.03.2015 00:35:55
, . . , :( >:(

: Re:
arheolog 12.03.2015 02:51:40
, .. , ( ), , .

: Re:
Korchy 12.03.2015 03:00:48
, , . . , .

: Re:
arheolog 12.03.2015 07:59:13
, , , . .

: Re:
Korchy 12.03.2015 08:20:19
, . , , . .

: Re:
Strax5 12.03.2015 20:54:52
. ( ). - . . , .

: Re:
Korchy 12.03.2015 21:56:50
, , .

: Re:
Strax5 13.03.2015 01:14:57


: Re:
arheolog 13.03.2015 10:34:33
. ?

: Re:
Strax5 13.03.2015 12:31:34
, , , ..

: Re:
arheolog 14.03.2015 08:10:53
2Strax5: ? -2 ? ( ) .

: Re:
Green Eyes 08.04.2015 19:34:53
, , ? -. :)

: Re:
08.04.2015 21:37:11
2Green Eyes:

: Re:
VVA 09.04.2015 03:47:38
2Green Eyes: , ...

: Re:
Green Eyes 09.04.2015 03:57:59

on 1428540458, VVA wrote:
, ...
- . , , . ::)

, - . , , .. .

: Re:
Ushwood 09.04.2015 06:36:18
2Green Eyes: - , ...

: Re:
Green Eyes 09.04.2015 07:16:02

on 1428550578, Ushwood wrote:
- , ...
- ? ;D

: Re:
KombaT 09.04.2015 07:18:48

on 1428552962, Green Eyes wrote:

on 1428552962, Green Eyes wrote:

: Re:
Green Eyes 09.04.2015 07:51:25

on 1428553128, KombaT wrote:
- . . ;D

: Re:
09.04.2015 15:47:42
2Green Eyes:

: Re:
Green Eyes 10.04.2015 05:23:51

on 1428583662, wrote:
- ... . ;D

: Re:
Green Eyes 28.05.2015 00:06:04
" " " 1-3 ?"

: Re:
KombaT 28.05.2015 00:12:44

on 1432760764, Green Eyes wrote:

, " "

: Re:
Green Eyes 28.05.2015 04:44:47

on 1432761164, KombaT wrote:
, " "
- " "? . :)

: Re:
Airbus 28.05.2015 19:43:01
2Green Eyes: , ( , ), , :

16 2009 . 48
, , " "
7. , , " ", , , , , , .

: Re:
Strax5 29.05.2015 02:40:21
. .

: - . ##, .
, .

, : (, , ) - . , , , - !
, , , , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 29.05.2015 03:27:54
2Strax5: . ( ) . "\ ". " ", " ". .

. :
- ?
- -? .
- ?

: Re:
Strax5 29.05.2015 04:09:21
2Green Eyes: . .

on 1432859274, Green Eyes wrote:

. , 5 - , . - . - . .

: Re:
Green Eyes 29.05.2015 04:56:01

on 1432861761, Strax5 wrote:
- . ( ). *, . :shuffle:
: - . . "".
, , ( " " ) .

- . : , -, - .   - (, ), .
- , ?
, . "".

: Re:
Strax5 29.05.2015 07:25:09

on 1432864561, Green Eyes wrote:
- . : , -, - . - (, ), .  

. , -- , .


: Re:
Green Eyes 29.05.2015 07:56:52
2Strax5: , - . . - ... . - . \\... - - . ::)

: Re:
Green Eyes 13.06.2015 23:50:08
" -?"

: Re:
Korchy 14.06.2015 08:00:42

on 1434228608, Green Eyes wrote:
" -?"

, , .

: Re:
Ushwood 20.06.2015 21:30:40
, , ?
. , , , - "- " ( ).

: Re:
21.06.2015 04:13:11
- , .

: Re:
Ushwood 21.06.2015 22:22:20
2 : . , - .

, . , .

: Re:
22.06.2015 01:23:42
2Ushwood: , , . , , - 10. , , , . ... , . , , . - , .

: Re:
pipetz 30.12.2015 06:44:55

on 1434914540, Ushwood wrote:
, . , .

, .

: Re:
Stingray 30.12.2015 06:59:23

on 1434228608, Green Eyes wrote:
" -?"

2 .
1 .
2 , .

: Re:
pipetz 30.12.2015 18:17:00
. ,
2015 ? ?

: Re:
Green Eyes 30.12.2015 19:00:15
2pipetz: "" ( ). , , , .
. , (.. ). ;D

: Re:
pipetz 30.12.2015 20:28:32
2Green Eyes:
. , ( , ).
  , - .

: Re:
Green Eyes 30.12.2015 22:29:21
2pipetz: , . " ". . - , , . :)

: Re:
Strax5 30.12.2015 23:32:39
2pipetz: . 3 -. , 2015 .

. , ?

: Re:
31.12.2015 07:56:07
- . 622 , , . .

: Re:
01.01.2016 00:04:53
, .. - .  ;D

: Re:
Green Eyes 01.01.2016 11:41:12
, : , . ;D

: Re:
Green Eyes 05.01.2016 11:03:23
(mini submarine) ?

: Re:
05.01.2016 12:25:31
: http://rutube.ru/video/e42ad80884ad77d2744c183f282f5d3a/
1966 .

: Re:
Stingray 18.01.2016 22:34:08

: Re:
Strax5 19.01.2016 09:51:16
2Stingray: . .

: Re:
Korchy 19.01.2016 11:21:11
, . .

: Re:
pipetz 19.01.2016 21:12:28
. , . . )

: Re:
Green Eyes 22.01.2016 10:48:42
, ? , - . , ( ).

, - ( ), , -900% . "" ( ) - , , , ( , - , ).

: , ? ? (, , )? ? ? , ( ) ? , "" , (, - , ).
( ).

: Re:
Luficer 22.01.2016 11:21:31

on 1453448922, Green Eyes wrote:

, .

: Re:
arheolog 22.01.2016 11:36:37

on 1453448922, Green Eyes wrote:

- ? , ?

: Re:
Green Eyes 22.01.2016 13:37:53

on 1453450891, Luficer wrote:
, .
- , . ;D . - , ( ) - . ;)
- . , . :)
- , , .

on 1453451797, arheolog wrote:
- ? , ?
- - . , . .
? ( - , ). , - . - - .

: Re:
arheolog 22.01.2016 14:23:34

on 1453459073, Green Eyes wrote:
- .

- . ?  :)

: Re:
Green Eyes 22.01.2016 17:25:37
2arheolog: . :

1. 80- . , ""?
2. , "" ? .

, , , - . ?  :)

: Re:
arheolog 22.01.2016 19:20:20
2Green Eyes:
- - .  

: Re:
pipetz 22.01.2016 19:51:03

on 1453448922, Green Eyes wrote:
: , ? ? (, , )?

- .
. .
- - . , - .
. -
- .
- .
- ? .  

: Re:
Green Eyes 22.01.2016 22:54:15

on 1453479620, arheolog wrote:
- - .
- ?

: Re:
arheolog 23.01.2016 00:51:34

on 1453492455, Green Eyes wrote:
- ?

, http://ruxpert.ru/_

: Re:
Ushwood 23.01.2016 10:44:54
2arheolog: , . , , "" - ( ) .
" , ". . , : " , , . . , , , , ".
. (http://www.rbc.ru/economics/22/09/2015/560056bd9a79474ba394c18b) 2016 . .

, : " , , ". - , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 23.01.2016 17:19:23
2arheolog: , , ( ) .
, ""?

: Re:
arheolog 24.01.2016 01:14:24
2Ushwood: , . :)

on 1453558763, Green Eyes wrote:
, ""?

, , , , , ( ) , ,

- 2015- : , 50,04 59,56 , 20% - 56,23 69,66.

, , .
, , .

: Re:
Ushwood 24.01.2016 11:32:03

on 1453587264, arheolog wrote:
? , - .

, , . : , . , , (.. , , ), .

: Re:
arheolog 24.01.2016 12:28:27

on 1453624323, Ushwood wrote:
? , - .

, , 6-  :)

 --- ( ) (22 2015 ) --- - ?

: Re:
Ushwood 24.01.2016 18:19:37
, . My bad. (http://www.rbc.ru/economics/16/01/2016/569a15589a794701f604e4a0) . (http://www.interfax.ru/business/489111) , .
, . - ... .

: Re:
arheolog 24.01.2016 20:24:36
22-? , . .. . . , ?  :-X.

on 1453648777, Ushwood wrote:

, , ?
( ) :) ?
, ( ), .

: Re:
Ushwood 24.01.2016 22:35:39

on 1453656276, arheolog wrote:
22-? , .
. , , .

: 2016 2018 4%. , 2015 , 12,2% (, ). 2016 5,5%, 2017- 4,5% 2018 4%.
. 1 2017 1 . 61 . . 2 2016 500 . .

(http://ria.ru/society/20151229/1351292633.html) .

4% 1 , 1 . 4% 1 2016 . 2016 .
, , - : , .

, -, . . , , 10% - .

on 1453656276, arheolog wrote:
, , ?
- . - , . , , .

on 1453656276, arheolog wrote:
, ( ), .
, , . - . - ( 14 ), .

on 1453656276, arheolog wrote:
, . - , .

: Re:
arheolog 24.01.2016 22:46:08

on 1453664139, Ushwood wrote:

. .

on 1453664139, Ushwood wrote:

, ( ), .

on 1453664139, Ushwood wrote:

. . .

: Re:
Ushwood 24.01.2016 23:14:27
2arheolog: ( ) ? ? ?
- , , , ?
. 2015 (, 24.01.15 24.01.16) (http://bhom.ru/currencies/usd/), (http://ru.investing.com/commodities/brent-oil-historical-data) .

, , .

. , 14 . , , , . , 2015 , .

: Re:
arheolog 25.01.2016 01:06:16
, , ? - .
, 13 . . 5 , 14 , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 25.01.2016 09:00:19
, , "" . :)

: , ( )?
- ( ) ( )? , , ?

, - . .

: Re:
Strax5 25.01.2016 09:34:58

on 1453666467, Ushwood wrote:
- , , , ?
. 2015 (, 24.01.15 24.01.16) , .  

.   . .

: Re:
Ushwood 25.01.2016 10:50:56

on 1453673176, arheolog wrote:
. , - "" - :(.

on 1453673176, arheolog wrote:
? - .
. , .

on 1453673176, arheolog wrote:
, 13
, . - , :(.

on 1453673176, arheolog wrote:
. 5
. , , , , , .
. , :
, . , . : , . , . , : , .
. . , , . . , . , .

: Re:
arheolog 25.01.2016 10:53:07

on 1453703698, Strax5 wrote:

, 15   0,9 , . " " .

: Re:
arheolog 25.01.2016 11:50:57
, , . , , , 2 70 , , , , . .
60 , 80 . , , .

on 1453708256, Ushwood wrote:

, , , .

on 1453701619, Green Eyes wrote:
, .

: Re:
Green Eyes 25.01.2016 12:44:18

on 1453711857, arheolog wrote:
, .
- [offtop] " " - ?[/offtop]

: Re:
Zed 25.01.2016 13:38:21

on 1453711857, arheolog wrote:
, .  

... .

: Re:
arheolog 25.01.2016 13:44:03
2Green Eyes: , .

on 1453718301, Zed wrote:
... .
, - .

: Re:
Strax5 25.01.2016 14:09:33
2arheolog: .
: " - . . . , . - , ".
- , , , , . , .

: Re:
arheolog 25.01.2016 14:19:54
, ( ?) , ?

: Re:
Green Eyes 25.01.2016 14:58:33

on 1453720173, Strax5 wrote:
, .
- . , "" ( ) . ? . , . . - . , .

- . , . ;)

on 1453718301, Zed wrote:
... .
- -? , , , , .. ? , - ( ), - .

- ( ) . - , .

: Re:
Strax5 25.01.2016 15:29:56

on 1453723113, Green Eyes wrote:

. () , , , - , .

. https://www.facebook.com/vladimir.filatov.775/posts/703750949762108?pnref=story


: ! , .
. , ?

"" "", . , .

, , .

- .  . , .. , . , , , , - . .

: Re:
Green Eyes 25.01.2016 20:29:19
on 1453724996, Strax5 wrote:
- [offtop]. . - ( ) , ( ) " " . ?!
: "", ... . , " ", .
: "" - ... . . " ?" - .

, ? . , - . - . - .

, - . , , . , . "", - . , . " " - .[/offtop]

[offtop] , , , . ![/offtop]

, , .

, - . , .

: Re:
KombaT 25.01.2016 21:47:29
,17, , -- 1 , , ...

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 26.01.2016 01:12:38

-  :puke:  -


: Re:
Green Eyes 31.01.2016 00:18:07
2KombaT: , "". -. ;D

: Re:
Luficer 20.02.2016 14:04:53
90% ?
, ( , 35).
. , 15 , , . , , . "" .
. , . - ( ), .
- - , ?

: Re:
Strax5 20.02.2016 14:09:42


: Re:
KombaT 20.02.2016 22:12:32
, , , , : - - . - ,

: Re:
Green Eyes 22.02.2016 17:59:10
2KombaT: - .

2Luficer: ( ) , .
( ( )). - , , .
"" - ( , ).

( ) ( ). , . , - , . ;D

? ( ). , ? - ( , ).

: Re:
pipetz 22.02.2016 18:56:03

on 1456153150, Green Eyes wrote:
? ( ). , ? - ( , ).  

, .
. )))

: Re:
Green Eyes 22.02.2016 19:15:35

on 1456156563, pipetz wrote:
, .  
- , - . ( ).

? ?

: Re:
23.02.2016 01:45:40
2Green Eyes: ( )  . , , - . - . , , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 23.02.2016 10:46:22
2 : "" . , - . :)
- . , - . :)

: Re:
23.02.2016 13:12:17
2Green Eyes:  
on 1456213582, Green Eyes wrote:
"" .  
. , . . . - . , , , , - .

: Re:
pipetz 23.02.2016 23:57:08

on 1456157735, Green Eyes wrote:
? ?  


on 1456222337, wrote:
, , , , - .  

, .

: Re:
Green Eyes 24.02.2016 10:49:03

on 1456261028, pipetz wrote:
- (2008 ). .
, , . , 50-60- . . , , ( - - ). ;D

on 1456261028, pipetz wrote:
, .
- , . , (" ") . , , . , . :P

: Re:
pipetz 24.02.2016 17:03:44

on 1456300143, Green Eyes wrote:
- (2008 ). .

? ?
, ,
, ?

: Re:
Green Eyes 24.02.2016 17:41:08

on 1456322624, pipetz wrote:
, ?
- . " " ( , ).
: " - ". , "" . :)
... , ? . :(

: Re:
24.02.2016 19:06:23

on 1456324868, Green Eyes wrote:
, . - .

, . , , ( ) 4 . 3 12 . - 2 .

: Re:
Strax5 25.02.2016 09:48:59

on 1456329983, wrote:
- 2

. - .

: Re:
KombaT 25.02.2016 11:01:10

on 1456382939, Strax5 wrote:
. -

??? 6 (), , , , / , , ( , , -)

: Re:
25.02.2016 13:01:01

on 1456382939, Strax5 wrote:

, , , - 200, , , .
( , ) ...

: Re:
Strax5 25.02.2016 14:12:58
2KombaT: , - , . , , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 25.02.2016 19:15:31

on 1456382939, Strax5 wrote:
. - .
- "" .

: Re:
Strax5 26.02.2016 09:48:47

on 1456416931, Green Eyes wrote:

: Re:
KombaT 26.02.2016 09:55:02

on 1456398778, Strax5 wrote:

, , , ; , , . . . 3 , ..
, 6 -

on 1456416931, Green Eyes wrote:

;D ;D

on 1456416931, Green Eyes wrote:

, , , 2 , - her " , "... 4 , , " - , .."
, , ?

: Re:
Green Eyes 26.02.2016 14:14:20

on 1456469702, KombaT wrote:
, , ?
- , - . .

: Re:
KombaT 26.02.2016 14:43:31

on 1456485260, Green Eyes wrote:
, - . .  

" "
, -, , : , , ...

: Re:
desants 27.02.2016 08:33:11
6 , - 5, 4. - . ,

: Re:
Luficer 02.03.2016 11:10:14
5 12.
- . , 5 , ( - ). "-".
. .
. 395 . .


: Re:
Green Eyes 08.03.2016 18:16:18
? ( ) - .
, - , .

: Re:
Strax5 08.03.2016 18:54:12
2Green Eyes: ( ). , .
. () . , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 09.03.2016 00:50:56

on 1457452452, Strax5 wrote:
( ).
[offtop]- . , - - ... . - , ( ), " ". . ( ), ( ). - . :P[/offtop]

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 09.03.2016 01:33:51
2Green Eyes:
- . - . , , :grobovschik:

: Re:
Strax5 09.03.2016 10:11:53
2Sir-Dorosh: .

: Re:
Green Eyes 09.03.2016 10:51:55

on 1457476431, Sir-Dorosh wrote:
, ,
- [offtop] ? ? , ( ). ? ( ). " "? , - , - . ( ) , , - . ;)
- ?! : . :P[/offtop]

on 1457476431, Sir-Dorosh wrote:
- [offtop]-. ( - ). , . , , . . , . :)[/offtop]

: Re:
Strax5 09.03.2016 13:41:29
2Green Eyes: , - .

, . , - "" .

: Re:
Green Eyes 10.03.2016 18:00:13
2Strax5: [offtop]? ( - , ( )). . - .
- "" . , ? , .
, ( ) - . : , . :devil:[/offtop]

( ) \ ( )? ? ( )?

: Re:
pipetz 10.03.2016 18:12:18

on 1457622013, Green Eyes wrote:
( ) \ ( )? ? ( )?  

, .

: Re:
Strax5 10.03.2016 20:07:09

on 1457622013, Green Eyes wrote:
( ) \ ( )? ? ( )?


: Re:
Green Eyes 10.03.2016 20:20:12

on 1457629629, Strax5 wrote:
- [offtop], ( ) . :([/offtop]

: Re:
Korchy 23.03.2016 23:38:25
, , , . ? . , , ?

: Re:
Green Eyes 30.03.2016 10:32:41

on 1458765505, Korchy wrote:
- , . - , - . :)

, ( )? , , , .

: Re:
Strax5 30.03.2016 10:43:48
2Green Eyes: . ( ), , .


: Re:
Korchy 30.03.2016 11:21:41

on 1459323161, Green Eyes wrote:
, ,


, . .

: Re:
Green Eyes 30.03.2016 12:37:17
2Strax5: 2Korchy:   . - . , - ( , ).

, , , , - . , . :P

: Re:
Satan`s Claws 03.06.2016 18:41:59
2Korchy: - , , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 09.08.2016 19:16:16
"" " " - ( ) , . :P

: Re:
Ingvar 09.08.2016 21:45:26
. (, , ))) ). . ! , !

: Re:
Green Eyes 09.08.2016 22:14:46
2Ingvar: - , . - . ::)
, " ". , - . . , ...

: Re:
Stingray 14.08.2016 18:21:28
,   , ?
, ?
  , .. ?
( , ) , , !!!!!!!!!!

: Re:
Luficer 22.08.2016 11:39:58
[offtop]... , , !"[/offtop]
- .. , , .

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 22.08.2016 13:27:53
- , , - - - , :Rulz:

: Re:
15.09.2016 21:23:29
, 20 40 . ?

: Re:
pipetz 15.09.2016 22:34:50

on 1473963809, wrote:
, 20 40

, 20 40.
40 60.

: Re:
15.09.2016 23:09:05
2 :
, 20 "" , 25 . - .

: Re:
Ushwood 16.09.2016 00:05:31

: Re:
Green Eyes 03.10.2016 18:07:17
, ( , )? , .

: Re:
pipetz 03.10.2016 19:55:46

on 1475507237, Green Eyes wrote:
, ( , )? , .  

" : , , - , . , - . - , - - , . . , .
, , , , , , - , - . , - , , - , , . , - , , -, - ... "


: Re:
03.10.2016 22:07:27
2Green Eyes: , - . . 35 , 8 , 10. 12, 16... ...  :D , 10 ...

: Re:
pipetz 03.10.2016 22:29:21

on 1475521647, wrote:
, - . . 35 , 8 , 10. 12, 16... ...  :D , 10 ...

" , , , , , , . "


: Re:
04.10.2016 00:17:25

on 1475522961, pipetz wrote:
, .

, - ... :D

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 04.10.2016 21:20:56

on 1475529445, wrote:
, - ...

- >:(


: Re:
Green Eyes 12.10.2016 12:10:14
, " "? , - " "?

: Re:
pipetz 12.10.2016 18:33:54

on 1476263414, Green Eyes wrote:
, " "? , - " "?

. " "

: Re:
Strax5 12.10.2016 19:54:36

on 1476263414, Green Eyes wrote:
" "

- , .
: " , - / ".

: Re:
Green Eyes 12.10.2016 20:27:28

on 1476286434, pipetz wrote:
. " "
- ? - 14- , .
- ?

: Re:
pipetz 12.10.2016 23:23:32

on 1476293248, Green Eyes wrote:
- ?  

, . - .
. .

: Re:
Strax5 12.10.2016 23:35:28
. , - .

: Re:
Ushwood 12.10.2016 23:44:12
" " != " "
"" - " ". - " ".
- :).

: Re:
Green Eyes 13.10.2016 00:00:53
- , - .
. :P

: Re:
pipetz 13.10.2016 00:07:38

on 1476306053, Green Eyes wrote:
- , - .

. . 100 , 200,
, .
, . )

, , /.

on 1476305052, Ushwood wrote:
" " != " "
"" - " ". - " ".

. )))
! )

" ! ( )"

: Re:
Ushwood 13.10.2016 00:20:12

on 1476306458, pipetz wrote:
. )))  
, :).

: Re:
pipetz 13.10.2016 00:38:03

on 1476306053, Green Eyes wrote:

, . , .
. ,
, . )
, .
, , - ,
... ))) , , 80 100 ,
. )

: Re:
13.10.2016 02:42:58

on 1476308283, pipetz wrote:
, . - , , , , ..

on 1476308283, pipetz wrote:
, - , - . , . , .

: Re:
pipetz 13.10.2016 03:13:11
, , ,
- , . ,
, . , , , 100 200
. , .

on 1476315778, wrote:
, . -

- .
, , .

- .

: Re:
Green Eyes 13.10.2016 11:37:49

on 1476317591, pipetz wrote:
, , ,
- , .  
- [offtop] , ( ). , - . , , " ". :)

. - ! ;D[/offtop]

: Re:
Luficer 14.10.2016 11:14:55
-, -, , ..
, , , - .
2, , , .
- ( ) , , . , .
, . "", - , .
- ? :idontknow:

: Re:
Airbus 14.10.2016 13:40:12
2Luficer: . , ( ), , . , .

: Re:
Strax5 14.10.2016 14:51:21
2Luficer: 2Airbus: , - .
- . , .

: Re:
Luficer 14.10.2016 14:58:18
2Strax5: , . - , . . / - /

: Re:
Strax5 14.10.2016 17:00:45
2Luficer: .
: " ".
, . , - , , .

: Re:
pipetz 14.10.2016 17:46:51

, .
- . .

: Re:
desants 14.10.2016 22:37:02
. " 500 . " - , -

: Re:
Green Eyes 15.10.2016 10:53:04
. - , . :P

: Re:
Stingray 31.10.2016 20:19:09
  . , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 18.11.2016 21:50:55
, ..? , ? - ( )?

? ( ) ( ).

, ?

: Re:
Strax5 18.11.2016 22:54:44
, . - .

: Re:
Green Eyes 18.11.2016 23:04:04
, , ... , . .

: Re:
19.11.2016 01:13:01

on 1479498884, Strax5 wrote:
-! ? , - ?

on 1479495055, Green Eyes wrote:
- ..., , ? - , - " ".

: Re:
Strax5 19.11.2016 02:04:43

on 1479507181, wrote:
-! ? , - ?  

- - , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 19.11.2016 08:58:30

on 1479507181, wrote:
- ..., , ? - , - " ".
- . - ( , ). :)

: Re:
19.11.2016 09:57:06

on 1479535110, Green Eyes wrote:

. . , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 19.11.2016 11:41:55

on 1479538626, wrote:
, .
- , ( ) ? , .

, , . . , " ". , , . , .

: Re:
19.11.2016 13:28:48

on 1479495055, Green Eyes wrote:
, ?  

. , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 19.11.2016 19:10:15

on 1479551328, wrote:
. , .
- , . , - ( ).

: Re:
pipetz 07.01.2017 09:17:23
, 6 .

: Re:
Ushwood 07.01.2017 15:32:33
, :). . , .

: Re:
desants 07.01.2017 15:33:18
2pipetz: , . , , 6 00.01)

: Re:
Green Eyes 03.03.2017 20:17:55
? ?

: Re:
Nemo 30.03.2017 04:35:35
, , .

: Re:
Stingray 30.03.2017 18:18:17

: Re:
pipetz 04.04.2017 15:39:12
"72 " 72 .
100 , , .
- ,

: Re:
04.04.2017 16:00:11
2pipetz: , , . , , , ..

: Re:
desants 04.04.2017 16:10:42
2pipetz: , . , 7,2 . .
, , .
- , , .
. .

: Re:
desants 04.04.2017 16:12:21
2: . . . .

: Re:
KombaT 04.04.2017 16:18:31
, , .
, , , 72 ,

: Re:
pipetz 04.04.2017 16:43:46

on 1491311442, desants wrote:
, . , 7,2 .

? , .

on 1491311442, desants wrote:

, ,
. .

on 1491311442, desants wrote:
- , , .

, . - , .

: Re:
desants 04.04.2017 16:49:46
2pipetz: .
, , , ). , . - .
, ? )

: Re:
pipetz 04.04.2017 17:01:57
100 , "",
, .

, " - 1998":

167 (28.09.1970., );

, ,
, .

: Re:
desants 04.04.2017 17:06:30
2pipetz: - " " ;)


: Re:
pipetz 04.04.2017 17:12:03
. , .

, 500 . 1969 -191. 500 . - . . . . , . , , . , . , , - . , . .

100 ,
. ,
. .
. ,
, 10 .

: Re:
pipetz 06.04.2017 11:24:44
- http://google.com/

: Re:
06.04.2017 11:48:11

: Re:
pipetz 06.04.2017 17:52:56

on 1491468491, wrote:

: Re:
pipetz 16.04.2017 13:09:41

on 1483792353, Ushwood wrote:
, :). . , .  

, , , , , ,
, .
. : , , - , ...

: Re:
Green Eyes 16.04.2017 18:38:12
2pipetz: ?

: Re:
pipetz 16.04.2017 19:20:50
2Green Eyes:
.  :)

: Re:
Green Eyes 11.05.2017 10:39:29

: Re:
11.05.2017 12:23:54
2Green Eyes: ? " - . , ..."
" - ...,
- .

: Re:
Green Eyes 11.05.2017 14:06:36

on 1494494634, wrote:
- , , . :)

, , . ? ? . :P

: Re:
11.05.2017 14:22:32

on 1494500796, Green Eyes wrote:

. . , , , ... , , ... - 15 . 1 , . , 3 , , ... , , , - ...

: Re:
Green Eyes 11.05.2017 14:33:44

on 1494501752, wrote:
- , , - - . . . .
- - ?

+10, , -.

: Re:
pipetz 11.05.2017 15:38:47

on 1494488369, Green Eyes wrote:

. , - , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 11.05.2017 18:00:58
2pipetz: , - . , . ;)

: Re:
pipetz 11.05.2017 19:48:11

on 1494514858, Green Eyes wrote:
, - . , .

. .

: Re:
11.05.2017 19:48:18
2Green Eyes: , - ...

: Re:
Green Eyes 11.05.2017 20:08:43

on 1494521291, pipetz wrote:
. .
-   , - . :)

on 1494521298, wrote:
, - ...
- . . :(

: , , , .   , ?

: Re:
Satan`s Claws 13.05.2017 07:43:36

on 1494488369, Green Eyes wrote:

, ...

, , .
, ,

, , , .
, ,



, , ,


. , ,

: " , !"


, ,
, .

, ,


-, , .

, ,
, .


? !
, .

... !

. !

: Re:
Strax5 13.05.2017 09:40:45

on 1494488369, Green Eyes wrote:



: Re:
arheolog 16.05.2017 17:19:40
, !
, 1000 (4184 ) , 1,1 .
16,8 /, , 1 16,8*1000 / 4184 * 1,1 = 4,4 .. , 1 .. 1/4,4 = 0,23 , = 0,23 /3.
6 2 15 3 3,45 58 ! 13,85 !!! , 4- .

: Re:
16.05.2017 19:07:41
2arheolog: .... . , "" . ... , , , . ... ...

: Re:
Strax5 16.05.2017 20:40:05
2 : 2arheolog: . . . - .
- , , .
- , .

: Re:
arheolog 16.05.2017 22:32:28

on 1494950861, wrote:
. ... ...

, , ?
1 5 , .

on 1494956405, Strax5 wrote:
- , , .
- , .

, . , , ( ).

: Re:
Strax5 16.05.2017 22:54:43

on 1494963148, arheolog wrote:
, .

. .

: Re:
Artem13 17.05.2017 10:14:31
, , . . , .

: Re:
17.05.2017 11:16:46
2arheolog: !
on 1494956405, Strax5 wrote:
, , .. , - , .

: Re:
Strax5 17.05.2017 21:52:40
2 : , . , , . , .

: Re:
18.05.2017 06:35:34
2Strax5: . , , , .

: Re:
Satan`s Claws 18.05.2017 16:15:11
2arheolog: :

( )


: Re:
Strax5 18.05.2017 19:03:05
2Satan`s Claws: . .
. . . . . , . , - . .

: Re:
Nemo 27.05.2017 18:15:46
, !

: Re:
Strax5 29.05.2017 20:53:07
, - ?

: Re:
29.05.2017 22:19:55
2Strax5: - , . - . , - , , .

: Re:
Strax5 29.05.2017 22:22:15
2 : ?

: Re:
29.05.2017 23:59:53
2Strax5: , , . , , , , - . , . ( ), . - - , - .

: Re:
Luficer 30.05.2017 10:54:49
2Strax5: , " " - , - :
"" "" , , , . , , .

: Re:
desants 30.05.2017 22:32:31
" , , " - .

: Re:
Green Eyes 31.05.2017 21:33:56
Internet Explorer ? . ?

: , , , IE.

: Re:
pipetz 31.05.2017 21:40:49
2Green Eyes:
. NetScape IE ,

: Re:
Satan`s Claws 01.06.2017 21:01:58
2Green Eyes: , , ?

ActiveX (, , - ).
, , - , ( ).
, . , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 02.06.2017 10:11:30

on 1496340118, Satan`s Claws wrote:
, , ?

ActiveX (, , - ).
, , - , ( ).
, . , .
- . - - , Win IE .

: Re:
Satan`s Claws 02.06.2017 18:58:14

on 1496387490, Green Eyes wrote:
Win IE


: Re:
Green Eyes 12.07.2017 20:55:22
( ) ? , ? . , - , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 21.08.2017 13:37:56
(40-50 ) : , ? , . , "", ?
, , , , , , .

: Re:
Ushwood 21.08.2017 16:07:51
, , . , , , . , ...

. - . , , :).

: Re:
Green Eyes 21.08.2017 22:07:00

on 1503320871, Ushwood wrote:
- . , . , .

" " , , . , .

: Re:
Ushwood 21.08.2017 22:17:54
2Green Eyes: ( ) . , , , . : "Pravda ". , - .

: Re:
Green Eyes 22.08.2017 17:22:37
, , " , ", . , .


: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 23.08.2017 00:25:00
2Green Eyes:

- - - .............

: Re:
Green Eyes 23.08.2017 09:50:21
2Sir-Dorosh: . - .

: Re:
Green Eyes 17.09.2017 09:16:57
, ? , ? III I, IV? , , , .

: Re:
Mozayka 17.09.2017 10:39:44
2Green Eyes: .

: Re:
arheolog 18.09.2017 13:05:35
, , ... .

: Re:
18.09.2017 13:15:04
, , . , .

: Re:
Mozayka 18.09.2017 14:09:38
? )))) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAIx4ajlieI

: Re:
18.09.2017 14:35:00
2Mozayka: ? , . . )

: Re:
Mozayka 18.09.2017 14:40:48

: Re:
18.09.2017 14:53:06
2Mozayka: , , . : .

: Re:
Mozayka 18.09.2017 15:06:40
2:   .

: Re:
Green Eyes 19.09.2017 14:05:26

on 1505729135, arheolog wrote:
- ", ". , .

, , - , - . , . , , , .

, . :P

, ... . .

: Re:
pipetz 19.09.2017 22:46:14

on 1505819126, Green Eyes wrote:
, , - , - .

, .

- , .

. . 2 , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 20.09.2017 10:35:13
- . - . , . ;D

: Re:
Mozayka 20.09.2017 13:52:23
, . , , .

: Re:
20.09.2017 14:18:41
2Mozayka: . , , , , , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 20.09.2017 16:16:34
? , . - .

- . , - "", .

: Re:
Mozayka 20.09.2017 22:55:49
.... ). ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKZVGUpAZeY

: Re:
Green Eyes 21.09.2017 10:19:03

on 1505937349, Mozayka wrote:
- - , , .

: Re:
Mozayka 21.09.2017 12:38:38
absolutely 8)

: Re:
pipetz 21.09.2017 15:19:41

on 1505978343, Green Eyes wrote:
- - , , .  

, , .
, , "" (???) .

: Re:
desants 21.09.2017 17:38:05
2Mozayka: ? ?
: , ...

, .


: Re:
desants 21.09.2017 17:52:46
2Mozayka: , . , , , , .
, , , ???
, , , . , , . .
, .

: Re:
Mozayka 21.09.2017 18:38:34
2desants: ))) . . , . .

: Re:
desants 21.09.2017 19:01:40
" " ()

: Re:
Green Eyes 21.09.2017 21:34:45

on 1505996381, pipetz wrote:
, , .
, , "" () .
- . - . :) , , . , , . , . , "" , . , - "" . :)

, , , : , , .. , , . , , , - , - . :)
, (-, - : , ) . , , , "". " - , - !" "" - " , !?".
"" : , , .. , , . , - , , .
- . ... . : " 80 , ?" " 300 , 60- ?" " !" -, .

... . . - -. , . :P

: Re:
22.09.2017 05:36:08

on 1506018885, Green Eyes wrote:

. ... , ... , , . ...  :)

on 1506018885, Green Eyes wrote:
. - , , , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 22.09.2017 10:45:56

on 1506047768, wrote:
- ? , "- " . " " - .

on 1506047768, wrote:
. - , , , .
- , .

: Re:
22.09.2017 16:45:56
2Green Eyes: , - , , , ( , ). ? , , ?

on 1506066356, Green Eyes wrote:
, , . , , ... , , ... , ... , , , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 22.09.2017 17:11:10

on 1506087956, wrote:
- . . :D

on 1506087956, wrote:
- -, - . , . , .

on 1506087956, wrote:
, ,
- , , , .

: Re:
Mozayka 26.09.2017 09:03:14
, . . . , ?

: Re:
26.09.2017 14:25:34
- .

: Re:
Mozayka 26.09.2017 17:26:08
2 : )

: Re:
26.09.2017 22:34:44
2Mozayka: , , - ... ;)

: Re:
Green Eyes 27.09.2017 10:13:01

on 1506405794, Mozayka wrote:
, . . . , ?
- - . , , . ::)

: Re:
Green Eyes 18.04.2018 15:48:38
, ?

: , , . Adobe After Effects , . ( ) .
, VideoPad, , ( AE - ).

: Re:
JAggernaut 18.04.2018 16:03:27
Adobe After Effects , . . , .

: Re:
Green Eyes 18.04.2018 16:23:12

on 1524056607, JAggernaut wrote:
Adobe After Effects
- , .

, ?

Photoshop GIMP - ( , ). .

: Re:
JAggernaut 18.04.2018 16:40:13
2Green Eyes: Sony Vegas.

: Re:
Green Eyes 18.04.2018 17:30:14
2JAggernaut: . . , , , . , , , . ;)

, , .

: Re:
JAggernaut 18.04.2018 17:45:48

on 1524061814, Green Eyes wrote:


: Re:
Strax5 19.07.2018 17:47:18
. . . , , . .
, , ?

: Re:
Green Eyes 19.07.2018 18:01:09
2Strax5: , .

: Re:
19.07.2018 20:05:22
2Strax5: , - . , , - , ? , , , , , . , , , , - . ( 30-40 ), ( - , - , 5-6 ), , , - , / - , .

: Re:
Luficer 19.07.2018 21:31:29
2Strax5: , " ". , . , , .

: Re:
GoodNight 14.11.2018 12:26:24
, :
, ?

, - ?

: Re:
Luficer 14.11.2018 13:33:11
2GoodNight: AG.ru ?  ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 14.11.2018 14:56:24
2Luficer: , ?

: Re:
14.11.2018 15:52:22
.  :P

: Re:
desants 14.11.2018 22:11:58
2GoodNight: , , ;) ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 15.11.2018 09:38:19

on 1542222718, desants wrote:

?! ?!
! , ?

: Re:
desants 15.11.2018 21:06:11
2GoodNight: ))

: Re:
27.11.2018 13:13:09

on 1543311232, ZLOY wrote:
, ?

, ?

on 1543311232, ZLOY wrote:
... : 0.42 1?

1 0.58 ?

: Re:
Green EyesMan 27.11.2018 13:14:13

on 1543311232, ZLOY wrote:
: , ? , ?
- , . - , . , . . .

on 1543311232, ZLOY wrote:
: : 0.42 1?
- ? . , , . , . , . .

. - , . .

- , " ".

: Re:
Luficer 27.11.2018 13:36:57
2ZLOY: ? ?

: Re:
Green EyesMan 27.11.2018 14:14:27

on 1543315017, Luficer wrote:
? ?
- --, . . , . :)

- . , , . . .

2ZLOY: . . , . , .

on 1543315054, ZLOY wrote:
- , !
- . ;)

. " ". , , . . . -, - .

: Re:
Green EyesMan 27.11.2018 14:50:50
2ZLOY: , ( , ) ( ), . - . , .

, . . " - ". : , . , -, , .

: Re:
Strax5 27.11.2018 15:25:34
2ZLOY: , .. - , , . : , .

: Re:
Green EyesMan 27.11.2018 15:43:39
- : - . , . :(

: Re:
Tailor 27.11.2018 18:26:26
, , , , ... , . , , ...

: Re:
ZLOY 27.11.2018 18:52:07

on 1543332386, Tailor wrote:

, , ! , , - / , ? , 20   !  >:(
- " ".

: Re:
ZLOY 27.11.2018 19:45:39
? , , ? ? - 80-90, . ?

: Re:
Psyho 28.11.2018 00:10:54
2ZLOY: . . . .

on 1543333927, ZLOY wrote:
, , - / , ?
. .
- . .
I - , - .
- - .

: Re:
Nemo 28.11.2018 03:46:22
2ZLOY: , , ?

: Re:
aazmav 28.11.2018 08:32:57

: Re:
Green EyesMan 28.11.2018 09:10:26

on 1543337139, ZLOY wrote:
- , , . , .

on 1543353054, Psyho wrote:
- - .
- . . , . .

on 1543353503, ZLOY wrote:
"" ! , ? , , , 80 ! ?
- : , -, -, , . . , , . , , . .
, - . - . , , . , , .

, .

: Re:
Korchy 28.11.2018 10:52:59
, , .

: Re:
Psyho 28.11.2018 10:54:55

: Re:
Green EyesMan 28.11.2018 11:00:50

on 1543391579, Korchy wrote:
- . :P

- . - . . . :(

: Re:
GoodNight 28.11.2018 11:54:05

on 1543392050, Green EyesMan wrote:

! ? , ?
, .

: Re:
Luficer 28.11.2018 13:20:36
2ZLOY: , , - ""?

: Re:
Psyho 28.11.2018 13:27:37

on 1543399788, ZLOY wrote:
: ""
, , - . - . , " " . . . :-)

: Re:
ZLOY 28.11.2018 13:42:45
, ""! , , ?

: Re:
Luficer 28.11.2018 13:59:05
on 1543401765, ZLOY wrote:
, , ?  

. , .

: Re:
ZLOY 28.11.2018 14:17:22
, !  8)

: Re:
Green EyesMan 29.11.2018 08:48:40
. . .

. ? , . , .

. ? . , . - \.

: Re:
Nemo 29.11.2018 08:57:50

on 1543470520, Green EyesMan wrote:
1.- - . 2.- ? .  ;)

: Re:
Green EyesMan 29.11.2018 09:01:52

on 1543471070, Nemo wrote:
- .
- . :)

on 1543471070, Nemo wrote:
? .
- , . ;D

: Re:
Nemo 29.11.2018 09:08:10

on 1543471312, Green EyesMan wrote:
.. - .

: Re:
Green EyesMan 29.11.2018 09:12:39

on 1543471690, Nemo wrote:
.. - .
- - . ::)

, , "" . , , -.

: Re:
Nemo 29.11.2018 09:15:57

on 1543471959, Green EyesMan wrote:
- . ::)

: Re:
Psyho 29.11.2018 09:19:59
- ,
- .


: Re:
GoodNight 29.11.2018 09:45:37
, . , - . , , , . , , , , , . , , . ?
, - ! (, )

: Re:
29.11.2018 18:27:16

on 1543470520, Green EyesMan wrote:
- . , - . , , , , . - , , , ( ) .
- . - . , . .

: Re:
ZLOY 29.11.2018 19:10:42

on 1543470520, Green EyesMan wrote:

! , .

on 1543470520, Green EyesMan wrote:

, , , , !  :)

: Re:
Psyho 29.11.2018 19:17:37

on 1543507842, ZLOY wrote:
, , , , !
. , ,  ;D

: Re:
ZLOY 29.11.2018 19:37:28

on 1543508257, Psyho wrote:

"". , , "" - (), "" : " " - " ", "-", "-" - . - " ", "-"! :(

: Re:
29.11.2018 20:02:37

on 1543509448, ZLOY wrote:
, , "" - (), ""

? , ?

- - , . "" .
- . , - , . - , . , - - , - .

: Re:
ZLOY 29.11.2018 20:20:39

on 1543510957, wrote:
? , ? -

! , , ? , !

: Re:
29.11.2018 20:28:11

on 1543512039, ZLOY wrote:

"" , ?

: Re:
29.11.2018 20:36:44
, , . , . VIP-, .

: Re:
ZLOY 29.11.2018 20:37:48
2: , - , , , . - ! - , , !

: Re:
29.11.2018 20:40:47
, . ?

: Re:
ZLOY 29.11.2018 20:54:58
, , !
, : , - , ! ! "-" - !

: Re:
29.11.2018 21:17:03

on 1543514098, ZLOY wrote:

, , 2014 ...

on 1543514098, ZLOY wrote:


on 1543514098, ZLOY wrote:

, - .
, ...

: Re:
ZLOY 29.11.2018 21:27:44
2: - , ! , ! "" "" , ?  

: Re:
Psyho 29.11.2018 21:29:25
. . .

" "

on 1543515423, wrote:
, ...

: Re:
Green EyesMan 29.11.2018 21:33:45
2ZLOY: ? ? ? ? ? , ?

. . , . - , , . , . . . , - . ? , -?

[offtop] , . . , , , , . , , , - . . - , . - .[/offtop]

: Re:
ZLOY 29.11.2018 21:43:37

on 1543516165, Psyho wrote:

( ), , ( ), , - !
2Green EyesMan: , . ! . , , - ?
, , - ?

: Re:
Green EyesMan 30.11.2018 09:02:36

on 1543517017, ZLOY wrote:
, , - ?
- . ... . - . , .

: Re:
30.11.2018 09:47:52

on 1543517017, ZLOY wrote:

, ?
, .

, . - . 90-? . ""?
? , - ?

: Re:
Green EyesMan 30.11.2018 09:58:50

on 1543560472, wrote:
? , - ?
- . , , . , . . , , .

, , . , . , , . . - , . ( --). .

: Re:
ZLOY 30.11.2018 15:46:44
2: !
" " - , . - " " ( ), , . , , , "" .

on 1543561130, Green EyesMan wrote:
, , . , . , , .

"" - - , .

on 1543561130, Green EyesMan wrote:

- , ( )  :)

: Re:
30.11.2018 16:03:36

on 1543582004, ZLOY wrote:

... .

on 1543582004, ZLOY wrote:

, .

on 1543582004, ZLOY wrote:
, , ,


, , .

: Re:
ZLOY 30.11.2018 16:32:18

on 1543583016, wrote:
, , .

, . , , . - \

: Re:
Green EyesMan 30.11.2018 20:04:41

on 1543582004, ZLOY wrote:
- , ( )
- !!! - , ! :P

on 1543582004, ZLOY wrote:
, , , "" .  
- ... , , ? - . . ::)

: Re:
arheolog 30.11.2018 20:34:58

on 1543597481, Green EyesMan wrote:
, , .

: Re:
ZLOY 30.11.2018 21:47:11

on 1543597481, Green EyesMan wrote:
, , ?

, , , " "! , - . : - ( ) - , - , , - . - , , - !
, - - !

: Re:
desants 01.12.2018 00:08:15
2ZLOY: ! , .

: Re:
Green EyesMan 01.12.2018 09:36:08

on 1543603631, ZLOY wrote:
- . , : " - !"

, , . , , - .

: Re:
ZLOY 01.12.2018 10:01:20

on 1543646168, Green EyesMan wrote:
, , . , , - .

!!! :beer:

: Re:
Green EyesMan 04.12.2018 08:51:29
- . ?

. , , , - , . - , " " - . , , , . . , , - .

, . .

, - , - , . , ?

- , , .

: Re:
GoodNight 04.12.2018 10:11:05
2Green EyesMan:
. , , , ( ), . , , 2 . , , ( ). .

: Re:
Green EyesMan 04.12.2018 10:22:12
2GoodNight: . "", , . , , , , ... .
. ::)

- . .

: Re:
GoodNight 04.12.2018 10:52:46

on 1543908132, Green EyesMan wrote:
- . .  

, - " - , ", - " , "" , ." - " !" - " ?!".

, , . . ;))

: Re:
Green EyesMan 04.12.2018 11:12:46
2GoodNight: ? . , . - . , - .

, , . , . . ( ), - . .

. - . , ( , , , ).

: Re:
JAggernaut 04.12.2018 11:17:25

on 1543902689, Green EyesMan wrote:

: Re:
Green EyesMan 04.12.2018 11:20:29

on 1543911445, JAggernaut wrote:
- . , : 10 . - 9, . , .

: Re:
GoodNight 04.12.2018 11:27:55

on 1543911166, Green EyesMan wrote:
( ),  


: Re:
Green EyesMan 04.12.2018 11:38:38

on 1543912075, GoodNight wrote:
- . . ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 04.12.2018 11:48:07
? ;)))
- ?

: Re:
Korchy 04.12.2018 12:07:13

on 1543902689, Green EyesMan wrote:

- , ? , ... () Deadpool

: Re:
Green EyesMan 04.12.2018 12:09:14

on 1543913287, GoodNight wrote:
- , , . , , .

on 1543913287, GoodNight wrote:
- ?
- . " . . ". .

on 1543914433, Korchy wrote:
- , ? , ... () Deadpool
- .

: Re:
GoodNight 04.12.2018 12:19:58

on 1543914554, Green EyesMan wrote:

, . , , .
, , .

: Re:
Green EyesMan 04.12.2018 12:47:46

on 1543915198, GoodNight wrote:
, , .
- ( ) . - , , , , . , , . , .

: Re:
desants 04.12.2018 12:58:04
2JAggernaut: ;)

: Re:
Green EyesMan 04.12.2018 13:04:51

on 1543917484, desants wrote:
- . . :P

: Re:
Psyho 04.12.2018 13:59:00
, . . 44 .
. . - . - . . . (- , ), . . .

: Re:
GoodNight 04.12.2018 14:14:44
, -. , . , , .

on 1543916866, Green EyesMan wrote:
- ( ) . - , , , , . , , . , .      

, ?
, . , , ....

: Re:
Green EyesMan 04.12.2018 14:27:07

on 1543921140, Psyho wrote:
- . ( ) . - " " - .

on 1543922084, GoodNight wrote:
, ?
- . , , , - " ".
. , , .
, , , , - .
, "", . - , , . , , "" , , , .

. .

: Re:
Psyho 04.12.2018 14:31:51

on 1543922084, GoodNight wrote:
, -.
. .

on 1543922084, GoodNight wrote:
, .
 ;D . , . . .
. . ( ) .

PS: . . - . - .

: Re:
Green EyesMan 04.12.2018 14:35:41
, , ?
, , , .

: Re:
GoodNight 04.12.2018 14:46:14

on 1543923341, Green EyesMan wrote:

, , , ;))

on 1543922827, Green EyesMan wrote:
. .

, 30-40 , .
, . -, . 30 . . . 10-15 .

on 1543923111, Psyho wrote:


: Re:
Psyho 04.12.2018 14:57:52
2GoodNight: (). . - :-). - - .

on 1543923974, GoodNight wrote:
, ,

: Re:
Green EyesMan 04.12.2018 15:12:40

on 1543923974, GoodNight wrote:
, 30-40 , .
- . . 19 , - . . .

. ( ), . , , , , .
, "" , , .

on 1543923974, GoodNight wrote:
, , ,
- , .
, , . . , - .

: Re:
GoodNight 04.12.2018 15:28:46

on 1543925560, Green EyesMan wrote:
. .

, ;)))))), , , - , , 4 , (-, ), , , . , , .

on 1543924672, Psyho wrote:

, ?

: Re:
Green EyesMan 04.12.2018 15:32:42
2GoodNight: - . . , - . .

: Re:
Luficer 04.12.2018 15:41:04

on 1543925560, Green EyesMan wrote:
, - .  


: Re:
Psyho 04.12.2018 16:09:36

on 1543926526, GoodNight wrote:
, ?  

. ( ) ( 1 ).
, - (5 ). , .

. , .. // .  ;D

on 1543926526, GoodNight wrote:
. . .

: Re:
GoodNight 04.12.2018 16:21:26

on 1543928976, Psyho wrote:
, .  


: Re:
Psyho 04.12.2018 16:35:59

on 1543929686, GoodNight wrote:
. . . , . . ... - .  ::)

. . . , 44 , . . .
- . . . . .

: Re:
GoodNight 04.12.2018 16:55:37

on 1543930559, Psyho wrote:
44 , .

. , , - ;))

: Re:
Tailor 04.12.2018 18:35:56

on 1543922827, Green EyesMan wrote:

, , . 1990-. "" , . ...

: Re:
Psyho 04.12.2018 18:51:42

on 1543931737, GoodNight wrote:
, , .

on 1543931737, GoodNight wrote:
, , . , , .

: Re:
desants 04.12.2018 21:26:39
2Tailor: )

2Green EyesMan: , )

: Re:
Tailor 05.12.2018 01:24:30

on 1543947999, desants wrote:

, , , ... " " , , 60 , ? :(

: Re:
Green EyesMan 05.12.2018 08:57:30

on 1543947999, desants wrote:
, )
- ? ? , . -... . ::)

on 1543937756, Tailor wrote:
, , . 1990-. "" , . ...
- . , ( , ).

: Re:
GoodNight 05.12.2018 12:21:36

on 1543938702, Psyho wrote:

, , .

on 1543938702, Psyho wrote:
, . , , .

, , . ;))

: Re:
Green EyesMan 25.12.2018 16:27:18
: () ( ) , () ( ) ? ?

, , - . - , " " "".

: Re:
Psyho 25.12.2018 16:34:59

: Re:
arheolog 25.12.2018 16:41:55

: Re:
Green EyesMan 25.12.2018 16:53:28

on 1545744899, Psyho wrote:
- , - . ! - , . 8)

2arheolog: - . - " ".

, - .

: Re:
ZLOY 25.12.2018 17:16:51

on 1545746008, Green EyesMan wrote:
- . - "

"" ? ? - " " ( ), !

: Re:
Green EyesMan 25.12.2018 21:31:54
2ZLOY: - , , , "" .

: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/_,_-___

- - - . , ( ). "", "" "" .

. , .

, , - , . ( "" , - ).

. , .

: Re:
GoodNight 25.12.2018 21:43:04

on 1545762714, Green EyesMan wrote:
. , .

, , , .

: Re:
ZLOY 25.12.2018 21:57:21

on 1545762714, Green EyesMan wrote:

, -34 - ? , - !

: Re:
Green EyesMan 26.12.2018 08:57:13

on 1545763384, GoodNight wrote:
, , , .
- ... . - , . , . ;D

on 1545764241, ZLOY wrote:
, -34 - ? , - !
- . . - . - , . .

. , " " 20 . , , .

: Re:
Nemo 26.12.2018 11:08:11
, " " . , . :o

: Re:
arheolog 26.12.2018 13:16:45
2Nemo: !

: Re:
Green EyesMan 26.12.2018 13:54:22

on 1545819405, arheolog wrote:
- . VPN - . - .

- , . :devil:

: Re:
arheolog 26.12.2018 14:00:01
2Green EyesMan:
, ! ()

: Re:
Green EyesMan 26.12.2018 14:07:06

on 1545822001, arheolog wrote:
, ! ()
- . , , . :(

: Re:
arheolog 26.12.2018 14:08:36
2Green EyesMan:

, , .
, ... - , , .   , - , , .

, .


, .

, ... .

=, .



;D  :P

: Re:
Green EyesMan 26.12.2018 14:25:24
: "..." :(

: Re:
ZLOY 26.12.2018 14:45:13
- ? , , ?
P.S. - ?  :)

: Re:
Green EyesMan 26.12.2018 15:01:18

on 1545824713, ZLOY wrote:
- ?
- , "" . , . . .

, - , 80-. ( - ).

: Re:
arheolog 26.12.2018 15:13:33

on 1545824713, ZLOY wrote:
- ?  


: Re:
ZLOY 26.12.2018 15:16:13
2Green EyesMan: , , ( ). - .
2arheolog: .

: Re:
Green EyesMan 26.12.2018 15:23:52

on 1545826573, ZLOY wrote:
, , ( ). - .
- , "" " " . , , .

: Re:
ZLOY 26.12.2018 15:36:36

on 1545827032, Green EyesMan wrote:
  - ( - ).  :)

: Re:
Green EyesMan 26.12.2018 15:47:47

on 1545827796, ZLOY wrote:
- "" - " ".

: Re:
pipetz 26.12.2018 20:18:30
, ?
, , , .
? ?

: Re:
desants 26.12.2018 21:34:35
2ZLOY: https://dogovor-urist.ru//__/_16/

: Re:
pipetz 26.12.2018 21:50:04
, , 38 .
( 14),   38 .  ;D


: Re:
Green EyesMan 27.12.2018 08:58:25

on 1545844710, pipetz wrote:
, ?
- ? , . , . , , , , . "" . . , .

. . . , "" . . , , , . - . , . "" , " ".


, . . , , .. - , . - , . - .

. - , .

: Re:
Luficer 27.12.2018 09:36:11

on 1545890305, Green EyesMan wrote:
. - , .  

, , , , , . ? , , , , , , .

(Air Curtain Burner). , . 2002 16,1 , 49 20 %.223 , (49: 16,1 =) 3,04 . , , , , , , 1 3,5 ( 20 %). , 10 %.

60 , , 210 20 %


: Re:
Green EyesMan 27.12.2018 10:18:58

on 1545892571, Luficer wrote:
- " "? , . ;)

: Re:
Luficer 27.12.2018 10:28:23
, . .
- .

: Re:
Nemo 27.12.2018 11:34:27

on 1545890305, Green EyesMan wrote:
! . ! :P

: Re:
Green EyesMan 27.12.2018 11:57:49
2Nemo: . .

on 1545899667, Nemo wrote:
! . !
- . . . , , .

, , . - . .

. , . , .

on 1545895703, Luficer wrote:
, . .
- .

: Re:
GoodNight 27.12.2018 16:41:07

on 1545901069, Green EyesMan wrote:

!!! , ?!?! , "" , .

: Re:
Green EyesMan 27.12.2018 16:49:41

on 1545918067, GoodNight wrote:
- - . . - , "", . :P

: Re:
GoodNight 27.12.2018 16:56:13

on 1545918581, Green EyesMan wrote:
- , "", .

, . , , , , " , , , , !".

: Re:
Green EyesMan 27.12.2018 17:26:56
2GoodNight: , .

: Re:
Nemo 28.12.2018 04:50:22
2Green EyesMan: .

: Re:
Green EyesMan 28.12.2018 08:37:34

on 1545961822, Nemo wrote:
- . . -.

, . - , "" , . , . , .

: Re:
GoodNight 28.12.2018 09:05:26

on 1545975454, Green EyesMan wrote:
, .  

, , , , ! . , -- -- ---- "... ...". , , , , .
, , - . , , . , . . . , " " .
, , , . . .

: Re:
KombaT 28.12.2018 10:19:29

on 1545977126, GoodNight wrote:

, - ( , ;)) wi-fi .
, , - "" , : ,  ;D

: Re:
Green EyesMan 28.12.2018 10:34:52

on 1545977126, GoodNight wrote:
- , ? ... . " ", . - , ( -).

. "" , , . , "" , .

2KombaT: ? :o

: Re:
KombaT 28.12.2018 11:19:50
2Green EyesMan:
,  :D .
- ?

: Re:
Nemo 28.12.2018 11:33:15

on 1545985190, KombaT wrote:

: Re:
Green EyesMan 28.12.2018 11:41:02

on 1545985190, KombaT wrote:
- ?
- - . , . , - - . , - . " " . . :(

, . "" , - . :cranky:

: Re:
KombaT 28.12.2018 11:43:35
" , , , "
"" - , ,  :D

: Re:
Nemo 28.12.2018 11:45:40
2KombaT: , . ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 28.12.2018 11:49:59

on 1545982492, Green EyesMan wrote:
, ?

, , .

: Re:
Green EyesMan 28.12.2018 12:13:04

on 1545986999, GoodNight wrote:
, , .
- . , ? , . , ... . :devil:

: Re:
GoodNight 28.12.2018 14:18:17

on 1545988384, Green EyesMan wrote:
, ? , . , ... .  

, , , .... ( )

: Re:
Green EyesMan 28.12.2018 14:32:36

on 1545995897, GoodNight wrote:
, , , .... ( )
- - . . ::)

: Re:
ZLOY 28.12.2018 15:12:08
, ! , "", " " "", , , ! ;D

: Re:
Green EyesMan 28.12.2018 15:26:28
2ZLOY: . , , . , . .

: Re:
ZLOY 28.12.2018 16:18:55
? - (1998-99) - ( , ), , , ? - , !   , - "" , ,  :(

: Re:
Green EyesMan 28.12.2018 16:30:59
2ZLOY: ! ? - . , - .

: Re:
GoodNight 28.12.2018 16:45:59

on 1546003135, ZLOY wrote:

1, 70- 90- , , . .

on 1546003859, Green EyesMan wrote:

. - .

: Re:
Green EyesMan 28.12.2018 17:01:39

on 1546004759, GoodNight wrote:
. - .
- - . - . ( ) . .

: Re:
ZLOY 28.12.2018 17:13:49

on 1546003859, Green EyesMan wrote:
, -

? - ! , ?

on 1546004759, GoodNight wrote:

- " " " "? . . , ( , , ), - !
: , , !

on 1546005699, Green EyesMan wrote:

, , - ?
, !!!! >:(

: Re:
Green EyesMan 28.12.2018 17:36:13

on 1546006429, ZLOY wrote:
? - ! , ?
- , .   - - .

on 1546006429, ZLOY wrote:
, , - ?
- . , .

: Re:
ZLOY 28.12.2018 18:05:33

on 1546007773, Green EyesMan wrote:

, .
- - , , LoL .
, Green EyesMan " " - ?  :)
, , , . , , .  :(

: Re:
GoodNight 28.12.2018 19:13:48

on 1546006429, ZLOY wrote:
- " "  " "?

1, , , , , , , . , , , ,   , , . ,   .

on 1546009533, ZLOY wrote:

, , - "" , ....?

: Re:
ZLOY 28.12.2018 19:55:21

on 1546013628, GoodNight wrote:

1, . , , 5 6-.

on 1546004759, GoodNight wrote:

- , , ( " ").

on 1546013628, GoodNight wrote:
- "" , ....?

! , . () , .

: Re:
Green EyesMan 28.12.2018 20:16:55

on 1546009533, ZLOY wrote:
, Green EyesMan " " - ?
- . , , . , . , . , . :(

on 1546009533, ZLOY wrote:
- . , , " ". .

: Re:
ZLOY 28.12.2018 20:32:41

on 1546017415, Green EyesMan wrote:

- , ? : 50,7 ( )!  :o

on 1546017415, Green EyesMan wrote:

, - !  8)

on 1546017415, Green EyesMan wrote:

- , " " ( )? :confus:

: Re:
Green EyesMan 28.12.2018 21:16:16

on 1546018361, ZLOY wrote:
- , ? : 50,7 ( )!
- , - .
, . - . , , . . . , , , , , ? . , , .

on 1546018361, ZLOY wrote:
- , " " ( )?
- , , , "". "" .

: Re:
ZLOY 28.12.2018 22:22:14

on 1546020976, Green EyesMan wrote:
"" .  

, , . - !
90% , - !

: Re:
GoodNight 28.12.2018 22:23:06

on 1546020976, Green EyesMan wrote:
, "". "" .

-! , ! !

: Re:
Nemo 29.12.2018 07:18:25

on 1546024986, GoodNight wrote:
"" , . ::)

: Re:
Green EyesMan 29.12.2018 08:50:39

on 1546024934, ZLOY wrote:
90% , - !
- . .

on 1546024986, GoodNight wrote:
-! , ! !
- ( ). , .

on 1546057105, Nemo wrote:
"" , .
- ! , . . "" -- "", , . , . , . .

-, , . . .

: Re:
arheolog 29.12.2018 15:34:33

on 1546062639, Green EyesMan wrote:
. .  

- , , . - . , , , , , .


: Re:
ZLOY 29.12.2018 17:37:05
( ): ( ), "" , ! , , !
, - - , , ! : (" "), "" - !? "" , !

: Re:
Green EyesMan 29.12.2018 18:32:15

on 1546086873, arheolog wrote:
- , . , . " ".

2ZLOY: -. . , , . , . , , - .
. ( , ) . . .

- . . " " .

: Re:
ZLOY 29.12.2018 18:56:09

on 1546097535, Green EyesMan wrote:

? , ! , () , , - !
, ! , , " " - - ! :)

: Re:
GoodNight 29.12.2018 21:34:59
2ZLOY: 2Green EyesMan:
, , . 2 . . , , , , . , .
- , . : - , , (), .

: Re:
ZLOY 29.12.2018 22:01:02

on 1546108499, GoodNight wrote:

! "" - ( ) - , -. .. 2000 , - , , !

: Re:
desants 29.12.2018 22:05:10
2GoodNight: )

: Re:
GoodNight 29.12.2018 22:43:35

on 1546110062, ZLOY wrote:

? .

on 1546110062, ZLOY wrote:

. ? , , ?

on 1546110310, desants wrote:
, . ;))))))))))

: Re:
ZLOY 29.12.2018 23:24:06
2GoodNight: - , , !  ;)

: Re:
Green EyesMan 30.12.2018 12:47:19
- .

: Re:
Stingray 30.12.2018 20:37:33
2Green EyesMan:

: Re:
KombaT 31.12.2018 01:12:14

on 1546191453, Stingray wrote:

, , - !

: Re:
Nemo 31.12.2018 07:01:54

on 1546163239, Green EyesMan wrote:
.- . ?

: Re:
Psyho 01.01.2019 04:16:17
2ZLOY: . . . = ( ). - /. - .
: - . ? .  ;D

- .

"" : ? ? , - ? ( (" " . )). . :-)

: Re:
Green EyesMan 01.01.2019 11:06:26

on 1546191453, Stingray wrote:
on 1546207934, KombaT wrote:
, , - !
on 1546228914, Nemo wrote:
.- . ?
- , . , , . - . , . , . , , . , .

2Psyho: , - . , , . . , . , . - . , , , , , . !? , - . - . , , - .   - . .

: Re:
ZLOY 01.01.2019 13:19:46
2Psyho: ? :)

on 1546305377, Psyho wrote:
= ( )

on 1546305377, Psyho wrote:

? , , , , - , ! , , .

on 1546305377, Psyho wrote:
- /. -

"" ? , " "! ???

: Re:
Strax5 01.01.2019 19:49:18

on 1545744438, Green EyesMan wrote:
() ( )
. , .
, .

. - , .

1. 2019 ?
2. , ? ?
3. "", " "?
4. "" ?
5. ? [, ]
6. ? ?
7. ?
8. ?

: Re:
GoodNight 01.01.2019 21:43:31

on 1546361358, Strax5 wrote:
1. 2019 ?  2. , ? ?  3. "", " "?  4. "" ?  5. ? [, ]  6. ? ?  7. ?  8. ?      
, , ?

: Re:
Luficer 01.01.2019 21:50:49
, . ::)

1. , 2018
2. . .
3. -
4. , -
5. [ - ]
6. , , .

: Re:
Strax5 01.01.2019 22:24:05
2Luficer: , 2. .

: Re:
Strax5 02.01.2019 00:47:17

on 1546368211, GoodNight wrote:
, , ?

, .
9. ?
10. ?
11. ?
12. , ?
13. ?

, .

: Re:
arheolog 02.01.2019 01:06:49
1. , , , .
2. . , .
3. .
4. , .
5. 2, 5
6. , .
7. ? ?
8. , , .

: Re:
Strax5 02.01.2019 01:55:36
2arheolog: . 4 . 2 .

: Re:
ZLOY 02.01.2019 02:05:56
! : , ?

: Re:
Nemo 02.01.2019 07:01:29
2Strax5: 1. ? 2. , 3.(.) 4. 5. 5 6. 1- , .. 7. 8. ::) 9. (- , .) 10. 11. 12.- 12.-9.                                                        2ZLOY: ", ..."

: Re:
GoodNight 02.01.2019 09:27:56

on 1546383956, ZLOY wrote:
! : , ?
- " ?!".
, , ;))

: Re:
Green EyesMan 02.01.2019 11:07:03
2Strax5: .

1. "" . - - , . . ( ), - ( ). .

2. - . . , . .

3. - . - .

4. . ? , , ..? - . .

5. . . . . .

6. . . "". , - .

7. ? , ? " ", . - . , .

8. . :) - , .

2ZLOY: . - ... . ;)

, , . - . . !

: Re:
ZLOY 02.01.2019 12:02:13

on 1546416423, Green EyesMan wrote:
. - ...

"" , ! :o
- ! >:( :D

on 1546416423, Green EyesMan wrote:
. !

!! , , - , !

: Re:
GoodNight 02.01.2019 12:42:45

on 1546419733, ZLOY wrote:
- !
. .

on 1546419733, ZLOY wrote:
- ,
! ! ! - " !" Schwarze Rassisten!!!

: Re:
Ushwood 02.01.2019 14:30:37

on 1546361358, Strax5 wrote:
1. 2019 ?  
, . ( - ) .

: Re:
Strax5 02.01.2019 14:45:19
2Ushwood: , .

: . 12- (, ..) -. , . , 2019 .

: . ? ? ? ? , ?
. .

: Re:
Green EyesMan 02.01.2019 18:02:55

on 1546429519, Strax5 wrote:
? ? ? ? , ?  
- - . - , . - ! "" . , . ? . . . - ? , . .

. , , , . - - .
, , - , , . , , , . - , . - . - .

: Re:
pipetz 02.01.2019 21:34:07

on 1546429519, Strax5 wrote:
: . ? ? ? ? , ?  

, ""
" ",
? -
? -
? -
? - , , ,
? -

, ?

, ?

, !

: Re:
aazmav 03.01.2019 06:37:56

on 1546429519, Strax5 wrote:
: . 12- (, ..) -. , . , 2019 .  

. .

: Re:
Nemo 03.01.2019 07:55:20

on 1546419733, ZLOY wrote:
;)                                                      2GoodNight: ? :P

: Re:
GoodNight 03.01.2019 09:23:51

on 1546491320, Nemo wrote:
, , . .

: Re:
Strax5 03.01.2019 10:42:12

on 1546486676, aazmav wrote:

, , , .

: Re:
ZLOY 03.01.2019 11:40:04
: ja2.su ja2.su : , , ..?

: Re:
GoodNight 03.01.2019 11:48:52

on 1546504804, ZLOY wrote:
: ja2.su ja2.su : , , ..?  

: Re:
Green EyesMan 05.01.2019 12:43:41

on 1546505332, GoodNight wrote:
- !
" " . ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 05.01.2019 13:36:13

on 1546681421, Green EyesMan wrote:
" " .  
, . , . ;))))))))))))))) ;)))))))))))
, " ";))

: Re:
Green EyesMan 05.01.2019 14:23:51

on 1546684573, GoodNight wrote:
, " "
- , . , .

: Re:
ZLOY 05.01.2019 14:54:01

on 1546681421, Green EyesMan wrote:

, . , :(

: Re:
Green EyesMan 05.01.2019 15:28:42
2ZLOY: . . , . , - . , .

: Re:
ZLOY 05.01.2019 15:37:33

on 1546691322, Green EyesMan wrote:

- , !  :D

on 1546691322, Green EyesMan wrote:

- ( )!

: Re:
GoodNight 05.01.2019 18:31:32
2Green EyesMan: 2ZLOY: , , , , , , . , , !
.... , .

: Re:
ZLOY 05.01.2019 19:00:55

on 1546702292, GoodNight wrote:
, , ,

, , \ ! :o Green EyesMan , , , , ! :P :D

on 1546702292, GoodNight wrote:

( ) - .

: Re:
Green EyesMan 05.01.2019 20:03:50
2GoodNight: , . ::)

2ZLOY: . . . , .

: Re:
GoodNight 05.01.2019 20:04:59

on 1546704055, ZLOY wrote:
, \  
, , .

on 1546704055, ZLOY wrote:
( )  
, ! , , ;)) , .

: Re:
GoodNight 05.01.2019 20:05:38

on 1546707830, Green EyesMan wrote:
, .  

: Re:
ZLOY 05.01.2019 20:39:07

on 1546707899, GoodNight wrote:

, , , - , ( , ).

: Re:
GoodNight 05.01.2019 20:45:53

on 1546709947, ZLOY wrote:
, ?

: Re:
ZLOY 05.01.2019 20:57:04

on 1546707830, Green EyesMan wrote:

, - . !  :)

on 1546710353, GoodNight wrote:

, - :crazy:

: Re:
Nemo 06.01.2019 08:24:36

on 1546710353, GoodNight wrote:
- . -. :(

: Re:
Green EyesMan 08.01.2019 18:09:08

on 1546707938, GoodNight wrote:
- . .

on 1546711024, ZLOY wrote:
, - . !  
- . . : - , - . - . .

( ), , ? , . , . - - - . , ( ), ( - ). :)
- , , -, . ? ?

: Re:
ZLOY 08.01.2019 18:50:43

on 1546960148, Green EyesMan wrote:

, , " " - ( = ).
.. !  :)

on 1546960148, Green EyesMan wrote:
: - , - . -

, : = , = - !

on 1546960148, Green EyesMan wrote:

: , , .. - , .

: Re:
GoodNight 08.01.2019 20:23:24
2Green EyesMan: , . , . , , . . , , . . ;)))))

: Re:
Green EyesMan 09.01.2019 09:21:27

on 1546962643, ZLOY wrote:
: , , .. - , .
- ? , , .

on 1546962643, ZLOY wrote:
, : = , = - !
- .

on 1546962643, ZLOY wrote:
- .

2GoodNight: . . . , .
, - , , 80% ( ). , . .
. , .

- . , . , - 1000 , 10.

- , . , , , , . .

, ( "" ), ( , ..), ( , - , , ..).

: Re:
Nemo 09.01.2019 09:56:04

on 1547014887, Green EyesMan wrote:
, , ? 1/4 .

: Re:
Green EyesMan 09.01.2019 10:05:59

on 1547016964, Nemo wrote:
, , ?
- . "" . .

: Re:
GoodNight 09.01.2019 11:18:18
2Green EyesMan: , . "" "" , "" -, , , , .
, , , "" , , , . , , .
, - , , . - , .
- " ".

: Re:
Green EyesMan 09.01.2019 11:54:56
: ?

: Re:
Nemo 09.01.2019 11:56:53

on 1546968204, GoodNight wrote:
, , . . ::)

: Re:
ZLOY 09.01.2019 13:10:00

on 1547024096, Green EyesMan wrote:
: ?  

- , , , , , !  :) , - .

: Re:
Nemo 09.01.2019 13:21:31

on 1547024096, Green EyesMan wrote:
.  8)

: Re:
GoodNight 09.01.2019 13:28:54

on 1547024096, Green EyesMan wrote:
, , ( ), , , , . 4- , , ....

: Re:
Nemo 09.01.2019 13:32:12

on 1547029734, GoodNight wrote:
( ) . :D

: Re:
Green EyesMan 09.01.2019 14:52:38
? , . . - , -.
, . , . ::)

: Re:
Luficer 09.01.2019 15:21:21
2Green EyesMan: . )))

: Re:
ZLOY 09.01.2019 15:21:41
2Green EyesMan: ,  :o , , ! , , -  :confused:

: Re:
Green EyesMan 09.01.2019 15:43:30

on 1547036481, Luficer wrote:
. )))
- . .

2ZLOY: . . .

: Re:
Luficer 09.01.2019 16:19:18

on 1547037810, Green EyesMan wrote:

. )

,  ;)

: Re:
Green EyesMan 09.01.2019 16:25:15

on 1547039958, Luficer wrote:
- . , . :)

, . :)

: Re:
ZLOY 09.01.2019 16:55:22
2Green EyesMan: "" ,  :D
, + + + + ! Green EyesMan - !!!  >:(

: Re:
Green EyesMan 09.01.2019 17:18:13
2ZLOY: --!!! !!! , !? ::) ;D

: Re:
GoodNight 09.01.2019 18:22:34
2Green EyesMan: , - , ?

: Re:
Green EyesMan 09.01.2019 21:08:09

on 1547047354, GoodNight wrote:
, - , ?
- . , , , , , . :P

: Re:
GoodNight 09.01.2019 21:15:32
2Green EyesMan: -. , -, , ...

: Re:
Green EyesMan 10.01.2019 09:10:37
2GoodNight: -, ? . :)

: Re:
GoodNight 10.01.2019 13:36:53
2Green EyesMan: , , ;))

: Re:
Green EyesMan 10.01.2019 13:55:28
2GoodNight: . . . ;)

: Re:
ZLOY 10.01.2019 15:29:33
, -, ? ? - , -, !

: Re:
Green EyesMan 10.01.2019 15:54:40

on 1547123373, ZLOY wrote:
, -, ?
- . , . . ;)

: Re:
ZLOY 10.01.2019 17:36:56
- ? , , ( ) . ! :idea:

: Re:
Nemo 11.01.2019 06:52:36
2Green EyesMan: , / ? , ?

: Re:
KombaT 11.01.2019 06:54:11

on 1547123373, ZLOY wrote:

, 2 ,

: Re:
Nemo 11.01.2019 07:33:53
, "" ""- "" . , 2 - ? ::)

: Re:
Green EyesMan 11.01.2019 08:48:31

on 1547131016, ZLOY wrote:
- ?
- . ;)

on 1547178756, Nemo wrote:
, / ? , ?
- . . . (?!), - ( ). , " ". ::)

on 1547178851, KombaT wrote:
, 2 ,
- , ( ). ( ).

on 1547181233, Nemo wrote:
, 2 - ?  
- , - , . , , - \ - . \ . .

: Re:
ZLOY 11.01.2019 11:05:36

on 1547178851, KombaT wrote:

, - ...

on 1547185711, Green EyesMan wrote:


: Re:
Green EyesMan 11.01.2019 11:20:05

on 1547193936, ZLOY wrote:
- . ;D

: Re:
ZLOY 11.01.2019 11:27:29

on 1547194805, Green EyesMan wrote:

! - .

: Re:
Strax5 11.01.2019 12:20:22

on 1547181233, Nemo wrote:
, "" ""- "" . , 2 - ?  

Ÿ 19 .

: Re:
ZLOY 12.01.2019 00:12:46
2KombaT: , JA2 (1999 - )?  :)

: Re:
Luficer 12.01.2019 00:48:49
, . . , , .

: Re:
ZLOY 12.01.2019 00:53:45
2Luficer: -, ( ).

: Re:
Luficer 12.01.2019 01:16:06
, 15 . .

: Re:
ZLOY 12.01.2019 01:21:14

on 1547244966, Luficer wrote:

"" !  >:(

: Re:
Luficer 12.01.2019 01:26:35

on 1547245274, ZLOY wrote:

, HTF ?

: Re:
ZLOY 12.01.2019 01:32:48

on 1547245595, Luficer wrote:

, ? :o , 10 .

: Re:
Nemo 12.01.2019 06:02:51

on 1547245968, ZLOY wrote:
? ;)

: Re:
ZLOY 12.01.2019 15:47:46

on 1547262171, Nemo wrote:

- "" . () - ( )!

: Re:
Nemo 13.01.2019 07:06:45
2ZLOY: ! :o ?

: Re:
KombaT 14.01.2019 05:19:55


on 1547245968, ZLOY wrote:
, ?

25+ ;)

ps: - , , , ;D

: Re:
ZLOY 14.01.2019 05:29:28
, JA2 ?

on 1547432395, KombaT wrote:

JA2, - , -!  :P

: Re:
KombaT 14.01.2019 05:34:04

: Re:
ZLOY 14.01.2019 05:50:34
2KombaT: ( , )  :P
, , ?

: Re:
Nemo 14.01.2019 08:12:47

on 1547434234, ZLOY wrote:
- , - . ;)

: Re:
KombaT 14.01.2019 08:39:52

on 1547434234, ZLOY wrote:

JA? , , "", ?

: Re:
GoodNight 14.01.2019 09:06:33

on 1547434234, ZLOY wrote:
, , .... ...-! ?

: Re:
Green EyesMan 14.01.2019 09:13:15

on 1547444392, KombaT wrote:
JA? , , "", ?
- ? :)

on 1547434234, ZLOY wrote:
, , ?
- . - , "" . . . . ;D

on 1547445993, GoodNight wrote:
, , .... ...-! ?
- . . , . , , . : , .
, , . . - . , . :P

: Re:
KombaT 14.01.2019 09:15:52

on 1547445993, GoodNight wrote:

, , , 35 , , , - , ,

: Re:
KombaT 14.01.2019 09:21:35

on 1547446395, Green EyesMan wrote:

!!! :o ! Ja2 ( ) . - , ;)

: Re:
Green EyesMan 14.01.2019 09:54:25
2KombaT: . .

on 1547446552, KombaT wrote:
, , , 35 , , , - , ,
- - . - . , \ , . :P

: Re:
arheolog 14.01.2019 11:58:14

on 1547448865, Green EyesMan wrote:
, \ , .

!!! !!!  ;) !!!?
, , , ( ) . , " , ", , . , . .

: Re:
Green EyesMan 14.01.2019 12:05:50
2arheolog:  ;D

, , . , . . ... ? :shuffle:

: Re:
Nemo 14.01.2019 12:37:54

on 1547445993, GoodNight wrote:
on 1547446395, Green EyesMan wrote:
, , .  :P

: Re:
arheolog 14.01.2019 12:42:56

on 1547456750, Green EyesMan wrote:

, .

: Re:
Green EyesMan 14.01.2019 12:53:54

on 1547458674, Nemo wrote:
, , .
- .

on 1547458976, arheolog wrote:
, .
- . , . ::)

: Re:
Nemo 14.01.2019 14:05:05

on 1547446395, Green EyesMan wrote:
, , , . , . :P

: Re:
ZLOY 14.01.2019 14:09:29

on 1547444392, KombaT wrote:
JA? , , "", ?

! - ! :devil:
, , : , , , , - . (, ), , , - !

on 1547458674, Nemo wrote:

, , , ?

: Re:
KombaT 14.01.2019 14:18:47
, !

: Re:
Green EyesMan 14.01.2019 14:20:27
2Nemo: - . . , .

: Re:
Nemo 14.01.2019 14:20:53

on 1547446552, KombaT wrote:
, ,
- , . 8)

: Re:
GoodNight 14.01.2019 14:26:06
-, , , , .

: Re:
ZLOY 14.01.2019 14:36:33

on 1547464827, Green EyesMan wrote:
- . . ,

, - !

: Re:
Green EyesMan 14.01.2019 14:41:00

on 1547465793, ZLOY wrote:
- ? , .

- .

: Re:
Strax5 14.01.2019 19:57:24
, "" ?

: Re:
ZLOY 15.01.2019 20:36:14
5- ( ), ( ). , ?

: Re:
arheolog 15.01.2019 22:14:00
2ZLOY: 0,9 ?

: Re:
ZLOY 15.01.2019 22:31:48

on 1547579640, arheolog wrote:
0,9 ?

5- ( ) - , , ( )   :(

: Re:
GoodNight 15.01.2019 22:42:01

on 1547580708, ZLOY wrote:
, , ?

: Re:
Nemo 16.01.2019 07:07:16

on 1547581321, GoodNight wrote:
, , ?
, . ;D

: Re:
GoodNight 16.01.2019 09:11:41

on 1547611636, Nemo wrote:
- !

: Re:
Green EyesMan 16.01.2019 11:46:07
, :

(UV)? - ( - ). , - . .

: Re:
KombaT 16.01.2019 11:59:58
, , , , , -

: Re:
JAggernaut 16.01.2019 12:17:26

on 1547628367, Green EyesMan wrote:

- , , . . , , , .

: Re:
Luficer 16.01.2019 12:38:36
2Green EyesMan: ( ), , . ( , ) , , (1550 ), - ( 11 , 7,5 ). - . , , () .
, .
, . - , , . , , suum cuique.

p.s. , , )

: Re:
Nemo 16.01.2019 12:55:36

on 1547629198, KombaT wrote:
, ?  ::)

: Re:
KombaT 16.01.2019 13:20:26

on 1547632536, Nemo wrote:
, ?

- ! :
":      "
,  :P
, " 43-", 3 -

: Re:
Nemo 16.01.2019 13:31:53
2KombaT: , - - .

: Re:
Tailor 16.01.2019 19:10:39
, , . , , ( , 5 ), . ...

: Re:
Strax5 16.01.2019 20:56:07

on 1547655039, Tailor wrote:
, , .
- . "" - .

: Re:
Green EyesMan 17.01.2019 08:51:30
2Strax5: ( ). , . - . , - . , .

: ? , ... ? ?
. - , . . :(

: Re:
GoodNight 17.01.2019 16:01:12
, ?

: Re:
Green EyesMan 17.01.2019 16:38:56

on 1547730072, GoodNight wrote:
, ?
- , . - , .

: Re:
ZLOY 17.01.2019 16:58:25

on 1547730072, GoodNight wrote:

, , "" - ! 8)

: Re:
Tailor 17.01.2019 17:40:41
. , , ...

: Re:
GoodNight 17.01.2019 20:21:02
2Green EyesMan: 2ZLOY: 2Tailor: , , " ", , , - ?

: Re:
ZLOY 17.01.2019 20:50:48
2GoodNight: , , , , - , - , - ,  :)

: Re:
GoodNight 17.01.2019 23:29:24
2ZLOY: , , ? , , , , , , , , , . , , , , . , , , - ", , ! ! , , !". . . .

: Re:
ZLOY 18.01.2019 01:20:50

on 1547756964, GoodNight wrote:
, , ?

, . , , - , , .
: , . , .  ;)

: Re:
Nemo 18.01.2019 06:13:23

on 1547730072, GoodNight wrote:
. . , - ! ( ) :)

: Re:
desants 18.01.2019 07:25:24
2Nemo: - , , , . 2ZLOY: ;)

: Re:
Green EyesMan 18.01.2019 08:46:22
, ! . . , . . - . - . , . .

. - . .

: Re:
GoodNight 18.01.2019 09:17:48

on 1547790382, Green EyesMan wrote:
- , . .

: Re:
KombaT 18.01.2019 09:31:17
, , .
. , : - , - . - , , , ( ) :D ( , !!!
, , , , , , , : ( :) ) , ...

: Re:
Green EyesMan 18.01.2019 09:49:50
2KombaT: ? , , . , . ;)

: Re:
KombaT 18.01.2019 10:38:01
2Green EyesMan:
on 1547793077, KombaT wrote:

: Re:
Green EyesMan 18.01.2019 10:49:54
2KombaT: ? , . - , . , , ? " ". ;)

: Re:
KombaT 18.01.2019 10:58:19
2Green EyesMan:
, , ,
, - ( , , !!  >:()

: Re:
ZLOY 18.01.2019 12:49:09

on 1547797794, Green EyesMan wrote:

! , , ( ) :maniac:

: Re:
Green EyesMan 18.01.2019 12:50:17
2ZLOY: . , . ::)

: Re:
ZLOY 18.01.2019 13:05:55
2Green EyesMan: , , , , ,  :o

: Re:
Green EyesMan 18.01.2019 13:26:19
2ZLOY: !

: Re:
desants 18.01.2019 13:31:30
2KombaT: () .
, , ? .
, ?

, . , , ?
, ! .
, ! , , , ?
, .
, , 텠 ,
. , , ? . -, . ? , !
, .
, ! , !
, ! . .
, .

: Re:
ZLOY 18.01.2019 13:57:17

on 1547807490, desants wrote:
, !

, - :weep:

: Re:
KombaT 18.01.2019 14:14:04
, ""! , /// ! ?  :D

: Re:
Green EyesMan 18.01.2019 14:19:47
2KombaT: , ?  ::)

: Re:
ZLOY 18.01.2019 14:26:00
2KombaT: Happy Tree Friends - , !
, HTF - :dont:

: Re:
KombaT 18.01.2019 14:29:58
2Green EyesMan:

: Re:
Luficer 18.01.2019 14:33:08
!  >:( ;D

: Re:
ZLOY 18.01.2019 14:41:58
" ", "-" ?

: Re:
Luficer 18.01.2019 15:01:40
, , .

: Re:
Green EyesMan 18.01.2019 15:01:59

on 1547811718, ZLOY wrote:
" ", "-" ?
- . , . . - . , , . - . :P

, , ?

: Re:
Psyho 18.01.2019 15:06:33

on 1547812919, Green EyesMan wrote:
, , .

1. /
3. 3 - .

: Re:
Green EyesMan 18.01.2019 15:39:00
2Psyho: , . :P

: Re:
Nemo 20.01.2019 06:26:02

on 1547797794, Green EyesMan wrote:
- . . . . , , , .....

: Re:
Green Eyesman 23.01.2019 15:46:01
( )?

: Re:
Luficer 23.01.2019 16:09:49
. , ...
, .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 24.01.2019 08:46:59

on 1548248989, Luficer wrote:
- ? - , .

: Re:
Luficer 24.01.2019 16:29:55
2Green Eyesman: - :-/

: Re:
Green Eyesman 24.01.2019 17:34:14

on 1548336595, Luficer wrote:
- . - ?

: Re:
GoodNight 24.01.2019 17:45:52

on 1548340454, Green Eyesman wrote:
- ?
, . - . , .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 24.01.2019 17:51:54
. , - - .

- .

: Re:
Luficer 24.01.2019 17:52:22

on 1548340454, Green Eyesman wrote:
- ?

, , . , . ()

, ? .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 24.01.2019 18:02:24

on 1548341542, Luficer wrote:
, ?
- , , , - . , .

, .

: Re:
Luficer 24.01.2019 18:48:21

on 1548342144, Green Eyesman wrote:

, . , , , , . - .

: Re:
ZLOY 24.01.2019 19:07:25
2Green Eyesman: -, . - - , - !

: Re:
GoodNight 24.01.2019 22:34:22
-, , . , - -. - , , , .

: Re:
Luficer 25.01.2019 11:06:26

on 1548346045, ZLOY wrote:
- -


5 Lean ( ) ?


: Re:
Strax5 25.01.2019 16:39:16

on 1548341514, Green Eyesman wrote:
- .

. . : . , , , . . .
. .

on 1548342144, Green Eyesman wrote:
, .

, , , - .
, " - " - " ".
, . . - . . . .
, , .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 25.01.2019 17:17:24

on 1548423556, Strax5 wrote:
. .
- . .

, "" , "". , "" . , , .

, . "" - . , - .
- , ( ). - , .

, ( ) "" - . .

- ? , - . , , " ". . , "" , - . . - , . .

- , - , , ( ). :)
, . - , " ", - . , . "" .

, , - , . . - , - - , .

: Re:
Tailor 25.01.2019 19:47:53

on 1548425844, Green Eyesman wrote:

... ;D

: Re:
GoodNight 25.01.2019 21:44:39

on 1548434873, Tailor wrote:
, .

: Re:
Strax5 26.01.2019 01:04:38


: Re:
GoodNight 26.01.2019 10:05:41
2Strax5: , , , ;)) , , . .

: Re:
ZLOY 26.01.2019 15:08:28

on 1548486341, GoodNight wrote:

( - )  ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 26.01.2019 16:27:56
2ZLOY: c , , " " , - ?
- " , !"

: Re:
ZLOY 26.01.2019 16:56:40

on 1548509276, GoodNight wrote:
c , " " , - ?

-, "" , :smoke:

: Re:
ZLOY 26.01.2019 19:06:35

on 1548517729, GoodNight wrote:

? ?

on 1548517729, GoodNight wrote:

? - - !

on 1548517729, GoodNight wrote:
, ,

, ?

, , ?

: Re:
GoodNight 26.01.2019 19:46:37
2ZLOY: , , , ? ?
, , , .

on 1548518795, ZLOY wrote:
, , ?
, , , .

: Re:
ZLOY 26.01.2019 19:59:02

on 1548521197, GoodNight wrote:

,  ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 26.01.2019 20:21:52

on 1548521942, ZLOY wrote:
, .. , . .

: Re:
ZLOY 26.01.2019 20:39:22

on 1548523312, GoodNight wrote:

, .  :alien: , - , ! :umnik:

: Re:
GoodNight 26.01.2019 22:34:35

on 1548524362, ZLOY wrote:
- ,

: Re:
ZLOY 26.01.2019 23:34:16

on 1548531275, GoodNight wrote:

:alien: ! 7

: Re:
GoodNight 27.01.2019 10:12:53
2ZLOY: . . 2. , . -, , .

: Re:
Psyho 27.01.2019 17:44:28
2ZLOY: . ( []). 100500 . .
. ? .

: Re:
ZLOY 27.01.2019 18:08:23

on 1548600268, Psyho wrote:

- , "" "" ? , - . :umnik:

: Re:
GoodNight 27.01.2019 18:13:55
2Psyho: 2ZLOY: , - ? , , ?
, , ?! , ? , ?

: Re:
Psyho 27.01.2019 18:16:58

on 1548601703, ZLOY wrote:
, - .  
. , .

on 1548602035, GoodNight wrote:
, , ?!

on 1548602035, GoodNight wrote:
, - ? , , ?
. . ;D

: Re:
ZLOY 27.01.2019 18:32:19

on 1548602035, GoodNight wrote:
, - ?

- ( )  ;)

on 1548602035, GoodNight wrote:
, ? ?

3. = +

: Re:
Psyho 27.01.2019 18:43:51

on 1548603139, ZLOY wrote:
= +  
- , .
- .

- . - . - . .  ;D

: Re:
GoodNight 27.01.2019 18:47:45
2ZLOY: , - ""?

: Re:
Strax5 27.01.2019 18:53:00

on 1548603831, Psyho wrote:

. .
. , . .
, . .

, , ?

: Re:
Psyho 27.01.2019 18:58:46

on 1548604380, Strax5 wrote:
, , ?
. .
. .
- .

PS: , , . , , ( ). 3-5 . . . . .

: Re:
ZLOY 27.01.2019 19:07:44

on 1548603831, Psyho wrote:

! - !

on 1548603831, Psyho wrote:

() !  8)  :P
2Strax5: ! :glasses:

: Re:
GoodNight 27.01.2019 19:08:51

on 1548605264, ZLOY wrote:
() !  

: Re:
Psyho 27.01.2019 19:14:17

on 1548605264, ZLOY wrote:
! - !

on 1548605264, ZLOY wrote:
() !
1 . :o

: Re:
ZLOY 27.01.2019 19:30:11

on 1548605331, GoodNight wrote:

- ? - ! :idea:

on 1548605657, Psyho wrote:

, , - ( - ) :crazy:  ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 27.01.2019 19:31:48
, , ?

: Re:
ZLOY 27.01.2019 19:42:18

on 1548606708, GoodNight wrote:

- , , ! :bow:

: Re:
Strax5 27.01.2019 20:29:46

on 1548604726, Psyho wrote:

, . . .

: Re:
GoodNight 27.01.2019 20:37:03

on 1548610186, Strax5 wrote:
. .
, . , " "?
, .

: Re:
Psyho 27.01.2019 20:44:22
2Strax5: . 50 . . . , . . -95, . - . .
.  :)

: Re:
Psyho 27.01.2019 20:45:50

on 1548610623, GoodNight wrote:
, " "?
. /.

: Re:
GoodNight 27.01.2019 20:53:06

on 1548611062, Psyho wrote:
, . ", ?! !" - ", ! ! , !" - ", , !!!" - ", ! !" - ", , , !"
, .

: Re:
ZLOY 27.01.2019 21:07:58

on 1548605657, Psyho wrote:

- !  ::)

on 1548604065, GoodNight wrote:
, - ""?  

, .....  ;)

: Re:
Strax5 27.01.2019 22:41:50

on 1548611062, Psyho wrote:

" ". ( 1970-) .
: . : . ! : , ?

: , , - , !

: Re:
arheolog 28.01.2019 01:13:04

on 1548610186, Strax5 wrote:
, . . .

on 1548604380, Strax5 wrote:
, . .

: Re:
Strax5 28.01.2019 11:19:40
2arheolog: :

. . :
- ! . . - .
- , , . ?
- , , ...
, . :
- , ... , ...
- # , #...
, , . .
- ?!
- "", !
. , , "", "", "". , , .
. :
- , #, , ! , #!

: Re:
aazmav 28.01.2019 12:11:27

on 1548611062, Psyho wrote:

. ()

: Re:
arheolog 28.01.2019 15:28:55
2Strax5:  ;D

: Re:
Luficer 28.01.2019 16:53:21

on 1548618110, Strax5 wrote:
" ".

, . .

: Re:
GoodNight 28.01.2019 17:01:31

on 1548683601, Luficer wrote:
! ?! ?!?!

: Re:
ZLOY 28.01.2019 17:18:23

on 1548611586, GoodNight wrote:

, , ? , , - !!  :)  ;)

: Re:
Psyho 28.01.2019 17:44:03
on 1548684091, GoodNight wrote:
! ?! !
7 .  :P

: Re:
GoodNight 28.01.2019 17:47:06

on 1548685103, ZLOY wrote:
, , ?
, - , , ?! , , - , ! ? , ? ?!

on 1548686643, Psyho wrote:
7 .  
-, " ", , . .

: Re:
Psyho 28.01.2019 17:54:07
, , .
, . . 20 , , . . 7000 . .

: Re:
ZLOY 28.01.2019 18:01:33

on 1548686826, GoodNight wrote:
-, " ", , .

- , !  ::)

: Re:
arheolog 28.01.2019 18:05:16

on 1548686643, Psyho wrote:
7 .

on 1548686826, GoodNight wrote:
-, " ", , . .

, , , ... ()  8)

: Re:
Psyho 28.01.2019 18:05:22
2ZLOY: , (85-95) . . 70 . :)

on 1548687916, arheolog wrote:
, , , ... ()
..  ;D

: Re:
GoodNight 28.01.2019 19:58:36

on 1548694420, ZLOY wrote:
, , , ? ?!

: Re:
ZLOY 28.01.2019 20:17:22

on 1548694716, GoodNight wrote:
, , , ?

, , , -  ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 28.01.2019 22:51:58

on 1548695842, ZLOY wrote:
, -
- , , . , ?

: Re:
aazmav 29.01.2019 08:20:37

on 1548687247, Psyho wrote:


: Re:
Psyho 29.01.2019 09:18:21

on 1548739237, aazmav wrote:
. . , .  :P

: Re:
GoodNight 29.01.2019 09:20:47
2Psyho: , , , . .

: Re:
ZLOY 06.02.2019 14:33:06
( , )  >:(

: Re:
Psyho 06.02.2019 14:39:59

on 1549452786, ZLOY wrote:
. . .

: Re:
ZLOY 06.02.2019 14:43:39

on 1549453199, Psyho wrote:


on 1549453199, Psyho wrote:

- ?   :o   ;)  

: Re:
Psyho 06.02.2019 14:49:10

on 1549453419, ZLOY wrote:
. :maniac:

on 1549453419, ZLOY wrote:
- ?

: Re:
ZLOY 06.02.2019 14:57:26

on 1549453750, Psyho wrote:

on 1549453199, Psyho wrote:

[offtop] ? :confus: [/offtop]

: Re:
GoodNight 06.02.2019 15:00:53
2ZLOY: , , , , 2Psyho:.

, , . . . .

: Re:
Psyho 06.02.2019 15:05:02

on 1549454453, GoodNight wrote:
. . .

: Re:
GoodNight 06.02.2019 15:07:17

on 1549454702, Psyho wrote:
1916 ;))
, ;))

: Re:
ZLOY 06.02.2019 15:11:54

on 1549454453, GoodNight wrote:

! , , , ?
. ?

: Re:
GoodNight 06.02.2019 15:20:59

on 1549455114, ZLOY wrote:
! , , , ?   . ?  
, , ?

: Re:
Psyho 06.02.2019 15:35:20

on 1549454837, GoodNight wrote:
, )
. . , ..
. .  ;D

: Re:
GoodNight 06.02.2019 15:39:04

on 1549456520, Psyho wrote:
, , 3- . , .

: Re:
ZLOY 06.02.2019 15:50:57

on 1549456744, GoodNight wrote:

[offtop] ( )  ;) [/offtop]

: Re:
Nemo 07.02.2019 14:06:54

on 1549456744, GoodNight wrote:
? ? ::)

: Re:
ZLOY 07.02.2019 14:19:52

on 1549537614, Nemo wrote:


on 1549457457, ZLOY wrote:
( )

2Nemo: ! , , ? :o :o :o :o :4u:

: Re:
GoodNight 07.02.2019 14:23:59

on 1549537614, Nemo wrote:
, -. , . . .

: Re:
Nemo 07.02.2019 15:00:31

on 1549538639, GoodNight wrote:
;) . :P

: Re:
ZLOY 07.02.2019 15:07:42

on 1549540831, Nemo wrote:

: Re:
GoodNight 07.02.2019 15:13:17

on 1549540831, Nemo wrote:

on 1549541262, ZLOY wrote:
, - .

: Re:
Nemo 07.02.2019 15:39:12
2ZLOY: - , . ;)

: Re:
ZLOY 07.02.2019 15:48:40
2Nemo: - ()  (c)

: Re:
GoodNight 07.02.2019 15:51:16

on 1549543720, ZLOY wrote:
- ()  (c)
, .

: Re:
Nemo 07.02.2019 15:52:31
"". .

: Re:
ZLOY 07.02.2019 16:04:57
2Nemo: - !!!  :angry:   >:(

: Re:
Nemo 07.02.2019 17:39:07

: Re:
GoodNight 07.02.2019 17:44:48

on 1549550347, Nemo wrote:
- " ZLOY?". , .

: Re:
Nemo 07.02.2019 17:49:50

on 1549550688, GoodNight wrote:
! :o , . :o

: Re:
GoodNight 07.02.2019 21:58:13

on 1549550990, Nemo wrote:
, .
, , , - . . ?

: Re:
Nemo 08.02.2019 14:36:32
2GoodNight: - . - . ::)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 13.03.2019 13:40:16

. . - .
"" "".

, ? ?


: Re:
Korchy 13.03.2019 13:57:11
2Green Eyesman:
, ?  :)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 13.03.2019 14:14:44
2Korchy: , , . :(

, .

: Re:
Korchy 13.03.2019 14:35:56
2Green Eyesman:
, . , .

: Re:
GoodNight 13.03.2019 14:40:02
2Green Eyesman: , 2- , 2 - ( ), .

: Re:
Legend 13.03.2019 14:40:34
2Korchy: , ;D

: Re:
Green Eyesman 13.03.2019 15:50:21
2Korchy: , . (, , ..) . [ ] < >. , ctrl + "-" . - , , .

- , .

2GoodNight: . . tab . . .
- "" . ( , ). , - , .

: Re:
GoodNight 13.03.2019 16:23:53

on 1552481421, Green Eyesman wrote:
"" .  
, , ? , , .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 13.03.2019 17:13:17

on 1552483433, GoodNight wrote:
, , ? , , .
- . . . ::)

: Re:
Strax5 13.03.2019 17:15:41
on 1552477202, GoodNight wrote:


: Re:
Legend 13.03.2019 17:36:37
2Strax5: [offtop]

: .
- ...
- .[/offtop]

: Re:
GoodNight 13.03.2019 17:43:57

on 1552486397, Green Eyesman wrote:
, " ", ,  , .

: Re:
Korchy 13.03.2019 19:42:41

on 1552481421, Green Eyesman wrote:
, . (, , ..) . [ ] < >. , ctrl + "-" . - , , .  

, . - , [ >. . ?

: Re:
Green Eyesman 14.03.2019 09:55:02

on 1552488237, GoodNight wrote:
, " ", , , .
- - , . . . . .

2Korchy: , . : . - . , ( ) . "" "".

. - . " ", . ::)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 29.03.2019 13:14:03
, (-, )? , ?


: Re:
Nemo 08.04.2019 11:39:53
, , - ? ::)

: Re:
Legend 08.04.2019 12:10:57
2Nemo: , , - () !

: Re:
Luficer 08.04.2019 12:32:43

, .

: Re:
Legend 08.04.2019 14:05:02
2Luficer: , 166 :P

: Re:
Nemo 09.04.2019 03:37:02
2Luficer: . :D

: Re:
Psyho 10.04.2019 15:59:27
  ???  :o

: Re:
GoodNight 10.04.2019 16:08:39

on 1554901167, Psyho wrote:

: Re:
Nemo 11.04.2019 05:03:52

on 1554901167, Psyho wrote:
, , . :D

: Re:
GoodNight 18.04.2019 15:55:05
, , " ", / . , , , . , , , , , , / /, "" . : "", ?
, , , .

: Re:
Psyho 18.04.2019 16:02:53

on 1555592105, GoodNight wrote:


4. ( )
5.  ;D

: Re:
GoodNight 18.04.2019 16:10:20

on 1555592573, Psyho wrote:
, ;)) / -, . , , , .
, , ?
, , .

: Re:
Psyho 18.04.2019 16:24:17

on 1555593020, GoodNight wrote:
, , ?
, ? . - - .

. 3D . . . .

? .
. . .
. . (). .

: Re:
GoodNight 18.04.2019 16:31:35

on 1555593857, Psyho wrote:

: Re:
Psyho 18.04.2019 16:34:42

on 1555594295, GoodNight wrote:
. . ;D


: Re:
19.04.2019 22:13:55
2GoodNight: -, . . , (, , ). ( ), - , . , , , ( 20 - ) - ... , (, , ). ... - ... ...

: Re:
GoodNight 20.04.2019 08:41:37

on 1555701235, wrote:
"", , . 2 . ?

: Re:
pipetz 20.04.2019 13:52:53

on 1555738897, GoodNight wrote:
2 .

, . .
. , , -, - .

: Re:
Legend 20.04.2019 17:21:09
2GoodNight: - , , , , =) , - , . . , , , , 5 - - , ?

: Re:
GoodNight 20.04.2019 17:46:26

on 1555757573, pipetz wrote:

on 1555770069, Legend wrote:

-, , , , , , , , .

8 , , , , , .
, . , "".

: Re:
20.04.2019 18:21:35
2GoodNight: , "". 10 , - , . - , . :) , , , . , , , , "", - , . - "" , , , . , , . - , , , , - , , , - .

: Re:
GoodNight 20.04.2019 19:01:42
2 : , , 70% "". / , , ..
, , , , , - , . , , " , 5 ! !".

: Re:
Legend 20.04.2019 20:16:05
2GoodNight: : 300 ( ) 800 ( ), . - 15. , . (Samsung S4 mini) 400. 500. , - , , ? , , , - .
, , , /, - , . - 10 . . , , .
, . , --- , . - .

: Re:
GoodNight 20.04.2019 21:52:50

on 1555780565, Legend wrote:
, 30 ( 1600 ), 2 . ? , .

: Re:
Legend 21.04.2019 01:43:05
2GoodNight: ? W995 , . . , , .

: Re:
GoodNight 21.04.2019 08:51:55
2Legend: , , , - .

: Re:
Legend 21.04.2019 10:24:45
2GoodNight: , , =)

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 21.04.2019 21:40:39

on 1555831485, Legend wrote:
. , ,  :(

: Re:
Nemo 24.04.2019 08:57:02
, , . ( )? :(

: Re:
Legend 24.04.2019 09:29:18
2Nemo: , , , , =)

: Re:
GoodNight 24.04.2019 09:52:14
2Nemo: , -.
, , ?

: Re:
Legend 24.04.2019 13:40:28
2GoodNight: - :gigi:

: Re:
GoodNight 24.04.2019 14:04:22
2Legend: . - , .

: Re:
Nemo 24.04.2019 17:26:17

on 1556087358, Legend wrote:
. , , . :)

: Re:
Legend 24.04.2019 19:57:53
2GoodNight: 2Nemo: , ?

: Re:
GoodNight 24.04.2019 20:43:32
2Legend: "" , , .

on 1556115977, Nemo wrote:
-, , . , .

: Re:
Legend 24.04.2019 21:21:58
2GoodNight: , , , , ? ? =)

: Re:
GoodNight 24.04.2019 22:20:56
2Legend: , . . , , - . . - .

: Re:
Legend 24.04.2019 23:41:50
2GoodNight: , , .

: Re:
Nemo 25.04.2019 03:33:04

on 1556130118, Legend wrote:
"", . .

: Re:
GoodNight 25.04.2019 08:15:29

on 1556152384, Nemo wrote:
, .

: Re:
Nemo 25.04.2019 09:50:54
2GoodNight: , . - / . ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 25.04.2019 09:52:29

on 1556175054, Nemo wrote:
. - /
, ... , .

: Re:
Legend 25.04.2019 10:57:13
2Nemo: , . , , . - : , , . - , . - , , , .

: Re:
Nemo 25.04.2019 19:18:20
2Legend: , "" , . :)

: Re:
GoodNight 25.04.2019 21:38:11

on 1556209100, Nemo wrote:
, . , , , "" , , , . , , . "".

: Re:
Nemo 26.04.2019 03:23:24
2GoodNight: ... ;D

: Re:
Nemo 27.04.2019 03:20:06
- , ? ( "-24, . ..) ? , - . - " " . -, . ? :o

: Re:
Legend 27.04.2019 11:34:13
2Nemo: ? ? ? ? ? ? , ? , , , - ?! :spy: , ? :maniac:

: Re:
Nemo 27.04.2019 16:28:26
2Legend: , , . :( ! - . :P

: Re:
Legend 27.04.2019 17:05:47
2Nemo: (!), ;D

: Re:
Nemo 28.04.2019 02:24:45
2Legend:  , , . :P

: Re:
Legend 28.04.2019 04:05:43
2Nemo: ? ?

: Re:
Nemo 28.04.2019 04:58:55
2Legend: , "" . - . .

: Re:
Legend 28.04.2019 11:22:39
2Nemo: ? "" ;D
, , , , , - , , - ? , , . , , ... , . , - "" .

: Re:
Nemo 28.04.2019 12:27:57
2Legend: "" , , . , - , ? - . :D ?

: Re:
Legend 28.04.2019 12:58:10
2Nemo: "" , -, . , - - "" .
, , . .Ѹ. , . , , , .

: Re:
Nemo 28.04.2019 13:02:41

on 1556445490, Legend wrote:
- ""
  . - - , . ? . ::)

: Re:
Legend 28.04.2019 13:46:50
2Nemo: , - .
Ѹ - (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2qoLqo8RuV4P_88yhHCZIg). (https://agitblog.ru/).

: Re:
Green Eyesman 30.04.2019 10:58:52
( ) . , , ... . " " .
- , - . ::)

- , , - . . , . ( - ). : " \?"

, . . , - .

: Re:
Legend 30.04.2019 11:42:38
2Green Eyesman: , , . - - . .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 30.04.2019 13:11:28
2Legend: ? -.

- . , .
, -. .   . :P

: Re:
Nemo 30.04.2019 13:21:20
2Green Eyesman: , . - . ;)

: Re:
Legend 30.04.2019 15:04:39
2Green Eyesman: , . , - .

, , , , , , . , , , , . , : , , , .

- , , , .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 30.04.2019 16:04:24
. . , , , - , .

- ?

: Re:
Legend 30.04.2019 18:43:44
2Green Eyesman: , [, , ]? , . . , , , , - ? - , , , , , . . , . , , . ?

: " ". , , - , . , . ", , ! , , , !"
, , , - - ?

: uBlock, , ( ) .

: Re:
Luficer 30.04.2019 20:49:57
2Legend: . . ;D

: Re:
Legend 30.04.2019 21:21:41
2Luficer: , , , , - !!! ::)

: Re:
Nemo 01.05.2019 03:36:28
2Luficer: 2Legend: , ! . , , , .

: Re:
GoodNight 01.05.2019 08:24:14

on 1556670988, Nemo wrote:
, .
-, , , , .

: Re:
Legend 01.05.2019 12:23:31
2GoodNight: , . - , , . , , , , . ;D

2Nemo: ", , ", - ", , " :gigi:

: Re:
GoodNight 01.05.2019 12:35:08

on 1556702611, Legend wrote:
"", - .

: Re:
Legend 01.05.2019 13:02:05
2GoodNight: - , . , =)

: Re:
Strax5 01.05.2019 15:02:23
2Legend: . .

: Re:
Legend 01.05.2019 15:12:20
2Strax5: . , . (https://vk.com/@antropogenez_ru-skolko-kalorii-v-chelovechine) (https://22century.ru/popular-science-publications/cannibalism), Nature .

: Re:
GoodNight 01.05.2019 17:19:25

on 1556704925, Legend wrote:
, . . . , ! ! !

: Re:
Legend 01.05.2019 17:58:56
2GoodNight: , , , - , . , , .

: Re:
GoodNight 01.05.2019 20:46:43

on 1556722736, Legend wrote:
, , ,  
-, , , . . -. .
, - . , .

: Re:
Legend 01.05.2019 21:51:56
2GoodNight: , , . , , ?

: Re:
Nemo 02.05.2019 02:31:23
2Legend: "" . , , . :D

: Re:
Strax5 02.05.2019 07:42:19
- , .

: Re:
GoodNight 02.05.2019 07:59:02

on 1556736716, Legend wrote:
, , , .

: Re:
Legend 02.05.2019 09:27:23
2GoodNight: ( , !) - . , " " -, . , , , - ? - - . - - . , , .
- ? , ( )?

: (, ?) , - (, ..), 1-2 . , . , , , ? . , , , , , , , , . : ? , - , , . ?

: Re:
GoodNight 02.05.2019 10:34:16

on 1556778443, Legend wrote:
- , .

, , . , , . "" .

: Re:
Legend 02.05.2019 12:47:28
2GoodNight: , .. , , ? , : , ?

: Re:
GoodNight 02.05.2019 17:22:31

on 1556790448, Legend wrote:
, ?
- " , ...", , - -, , " , !", , .

: Re:
Legend 02.05.2019 18:00:10
2GoodNight: , , .

: Re:
GoodNight 02.05.2019 20:27:24
2Legend: . , - "".
, , : " " , - , , ( ) "". "", , , , , , -   .

: Re:
Legend 02.05.2019 21:11:03
2GoodNight: - ? . , ? , .

: Re:
GoodNight 02.05.2019 21:36:04
2Legend: -, 3- , "" .
- - " ! !"

: Re:
Sanchoss 06.05.2019 17:28:55
, , , http://https://vsebani.kiev.ua/images/laugh.gif (https://vsebani.kiev.ua/sauna-na-saburova-kiev)

: Re:
Luficer 06.05.2019 17:31:05
2Sanchoss: .

? , .  ;D

: Re:
GoodNight 06.05.2019 20:29:47

on 1557152935, Sanchoss wrote:
, 90-. -? . ?

: Re:
Green Eyesman 07.05.2019 09:24:12
... , . - . , - .

, ? , !

. , , - . , .

- . , ?

: Re:
GoodNight 07.05.2019 09:43:37
2Green Eyesman: , 4- , .
-, . .
-, , , , , , .
-, . , , .
, .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 07.05.2019 11:01:54
2GoodNight: . :P

. .
. . .
. , - .

, . , ... ? . ( , ). . , .

: Re:
GoodNight 07.05.2019 11:25:53

on 1557216114, Green Eyesman wrote:
. , .

: Re:
Legend 07.05.2019 13:56:35
2Green Eyesman: , , , ? :umnik:

: Re:
Green Eyesman 07.05.2019 14:41:43
2Legend: . :)

, ... :P

: Re:
GoodNight 07.05.2019 14:44:58

on 1557229303, Green Eyesman wrote:

: Re:
Green Eyesman 07.05.2019 15:05:26

on 1557229498, GoodNight wrote:
- , . , " ". ;D

" 90210? !"

" ?" ( ). - " ?"

, .

: Re:
GoodNight 07.05.2019 15:38:49
2Green Eyesman: , ;)) ;)))))

: Re:
Legend 07.05.2019 15:43:10
2GoodNight: ;D

: Re:
08.05.2019 05:16:27

on 1557210252, Green Eyesman wrote:
... , . - . , - .  

. .

on 1557210252, Green Eyesman wrote:
, ? , !  

? . . , , , . .

: Re:
Nemo 08.05.2019 07:29:33
2Green Eyesman: ?

: Re:
arheolog 10.05.2019 04:24:32

: Re:
GoodNight 20.05.2019 15:20:27
, , , icq, , , icq - , , , , , . , ?

: Re:
21.05.2019 04:05:41
? , .

: Re:
GoodNight 21.05.2019 08:15:43
2: , , .

: Re:
Legend 21.05.2019 09:46:08
2GoodNight: , 20 . , , , . .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 21.05.2019 10:16:28
2GoodNight: ICQ? - , .

: Re:
GoodNight 21.05.2019 10:28:44
2Green Eyesman: - ---.

: Re:
ZLOY 21.05.2019 10:31:06

on 1558354827, GoodNight wrote:
, ?  


: Re:
Green Eyesman 21.05.2019 14:05:02
2006 ( IT). .

: Re:
GoodNight 21.05.2019 14:13:13
2Green Eyesman: , . , , . , - , , . , .

: Re:
ZLOY 21.05.2019 14:20:04

on 1558437193, GoodNight wrote:
, - , , . ,

!  :P - ( ).  ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 21.05.2019 14:26:00

on 1558437604, ZLOY wrote:
, ?

: Re:
Green Eyesman 21.05.2019 15:01:35

on 1558437193, GoodNight wrote:
, .
- " " . , , . ( ), , - . , . , , . - ( ).

. ? , , - . . , . :P

- ... ? , . ? , , . ? , , -. ! - , , .

: Re:
Legend 21.05.2019 15:35:01
2Green Eyesman: , ? , , , , .

: Re:
GoodNight 21.05.2019 15:35:06

on 1558440095, Green Eyesman wrote:
, - . , , , ( ), , , .
, , , , , - .
, , - " ?", , - , .
, .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 21.05.2019 17:10:22

on 1558442101, Legend wrote:
, ? , , , , .
- . , , ... . :)

2GoodNight: . , ( " ", ). , - , , . , . , . . . - , .

. ( ) - . , - . . . , .

- . , - - , .

: Re:
21.05.2019 17:56:49

on 1558447822, Green Eyesman wrote:

- , ... ...

: Re:
Green Eyesman 22.05.2019 09:44:29
2 : - . . . , - . - . - . .
- . :(

: Re:
Legend 22.05.2019 13:59:26
2Green Eyesman: . ? , - , , . ?

: Re:
Green Eyesman 22.05.2019 14:51:40
2Legend: . ;D

: , , . , - , - .

, , . -? ( ) . , ?! - .

: Re:
GoodNight 22.05.2019 14:55:38
2Green Eyesman: , " " , . , , ,   , , .

: Re:
22.05.2019 15:22:22

on 1558526138, GoodNight wrote:
, , ,  
... , , , , , . - , ( , 7 , ), , ( , - , ), (, 2 ).  ;D

: Re:
GoodNight 22.05.2019 15:26:18
2 : , ?

-? ?

: Re:
22.05.2019 15:45:33

on 1558527978, GoodNight wrote:
, ?  

. , 100% , . ? , , " " - . , . - .

on 1558527978, GoodNight wrote:
? , ? ? , , , () ... , . - , , , . , , , ( ). - , , ( - , , ).

: Re:
GoodNight 22.05.2019 16:09:42

on 1558529133, wrote:
, , . , .
, , ( , ) , . , . ?
, . ;))

: Re:
Green Eyesman 22.05.2019 16:15:24
2GoodNight: . - , - . . ;)

on 1558529133, wrote:
- ? . . ( ) , .

on 1558527978, GoodNight wrote:
-? ?
- . , . . -, - - . , - . , . - .

on 1558530582, GoodNight wrote:
, , . , .  
- ! - . , . ( - ) - . , - , .

: Re:
GoodNight 22.05.2019 16:29:41

on 1558530924, Green Eyesman wrote:
. "", , .. , .
, , , .

, , . , ;))

, , , ( , ), , , - - ! , , , .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 22.05.2019 17:44:57

on 1558531781, GoodNight wrote:
. "", , .. , .
, , , .  
- , - . . .

: Re:
Legend 22.05.2019 18:01:47
2Green Eyesman: ? ? ? ?

: Re:
GoodNight 22.05.2019 21:33:41

on 1558536297, Green Eyesman wrote:
, . ?

: Re:
Legend 22.05.2019 22:08:29
2GoodNight: , . , , =)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 22.05.2019 22:12:58
2Legend: - . . - .

. . . - ( ). .

on 1558550021, GoodNight wrote:
, . ?
- . - . - . . - 50%.

. - . . . - , .

? ... . . - . - , , . ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 22.05.2019 22:21:24

on 1558552378, Green Eyesman wrote:
- , ,

on 1558552378, Green Eyesman wrote:


on 1558552378, Green Eyesman wrote:
, . , , , .

: Re:
Legend 22.05.2019 22:46:31
2Green Eyesman: (https://zagony.ru/2011/03/24/16_samykh_bolshikh_nasekomykh_na_planete_16_foto__tekst.html) . , :D

: Re:
Nemo 23.05.2019 08:42:41
- ? ::)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 23.05.2019 09:30:22

on 1558552884, GoodNight wrote:
, . , , , .
- , - . ;D

on 1558552884, GoodNight wrote:
- -. -. ;)

2Legend: ! . . , ( ) . . :)

on 1558590161, Nemo wrote:
- ?
- . . - . .

: Re:
Nemo 23.05.2019 09:34:26

on 1558593022, Green Eyesman wrote:
, .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 23.05.2019 10:06:20
2Nemo: . - . , - .   .

, ? . . , . :(

: Re:
GoodNight 23.05.2019 10:29:41
2Green Eyesman: , , , 100  . - , , .

: Re:
Nemo 23.05.2019 10:30:07

on 1558595180, Green Eyesman wrote:
! . ;D

: Re:
Green Eyesman 23.05.2019 10:44:01
2Nemo: . , . , - . " ", .

2GoodNight: - 60 . , . , .

: Re:
GoodNight 23.05.2019 10:53:23
2Green Eyesman: . , , , , , - -.

: Re:
Nemo 23.05.2019 11:32:57

on 1558598003, GoodNight wrote:
, , - . ;D

: Re:
GoodNight 23.05.2019 11:47:41

on 1558600377, Nemo wrote:

: Re:
Green Eyesman 23.05.2019 12:11:03
, , . .

: Re:
GoodNight 23.05.2019 13:16:35
2Green Eyesman: , , . , . , , .

: Re:
Nemo 23.05.2019 13:17:39
2Green Eyesman: ? :o

: Re:
Green Eyesman 23.05.2019 13:58:25
2GoodNight: . .

2Nemo: , ... . , ( ) . . ? - . ? -  . ? - . , , , ( ) - . , .
, - . , - . . ;D

[offtop] , - , . - . - .[/offtop]

: Re:
GoodNight 23.05.2019 14:00:29

on 1558609105, Green Eyesman wrote:
" " .

: Re:
Nemo 23.05.2019 14:14:14
2Green Eyesman: "", . , . - .

: Re:
Legend 23.05.2019 14:27:07
2Green Eyesman:
, ( ) .
, ? , , ? , .

: Re:
Nemo 23.05.2019 14:36:07
2Legend: ? ;)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 23.05.2019 14:40:41
" !" ( - , ). , . - . ::)

. , - . :P

, . - . .

: Re:
GoodNight 23.05.2019 14:47:34

on 1558611641, Green Eyesman wrote:
, , , , , , , , ?

: Re:
Green Eyesman 23.05.2019 15:05:44
2GoodNight: . ;D

: Re:
GoodNight 23.05.2019 15:16:55

on 1558613144, Green Eyesman wrote:
-, , , ?

: Re:
Green Eyesman 23.05.2019 15:28:31

on 1558613815, GoodNight wrote:
-, , , ?
- "", "" "". ;D

, . , . . .

. - .   - , .

: Re:
GoodNight 23.05.2019 15:48:41

on 1558614511, Green Eyesman wrote:
, -?

: Re:
Nemo 23.05.2019 16:06:39
2GoodNight: . .

: Re:
GoodNight 23.05.2019 16:15:55

on 1558616799, Nemo wrote:
. .

: Re:
Nemo 23.05.2019 16:20:24
2GoodNight: , . :D

: Re:
Legend 23.05.2019 16:20:54
? ;)
- ;D

2Green Eyesman:
? ? ? --... . ?

  - , .
, .. - :cheeburga: ?

: Re:
Nemo 23.05.2019 16:35:26

on 1558617654, Legend wrote:
. :D

: Re:
Green Eyesman 23.05.2019 16:35:48

on 1558617654, Legend wrote:
, .. -
- ... . . - - . "" : , , , . ( ).

2Nemo: , - .

: Re:
GoodNight 23.05.2019 16:40:23

on 1558618526, Nemo wrote:
--, - , . , , .

on 1558618548, Green Eyesman wrote:
"" : , , ,
, , , ?

: Re:
Nemo 23.05.2019 16:40:48

on 1558618548, Green Eyesman wrote:
! ! ;D

: Re:
GoodNight 23.05.2019 16:42:11

on 1558618848, Nemo wrote:
, , , ....

: Re:
Nemo 23.05.2019 16:47:42

on 1558618931, GoodNight wrote:
, ! , , ... ;D

: Re:
Green Eyesman 23.05.2019 16:51:17
. , - . , , . ::)

: Re:
Nemo 23.05.2019 17:03:08
2Green Eyesman: ! , ! - ? . ::)

: Re:
Legend 23.05.2019 17:36:38
2Green Eyesman: - ? ( ) .
, .. , . , .. - , - .
. - . . , . . . . . , , .. . .. - , - . .. , .
, . , , ? ;) =)

( ).
=) ;D

: Re:
Nemo 23.05.2019 17:43:06

on 1558622198, Legend wrote:
, . . . ;D

: Re:
desants 23.05.2019 22:22:51
2Nemo: .


: Re:
Nemo 24.05.2019 09:39:46
2desants: ! :o ? :o

: Re:
pipetz 24.05.2019 11:09:09

on 1558622198, Legend wrote:
. - . . , .

, , .

on 1558622198, Legend wrote:
. . , , .. .


: Re:
Green Eyesman 24.05.2019 12:26:56
2Legend: . - . ;D

, - . . . --. , , . , - . .

. , ( , ). . , ( , ). , - . - , .

on 1558622198, Legend wrote:
- , . . - -- " ".

: Re:
GoodNight 24.05.2019 13:35:44

on 1558690016, Green Eyesman wrote:
, .

on 1558690016, Green Eyesman wrote:
, ( , ).  
, .....

: Re:
Green Eyesman 24.05.2019 14:06:59

on 1558694144, GoodNight wrote:
, .
- . :P

: Re:
Legend 24.05.2019 15:06:35
, . , "", . , , .

: Re:
GoodNight 24.05.2019 17:07:47

on 1558699595, Legend wrote:
, , .
, , "", . , , , .

: Re:
Legend 24.05.2019 17:15:11
2GoodNight: So long and thanks for all the fish :gigi:

: Re:
Strax5 24.05.2019 18:13:46
- .
, , . - .

: Re:
Legend 24.05.2019 18:54:43
2Strax5: . - - . argumentum ad personam - .

: Re:
Strax5 24.05.2019 19:52:27


: Re:
desants 24.05.2019 22:29:53
2Nemo: - )

: Re:
Nemo 25.05.2019 11:50:22
2desants: , , , . . ;D

: Re:
ZLOY 30.05.2019 06:59:14
, , ?

: Re:
Legend 30.05.2019 09:25:44
2ZLOY: , ?

: Re:
ZLOY 30.05.2019 09:40:37
2Legend: - .  ;)  :dont:

: Re:
SDV 30.05.2019 10:16:29

on 1559188754, ZLOY wrote:
, , ?

 " , !" - ().

: Re:
ZLOY 30.05.2019 10:29:56

on 1559200589, SDV wrote:
" , !"

- , ? ;) :)

: Re:
Legend 30.05.2019 10:44:46
2ZLOY: - . , !

: Re:
Nemo 30.05.2019 11:58:22
2ZLOY: , . , . ;)

: Re:
ZLOY 30.05.2019 12:38:13
, , . , , ! :(
, - , .
, - , .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 30.05.2019 13:59:17

on 1559209093, ZLOY wrote:
, - ,
- , . :D

: Re:
ZLOY 30.05.2019 14:31:02
2Green Eyesman:
. .

: Re:
Legend 30.05.2019 15:02:21
, - , .
, - ,   .

: Re:
GoodNight 30.05.2019 16:42:04

on 1559215862, ZLOY wrote:
, , , ?

: Re:
Green Eyesman 30.05.2019 17:06:17
2GoodNight: - , . ;D

: Re:
Nemo 30.05.2019 18:08:47

on 1559213957, Green Eyesman wrote:
, -.

: Re:
GoodNight 30.05.2019 20:20:10

on 1559225177, Green Eyesman wrote:
, .

, , , , . .. . , - " " .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 31.05.2019 08:40:46

on 1559236810, GoodNight wrote:
, .
- , . , . ;D

: Re:
GoodNight 31.05.2019 08:56:33

on 1559281246, Green Eyesman wrote:
, .  
-... , , , , .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 31.05.2019 09:12:12
2GoodNight: , ? , , . :)

, . - . :P

: Re:
Legend 31.05.2019 10:26:33
2Green Eyesman: . , - , .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 31.05.2019 10:45:12

on 1559287593, Legend wrote:
, - ,
- . - . ;D

: Re:
Legend 31.05.2019 10:55:46
2Green Eyesman: , - =) .

: Re:
GoodNight 31.05.2019 12:15:47
2Green Eyesman: ! , . -, ...

: Re:
Nemo 01.06.2019 11:37:01
2Green Eyesman: 2GoodNight: ! , ! >:(

: Re:
Green Eyesman 03.06.2019 10:06:29
2Nemo: ! . ::)

: Re:
Nemo 03.06.2019 15:57:53

on 1559545589, Green Eyesman wrote:
( )" , ?"
" !"
", , !" ;D

: Re:
GoodNight 03.06.2019 15:59:00
2Green Eyesman: 2Nemo:   ...

: Re:
Green Eyesman 03.06.2019 16:05:25

on 1559566740, GoodNight wrote:
- ?

: Re:
Legend 03.06.2019 16:22:32
2Green Eyesman: "", " " ;)

: Re:
Nemo 03.06.2019 16:23:55
2Legend: ... ;D

: Re:
Legend 03.06.2019 18:35:06
2Nemo: , - , ! :dont:

: Re:
Nemo 04.06.2019 05:06:25
, , ... :(

: Re:
GoodNight 04.06.2019 08:25:25
. , " ?!"

: Re:
Green Eyesman 04.06.2019 09:28:20

on 1559613985, Nemo wrote:
, , ...
- - .

: Re:
Nemo 04.06.2019 09:31:39
2Green Eyesman: , ... ;)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 04.06.2019 10:45:52
2Nemo: - , .

- ( ?) , , , ! . , , , - .
" " . , . - \ , , - .

: Re:
GoodNight 04.06.2019 10:50:03
2Green Eyesman: , ?

: Re:
Legend 04.06.2019 11:01:02
2Nemo: ! :glasses:

2GoodNight: , , . , .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 04.06.2019 11:12:11

on 1559634603, GoodNight wrote:
, ?
- - ... , -? , , ? . ? , . - . , , .

. , , ( , ). - , . . - , , .
( - ) , . - , . :P

: Re:
Legend 04.06.2019 11:39:02
2Green Eyesman:
- .
( ), c - . , , . , =) (http://lgoty-vsem.ru/subsidii/kak-poluchit-besplatno-gektar-zemli-na-dalnem-vostoke.html) " ". ( ), .. , , . , , , . =)
, - . , , , , - 250+ 90 . , , . ? ;)

- , . . - , , .
, , " "? ;D , , ? ;)

, , - - , , , . :) , ? ;D

: Re:
GoodNight 04.06.2019 11:49:21
2Green Eyesman: . , , , , , , . .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 04.06.2019 12:18:33
2Legend: -, . ? , - . , ( , ). , .

on 1559637542, Legend wrote:
, , " "?  , , ?
- .

on 1559637542, Legend wrote:
, ?
- .

2GoodNight: . ! , - , .
. . , " ", 18 30 . 30 - , 18 - .

: Re:
Legend 04.06.2019 12:39:28
2Green Eyesman:
? , - . , ( , ).
, ? :gigi: -, , , , , ! , - , - , , "" :D , , .

, .
-, , . , . ? =)

, , :devil: ? , ? =)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 04.06.2019 12:46:34

on 1559641168, Legend wrote:
-, , . , . ? =)
- . , , . , - - .

on 1559641168, Legend wrote:
- . - . .
, , - , . ... , . ...

: Re:
GoodNight 04.06.2019 13:23:22

on 1559639913, Green Eyesman wrote:
? " !", " !". , , , , . :
on 1559639913, Green Eyesman wrote:
. !

: Re:
Green Eyesman 04.06.2019 13:53:25
2GoodNight: , . . , , . ?
, . , - .

: ? ? ? , - ?

: Re:
Legend 04.06.2019 13:54:11
2Green Eyesman:
- - .
- , , . , , =)

- .
, . , - ? :)

, , - , .
- - " , , , ". , . , :)

: Re:
Legend 04.06.2019 14:00:09
2Green Eyesman:

on 1559635931, Green Eyesman wrote:
- ... , -? , , ? . ? , . - . , , .

, , .
, , , . . ? , ? , : " , " - -, -, , , , :D , , =)

: ?

: Re:
GoodNight 04.06.2019 14:02:48

on 1559645605, Green Eyesman wrote:
, , , ;)) , . , , ;)))

: Re:
Green Eyesman 04.06.2019 14:39:21

on 1559645651, Legend wrote:
, ,
- , . , . :P

on 1559645651, Legend wrote:
- . . , , , , . - . , , - . .

on 1559646009, Legend wrote:
- . . , . - . . - - . - - . :)

on 1559646009, Legend wrote:
- -. (, - -), : " ?!   ! , : , , ? , - , , ! , ! ?!" , , 3 3 . .
, , . , . , . :P

on 1559646009, Legend wrote:

- , . - . 8)

2GoodNight: . , . - . :P

: Re:
GoodNight 04.06.2019 14:51:09

on 1559648361, Green Eyesman wrote:
! ! , .

: Re:
Nemo 04.06.2019 15:01:03

on 1559648361, Green Eyesman wrote:
- -
- , . - . - . ;)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 04.06.2019 15:04:34
2GoodNight: 2Nemo: - , . , , - ? ;D

: Re:
GoodNight 04.06.2019 15:13:50
2Green Eyesman: , , . , . , . ;))))

: Re:
Nemo 04.06.2019 15:51:24
2Green Eyesman: ? , . ... ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 04.06.2019 15:56:45

on 1559652684, Nemo wrote:
, .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 04.06.2019 15:57:56
?! , ? ;D

, , 12 . , , . :P

on 1559653005, GoodNight wrote:
, .
- , .

: Re:
GoodNight 04.06.2019 16:01:10

on 1559653076, Green Eyesman wrote:
. , ? ;))))))))

: Re:
Green Eyesman 04.06.2019 16:14:12

on 1559653270, GoodNight wrote:
- ?! ? . - , - . . ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 04.06.2019 16:17:28
2Green Eyesman: , ? - " !". .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 04.06.2019 16:32:41
2GoodNight: . , : ", , -!? , !" :P

: Re:
GoodNight 04.06.2019 16:35:39
2Green Eyesman: - " " ;))))))) , - .

: Re:
Nemo 04.06.2019 16:54:40

on 1559655339, GoodNight wrote:
, !
! , ? ::) :P

: Re:
Legend 04.06.2019 19:28:47
2Green Eyesman:
, . , .

. , , . " " ? ? - ? ? :alien:

, , , - , . , , , - , , , .

... , - . , .

: " ?!   ! , : , , ? , - , , ! , ! ?!"
100%, ? , :spy:

, . :P
, , , ? , , - :rzhach:

. - .
, =)

- , - .
, , :nnn: ;D

, !" :P
, , ?

, ? ;))))))))

: Re:
Nemo 05.06.2019 02:44:34
2Legend: , . , . >:(

: Re:
Legend 05.06.2019 08:03:22
2Nemo: - ! :D :applause: :cheeburga:

: Re:
GoodNight 05.06.2019 08:22:51

on 1559711002, Legend wrote:
- !  
, , , , ;))))))))))))))

: Re:
Green Eyesman 05.06.2019 10:08:45

on 1559665727, Legend wrote:
- , " " (, ). . , , , . - .
, , - . . , . - .

on 1559665727, Legend wrote:
, , ?
- , , . ;D

on 1559711002, Legend wrote:
- !
- "" ! "" ! , !

2Nemo: - . .
- , , . -. :)

2GoodNight: , . ( , ) , . . ::)

: Re:
Nemo 05.06.2019 10:23:03

on 1559718525, Green Eyesman wrote:
, ", ..." ;)

: Re:
Legend 05.06.2019 11:57:18
2GoodNight: , ? - , , :D ;D

2Green Eyesman:
, , . ;D
, - ;) , . :D

: Re:
Green Eyesman 05.06.2019 12:04:37

on 1559725038, Legend wrote:
- . , . ;D

: Re:
Legend 05.06.2019 12:07:54
2Green Eyesman: , -, - =)

: Re:
Nemo 05.06.2019 14:29:48

on 1559718525, Green Eyesman wrote:
... ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 05.06.2019 14:33:56

on 1559734188, Nemo wrote:
, 2- , , .

: Re:
Nemo 05.06.2019 15:33:39
2GoodNight: , 9- , , . ;D

: Re:
Nemo 09.06.2019 11:39:10
, ? , , .. . , , , , ... :(

: Re:
ZLOY 09.06.2019 12:08:18
? , . , ,  :P

: Re:
Legend 09.06.2019 12:49:46
2Nemo: , ? ? :)

: Re:
Nemo 09.06.2019 14:21:59
2Legend: , - , , . ;)

: Re:
Legend 09.06.2019 14:32:54
2Nemo: =)

: Re:
Nemo 09.06.2019 14:42:34
2Legend: , , . ;)

: Re:
Legend 09.06.2019 16:00:23
2Nemo: , - , 0, , , ! , ?

: Re:
Ushwood 09.06.2019 16:06:10

on 1560069550, Nemo wrote:
, , , ...  
, ...

: Re:
Strax5 09.06.2019 20:30:38

on 1560069550, Nemo wrote:
, ? , , .. . , , , , ...

:beer: . , , .

: Re:
Legend 10.06.2019 00:00:36
2Strax5: , ? =)

: Re:
10.06.2019 04:43:29

: Re:
Legend 10.06.2019 13:03:35
2: - . - :o

: Re:
Nemo 10.06.2019 14:30:08
, - ? :(

: Re:
Green Eyesman 10.06.2019 14:37:31
2Nemo: . .

: Re:
GoodNight 10.06.2019 14:37:55
2Nemo: - , - . , , ?

: Re:
Nemo 10.06.2019 14:43:28
2GoodNight: , - , - . . :P

: Re:
GoodNight 10.06.2019 14:51:22

on 1560167008, Nemo wrote:
, - , , , 20+ .
? , , . , , "" .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 10.06.2019 14:53:20
2Nemo: 99% . , . 1% .

- , - ?

: Re:
GoodNight 10.06.2019 14:54:28

on 1560167600, Green Eyesman wrote:
, 1% .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 10.06.2019 14:55:28
2GoodNight: - . - . :P

: Re:
GoodNight 10.06.2019 14:58:16
2Green Eyesman: , .

: Re:
Nemo 10.06.2019 18:39:30

on 1560167600, Green Eyesman wrote:
? :o

: Re:
Green Eyesman 11.06.2019 08:52:04

on 1560181170, Nemo wrote:
- , 99% ( ), 1% ( ).

: Re:
GoodNight 11.06.2019 08:56:23

on 1560232324, Green Eyesman wrote:
, , , , , .
, 60-70 , .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 11.06.2019 10:23:07

on 1560232583, GoodNight wrote:
- ?!

: Re:
GoodNight 11.06.2019 10:28:58

on 1560237787, Green Eyesman wrote:
" "? , ?
. - , ? , .. ?
, , - , .

: Re:
Nemo 11.06.2019 10:49:48
2Green Eyesman: , . " ", . ::)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 11.06.2019 10:54:36
2GoodNight: , . , .

- . . ( ). , ( , ) , , .

, - - .

. ( ), . , ? - ( , ). - , . :P

: Re:
Nemo 11.06.2019 10:59:13

on 1560239676, Green Eyesman wrote:
- , - - . :(

: Re:
GoodNight 11.06.2019 11:02:08

on 1560239676, Green Eyesman wrote:
. - .. , - .. , - . . . ;))

, "", . , , , . " !"

: Re:
Legend 11.06.2019 12:00:47
2Green Eyesman: Moscva delendam est!, . ? , !!!

2GoodNight: - ! :D

: Re:
GoodNight 11.06.2019 13:12:50

on 1560243647, Legend wrote:

: Re:
Nemo 11.06.2019 13:20:55
2GoodNight: ... :P

: Re:
GoodNight 11.06.2019 13:25:17

on 1560248455, Nemo wrote:
. 40- . . , , !

: Re:
Nemo 11.06.2019 13:35:04
2GoodNight: . ;)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 11.06.2019 13:58:39

on 1560243647, Legend wrote:
- - , . - . , ?

, , . - ( - ). . .

on 1560248455, Nemo wrote:
- . , .

: Re:
Nemo 11.06.2019 14:01:49

on 1560250719, Green Eyesman wrote:
, , ... , , " " . :P

: Re:
11.06.2019 17:32:57

on 1560250719, Green Eyesman wrote:

. - ,   , .  :)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 11.06.2019 17:50:17
2 : . :)

: Re:
Legend 11.06.2019 18:31:22
2GoodNight: , .

: Re:
GoodNight 11.06.2019 21:22:21

on 1560267082, Legend wrote:
, .
. , , , . , . .

: Re:
Legend 12.06.2019 00:10:12
2GoodNight: , , , - , - , , , . - ;D , .

: Re:
Nemo 12.06.2019 02:55:21
"" ? .

: Re:
Legend 12.06.2019 04:57:50
2Nemo: , "", ? , .

: Re:
GoodNight 12.06.2019 08:09:44
2Legend: , "   ";))))

: Re:
Legend 12.06.2019 11:41:03
2GoodNight: ,



: Re:
Nemo 15.06.2019 04:09:09
, , ? ;)

: Re:
ZLOY 15.06.2019 08:07:43
. , , . , .

: Re:
GoodNight 15.06.2019 09:42:59
2Nemo: - .

: Re:
ZLOY 15.06.2019 10:53:29

on 1560560949, Nemo wrote:
, , ?

, , - ,  :)

: Re:
Nemo 15.06.2019 11:40:19
2ZLOY: 2GoodNight: , , ! :( . , , ... . :D - .

: Re:
GoodNight 15.06.2019 18:24:45
2Nemo: , . , ?

: Re:
desants 16.06.2019 00:03:53
2GoodNight: - ??? - ;)

: Re:
Nemo 16.06.2019 04:28:46
, , ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 16.06.2019 09:59:01

on 1560648526, Nemo wrote:
, , ?  
, , , .

: Re:
Nemo 16.06.2019 10:12:42
2GoodNight: , . ?

: Re:
ZLOY 16.06.2019 14:55:11
, , , , !

: Re:
JAggernaut Mahno 20.06.2019 22:01:51

: Re:
Green Eyesman 24.06.2019 12:55:23
- ( ) , . ?

: Re:
ZLOY 28.06.2019 00:29:54
( , , )? :confus: , ? :idontknow:

: Re:
Nemo 28.06.2019 06:57:31
2ZLOY: , , ...

: Re:
Green Eyesman 28.06.2019 08:51:24

on 1561670994, ZLOY wrote:
, ?
- . .

, "" ( , ). , . . - .

: Re:
GoodNight 28.06.2019 09:20:17

on 1561701084, Green Eyesman wrote:

: Re:
Green Eyesman 28.06.2019 13:06:35

on 1561702817, GoodNight wrote:
- ... ... - - . ... -, . , - , . :P

"" -. . ;D

: Re:
Legend 28.06.2019 13:22:34
2Green Eyesman: ! :D ;D

: Re:
Green Eyesman 28.06.2019 13:28:23
2Legend: . , " ". . :P

: Re:
ZLOY 28.06.2019 13:42:55

on 1561716395, Green Eyesman wrote:
"" -

- ! ;)

: Re:
Legend 28.06.2019 13:55:49
2Green Eyesman: , ((Schild)Kroete). (Maulwurf) (Maul - , werfen - ). , (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Brt6F4cGFCY) :D , , , ;D

: Re:
28.06.2019 15:03:14

on 1561719349, Legend wrote:

. :)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 28.06.2019 15:30:37

on 1561719349, Legend wrote:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcfHBgUTn7I

: Re:
Legend 28.06.2019 16:31:17
2: :up:, ;D

2Green Eyesman: =)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 28.06.2019 16:44:11
" ?" - . , .

: Re:
Legend 28.06.2019 17:08:38
2Green Eyesman: , - , , , , :)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 28.06.2019 17:27:18
2Legend: --... . , , .

: Re:
Legend 28.06.2019 18:57:41
2Green Eyesman: , , !

: Re:
Green Eyesman 01.07.2019 08:34:24

on 1561737461, Legend wrote:
, , !
- ! . , . :P

- , ( ). ( ).

: Re:
Strax5 01.07.2019 11:06:18
, "". .

: Re:
Legend 01.07.2019 11:39:50
2Strax5: , ;D

: Re:
desants 01.07.2019 21:22:32
2Legend: - , - - . ,
2Strax5: . - ? ;)

: Re:
Strax5 01.07.2019 21:27:48

on 1562005352, desants wrote:
- , - - . ,  

. . .
, , , .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 02.07.2019 08:44:21
, , , , - ?

: Re:
Legend 02.07.2019 09:41:59
2Green Eyesman: , , ?

: Re:
ZLOY 02.07.2019 09:45:24

on 1562046261, Green Eyesman wrote:
, , - ?  

- , - . , !

: Re:
Nemo 09.07.2019 15:19:22

on 1562049924, ZLOY wrote:
, , -50, . ;)

: Re:
Legend 10.07.2019 14:15:15
... , ? , ? , =) , ?

: Re:
Green Eyesman 10.07.2019 14:19:40
2Legend: . . . :)

. . , ... . :P

: Re:
GoodNight 10.07.2019 14:23:36

on 1562757315, Legend wrote:

: Re:
Nemo 11.07.2019 10:47:36

on 1562757315, Legend wrote:
. ? :D ? ::)

: Re:
ZLOY 16.07.2019 12:05:45
( ) ? : Queen - a kind of magic, bicycle race The Cars - drive - . , , - -. :idontknow:
, : Snap - eternity.

: Re:
Green Eyesman 16.07.2019 12:31:19

on 1563267945, ZLOY wrote:
- - . " "? . , , \ ( ). ... , , , .. . .

( ) - , - , . :)

: Re:
ZLOY 16.07.2019 12:35:01

on 1563269479, Green Eyesman wrote:
" "?

" " , , ( ) , .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 16.07.2019 13:05:48

on 1563269701, ZLOY wrote:
" " , , ( ) , .
- ", ? , ? !" ( " ") .

" " - - "-". :)

: Re:
ZLOY 16.07.2019 13:42:24
2Green Eyesman:
, , . . , .

on 1563271548, Green Eyesman wrote:
" " - -

- ! , . .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 16.07.2019 14:19:25

on 1563273744, ZLOY wrote:
- , . ::)

: Re:
Strax5 16.07.2019 14:31:14

on 1563273744, ZLOY wrote:

: Re:
Ushwood 29.07.2019 15:46:01

on 1563276674, Strax5 wrote:
, ? ::)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 29.07.2019 18:03:03
( " - "): ( - ) -- ? ?

: Re:
ZLOY 29.07.2019 21:29:23

on 1564412583, Green Eyesman wrote:


: Re:
Nemo 30.07.2019 07:12:13
? ? ? ::)

: Re:
Legend 30.07.2019 08:16:00
2Nemo: - :angry:

: Re:
Nemo 30.07.2019 09:57:41
2Legend: , , , . :P

: Re:
GoodNight 30.07.2019 15:41:59
2Nemo: .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 30.07.2019 16:06:35

on 1564459933, Nemo wrote:
? ? ?
- ? , - . ... .

: Re:
Legend 30.07.2019 20:32:57
2Nemo: , , , - , .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 31.07.2019 09:45:58
2Legend: ... 200 . , - . - : , .

, . ( , , ). - , . - . - . , , .

- - , . .

: Re:
Nemo 31.07.2019 13:19:29

on 1564555558, Green Eyesman wrote:
, ...

: Re:
Green Eyesman 31.07.2019 14:12:43
2Nemo: - -. ::)

: , " " . , - . , , . , . "" . 50 - .

2: - . , .

: Re:
Nemo 31.07.2019 16:31:18

on 1564571563, Green Eyesman wrote:
, - . , "". :(

: Re:
31.07.2019 19:03:38

on 1564571563, Green Eyesman wrote:
? "" , , ... ( , ) ... , .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 01.08.2019 09:22:35

on 1564579878, Nemo wrote:
, - . , ""
- , - .

on 1564589018, wrote:
? "" , , ...  
- . - . . . , . :D

: Re:
Nemo 01.08.2019 10:59:48

on 1564589018, wrote:
21 . , ? ? ::)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 01.08.2019 11:38:19
2Nemo: " " . .

, 30-, . , - ( ) , , .


: Re:
01.08.2019 18:18:39

on 1564646388, Nemo wrote:

, " ", ,   . , , 06 13 , , , 13 ( - 7 2 ). " ", . ... . ... , , ... ( , )... , , .

: Re:
Nemo 02.08.2019 06:32:49

on 1564672719, wrote:
- 7 2
, ! :D

: Re:
Green Eyesman 02.08.2019 09:46:20
2 : . . . , , . , .
, . , . .
, . . - . , .

: Re:
Tailor 02.08.2019 17:49:30

on 1564672719, wrote:

, ...
(, , ), , , " ", , ...

: Re:
Legend 02.08.2019 22:39:04
2Tailor: , , .
, , - . - (, ), . . , .

: Re:
Nemo 03.08.2019 09:50:33

on 1564728380, Green Eyesman wrote:
, .
... :(

: Re:
Green Eyesman 05.08.2019 09:19:42

on 1564774744, Legend wrote:
, .
- - . - . - . . . ?

on 1564815033, Nemo wrote:
- . .

: Re:
Legend 05.08.2019 16:28:21
2Green Eyesman:
- . - . - . . . ?
, , , ? =)

: Re:
Nemo 06.08.2019 04:23:31
2Legend: , ... ;)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 06.08.2019 11:02:43

on 1565011701, Legend wrote:
, , , ? =)
- . , ?

: Re:
Legend 06.08.2019 15:28:46
2Green Eyesman: , .

: Re:
Strax5 06.08.2019 15:41:02
2Green Eyesman: " " - .
, , ?
, , . ?

. - . . .
- - "". , , . , . .
, .

. . .

: Re:
Luficer 06.08.2019 20:19:38
, Strax5 )

, .  ::)

: Re:
Nemo 07.08.2019 03:11:36

on 1565095262, Strax5 wrote:
, ?
, , - . ;)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 07.08.2019 10:14:36

on 1565094526, Legend wrote:
, .
- ?! , , .

2Strax5: -... , " "? -? ? ;)
? , . .
, ? . , , . , . , . "", . . - . . " " , . , .
- . . -, . , - , , . - ( - - ). , , -, ( ). . , . , - . , , , , . , , ( - ).

: Re:
Legend 07.08.2019 15:25:47
2Green Eyesman: , ", " " ", - . ?

: Re:
Green Eyesman 07.08.2019 15:38:12

on 1565180747, Legend wrote:
- ( - ). ;)

: Re:
Legend 07.08.2019 15:54:06
2Green Eyesman: , ?

: Re:
Green Eyesman 07.08.2019 16:13:30

on 1565182446, Legend wrote:
, ?
- "", . ? . ... ? :D

: Re:
Nemo 07.08.2019 16:30:10
, :" - , - "... ;)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 07.08.2019 17:43:31
2Nemo: . , - , - . , . "" . ;D

: Re:
Legend 07.08.2019 20:06:30
2Green Eyesman: ""? - - ? - ?

: Re:
Green Eyesman 08.08.2019 09:52:48

on 1565197590, Legend wrote:
- - . : " - ?" - "!" : " - ?", : " ?"

? " !" , , , . , . , , ... - - .

? ? , ? . . . , , , " " - . . - , , . - , - .
, ( , "")? , . ( ) , . .

. - . . , , .
. . . . ;D

: Re:
Legend 08.08.2019 20:40:55
2Green Eyesman: ;D

: Re:
Nemo 09.08.2019 04:05:01

on 1565247168, Green Eyesman wrote:
. .
, , . :( .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 09.08.2019 09:03:17

on 1565312701, Nemo wrote:
- . . :D

on 1565286055, Legend wrote:
- - . . ;D

: Re:
desants 09.08.2019 11:32:44
2Green Eyesman: , ;) , )

: Re:
Luficer 09.08.2019 13:06:27
2desants: . , - .

: Re:
Nemo 09.08.2019 13:21:00

on 1565345187, Luficer wrote:

: Re:
Legend 09.08.2019 13:25:43
2Nemo: ? :gigi:

: Re:
Nemo 09.08.2019 13:27:37
2Legend: , , ! ::)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 09.08.2019 13:35:12

on 1565345187, Luficer wrote:
. , - .
- . . ;D
, . ;)

on 1565339564, desants wrote:
, )
- . ;)
. - , , . ::)

: Re:
desants 09.08.2019 14:27:00
2Green Eyesman: ;)

: Re:
Nemo 10.08.2019 09:32:25

on 1565346912, Green Eyesman wrote:
, [...]...

: Re:
Nemo 10.08.2019 09:33:29

on 1565339564, desants wrote:
, -
- !

: Re:
Nemo 31.08.2019 12:55:55
2Green Eyesman: , / " " . ;)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 01.09.2019 20:04:57
. . . ( -), . . : - . .

. , , .

: , ? , - ?

: Re:
Luficer 02.09.2019 11:19:58
2Green Eyesman: .
, , , 2 - ( ) (). , ( ?) " ".
http://scaletrainsclub.com/board/viewforum.php?f=46 , . , - . , - , . ::)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 02.09.2019 11:47:34

on 1567412398, Luficer wrote:
- , . :)

, . . .

: Re:
Strax5 02.09.2019 12:56:45

on 1567412398, Luficer wrote:
"" ( ) . , . ? , , ?

: Re:
Luficer 02.09.2019 14:18:56
2Strax5: , .

, , , per procura.

: Re:
Strax5 02.09.2019 16:02:56
2Luficer: . "", " ".
, . . - .

: Re:
Nemo 02.09.2019 16:05:52

on 1567429376, Strax5 wrote:
, . 2-3, . :(

: Re:
Nemo 06.09.2019 08:34:40
, 1 ? ::)

: Re:
Nemo 11.09.2019 10:38:41
? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 11.09.2019 10:40:23
, 6- . .

: Re:
Nemo 11.09.2019 10:42:17
2GoodNight: , ,   ?

: Re:
GoodNight 11.09.2019 10:58:24
2Nemo: --. ! . 40 .

: Re:
Nemo 11.09.2019 11:06:39
--, . .

: Re:
GoodNight 11.09.2019 11:09:03
2Nemo: - , 37 . ?

: Re:
Nemo 11.09.2019 11:10:34

on 1568189343, GoodNight wrote:

: Re:
GoodNight 11.09.2019 11:12:06
20- .

: Re:
Nemo 11.09.2019 11:22:56
- ! :P

: Re:
GoodNight 13.09.2019 09:43:30
, - .
, , ? ?

: Re:
Nemo 24.09.2019 09:47:47

on 1568357010, GoodNight wrote:
? ?
, . ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 24.09.2019 10:28:14
2Nemo: , ?

: Re:
Nemo 24.09.2019 10:37:26
2GoodNight: , . , .. .

: Re:
Nemo 26.09.2019 16:12:19
- ? . >:(

: Re:
GoodNight 26.09.2019 16:22:13
2Nemo: - , .

: Re:
ZLOY 26.09.2019 16:28:59

on 1569504133, GoodNight wrote:

- , ,

: Re:
Nemo 27.09.2019 11:08:56
. :(

: Re:
GoodNight 27.09.2019 11:54:35

: Re:
ZLOY 27.09.2019 12:10:20
, , () . .

: Re:
Nemo 28.09.2019 19:40:35

on 1569575420, ZLOY wrote:
? ;)

: Re:
Nemo 02.10.2019 15:20:24
2GoodNight: 2ZLOY: ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 02.10.2019 15:35:01
2Nemo: , - , ;   , ; ; ,

: Re:
Nemo 03.10.2019 13:34:09
2GoodNight: ? . ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 03.10.2019 14:07:18
2Nemo: ,

: Re:
Nemo 03.10.2019 14:13:07
2GoodNight: ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 03.10.2019 14:14:28
2Nemo: ?

: Re:
Nemo 03.10.2019 14:15:57
2GoodNight: ...

: Re:
Nemo 05.10.2019 02:42:41
2GoodNight: , ? ::) .

: Re:
GoodNight 05.10.2019 09:28:19
2Nemo: , , , ,   , .

: Re:
Nemo 08.10.2019 16:49:01
, , , . :P

: Re:
GoodNight 09.10.2019 08:08:30
2Nemo: ,  - "?!", ,

: Re:
Green Eyesman 09.10.2019 08:59:21
? ? ? , ? ?

- , , . :P

: Re:
GoodNight 09.10.2019 09:20:00
2Green Eyesman: , , ?

: Re:
Green Eyesman 09.10.2019 09:47:31

on 1570602000, GoodNight wrote:
, , ?
- . - , ( ). :)

. ... . -. -. ::)

: Re:
ZLOY 09.10.2019 16:40:01

on 1570600761, Green Eyesman wrote:
? ? ?

( ).

on 1570603651, Green Eyesman wrote:

. , , ;) :D

: Re:
Green Eyesman 09.10.2019 16:43:00

on 1570628401, ZLOY wrote:
. , ,
- - . ... + = .

: Re:
GoodNight 09.10.2019 16:43:47

on 1570628401, ZLOY wrote:
. . . . .

: Re:
ZLOY 09.10.2019 17:02:50

on 1570628627, GoodNight wrote:

- ()

on 1570628580, Green Eyesman wrote:

, . ... ;)

: Re:
desants 09.10.2019 19:26:46
, @? ? @ -

: Re:
Nemo 10.10.2019 06:01:12

on 1570600761, Green Eyesman wrote:
. ;)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 10.10.2019 09:02:09
2desants: . , , .

, ? . , , , , , [...] - . . . .

: Re:
desants 10.10.2019 20:59:00
2Green Eyesman: . ???)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 11.10.2019 10:43:18

on 1570730340, desants wrote:
- .

on 1570730340, desants wrote:
- , , . " " . :P

100 .

: Re:
pipetz 11.10.2019 11:45:41

on 1570600761, Green Eyesman wrote:

- ?

on 1570600761, Green Eyesman wrote:
, ?

. . , -.

: Re:
Green Eyesman 11.10.2019 12:38:14

on 1570783541, pipetz wrote:
- ?
- . , - . . . , ( ) , -   . .
, . , - .

on 1570783541, pipetz wrote:
. . , -.
- , . - . -, . , ( ) , . :(

: Re:
GoodNight 11.10.2019 13:05:58

on 1570786694, Green Eyesman wrote:
. ?

: Re:
Green Eyesman 11.10.2019 15:48:23
2GoodNight: . . - . :)

: Re:
GoodNight 11.10.2019 16:12:30

on 1570798103, Green Eyesman wrote:
? .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 11.10.2019 16:25:01
2GoodNight: , . - , .

: Re:
GoodNight 11.10.2019 16:38:20
2Green Eyesman: -! . .

: Re:
desants 12.10.2019 01:25:49
- ? ?

: Re:
ZLOY 12.10.2019 01:59:48

on 1570832749, desants wrote:
- ? ?  

, ?  :o - , ,  :o

: Re:
SDV 12.10.2019 07:11:05

on 1570832749, desants wrote:
- ? ?

  , Jaggernaut, ", !" , , . .

: Re:
desants 12.10.2019 08:42:13
2ZLOY: . ...

: Re:
12.10.2019 19:56:14

on 1570600761, Green Eyesman wrote:
? ? ?  

- , . - . - ... - , ( ), , , - , ... , - , . - , - .   ... ... , ... .

: Re:
ZLOY 12.10.2019 20:18:40

on 1570899374, wrote:

, ?
2, , , :
- , . , .  :P
P.S. :unitaz:

: Re:
GoodNight 12.10.2019 21:11:32
2ZLOY:   - " ! , ?"
, , .

: Re:
ZLOY 12.10.2019 21:23:23
:rzhach: :xmas:

: Re:
Nemo 13.10.2019 03:53:05

on 1570903892, GoodNight wrote:
, ? ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 13.10.2019 09:47:43
2Nemo: , , . ;))

: Re:
13.10.2019 16:48:47

on 1570900720, ZLOY wrote:
, , , , . - , ...

: Re:
Nemo 13.10.2019 17:54:20
2ZLOY: 2GoodNight: 2 : , ? , . ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 13.10.2019 17:55:39
2Nemo: 10 . 20- .

: Re:
Nemo 13.10.2019 17:57:45
2GoodNight: . , ? . - - . ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 13.10.2019 18:00:32
2Nemo: -

: Re:
ZLOY 13.10.2019 18:01:07
, , ( ,  :P) :)

: Re:
Nemo 13.10.2019 18:05:51

on 1570978867, ZLOY wrote:
! ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 13.10.2019 20:46:04
2Nemo: , ?!

: Re:
Nemo 14.10.2019 03:38:00
2GoodNight: . ;)

: Re:
Nemo 19.10.2019 15:59:48
. . ? ::)

: Re:
desants 19.10.2019 17:07:37
2Nemo: . . . - . .

: Re:
GoodNight 19.10.2019 17:26:05
2Nemo: - , , .
. .

: Re:
19.10.2019 17:27:11

on 1571489988, Nemo wrote:
- , - -. - , , , () , , .

: Re:
ZLOY 19.10.2019 17:35:12
"" ? ::)

: Re:
Ushwood 19.10.2019 18:50:41

on 1571495712, ZLOY wrote:
"" ?
. :(.

: Re:
Nemo 20.10.2019 04:04:24
? . ::)

: Re:
desants 20.10.2019 09:47:28
2ZLOY: -, )

: Re:
ZLOY 20.10.2019 10:12:26
,  :(
, , , , , - - .  :o ,  ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 20.10.2019 12:34:23
2ZLOY: -, ! !

: Re:
Nemo 21.10.2019 07:29:23
2GoodNight: , ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 21.10.2019 08:20:56
2Nemo: . , 2, .

: Re:
desants 21.10.2019 20:09:11
2ZLOY: ;)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 24.10.2019 08:57:07
. , .

- . - "" . . . , - . . .

: Re:
desants 24.10.2019 22:27:17
2Green Eyesman: , . , , , ... , -

: Re:
Green Eyesman 25.10.2019 09:39:39

on 1571945237, desants wrote:
- . , . , . . :(

: Re:
desants 25.10.2019 23:03:55
2Green Eyesman: , . . .
- , , . .
, .

: Re:
ZLOY 25.10.2019 23:22:53
. 9- ( ). ?  ::)
on 1572033835, desants wrote:
- , , . . ...   , . /  

,  :P

: Re:
desants 26.10.2019 08:14:05
- (), ;)

: Re:
ZLOY 26.10.2019 14:03:46

on 1572066845, desants wrote:

, - ? :o 1- , -  :D
:P :P :unitaz: :D

: Re:
GoodNight 26.10.2019 17:11:13

on 1572087826, ZLOY wrote:
" ", , .

: Re:
desants 26.10.2019 17:17:43
2ZLOY: )))

: Re:
Strax5 26.10.2019 18:00:26
2GoodNight: 2ZLOY:   , .

: Re:
Tailor 26.10.2019 19:07:21

on 1572102026, Strax5 wrote:

, ???

: Re:
ZLOY 26.10.2019 21:10:07

on 1572106041, Tailor wrote:

(SturmAbteilung) ;) - Ȩ, ( )

: Re:
Nemo 27.10.2019 07:52:32

on 1572113407, ZLOY wrote:
- Ȩ
- --. :P

: Re:
Tailor 27.10.2019 14:34:31

on 1572151952, Nemo wrote:

! ! ;D

: Re:
Nemo 28.10.2019 03:14:04
2Tailor: , . ! :o

: Re:
GoodNight 31.10.2019 15:52:12
, - , , ?

: Re:
Strax5 31.10.2019 17:40:28
-- - -.

: Re:
Green Eyesman 31.10.2019 17:54:16
- - -.

: Re:
Luficer 31.10.2019 19:11:14
2Green Eyesman: - , , . ;D

: Re:
Nemo 01.11.2019 02:48:14

on 1572533656, Green Eyesman wrote:
- - -
, . ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 03.11.2019 21:51:53
, , - ?!

: Re:
ZLOY 03.11.2019 21:55:47

on 1572807113, GoodNight wrote:
, , - ?!

: Re:
GoodNight 03.11.2019 22:09:28

on 1572807347, ZLOY wrote:

: Re:
ZLOY 03.11.2019 22:14:43

on 1572808168, GoodNight wrote:

: Re:
GoodNight 04.11.2019 09:09:42

on 1572808483, ZLOY wrote:

: Re:
ZLOY 04.11.2019 12:26:14
, - , , - , -

: Re:
GoodNight 04.11.2019 12:28:31

on 1572859574, ZLOY wrote:
, - , , - , -  

: Re:
Green Eyesman 08.11.2019 08:43:59
? ?!

: Re:
Strax5 08.11.2019 18:26:05
2Green Eyesman: .

: Re:
Nemo 10.11.2019 03:56:30
2Strax5: , !

: Re:
Strax5 10.11.2019 10:44:39
2Nemo: . .

: Re:
Nemo 12.11.2019 10:10:22
? ::)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 12.11.2019 10:58:44
2Nemo: " ". :(

: Re:
ZLOY 12.11.2019 11:38:10
, , ""  ;)

: Re:
Nemo 12.11.2019 19:41:09
2ZLOY: , .

: Re:
Nemo 13.11.2019 05:01:28
, . :(

: Re:
GoodNight 20.11.2019 09:13:32
, , , - ?

: Re:
Green Eyesman 20.11.2019 09:33:42
2GoodNight: , . ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 20.11.2019 09:38:34
2Green Eyesman: ! . , ""...

: Re:
Green Eyesman 20.11.2019 10:22:42
2GoodNight: , . . .

. "" , .
- , , . , .

- , . "" .
, - . . :D

: Re:
GoodNight 20.11.2019 10:54:44
2Green Eyesman: ! . , , .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 20.11.2019 11:29:21
2GoodNight: , . :P

, - - . , . . ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 20.11.2019 11:39:51
2Green Eyesman: , , .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 20.11.2019 12:39:29
2GoodNight: , - . ;)

. - .
( ).

: Re:
GoodNight 20.11.2019 12:47:18

on 1574242769, Green Eyesman wrote:
, ! , :  
on 1574242769, Green Eyesman wrote:
"", "".

: Re:
Green Eyesman 20.11.2019 13:04:04
2GoodNight: - . . - , " ", . ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 20.11.2019 14:15:21

on 1574244244, Green Eyesman wrote:
. . , .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 20.11.2019 14:49:51
2GoodNight: . "" "" .

: Re:
GoodNight 20.11.2019 15:09:04
2Green Eyesman:
, , ?!
, !
, , ! . , , ! - , ? : . .

, .

: Re:
Strax5 25.11.2019 18:48:24

: Re:
GoodNight 26.11.2019 09:16:42
2Strax5: ! , , ! ( , 2- ).

, -, , ! , . - !

: Re:
Green Eyesman 26.11.2019 09:24:58
2GoodNight: , .

: Re:
GoodNight 26.11.2019 09:42:33
2Green Eyesman: ! , . -, - .

: Re:
Nemo 30.11.2019 05:47:25

on 1574749002, GoodNight wrote:
! , , !
? :o

: Re:
GoodNight 30.11.2019 10:54:22
2Nemo: , " ", - , - -. ;))))))))))

: Re:
Nemo 30.11.2019 12:05:27
2GoodNight: ? ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 30.11.2019 16:00:54
2Nemo: , ? - , , , .

: Re:
Nemo 01.12.2019 08:02:32
2GoodNight: ", !" .

: Re:
GoodNight 01.12.2019 10:44:23
2Nemo: "". .

: Re:
Nemo 03.12.2019 05:32:42
, "" ? ::)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 03.12.2019 21:12:11
, .

"" , -? , ( ), - . . :(

, - - . . - .

, ? , , .
, . , !

: Re:
GoodNight 03.12.2019 22:47:39

on 1575396731, Green Eyesman wrote:
, ? ?

: Re:
Green Eyesman 04.12.2019 09:24:37

on 1575402459, GoodNight wrote:
, ? ?
- . ;D - . :P

: Re:
GoodNight 04.12.2019 09:45:22
2Green Eyesman: - , . ;))
, -, ?

: Re:
Nemo 04.12.2019 10:59:27
2GoodNight: , , ...

: Re:
GoodNight 04.12.2019 11:29:50
2Nemo: Green Eyesman, ""?
, , , ... , - , .
, , , , - "", " -", " , !". .

: Re:
Nemo 04.12.2019 11:47:38

on 1575448190, GoodNight wrote:
, ...
, . - . ;D ( ).

: Re:
GoodNight 04.12.2019 11:51:32
2Nemo: ? ...

: Re:
Green Eyesman 04.12.2019 15:21:31

on 1575448190, GoodNight wrote:
- - ? - . - .

on 1575449492, GoodNight wrote:
- , . 8)
, . , . ;)

, " "? .

: Re:
GoodNight 04.12.2019 17:45:16
Djghjc , , . 2000 13-15 , ;)))))))))) , .

on 1575462091, Green Eyesman wrote:
, , ;))

: Re:
Green Eyesman 04.12.2019 18:02:58

on 1575470716, GoodNight wrote:
, ,
- . - . . ( , ).

, , , - . :P

: Re:
GoodNight 04.12.2019 21:44:44

on 1575471778, Green Eyesman wrote:
, , -
- , ... ;))))))))))))))))))))))))))
, , Z, , , . , - .

: Re:
Nemo 05.12.2019 07:50:26

on 1575471778, Green Eyesman wrote:
. , ( ), , . ? - , . . >:(

: Re:
GoodNight 05.12.2019 09:09:23

on 1575521426, Nemo wrote:
. .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 05.12.2019 09:42:25

on 1575485084, GoodNight wrote:
- , ...
- . ... . ::)

on 1575485084, GoodNight wrote:
, , Z, , , . , - .
- , . "" . ", ". ", ".

: Re:
Nemo 05.12.2019 11:25:37

on 1575528145, Green Eyesman wrote:
, . .

: Re:
GoodNight 05.12.2019 12:25:27

on 1575534337, Nemo wrote:
- . ;))

: Re:
Nemo 06.12.2019 09:34:50
2GoodNight: ? ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 06.12.2019 11:51:59
,   , .
, - , " - ", , , , , , , . , , - " , . . ."
, , .
, .
, , , .

: Re:
Nemo 06.12.2019 19:36:46
2GoodNight: , ! :o

: Re:
Green Eyesman 10.12.2019 11:02:05

. , . . - , ?

( ). , , . , , . . , , ?
- - ( ), - . :(

: Re:
GoodNight 10.12.2019 12:09:00

on 1575964925, Green Eyesman wrote:
, ? ? , , . .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 10.12.2019 12:14:35

on 1575968940, GoodNight wrote:
- . ? ? , . , . :P

: Re:
Nemo 10.12.2019 12:15:02

on 1575964925, Green Eyesman wrote:
, , ! . ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 10.12.2019 12:25:06

on 1575969275, Green Eyesman wrote:
, ? ( ), . .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 10.12.2019 13:16:48

on 1575969302, Nemo wrote:
, , ! .
- ? . .

on 1575969906, GoodNight wrote:
, ? ( ), . .
- . . . - . .

- . , , . - .
- , .

: Re:
Nemo 10.12.2019 13:39:16

on 1575964925, Green Eyesman wrote:
. - .

: Re:
GoodNight 10.12.2019 14:09:25

on 1575973008, Green Eyesman wrote:
- .  
- . , , , . - . - .

: Re:
ZLOY 10.12.2019 14:18:22

on 1575964925, Green Eyesman wrote:
. , . . - , ?

, ? ?  >:( ,  ;) . !  :)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 10.12.2019 14:25:16
. - " ". , , . - . - , .

: Re:
GoodNight 10.12.2019 14:35:10

on 1575977116, Green Eyesman wrote:
- " ".  
, ! , - .
, . .

: Re:
ZLOY 10.12.2019 14:35:15

on 1575977116, Green Eyesman wrote:
- " "

, - , !  8)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 10.12.2019 16:18:32
, . .

. - . . , , .

: Re:
Nemo 10.12.2019 16:31:09
2Green Eyesman: . , . , . ( , ) ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 10.12.2019 16:50:38
on 1575984669, Nemo wrote:
, ...

: Re:
Nemo 12.12.2019 12:09:37
2GoodNight: , 1- , ? :(

: Re:
GoodNight 12.12.2019 12:14:41
2Nemo: ;)))))

: Re:
Nemo 12.12.2019 13:19:57
2GoodNight: , 9-?

: Re:
GoodNight 12.12.2019 14:15:23
2Nemo: 8- . , .

: Re:
Nemo 12.12.2019 15:47:04
2GoodNight: , , . ::)

: Re:
Strax5 12.12.2019 18:28:59
2Green Eyesman: .

: Re:
Nemo 12.12.2019 18:33:07

on 1576164539, Strax5 wrote:
... . ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 12.12.2019 21:25:22

on 1576164539, Strax5 wrote:


: Re:
Nemo 13.12.2019 05:57:24

on 1576175122, GoodNight wrote:
, ! , , . . ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 13.12.2019 09:21:21
2Nemo: , , . -, .
, , , . , .   , ...

: Re:
Strax5 13.12.2019 11:43:15
2GoodNight: .... - .

: Re:
GoodNight 13.12.2019 14:25:34
, , , , - , - " - ? ?".

: Re:
ZLOY 13.12.2019 17:20:56

on 1576236334, GoodNight wrote:

, ( ) :nervous:

: Re:
Nemo 14.12.2019 09:40:09

on 1576246856, ZLOY wrote:
, ,  
. ::)

: Re:
ZLOY 15.12.2019 21:25:47
, ?

: Re:
pipetz 15.12.2019 22:39:55
, ?

: Re:
GoodNight 16.12.2019 09:59:23
2ZLOY: , , .

2pipetz: ,   .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 16.12.2019 10:32:51

on 1576438795, pipetz wrote:
, ?
- . :D

on 1576434347, ZLOY wrote:
, ?
- , , ? ::)

, " - "? , , , , , .

: Re:
Nemo 20.12.2019 10:57:58

on 1576481571, Green Eyesman wrote:
, ? ? ::)

: Re:
Nemo 23.12.2019 18:56:26
2Green Eyesman: , ( ) ? ? ::)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 24.12.2019 09:05:29

on 1577116586, Nemo wrote:
, ( ) ? ?
- ? ? - , - . . ::)

: Re:
Nemo 24.12.2019 18:21:22
2Green Eyesman: , ... , .. :(

: Re:
GoodNight 24.12.2019 21:58:39
2Nemo: , . ;)

: Re:
Nemo 25.12.2019 07:31:15
2GoodNight: ! ... , . >:(

: Re:
Nemo 27.12.2019 04:24:46
. .. ? ::)

: Re:
Nemo 29.12.2019 13:41:59
? ::)

: Re:
ZLOY 29.12.2019 13:48:49

on 1577616119, Nemo wrote:

?  :o

: Re:
GoodNight 29.12.2019 14:42:42
2Nemo: , , - .

: Re:
Nemo 29.12.2019 15:24:18
2GoodNight: . ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 29.12.2019 15:26:21
2Nemo: ;)) ;))

: Re:
Green Eyesman 13.01.2020 20:22:55
, "" 50-0 ? , , ?

- ? - ? , , ?

: Re:
ZLOY 13.01.2020 21:45:53
2Green Eyesman:
. , . , .   , , .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 13.01.2020 21:52:06
2ZLOY: ?

: Re:
GoodNight 13.01.2020 22:04:17
2Green Eyesman: , .
, ?

: Re:
Green Eyesman 13.01.2020 22:12:11

on 1578942257, GoodNight wrote:
, ?
- ? ... ... ...

: Re:
ZLOY 13.01.2020 22:17:50

on 1578941526, Green Eyesman wrote:

. , . , ( , ).

: Re:
GoodNight 13.01.2020 22:22:11
2Green Eyesman: , , . , . .

: Re:
Nemo 17.01.2020 10:42:38
2GoodNight: - ? . ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 17.01.2020 11:09:01
2Nemo: . , , , "". , " - !", .

: Re:
Nemo 17.01.2020 11:20:38

on 1579248541, GoodNight wrote:
;D " "! ;D

: Re:
Nemo 04.02.2020 09:04:36
? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 04.02.2020 09:12:05
2Nemo: , , - , .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 04.02.2020 09:23:33

on 1580796276, Nemo wrote:
- , - . .

, , , - . - , , , - .

, ? , , . - . .

: Re:
Nemo 04.02.2020 09:25:18

on 1580797413, Green Eyesman wrote:
. ;)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 04.02.2020 09:34:16

on 1580797518, Nemo wrote:
- . . :(

: Re:
ZLOY 04.02.2020 14:19:31

on 1580796276, Nemo wrote:

. .
, , , ( - (EHEC)), .

: Re:
Nemo 04.02.2020 16:53:53

on 1580815171, ZLOY wrote:
! - ! :o

: Re:
ZLOY 04.02.2020 17:04:20

on 1580824433, Nemo wrote:
! - !

, -,  :D

: Re:
Green Eyesman 04.02.2020 17:07:49
2ZLOY: . . . . !!! ::)

: Re:
Nemo 04.02.2020 17:32:33
2Green Eyesman: , ! ! ! >:(

: Re:
ZLOY 04.02.2020 17:39:46

on 1580826753, Nemo wrote:

. ()  ::)

: Re:
Nemo 05.02.2020 15:46:51

on 1580827186, ZLOY wrote:
? ? ::)

: Re:
ZLOY 05.02.2020 15:53:33

on 1580906811, Nemo wrote:
? ?

 ;)  :P

: Re:
Nemo 05.02.2020 16:06:56

on 1580907213, ZLOY wrote:
- , ! :o

: Re:
Nemo 06.02.2020 04:37:11
, ? ::)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 06.02.2020 08:45:25

on 1580953031, Nemo wrote:
, ?
- . . .

( ) - . :P

: Re:
Nemo 06.02.2020 09:26:40

on 1580967925, Green Eyesman wrote:
. 8)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 07.02.2020 11:00:10
-? . , ( ) - - .

. - . , .

: Re:
GoodNight 07.02.2020 11:19:29
, , , , , - , - , - , , ? , ?

: Re:
ZLOY 07.02.2020 12:42:58

on 1581062410, Green Eyesman wrote:

, , -  ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 07.02.2020 12:51:07
2ZLOY: - - . ?

: Re:
ZLOY 07.02.2020 13:15:15

on 1581069067, GoodNight wrote:

- , , - , -, . ,  ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 07.02.2020 14:22:04
2ZLOY: ?

: Re:
Green Eyesman 07.02.2020 14:44:58

on 1581074524, GoodNight wrote:
- :

" ."

: Re:
ZLOY 07.02.2020 15:15:03
, . , , - !

: Re:
GoodNight 07.02.2020 15:19:03
2ZLOY: ! - " !". .

: Re:
ZLOY 07.02.2020 15:54:26

on 1581077943, GoodNight wrote:

, - ?!  :o

: Re:
GoodNight 07.02.2020 16:33:02
2ZLOY: , - .

: Re:
Nemo 07.02.2020 19:28:19

on 1581080066, ZLOY wrote:
, , ? , . ::)

: Re:
ZLOY 07.02.2020 19:39:35

on 1581092899, Nemo wrote:

,  ;)

: Re:
Nemo 08.02.2020 03:07:49
2ZLOY: ? ;)

: Re:
ZLOY 08.02.2020 22:38:32
? , , , , , ,  :(

P.S. :P

: Re:
Green Eyesman 09.02.2020 00:56:09
2ZLOY: . , , . , . :P

: Re:
Nemo 09.02.2020 07:59:26

on 1581190712, ZLOY wrote:
. :(

: Re:
GoodNight 09.02.2020 11:09:59
2ZLOY: . , 2000- , , . . , .

: Re:
ZLOY 09.02.2020 11:22:11

on 1581235799, GoodNight wrote:
. , 2000-

90-. , . , 2000-, . ;)

on 1581235799, GoodNight wrote:

? , .

on 1581235799, GoodNight wrote:

, ?  :o

: Re:
GoodNight 09.02.2020 13:13:53
2ZLOY: 2000- , , , , , .

, - - 70- , , ?

: Re:
ZLOY 09.02.2020 13:29:11

on 1581243233, GoodNight wrote:
, - - 70- , , ?

;) .

on 1581243233, GoodNight wrote:
2000- , , , , , .

. , . , - .

: Re:
GoodNight 09.02.2020 18:46:33
2ZLOY: ? ?

: Re:
ZLOY 09.02.2020 18:56:09

on 1581263193, GoodNight wrote:
? ?

! , ,  ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 09.02.2020 19:02:12
2ZLOY: , , .

: Re:
ZLOY 09.02.2020 19:07:45

on 1581264132, GoodNight wrote:

. .  8)

: Re:
GoodNight 09.02.2020 19:10:10
2ZLOY: , , ...

: Re:
Nemo 10.02.2020 03:58:40

on 1581264610, GoodNight wrote:
, ,
.... "". , . - ? ::)

: Re:
Nemo 10.02.2020 09:31:39
, , ? ::)

: Re:
Nemo 12.02.2020 03:04:13
2ZLOY: " ". " ". " ". ? ::)

: Re:
ZLOY 12.02.2020 03:52:57
- ,  :(

: Re:
Green Eyesman 12.02.2020 09:38:08

on 1581468777, ZLOY wrote:
- ,
- . ( ) - . " " ( ), .

- , " " , , , . - . , . , .

: Re:
Nemo 12.02.2020 09:48:41

on 1581489488, Green Eyesman wrote:
- .
- " , ". ? ;)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 12.02.2020 10:18:10

on 1581490121, Nemo wrote:
- . . - - .

: Re:
Nemo 12.02.2020 10:22:57

on 1581491890, Green Eyesman wrote:
, , ! ! >:(

: Re:
GoodNight 14.02.2020 10:41:58
4 , . , , ?
, , , .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 14.02.2020 11:25:25
2GoodNight: : https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/__

- . - . . ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 14.02.2020 11:39:51
2Green Eyesman: -, ?

: Re:
Green Eyesman 14.02.2020 11:54:55

on 1581669591, GoodNight wrote:
-, ?
- . ? - . , . . :)

, , - . , - . .
, - , - . , , .

: Re:
GoodNight 14.02.2020 12:14:16
2Green Eyesman: ,

: Re:
desants 14.02.2020 13:28:53
: .
, , . , ;)
, , ;)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 14.02.2020 13:33:22

on 1581671656, GoodNight wrote:
- - " ". " " .

on 1581676133, desants wrote:
- . , - . :(

: Re:
desants 14.02.2020 14:15:26
2Green Eyesman: . . , , .

, ,

: Re:
Green Eyesman 14.02.2020 14:23:51

on 1581678926, desants wrote:
- , .

on 1581678926, desants wrote:
. , , .
- , . , , -. - .

: Re:
GoodNight 14.02.2020 14:42:26

on 1581676133, desants wrote:
, , , ?

: Re:
desants 14.02.2020 16:25:56
2GoodNight: , ,

: Re:
GoodNight 14.02.2020 16:31:03
2desants:   . ?

: Re:
desants 14.02.2020 16:47:47
, )

: Re:
Strax5 16.02.2020 21:25:15

on 1581676133, desants wrote:

, , . , , .

: Re:
desants 16.02.2020 21:29:17
2Strax5: . .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 24.02.2020 22:00:15
? ?

, , . - .

: Re:
Nemo 25.02.2020 03:10:00

on 1582570815, Green Eyesman wrote:
! , . ::)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 25.02.2020 08:56:05

on 1582589400, Nemo wrote:
, .
- ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 25.02.2020 09:14:35

on 1582610165, Green Eyesman wrote:
. , . , .

: Re:
Nemo 25.02.2020 11:46:04

on 1582611275, GoodNight wrote:
! " " . , ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 25.02.2020 12:03:23
2Nemo: -

: Re:
Nemo 25.02.2020 12:32:47
2GoodNight: ? . ::)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 25.02.2020 12:39:34
- ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 25.02.2020 12:40:28
2Nemo: , , . , , , - , . , , .
, .

: Re:
Nemo 25.02.2020 12:50:24
2GoodNight: , . , . :P

: Re:
GoodNight 25.02.2020 12:50:58
2Nemo: ;)))))))))))

: Re:
Nemo 25.02.2020 18:02:59
" " 2- 486- ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 25.02.2020 19:45:25

: Re:
Nemo 26.02.2020 15:40:13
2GoodNight: ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 26.02.2020 15:42:53
2Nemo: .

: Re:
Nemo 26.02.2020 15:48:58
2GoodNight: - . :(

: Re:
GoodNight 26.02.2020 15:50:24
2Nemo: , , - ,

: Re:
Nemo 27.02.2020 04:54:46
2GoodNight: ? ? ::)

: Re:
ZLOY 27.02.2020 07:49:50

on 1582768486, Nemo wrote:

- !  :o

: Re:
Green Eyesman 27.02.2020 09:02:35

on 1582768486, Nemo wrote:
? ?
- . , , . 8)

. . , "" ?
, . . , , . , ?
? , , .
- - , .
- , .
?! .
, , - .

, . . , , . . :P

: Re:
GoodNight 27.02.2020 09:41:46
2Nemo: .

: Re:
Luficer 27.02.2020 11:57:32

on 1582783355, Green Eyesman wrote:
, "" ?  

. . , . 80, . , .
. - , , "" "" . .

: Re:
Nemo 27.02.2020 17:24:16

on 1582793852, Luficer wrote:
, . ;)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 28.02.2020 08:37:17

on 1582793852, Luficer wrote:
- . - - , , .
- , , ( ). - .
. :P

on 1582813456, Nemo wrote:
, .
- , . . . , , , .

. . :P
-. , . ( ). .

" " .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 28.02.2020 09:28:48

on 1582869041, ZLOY wrote:
- , .
. - , , . - , 1999- ( ). "... , ". :P
, .

, . ( - , ). , , " ". :P

: Re:
ZLOY 28.02.2020 09:36:20
2Green Eyesman:
-. , .
, :nervous:
P.S. . , , ? ;)

: Re:
Luficer 28.02.2020 10:29:09

on 1582868237, Green Eyesman wrote:
- , ,  

. " /Burn After Reading", .  :D

: Re:
Green Eyesman 28.02.2020 10:39:52

on 1582871780, ZLOY wrote:
- ... :(

, . . , .

2Luficer: , . - , - .
- . : " , ."

: Re:
Luficer 28.02.2020 10:47:05

on 1582875592, Green Eyesman wrote:
, .
, .

. "" , , , .
, , . ::)

, - , ?
, "" " " . ...

: Re:
Green Eyesman 28.02.2020 11:06:35

on 1582876025, Luficer wrote:
, .
- . ;D

on 1582876025, Luficer wrote:
, , .
- . , : " !" : ", - !" :P

on 1582876025, Luficer wrote:
- . . :(

: Re:
GoodNight 28.02.2020 11:16:45
2Green Eyesman: ? ? , "" ?

: Re:
Nemo 28.02.2020 11:52:43
2ZLOY: 2Luficer: 2GoodNight: . , . ;)

: Re:
Luficer 28.02.2020 11:54:29
2Nemo: )

: Re:
Nemo 28.02.2020 12:05:46
2Luficer: , , 3- . :D

: Re:
GoodNight 28.02.2020 12:06:52
2Nemo: - 4-

: Re:
Nemo 28.02.2020 12:12:55
2GoodNight: , . >:(

: Re:
GoodNight 28.02.2020 12:13:39
2Nemo: -, ,

: Re:
Nemo 28.02.2020 12:16:31
2GoodNight: , .. ""- .

: Re:
GoodNight 28.02.2020 12:17:44
2Nemo: -

: Re:
Green Eyesman 28.02.2020 12:42:37

on 1582877805, GoodNight wrote:
? ? , "" ?
- . , .

, ! ? . - . . ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 28.02.2020 12:45:55

on 1582882957, Green Eyesman wrote:
, .....

on 1582882957, Green Eyesman wrote:
"" , , "", ....

: Re:
Nemo 28.02.2020 13:03:12

on 1582883155, GoodNight wrote:
, ""
! ;D

: Re:
GoodNight 28.02.2020 14:04:08
2Nemo: ;)))))))))))))))))))

: Re:
Green Eyesman 28.02.2020 14:08:44

on 1582883155, GoodNight wrote:
"" , , "", ....
- , . , . :P

: Re:
Nemo 04.03.2020 04:29:55
? ? . :(

: Re:
Strax5 04.03.2020 08:58:18
. , , .

: Re:
Nemo 04.03.2020 13:36:57

on 1583301498, Strax5 wrote:
? ::)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 04.03.2020 13:52:53
2Nemo: . .

: Re:
Strax5 04.03.2020 15:36:54
2Nemo: , : , , , .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 04.03.2020 15:49:26
2017. , "" . .

: Re:
ZLOY 04.03.2020 17:02:23

on 1583318217, Nemo wrote:

on 1583325414, Strax5 wrote:
. .  

on 1583301498, Strax5 wrote:
. , ,

on 1583326166, Green Eyesman wrote:


: Re:
Nemo 04.03.2020 18:54:13
2GoodNight: 2Green Eyesman: 2Strax5: - " "? . ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 04.03.2020 21:11:47
2Nemo: - !
- " " ;))

: Re:
Nemo 05.03.2020 03:41:57
2GoodNight: . ::)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 05.03.2020 08:57:27
... - . . :o

. :(

: Re:
Nemo 05.03.2020 09:01:07

on 1583387847, Green Eyesman wrote:
! . ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 05.03.2020 09:23:12
2Nemo: , , .

2Green Eyesman: , . . ?

: Re:
Nemo 05.03.2020 12:06:22
2GoodNight: , . . ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 05.03.2020 12:10:16
2Nemo: , . , "" .

: Re:
Nemo 05.03.2020 12:14:56
2GoodNight: ? +1 2 .

: Re:
GoodNight 05.03.2020 12:22:45
2Nemo: --! . , +1 , +2. , +5. ?

: Re:
Nemo 05.03.2020 12:25:04
2GoodNight: - ! . ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 05.03.2020 12:30:17
2Nemo: ? . . - .

: Re:
Nemo 05.03.2020 12:39:43
2GoodNight: !? :o !? :o

: Re:
GoodNight 05.03.2020 12:41:05
2Nemo: , , .

: Re:
Nemo 06.03.2020 17:24:19
[quote author=GoodNight link=board=flame;num=1146221635;start=3332#3332 date=1583401265] . [/quote"] , ..." ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 06.03.2020 19:46:39

on 1583504659, Nemo wrote:
[quote author=GoodNight link=board=flame;num=1146221635;start=3332#3332 date=1583401265] . [/quote"] , ..."
, ?

: Re:
Nemo 07.03.2020 02:57:35
2GoodNight: . " ".

: Re:
GoodNight 07.03.2020 10:33:03
2Nemo: , . . "", "", .

: Re:
Nemo 07.03.2020 13:19:26
" ".2GoodNight:

: Re:
GoodNight 11.03.2020 12:36:09
, ?

: Re:
ZLOY 11.03.2020 12:46:01
.  :)

: Re:
GoodNight 11.03.2020 12:55:17
2ZLOY: ? , !

: Re:
ZLOY 11.03.2020 13:01:14
,  ;) '

: Re:
GoodNight 11.03.2020 14:22:46
2ZLOY: ?

: Re:
GoodNight 12.03.2020 09:17:43
-, , , ?
- -?

: Re:
Nemo 21.03.2020 13:14:19
2GoodNight: ( )- .

: Re:
GoodNight 21.03.2020 14:46:49
2Nemo: , .

: Re:
Nemo 21.03.2020 14:51:55

on 1584791209, GoodNight wrote:
? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 21.03.2020 15:01:29
--. .
- , -, , , .

: Re:
Nemo 22.03.2020 12:47:17
, . ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 22.03.2020 15:05:28
2Nemo: , 99% "", , .

: Re:
Nemo 23.03.2020 05:03:08
2GoodNight: , ... ;D

: Re:
GoodNight 23.03.2020 10:18:32
2Nemo: ;)) , ...

: Re:
Green Eyesman 24.03.2020 19:41:41
, jpg ? 4 , ?

-. , " " "" , .

: Re:
ZLOY 24.03.2020 20:29:57
2Green Eyesman:
, .
. .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 24.03.2020 20:54:29
2ZLOY: , - . . , "". - - "" ( ) .

. () ... . , - . . ( , ).

, . - . , .

. , , -, - ( ) , . " " ?

, : , ( ), . . , . ! .

: Re:
ZLOY 24.03.2020 21:14:32
2Green Eyesman:
- . , , .
, , , .

: Re:
GoodNight 24.03.2020 21:19:10
2ZLOY: , , , .

, 1366768, , , , .

: Re:
ZLOY 24.03.2020 21:23:51

on 1585073950, GoodNight wrote:
, , ,

, 1366768 . , . 8)

: Re:
GoodNight 24.03.2020 21:42:08
2ZLOY: -, 4, .

: Re:
ZLOY 24.03.2020 22:39:04

: Re:
Green Eyesman 24.03.2020 22:53:31

on 1585073672, ZLOY wrote:
- . , , .
- , . , 90-.

, . . - . , . . , .
, . . .
, " ". . . :P

: Re:
Nemo 25.03.2020 02:09:12

on 1585079611, Green Eyesman wrote:
, . " ". ;)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 30.03.2020 22:27:43
, , ?

, , . , ? " ?" " ?", . :P

: Re:
Nemo 31.03.2020 02:23:09

on 1585596463, Green Eyesman wrote:
" ?
? .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 31.03.2020 07:55:48

on 1585610589, Nemo wrote:
- .

: Re:
Nemo 01.04.2020 03:25:42
2Green Eyesman: ? .

: Re:
GoodNight 17.04.2020 10:45:44

: Re:
Strax5 17.04.2020 11:16:28
2GoodNight: " ". ()

: Re:
GoodNight 17.04.2020 11:28:10
2Strax5: ! .

: Re:
GoodNight 25.04.2020 10:57:37
, , ?

: Re:
desants 25.04.2020 11:29:29
2GoodNight: , , . , - . .

: Re:
Nemo 25.04.2020 15:00:54
, , ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 25.04.2020 17:49:18
2desants: . ?

2Nemo: "", -  .

: Re:
desants 25.04.2020 18:15:08
2GoodNight: . , , . !

: Re:
GoodNight 25.04.2020 18:31:51

on 1587803369, desants wrote:
, ,  
2desants: . , , - .....

: Re:
desants 25.04.2020 19:22:58
2GoodNight: , , ?

: Re:
GoodNight 25.04.2020 21:19:39

on 1587831778, desants wrote:
, . , , .

: Re:
desants 25.04.2020 21:44:48
2GoodNight: , . , !!!

: Re:
Nemo 26.04.2020 04:00:59

on 1587840288, desants wrote:
? :D

: Re:
GoodNight 26.04.2020 10:11:23
2desants: , .

on 1587862859, Nemo wrote:
. - , .

: Re:
desants 26.04.2020 11:05:03
2GoodNight: - ,

- , , ....

: Re:
Nemo 26.04.2020 12:52:58

on 1587888303, desants wrote:
, ...

: Re:
GoodNight 26.04.2020 14:21:01
2Nemo: 2desants: , . , , .

: Re:
Strax5 26.04.2020 16:22:56
2GoodNight: . .
, .

: Re:
Nemo 26.04.2020 17:17:02
2Strax5: , . ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 26.04.2020 17:36:44
2Strax5: , , , - .

: Re:
Strax5 26.04.2020 18:12:45
. .

: Re:
GoodNight 26.04.2020 21:13:27
2Strax5: - .
. . .

: Re:
Nemo 27.04.2020 05:13:20
2GoodNight: ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 27.04.2020 08:20:34
2Nemo: . . , , . .

: Re:
Strax5 27.04.2020 08:57:00
2Nemo: ? ?

: Re:
Nemo 27.04.2020 14:04:57
2Strax5: .

: Re:
Tailor 27.04.2020 18:30:04
" "? ::)

: Re:
Strax5 27.04.2020 19:32:38
, ,



: Re:
GoodNight 28.04.2020 09:06:14
, , , , , ?

: Re:
Nemo 28.04.2020 16:22:57
2GoodNight: ! ! . :P

: Re:
GoodNight 28.04.2020 16:34:52
2Nemo: -

: Re:
Nemo 29.04.2020 14:16:44
2GoodNight: ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 29.04.2020 14:53:19
2Nemo: ! . , ?

: Re:
Nemo 29.04.2020 18:03:49
2GoodNight: , ... :P

: Re:
GoodNight 29.04.2020 19:22:37
2Nemo: .

: Re:
GoodNight 07.05.2020 21:20:03
, - ?

: Re:
Nemo 14.05.2020 10:32:45
2GoodNight: , ...

: Re:
GoodNight 14.05.2020 13:32:01
2Nemo: , , ?

: Re:
Nemo 14.05.2020 18:39:33
2GoodNight: , , .

: Re:
GoodNight 14.05.2020 20:20:39
2Nemo: , ?

: Re:
Nemo 15.05.2020 03:42:01
2GoodNight:   :D ? ! ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 15.05.2020 08:55:23
2Nemo: ? , . . !

: Re:
Nemo 15.05.2020 12:48:17

on 1589522123, GoodNight wrote:
? ! ;D

: Re:
GoodNight 15.05.2020 14:34:13
2Nemo: ;)) ;))

: Re:
Nemo 16.05.2020 07:09:48
2GoodNight: ? ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 16.05.2020 08:55:17
2Nemo: . , , , .

: Re:
Nemo 16.05.2020 11:09:10
2GoodNight: -, ?! :o

: Re:
GoodNight 16.05.2020 13:41:53
2Nemo: ,

: Re:
Nemo 16.05.2020 13:47:52
2GoodNight: -, , . ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 16.05.2020 13:51:10
2Nemo: -, , . .

: Re:
Nemo 16.05.2020 13:54:07
2GoodNight: , .

: Re:
GoodNight 16.05.2020 13:59:26
2Nemo: , . .

: Re:
Nemo 16.05.2020 14:07:08
2GoodNight: , .

: Re:
desants 16.05.2020 14:36:06
2GoodNight: , ( ) . ;)

: Re:
Nemo 16.05.2020 14:39:51
2desants: . .

: Re:
GoodNight 16.05.2020 17:56:21
2Nemo: , ? ,

2desants: -! - ! -.

: Re:
desants 16.05.2020 19:20:20
2GoodNight: )

: Re:
Nemo 27.06.2020 12:13:45
, - , ? - ?

: Re:
GoodNight 27.06.2020 20:43:05
2Nemo: , , , . .

: Re:
Nemo 01.07.2020 10:44:48

on 1593279785, GoodNight wrote:
, ,

: Re:
GoodNight 01.07.2020 11:17:23
2Nemo: " " - . , , , , , . , , , - ", , , !"

: Re:
Nemo 02.07.2020 13:24:52

on 1593591443, GoodNight wrote:
", , , !"
, , ... . ::)

: Re:
Nemo 05.07.2020 10:19:03
? ::)

: Re:
Strax5 05.07.2020 13:58:46
2Nemo: ! 5 , !

: Re:
Nemo 07.07.2020 05:51:47
2Strax5: , , ...

: Re:
Nemo 12.07.2020 08:59:37
, ...

: Re:
Nemo 03.08.2020 11:46:48
? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 03.08.2020 13:03:21
2Nemo: , , .

: Re:
Nemo 06.08.2020 05:44:04
, ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 06.08.2020 08:14:01
2Nemo: - , - " ", - .

: Re:
Nemo 07.08.2020 04:25:14
2GoodNight: ? ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 07.08.2020 08:42:08
2Nemo: , . .

: Re:
Nemo 09.08.2020 03:31:48

on 1596778928, GoodNight wrote:
? ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 09.08.2020 13:41:16
2Nemo: , . .

: Re:
Nemo 11.08.2020 03:04:06
? :o ? ::)

: Re:
Nemo 21.08.2020 09:41:52
- ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 21.08.2020 10:15:38
2Nemo: , . - .

: Re:
Nemo 22.08.2020 13:25:45
2GoodNight: ? ::) . ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 22.08.2020 17:47:28
2Nemo: " - ", , . , - . - . . .

: Re:
Sir-Dorosh 03.09.2020 02:20:35
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_ilj2w66T8 :(

: Re:
Nemo 03.09.2020 14:33:56
13 ? ::)...

: Re:
Nemo 14.09.2020 07:03:08
2GoodNight: ? ... ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 14.09.2020 08:22:52
2Nemo: - "" - , "" - , , , -

: Re:
Nemo 14.09.2020 10:00:33

on 1600060972, GoodNight wrote:
""? :o

: Re:
GoodNight 14.09.2020 10:40:52
2Nemo: - . , ...

: Re:
Strax5 14.09.2020 12:05:21

, . , .

: Re:
GoodNight 14.09.2020 16:47:46
, . , , , , , .
, ??

: Re:
desants 14.09.2020 17:07:49
2GoodNight: . , ,

: Re:
GoodNight 15.09.2020 08:27:23
2desants: --. , - .

: Re:
desants 15.09.2020 08:53:14
2GoodNight: !)

, ( ) ?

: Re:
GoodNight 15.09.2020 09:21:19
2desants: , . . , - 25-30%, .

: Re:
desants 15.09.2020 10:44:06
2GoodNight: 1214 . . , .
2001 , .

: Re:
GoodNight 15.09.2020 11:06:15
2desants: , .
, 12-14% , .
% ?

: Re:
desants 15.09.2020 11:53:16
2GoodNight: , , .

: Re:
GoodNight 15.09.2020 12:55:43
2desants: .
, "" , . , , .

: Re:
Hedgehog 15.09.2020 14:48:24
2GoodNight: - , , (, , ).
, , , , " " ( ).
- , .

: Re:
GoodNight 15.09.2020 14:50:25
2Hedgehog: "" ?

: Re:
desants 15.09.2020 14:52:24

: Re:
Hedgehog 15.09.2020 14:55:33
2desants: .

2GoodNight: ?

: Re:
Nemo 15.09.2020 15:11:36
2GoodNight: ... ;) "" .

: Re:
GoodNight 15.09.2020 15:13:16
2Hedgehog: , ,   .

: Re:
Hedgehog 15.09.2020 15:19:35
2GoodNight: , , - - , "".

: Re:
GoodNight 15.09.2020 15:27:32
2Hedgehog: .. / ? .

: Re:
Hedgehog 15.09.2020 15:42:15
2GoodNight: , , , .

: Re:
GoodNight 15.09.2020 15:53:18
2Hedgehog: ?

: Re:
Nemo 15.09.2020 16:33:21
2Hedgehog: 2GoodNight: , ! ! ! ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 15.09.2020 16:54:27
2Nemo: , .

: Re:
desants 15.09.2020 17:31:15
2GoodNight: , )

: Re:
Strax5 15.09.2020 21:23:51
, . .

: Re:
Nemo 16.09.2020 04:36:38

on 1600194231, Strax5 wrote:
? ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 16.09.2020 08:09:53
2Strax5: "", I II. .

: Re:
Hedgehog 16.09.2020 18:29:38
2Nemo: , , - .

: Re:
Nemo 21.09.2020 14:35:27
, . ::) ?!

: Re:
GoodNight 29.09.2020 15:31:01
, -, , , , . , , , . ?!

: Re:
desants 29.09.2020 21:53:41
2GoodNight: , ( , ) - . , )
. ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 30.09.2020 08:14:25
2desants: ?

: Re:
desants 30.09.2020 21:20:58
2GoodNight: ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 01.10.2020 08:11:21
2desants: .

: Re:
desants 01.10.2020 19:19:00
2GoodNight: )

: Re:
GoodNight 13.10.2020 10:50:03
? - ? ?

: Re:
Strax5 13.10.2020 12:48:59
- . ?
? --? -0?

: Re:
GoodNight 13.10.2020 13:21:41
2Strax5: ,
"", ?

: Re:
Strax5 13.10.2020 13:32:33

: Re:
SDV 13.10.2020 15:53:05
  , (Bonaire) ?
  , (Aruba), , (Curacao) - ...

: Re:
Nemo 14.10.2020 03:12:05

on 1602593585, SDV wrote:
--! ... ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 14.10.2020 08:49:29
, , . :

- ?
- - .
- -?!
- .
- ?!?! ?!
- --, .

: Re:
Nemo 15.10.2020 12:34:17

on 1602652737, SDV wrote:
" - !"
--, ... :(

: Re:
Nemo 21.10.2020 05:06:17
2GoodNight: ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 21.10.2020 08:27:38
2Nemo: , - , , . , , , .

: Re:
Nemo 22.10.2020 11:31:56
2GoodNight: ... ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 22.10.2020 13:05:24
2Nemo: - ?

: Re:
Nemo 22.10.2020 14:55:16
2GoodNight: , . ::)

: Re:
Strax5 22.10.2020 16:14:25
2Nemo: 2GoodNight: .

: Re:
GoodNight 22.10.2020 16:23:52
2Strax5: !

: Re:
Nemo 23.10.2020 06:37:16
2Strax5: !

: Re:
GoodNight 04.11.2020 12:11:16
, , " ", - " ...", , ?
, ? , , , , .

: Re:
desants 04.11.2020 17:21:28
2GoodNight: -, ,

: Re:
GoodNight 04.11.2020 17:53:18
2desants: -, ;)))))))))

: Re:
desants 04.11.2020 20:07:15
2GoodNight: , , . ... ;)


: Re:
Nemo 17.11.2020 06:25:28
10% ""... ::)

: Re:
Strax5 17.11.2020 11:02:51
2014 , 43% . -58%! !

. , , .
"" .

: Re:
Nemo 18.11.2020 08:59:15
2Strax5: ""! :o

: Re:
GoodNight 20.11.2020 16:01:54
, , :
- , - , - , - , - , - , - ..

: Re:
desants 20.11.2020 19:57:13
2GoodNight: ? ;)

: Re:
Strax5 21.11.2020 14:43:49
" . - " ()

: Re:
Nemo 22.11.2020 09:20:47
2Strax5: - , . :D

: Re:
GoodNight 22.11.2020 19:13:34
2desants: -

: Re:
desants 22.11.2020 20:16:38
2GoodNight: )

: Re:
GoodNight 23.11.2020 09:15:20
2desants: - -!

- ,

: Re:
Nemo 23.11.2020 11:03:48
2GoodNight: , ! ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 23.11.2020 11:38:02
2Nemo: , .

: Re:
Nemo 23.11.2020 18:05:50
2GoodNight: , ... ;)

: Re:
desants 23.11.2020 21:06:20
2GoodNight: )

: Re:
GoodNight 25.11.2020 09:52:54
, , ..
, , ?

: Re:
Nemo 26.11.2020 06:55:57

on 1606287174, GoodNight wrote:

: Re:
GoodNight 26.11.2020 09:21:18
2Nemo: "" ', - .
, "" , , , . .

: Re:
Nemo 26.11.2020 11:52:27

on 1606371678, GoodNight wrote:
, ... ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 26.11.2020 12:25:40
2Nemo: ?

: Re:
Nemo 27.11.2020 08:52:59
2GoodNight: , , , ...

: Re:
GoodNight 27.11.2020 09:19:55
2Nemo: ""

: Re:
pipetz 28.11.2020 21:53:40

on 1606287174, GoodNight wrote:
, , ?  

. . . ?
" , ?"

: Re:
GoodNight 29.11.2020 13:18:21

on 1606589620, pipetz wrote:
?! 90-, , ? . ?
, , , ?

: Re:
pipetz 01.12.2020 21:29:53
"... , ?"

: Re:
Nemo 02.12.2020 06:55:12
2pipetz: ... ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 02.12.2020 09:12:09
2Nemo: ;))) ;))))))

: Re:
Nemo 02.12.2020 12:21:38
2GoodNight: ? . ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 02.12.2020 14:13:48
2Nemo: , , , 4- .

: Re:
pipetz 02.12.2020 20:23:36

on 1606881312, Nemo wrote:

- . . . .
. : ?  :)

: Re:
Strax5 02.12.2020 22:02:11
: " , ".

: Re:
pipetz 07.12.2020 20:02:42

on 1606935731, Strax5 wrote:
: " , ".  

- , , , , , 41. :)

: Re:
Nemo 08.12.2020 10:15:28

on 1607360562, pipetz wrote:
? ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 10.12.2020 10:21:01
, -?

: Re:
Luficer 10.12.2020 14:48:34
2GoodNight: -, . , . , FIDO.

: Re:
GoodNight 10.12.2020 15:25:21
2Luficer: -, , -?

: Re:
desants 10.12.2020 20:42:14
2GoodNight: )

: Re:
GoodNight 17.12.2020 14:19:06
, , /, , , ?!

: Re:
Nemo 17.12.2020 17:13:43
2GoodNight: , . :P

: Re:
GoodNight 17.12.2020 17:31:14
2Nemo: , .

: Re:
Nemo 18.12.2020 07:18:00
2GoodNight: ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 18.12.2020 09:17:52
2Nemo: , , , .

: Re:
desants 18.12.2020 20:34:04
2Nemo: . +20 , , )

: Re:
GoodNight 22.12.2020 15:54:37
, ?

: Re:
Nemo 23.12.2020 04:00:13
2GoodNight: ! ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 02.01.2021 19:48:15
, , ?

: Re:
desants 02.01.2021 21:12:03
2GoodNight: , , , )

: Re:
Strax5 03.01.2021 03:50:18

: Re:
desants 03.01.2021 10:01:18
2Strax5: . , ,

: Re:
GoodNight 03.01.2021 10:41:44
2desants: 2Strax5: !
, , ?

: Re:
desants 03.01.2021 11:12:16
2GoodNight: )

: Re:
Green Eyesman 03.01.2021 12:32:01

on 1609606095, GoodNight wrote:
, , ?
- . . , "" . "" .

: Re:
GoodNight 03.01.2021 13:42:28
2Green Eyesman: , , -?

: Re:
Strax5 03.01.2021 15:47:13

on 1609666321, Green Eyesman wrote:

. (, , ). 25% - . - , - , . , - . , , . , , .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 03.01.2021 20:03:26
2GoodNight: , . , .

2Strax5: ( ), "" , , .. .

, "", . - " " .

: Re:
desants 03.01.2021 20:43:05
2Green Eyesman: , , , ;)


: Re:
GoodNight 03.01.2021 20:44:35
2Green Eyesman: , " ", " ".

, , , , , ?

: Re:
Green Eyesman 03.01.2021 20:53:48
2GoodNight: ( ), . 20- .

, - - . .

2desants: ? . .
. .

: Re:
desants 03.01.2021 20:58:29
2Green Eyesman: )

: Re:
Green Eyesman 03.01.2021 22:05:09
2desants: . , " ". "" . , , .
, - , , , . , .

, " " ( - ), , . , .
. .

, . . , "" . , "" .

: Re:
desants 03.01.2021 22:17:11
2Green Eyesman: , ... , , , . , . .. ..

: Re:
Strax5 04.01.2021 01:44:23
. , .
( ) - , . .

, . 99,999% 99,999999% - .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 04.01.2021 12:01:31

on 1609713863, Strax5 wrote:
- . . - -3. , , .

2desants: . .

: Re:
GoodNight 06.01.2021 12:11:20
-, -, , , -?

: Re:
Green Eyesman 06.01.2021 13:56:15
2GoodNight: - . , .

: Re:
GoodNight 06.01.2021 14:34:42
2Green Eyesman: .

2SDV: ! , , , !

: Re:
Nemo 06.01.2021 16:01:43

on 1609932882, GoodNight wrote:
, , , ! >:(

: Re:
pipetz 06.01.2021 16:52:52

on 1609924280, GoodNight wrote:
-, -, , , -?  

, .

: Re:
GoodNight 06.01.2021 16:54:38
2pipetz: , , , , , ..?

: Re:
Nemo 06.01.2021 17:16:34

on 1609924280, GoodNight wrote:
, -?
- " "... ;)

: Re:
pipetz 06.01.2021 18:18:50

on 1609941278, GoodNight wrote:
, , , , , ..?

: Re:
Nemo 07.01.2021 08:56:16
2pipetz: 2GoodNight: :"! !" ... :(

: Re:
GoodNight 08.01.2021 12:22:30
2Nemo: , , , .

: Re:
Nemo 08.01.2021 14:58:01
2GoodNight: - ? :o

: Re:
GoodNight 08.01.2021 15:09:18
2Nemo: , ... ;)))

: Re:
Nemo 13.01.2021 06:42:21
... ? ::)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 13.01.2021 17:24:20
2Nemo: - ( ). - 2020 .

, - ? ? - , , - , . - , ..?
, , - , - .

: Re:
Legend 13.01.2021 17:48:46
2Green Eyesman: : - ... .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 13.01.2021 18:10:01
2Legend: ?! , : " , - . - ."
- , , - ( , ).

: Re:
GoodNight 13.01.2021 20:38:56
2Green Eyesman: , " " , .
-, , , . "", " ", " ", " " .

: Re:
Legend 13.01.2021 20:51:17
2Green Eyesman: , , , - , ( ) , - , , , " ". , . , , , , , .

: Re:
desants 13.01.2021 22:25:29
2Green Eyesman: , . .
- ? .
, , .

: Re:
Nemo 14.01.2021 04:19:42

on 1610565929, desants wrote:
-? ::)

: Re:
desants 14.01.2021 05:51:35
2Nemo: , . . .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 14.01.2021 08:39:56
... , . " , ?"

on 1610587182, Nemo wrote:
- , .

: Re:
GoodNight 14.01.2021 10:27:38

on 1610602796, Green Eyesman wrote:
, ?"  
, 2 , 1,8, .
, , , , , .

: Re:
Legend 14.01.2021 12:15:43
2Green Eyesman: , (), , 10-15 . , ?

: Re:
Green Eyesman 14.01.2021 18:47:16
2Legend: . - . " , ." , . , , , .

, , - , . , .

2GoodNight: , - . , .

: Re:
GoodNight 14.01.2021 19:53:43

on 1610639236, Green Eyesman wrote:
? .
, . . , , . , .

: Re:
Nemo 15.01.2021 05:45:24

on 1610602796, Green Eyesman wrote:
, .
! , ! ?! ::)

: Re:
Nemo 19.01.2021 06:38:33
? ...

: Re:
Green Eyesman 19.01.2021 08:41:33
2Nemo: !

, ?

: Re:
GoodNight 19.01.2021 13:49:50
2Green Eyesman: . .
, . , .

: Re:
Nemo 20.01.2021 03:39:47

on 1611034893, Green Eyesman wrote:
, ?
. ;)

: Re:
Korchy 25.01.2021 13:49:31

: Re:
Green Eyesman 25.01.2021 14:47:21
2Korchy: . . - . ( , - ) . .

- ?

: Re:
GoodNight 25.01.2021 21:04:44
2Green Eyesman:   ? .

: Re:
Nemo 26.01.2021 09:02:41

on 1611575241, Green Eyesman wrote:
, . , , ? ::)

: Re:
Nemo 09.02.2021 10:39:50
2GoodNight: 28 ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 09.02.2021 11:57:05
2Nemo: , " " . , .

: Re:
Strax5 09.02.2021 13:20:11
2Nemo: , . 10. , - decem, 10-. - 7, - 8, - 9. . . . 11- 12- . . .. , .
1 . ( ) . , . .
, 2 . 1 .
, .

: Re:
Nemo 17.02.2021 04:40:37
, ?

: Re:
GoodNight 17.02.2021 12:31:04
2Nemo: :


: Re:
pipetz 17.02.2021 19:44:32

on 1613526037, Nemo wrote:
, ?  


: Re:
Nemo 18.02.2021 03:56:21
2pipetz: . :P

: Re:
GoodNight 15.03.2021 17:10:47
, , , - !

, , ""?!
. ?!

: Re:
desants 15.03.2021 17:51:19
2GoodNight: )

: Re:
Strax5 15.03.2021 18:12:47
2GoodNight: . .

. . , , -.
, , , . .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 15.03.2021 20:26:06

on 1615821167, Strax5 wrote:
- , , .
, , - . , .

: Re:
Nemo 16.03.2021 06:02:12

on 1615829166, Green Eyesman wrote:
:o ! >:(

: Re:
GoodNight 16.03.2021 09:08:27

on 1615821167, Strax5 wrote:
, .
, ?

: Re:
Nemo 16.03.2021 09:45:44
2GoodNight: , ... ;)

: Re:
Artem13 25.03.2021 12:03:55

on 1615874907, GoodNight wrote:
, ?

, , :)

: Re:
GoodNight 25.03.2021 12:14:11
2Artem13: , ...

: Re:
Nemo 26.03.2021 08:22:26
2GoodNight: , - ...

: Re:
GoodNight 26.03.2021 09:12:19
2Nemo: "" , "" . , , .

: Re:
Nemo 27.03.2021 09:04:18
2GoodNight: , , ... :(

: Re:
GoodNight 27.03.2021 17:14:24
2Nemo: ...

: Re:
pipetz 29.03.2021 23:08:21
: ?
, , ?

: Re:
Strax5 30.03.2021 01:36:51
2pipetz: ?

. - , - . , .

: Re:
Nemo 30.03.2021 12:48:43

on 1617057411, Strax5 wrote:
... ::)

: Re:
pipetz 03.04.2021 18:35:01

on 1617057411, Strax5 wrote:

! ! , . ?
, . , , ! :applause:

on 1617097723, Nemo wrote:

, !

: Re:
Strax5 03.04.2021 18:44:01
- , . , , . , -.

: Re:
pipetz 04.04.2021 11:25:40

on 1617464641, Strax5 wrote:

, , .

: Re:
Nemo 30.04.2021 10:51:47

on 1617464641, Strax5 wrote:
, -
? ::)

: Re:
Nemo 04.05.2021 03:18:36
, ? ::)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 04.05.2021 15:04:42
2Nemo: - . - . ::)

: Re:
Nemo 05.05.2021 04:45:13
2Green Eyesman: , , ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 05.05.2021 08:07:59

on 1620179113, Nemo wrote:

, , , , , , . ?

: Re:
desants 05.05.2021 13:28:26
2GoodNight: . )

: Re:
Nemo 07.05.2021 10:06:50
2desants: .. ""? ::)

: Re:
desants 07.05.2021 11:42:41
2Nemo: )

: Re:
Nemo 10.05.2021 06:28:31
2desants: , 30 . ... "" ? ::)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 10.05.2021 15:38:20
2Nemo: , . :P

: Re:
desants 10.05.2021 16:56:20
2Nemo: )

: Re:
SDV 12.05.2021 12:15:58

on 1620617311, Nemo wrote:
. ...

-34 24 , , , , -72. - .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 12.05.2021 22:05:29
, ?


: Re:
Nemo 13.05.2021 06:24:10

on 1620846329, Green Eyesman wrote:
. . ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 13.05.2021 08:08:28
2Green Eyesman: . . .

: Re:
Korchy 13.05.2021 08:34:46

on 1620846329, Green Eyesman wrote:

- ?! , !

: Re:
Green Eyesman 13.05.2021 18:38:16

on 1620884086, Korchy wrote:
- ?! , !
- . . - ( ). , .

, , ... "" - , , , .

: Re:
desants 13.05.2021 22:45:39
2Green Eyesman: ????

: Re:
Green Eyesman 14.05.2021 00:37:16
2desants: , - . ( ), .

... - , ( ). . , . - .

. , , , - .

: Re:
Nemo 14.05.2021 03:55:08

on 1620941836, Green Eyesman wrote:
... - ,
, ? ... ::)

: Re:
desants 14.05.2021 05:37:26
2Green Eyesman: , . ;)
- ?

: Re:
GoodNight 14.05.2021 08:09:02

2Green Eyesman: , ?

: Re:
Green Eyesman 14.05.2021 08:56:04

on 1620953708, Nemo wrote:
, ? ...  
- . " , ".
, -, "". ::)

2desants: . - , , , . , - , - . , , . .

( ), . 10 , - . . , . (, - ), .

, . , .

. , . , , ( ). - . , . . .

- . , .

, "-" - , . , . - . , - , . ::)

on 1620968942, GoodNight wrote:
, ?
- . . 15 . , . . - .

- , . . , , . , - . - .

: Re:
GoodNight 14.05.2021 10:23:25

on 1620971764, Green Eyesman wrote:
- ,
, , , .

on 1620971764, Green Eyesman wrote:

: Re:
Green Eyesman 14.05.2021 12:23:58

on 1620977005, GoodNight wrote:
, , , .
- . - . :(

: Re:
GoodNight 14.05.2021 13:25:56
2Green Eyesman: --, , , , .

: Re:
Nemo 15.05.2021 06:53:47

on 1620971764, Green Eyesman wrote:
, ! ! 8)

: Re:
desants 15.05.2021 18:42:45
2Green Eyesman: , ;)

: Re:
Nemo 16.05.2021 08:18:18

on 1620971764, Green Eyesman wrote:
- ,
! ;)

: Re:
pipetz 22.05.2021 17:53:08
100 100 ?

: Re:
Nemo 23.05.2021 10:55:34

on 1621695188, pipetz wrote:
100 ?

: Re:
pipetz 23.05.2021 17:07:39

on 1621756534, Nemo wrote:

: Re:
Nemo 24.05.2021 05:57:05
2pipetz: , +- 50., 100 .. 1 .- 10 , 500. 1 .- 20 , 2 .. 100 .- 200 . . . :P

: Re:
GoodNight 24.05.2021 08:13:52

on 1621825025, Nemo wrote:
, +- 50., 100 .. 1 .- 10 , 500. 1 .- 20 , 2 .. 100 .- 200 . .

: Re:
Strax5 24.05.2021 12:12:39
- .

: Re:
GoodNight 24.05.2021 12:58:55
2Strax5: , ?

: Re:
pipetz 24.05.2021 20:28:33

on 1621847559, Strax5 wrote:

, , .

: Re:
Nemo 25.05.2021 08:47:46
2GoodNight: , , 100 . ? ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 25.05.2021 09:05:33
2Nemo: .

: Re:
Tailor 28.05.2021 18:59:43

on 1621922733, GoodNight wrote:


: Re:
GoodNight 31.05.2021 15:51:38

: Re:
desants 31.05.2021 20:39:46


: Re:
GoodNight 01.06.2021 08:25:39
2desants: -, ?

: Re:
desants 01.06.2021 11:38:13
2GoodNight: , , , .

: Re:
GoodNight 01.06.2021 11:40:25
2desants: --, . - " ...!"

: Re:
desants 01.06.2021 13:07:03
2GoodNight: )

: Re:
Green Eyesman 01.06.2021 19:37:53

on 1622525139, GoodNight wrote:
-, ?
- .

: Re:
Nemo 02.06.2021 05:58:07

on 1622525139, GoodNight wrote:
-, ?
. ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 02.06.2021 08:08:43
2Green Eyesman: ?

2Nemo: -, , , .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 02.06.2021 22:45:16

on 1622610523, GoodNight wrote:
- .

: Re:
GoodNight 03.06.2021 08:04:31
2Green Eyesman: , ! !

: Re:
Nemo 03.06.2021 10:08:49
2GoodNight: - ! ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 03.06.2021 10:32:40
2Nemo: - ?!

: Re:
GoodNight 08.06.2021 08:13:23
, ?

: Re:
Nemo 08.06.2021 09:57:44
2GoodNight: , "" "". ;)

: Re:
Nemo 08.06.2021 09:59:32
2GoodNight: " "? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 08.06.2021 10:26:40
2Nemo: ?!
, . , , .

: Re:
Nemo 09.06.2021 06:45:46
2GoodNight: - ! ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 09.06.2021 08:25:20
2Nemo: , ?
, ( , ,  ), .

: Re:
Nemo 09.06.2021 10:20:44
2GoodNight: ?! , ?! ?! ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 09.06.2021 10:36:48
2Nemo: , - ? , .

: Re:
Nemo 10.06.2021 10:28:55
2GoodNight: ! ... ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 10.06.2021 10:33:29
2Nemo: ?

: Re:
Strax5 10.06.2021 18:49:13

on 1622663116, Green Eyesman wrote:


: Re:
GoodNight 15.06.2021 10:18:17
- , ?

: Re:
Nemo 16.06.2021 10:24:42

on 1623741497, GoodNight wrote:
- . ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 16.06.2021 10:29:50
2Nemo: -! , , , , ?

: Re:
Strax5 16.06.2021 14:05:13
- , , .. .


: Re:
GoodNight 16.06.2021 15:24:42

on 1623841513, Strax5 wrote:
, , , .....

: Re:
GoodNight 17.06.2021 08:10:14
, , , , , , ?

: Re:
Nemo 17.06.2021 10:30:41

on 1623906614, GoodNight wrote:
, ?
, - "... !" ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 17.06.2021 11:51:40
2Nemo: , , , ?

: Re:
Nemo 18.06.2021 15:31:25
2GoodNight: - ! :P

: Re:
GoodNight 18.06.2021 15:34:43
2Nemo: , , .

: Re:
Nemo 18.06.2021 16:22:56

on 1623906614, GoodNight wrote:
, ?
, ? ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 18.06.2021 16:37:28
2Nemo: . , , , . . ....

: Re:
Nemo 18.06.2021 16:46:09
2GoodNight: , , , ... :o

: Re:
GoodNight 18.06.2021 16:49:15
2Nemo: , "" . . .

: Re:
Nemo 18.06.2021 16:51:17
2GoodNight: , ! ! :o

: Re:
GoodNight 18.06.2021 16:54:15
, , , , , - .

: Re:
Nemo 19.06.2021 17:52:57

on 1624024455, GoodNight wrote:
, , ,
. . ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 22.06.2021 08:25:49
2Nemo: ! , , .

: Re:
Nemo 22.06.2021 10:20:04
2GoodNight: ? - ? :o

: Re:
GoodNight 22.06.2021 10:24:21
2Nemo: --. - , .

: Re:
Ingvar 01.07.2021 20:31:17

on 1624024155, GoodNight wrote:
, "" . . .


: Re:
GoodNight 02.07.2021 09:22:21
2Ingvar: ?

: Re:
Ingvar 02.07.2021 12:05:23
2GoodNight: , . !

: Re:
GoodNight 02.07.2021 13:24:19
2Ingvar: . , , .....

: Re:
Ingvar 02.07.2021 15:50:54
2GoodNight: ,

: Re:
Ingvar 02.07.2021 15:58:22
2GoodNight: ? ! ?
- , !

: Re:
GoodNight 02.07.2021 16:11:39
2Ingvar: , , , - ?

: Re:
Ingvar 02.07.2021 16:45:38
2GoodNight: , ( )? , !

: Re:
Ingvar 02.07.2021 16:48:13
2GoodNight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aP6CBx_KWg0
, !

: Re:
GoodNight 02.07.2021 16:49:10
2Ingvar: , 80- 90-...

: Re:
Ingvar 02.07.2021 16:52:37
2GoodNight: , ? ? !

: Re:
GoodNight 02.07.2021 16:58:41
2Ingvar: , , ...

: Re:
Ingvar 02.07.2021 17:02:11
2GoodNight: , , !
- , ! !

: Re:
Nemo 03.07.2021 11:50:30
2GoodNight: ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 04.07.2021 11:35:02
2Nemo: , , -, , -. . .

: Re:
Nemo 04.07.2021 12:44:14

on 1625387702, GoodNight wrote:
? ;D

: Re:
desants 04.07.2021 21:58:46
2Nemo: , , , .

: Re:
Ingvar 06.07.2021 03:26:41
2Nemo: , .

: Re:
GoodNight 07.07.2021 16:06:03
2Nemo: . .

: Re:
Nemo 08.07.2021 11:57:43

on 1625531201, Ingvar wrote:
:" !" ;)

: Re:
Ingvar 11.07.2021 23:30:24
2GoodNight: , !

: Re:
GoodNight 12.07.2021 11:00:54
2Ingvar: . .

: Re:
Ingvar 12.07.2021 12:47:01
2GoodNight: !
! !  ;D

: Re:
GoodNight 12.07.2021 16:52:15
2Ingvar: ? .

: Re:
Ingvar 12.07.2021 23:42:47

on 1626097935, GoodNight wrote:
? .
;D !

: Re:
Nemo 14.07.2021 07:44:37

on 1626083221, Ingvar wrote:
- ... ... ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 19.07.2021 08:22:04
, , , - ?

: Re:
Nemo 19.07.2021 14:16:24
2GoodNight: ... ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 19.07.2021 14:21:14
2Nemo: , , , , . , , .

: Re:
Nemo 19.07.2021 14:26:26
2GoodNight: . , ... ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 19.07.2021 15:13:06
2Nemo: - , .

: Re:
Ingvar 20.07.2021 11:03:51
2GoodNight: , , - . .
, , , , , . .

: Re:
GoodNight 20.07.2021 11:08:52

on 1626768231, Ingvar wrote:
, , . 18-19- , , , . , , ...

: Re:
Ingvar 20.07.2021 11:10:21
2GoodNight: ,

: Re:
GoodNight 20.07.2021 11:12:16
2Ingvar: , - ...

: Re:
Ingvar 20.07.2021 11:18:06
2GoodNight: . - .\
, ( , ), ! !

: Re:
Ingvar 20.07.2021 11:26:19
2GoodNight: , , .
, !
10-, , , , . . .

: Re:
GoodNight 20.07.2021 11:31:23
2Ingvar: , , . , . . - , . - " - ,  - !"

: Re:
Ingvar 20.07.2021 11:52:35
2GoodNight: !

: Re:
GoodNight 20.07.2021 13:11:54
2Ingvar: - , - .

: Re:
Ingvar 20.07.2021 14:35:41
2GoodNight: , ? . , .

: Re:
GoodNight 20.07.2021 14:48:54
2Ingvar: --, , , . , , .

: Re:
GoodNight 21.07.2021 09:24:52
, , -?

: Re:
Green Eyesman 21.07.2021 19:40:24

on 1626848692, GoodNight wrote:
, , -?
- . . , , .

: Re:
Nemo 22.07.2021 07:40:48

on 1626848692, GoodNight wrote:
, -?
, . - !

: Re:
GoodNight 22.07.2021 08:07:34
2Green Eyesman: ;))

2Nemo: ?

: Re:
Ingvar 22.07.2021 23:11:19
2GoodNight: , 20

: Re:
GoodNight 23.07.2021 08:06:57
2Ingvar: , , .

: Re:
Nemo 24.07.2021 08:47:16

on 1626930454, GoodNight wrote:
? , , - . :(

: Re:
GoodNight 25.07.2021 10:00:18
2Nemo: , .

: Re:
Nemo 25.07.2021 18:03:06
2GoodNight: , ! :P

: Re:
GoodNight 26.07.2021 08:13:10
2Nemo: ,

: Re:
Green Eyesman 26.07.2021 14:53:57
, - : ", ", , , ? ( ), ( - ).

! . . . , ... , . , ( ). . .

. , , . - . , - . .

: Re:
GoodNight 26.07.2021 15:15:18
2Green Eyesman: , , ?
50 , .

: Re:
Nemo 26.07.2021 16:46:29
2GoodNight: - ! ! - . 8)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 26.07.2021 19:04:35

on 1627301718, GoodNight wrote:
50 , .
- , . , .

: Re:
GoodNight 27.07.2021 08:22:22
2Nemo: , , , .

2Green Eyesman: , ,   , .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 27.07.2021 20:58:53
2GoodNight: ?

, . , . - .

: Re:
Nemo 28.07.2021 07:22:25

on 1627408733, Green Eyesman wrote:
?! :o ? :o

: Re:
GoodNight 28.07.2021 08:15:23
2Green Eyesman: . , .

2Nemo: ....

: Re:
Nemo 01.08.2021 12:51:20

on 1627449323, GoodNight wrote:
-, ! "" ! :( ! ;D

: Re:
Nemo 09.08.2021 10:37:46
? ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 09.08.2021 10:45:18
2Nemo: , , - , - , , ?

: Re:
Strax5 09.08.2021 18:07:51
. .
- . - - .
, . . , . 20 .

: Re:
Strax5 09.08.2021 18:13:30
. , . . . .

: Re:
Nemo 17.08.2021 06:43:16
2Strax5: , , . ... . :(

: Re:
Strax5 17.08.2021 12:39:36
2Nemo: . .

: Re:
Tailor 17.08.2021 20:12:22

on 1628494666, Nemo wrote:

(, , ) : - (200, ). .

: Re:
Nemo 24.08.2021 10:56:25

on 1629220342, Tailor wrote:
(200, )
200 - , ... :(

: Re:
Nemo 30.08.2021 09:59:04
? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 30.08.2021 10:19:46
2Nemo: , .

: Re:
Nemo 11.09.2021 17:06:53
- ? ::)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 12.09.2021 18:32:25
, , ( ) ?

, . , , . . :(

: Re:
Nemo 14.09.2021 06:36:00

on 1631460745, Green Eyesman wrote:
... ... :(

: Re:
pipetz 14.09.2021 13:45:35

on 1631460745, Green Eyesman wrote:
, , ( ) ?

, . , , . .

, "" , , ?

. .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 14.09.2021 21:19:24

on 1631616335, pipetz wrote:
, "" , , ?
- . , . ::)

: Re:
Nemo 16.09.2021 10:06:47

on 1631643564, Green Eyesman wrote:
, ... ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 16.09.2021 11:19:17
, , ?

: Re:
ivan_ivanov 16.09.2021 19:58:32

: Re:
Green Eyesman 16.09.2021 22:03:49

on 1631780357, GoodNight wrote:
, , ?
- ? - , - . . , , , . ::)

: Re:
Nemo 17.09.2021 05:40:02
2ivan_ivanov: , ... ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 17.09.2021 08:11:57
2ivan_ivanov: .

on 1631819029, Green Eyesman wrote:

: Re:
Nemo 17.09.2021 14:39:18
2GoodNight: . ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 17.09.2021 14:57:03
2Nemo: - . " ". , ...

: Re:
Nemo 19.09.2021 15:26:49
2GoodNight: - ... ;)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 21.09.2021 10:08:01
- - - . , , .

- - , . . ( , ). , , , , - . - . .

? - ( , ), " "?

, ", ... ", "" . .
" ", 5050. 50 , , 50 - , .

. , . ... . :P

: Re:
GoodNight 21.09.2021 10:22:32
2Green Eyesman: , , . . .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 21.09.2021 10:31:40
2GoodNight: ( ) - . :)

: Re:
GoodNight 21.09.2021 10:34:10
, ?
, ?

: Re:
Green Eyesman 21.09.2021 21:07:20

on 1632209650, GoodNight wrote:
, ?
- , .

: Re:
GoodNight 22.09.2021 08:08:16
2Green Eyesman: , ?

: Re:
Nemo 24.09.2021 06:28:34

on 1632208081, Green Eyesman wrote:
. , . :(

: Re:
Green Eyesman 24.09.2021 09:45:31
2Nemo: - , - .

, , , ? , -. - - .

: Re:
GoodNight 24.09.2021 10:24:43
2Green Eyesman: . . / , , .

: Re:
Nemo 26.09.2021 09:27:26
2GoodNight: ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 29.09.2021 08:05:04
, , . , .

: Re:
Nemo 29.09.2021 13:15:10
2GoodNight: ? !

: Re:
GoodNight 29.09.2021 13:16:30
, .

: Re:
Nemo 29.09.2021 13:18:03
2GoodNight: , ! ;D

: Re:
GoodNight 29.09.2021 14:02:24
2Nemo: , , . . . , , . -, , .. . , . , , , . , -, , . , , , .. , .....

: Re:
Nemo 29.09.2021 14:34:30
2GoodNight: " " ... ::)

: Re:
Round Owl 06.10.2021 10:45:42
, ?

: Re:
GoodNight 06.10.2021 13:18:57
2Round Owl: - , .

: Re:
Nemo 07.10.2021 05:35:30

on 1633506342, Round Owl wrote:
" " ... ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 07.10.2021 08:12:41
2Nemo: . , ...

: Re:
Nemo 08.10.2021 06:47:59
2GoodNight: ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 08.10.2021 08:06:34
2Nemo: .

: Re:
Nemo 09.10.2021 14:35:07
2GoodNight: , ? :P

: Re:
GoodNight 11.10.2021 08:09:32
, ;))

, ?

: Re:
Green Eyesman 11.10.2021 10:39:27
2GoodNight: . ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 11.10.2021 10:57:43
, ?

: Re:
Nemo 11.10.2021 13:16:10
2GoodNight: , ... ... ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 11.10.2021 13:22:29
2Nemo: ..... ....

: Re:
ivan_ivanov 11.10.2021 20:10:29

: Re:
Nemo 12.10.2021 05:38:10
2ivan_ivanov: ... . . ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 12.10.2021 08:13:08
2Nemo: , ...

: Re:
Nemo 12.10.2021 16:28:27
2GoodNight: - , , ...?

: Re:
GoodNight 12.10.2021 16:43:48
2Nemo: --. , -, , , -, -, , / .

: Re:
Nemo 13.10.2021 15:39:19
, , ... ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 13.10.2021 15:41:48
2Nemo: , -, . .

: Re:
Nemo 22.10.2021 04:37:05
, ? ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 22.10.2021 08:07:37

: Re:
Strax5 22.10.2021 22:22:24
. .

: Re:
Nemo 23.10.2021 07:53:30
2Strax5: ... ! ;D

: Re:
GoodNight 28.10.2021 15:54:39
, - -- , "".
, , , , ?!

: Re:
ivan_ivanov 28.10.2021 19:00:11
- , ;
- , , ;
- , ;
- .

: Re:
Strax5 28.10.2021 19:24:52
. .

: Re:
GoodNight 29.10.2021 08:21:53
2Strax5: RE5PECT ! ;))

2ivan_ivanov: ! ! !

: Re:
Nemo 29.10.2021 10:55:59

on 1635425679, GoodNight wrote:
, , , ?!
. .

: Re:
GoodNight 29.10.2021 11:33:20
2Nemo: ...

: Re:
ivan_ivanov 29.10.2021 12:31:55
>RE5PECT ! ;))
, !

: Re:
GoodNight 29.10.2021 13:12:25

on 1635499915, ivan_ivanov wrote:
? , .

: Re:
ivan_ivanov 29.10.2021 23:27:37
( ) , - - , ; "- `' `, , '. " () ; "" - "".

: Re:
Strax5 30.10.2021 18:43:55
2ivan_ivanov: Delphi. . . , , , ,   .

: Re:
GoodNight 31.10.2021 10:32:32
2ivan_ivanov: ! !
- , ...

: Re:
GoodNight 01.11.2021 12:43:45

: Re:
ivan_ivanov 01.11.2021 13:47:10

: Re:
Nemo 02.11.2021 07:05:37

on 1635438292, Strax5 wrote:
. .
... ;D !

: Re:
GoodNight 02.11.2021 14:28:45
, , ?

: Re:
Nemo 11.11.2021 07:35:14
2GoodNight: , ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 11.11.2021 09:17:15
2Nemo: ?

: Re:
Nemo 12.11.2021 05:58:29
2GoodNight: - , - . ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 12.11.2021 09:07:16
2Nemo: t , ,

: Re:
Nemo 13.11.2021 11:59:03
2GoodNight: ! ?! :o

: Re:
GoodNight 15.11.2021 10:20:42

: Re:
Nemo 16.11.2021 07:15:49
2GoodNight: . , . ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 16.11.2021 09:09:34
2Nemo: , ?

: Re:
ivan_ivanov 16.11.2021 20:41:02
, - !

: Re:
GoodNight 17.11.2021 09:10:02
2ivan_ivanov: , , , , ...

: Re:
Nemo 19.11.2021 04:48:48
? , ...

: Re:
GoodNight 23.11.2021 09:17:00
2Nemo: , , , . .

: Re:
Nemo 25.11.2021 07:15:11
2GoodNight: ?

: Re:
GoodNight 25.11.2021 09:10:35

: Re:
25.11.2021 11:55:46

: Re:
GoodNight 25.11.2021 11:59:34
2 : , , -, ?

: Re:
25.11.2021 13:56:25
2GoodNight: "" ( , - ")... ... --- ... " " ???

: Re:
GoodNight 25.11.2021 14:28:55
2 : , , -, - - -, , .
, - ?

: Re:
25.11.2021 15:48:03
2GoodNight: --... ... ? ... ""... ... . . .

: Re:
GoodNight 25.11.2021 15:52:27
2 :...

: Re:
GoodNight 06.12.2021 09:18:57
, - ?

: Re:
Nemo 06.12.2021 18:17:33
2GoodNight: "".

: Re:
GoodNight 08.12.2021 16:21:32
, ?

: Re:
Nemo 09.12.2021 16:20:58
2GoodNight: .

: Re:
Nemo 14.12.2021 12:55:55
2GoodNight: , 1- , ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 14.12.2021 14:26:03
, , , .. , , ...

: Re:
pipetz 14.12.2021 18:26:15

on 1639475755, Nemo wrote:
, 1- , ?  

- - . - . , .

: Re:
Nemo 15.12.2021 05:51:46

on 1639495575, pipetz wrote:
+= . ;)

: Re:
Nemo 16.12.2021 17:35:35
? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 16.12.2021 17:57:10
2Nemo: , , , , , , .

: Re:
Nemo 16.12.2021 20:57:57
2GoodNight: ! ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 17.12.2021 09:06:16
2Nemo: ? ! , .

: Re:
Nemo 18.12.2021 08:00:14

on 1639721176, GoodNight wrote:
! :o

: Re:
Nemo 26.12.2021 06:15:40
2Nemo: "" , ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 27.12.2021 11:57:35
2GoodNight: , : - , .

: Re:
Nemo 27.12.2021 18:20:24
2GoodNight: -, , , ... :(

: Re:
GoodNight 28.12.2021 09:23:20
2Nemo: , , .

: Re:
Nemo 28.12.2021 11:43:26
2GoodNight: " ". ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 28.12.2021 12:08:33
2Nemo: ! , .

: Re:
Nemo 28.12.2021 14:53:29
2GoodNight: . ! :o

: Re:
GoodNight 28.12.2021 15:00:09
2Nemo: . . . ...

: Re:
Nemo 28.12.2021 18:41:48

on 1640692809, GoodNight wrote:
! ...

: Re:
ivan_ivanov 29.12.2021 14:11:34
(). . , - , - .

: Re:
GoodNight 29.12.2021 14:23:03
2ivan_ivanov: . :
- ? -? ....

: Re:
ivan_ivanov 29.12.2021 21:27:47
... ?

: Re:
GoodNight 30.12.2021 09:25:19
2ivan_ivanov: -...

: Re:
Nemo 11.01.2022 10:42:27
, ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 11.01.2022 10:49:28
2Nemo: , - .

: Re:
GoodNight 17.01.2022 10:55:14
- ( , ), -, - , - -?

: Re:
ZLOY 22.01.2022 15:21:50
vs. - ? :)

: Re:
pipetz 22.01.2022 16:15:47

on 1642854110, ZLOY wrote:
vs. - ?

, , , - , .

: Re:
ZLOY 22.01.2022 18:09:03
. , , .

, , ? , .

: Re:
Strax5 22.01.2022 19:08:27

on 1642864143, ZLOY wrote:
, .

, .

: Re:
desants 22.01.2022 21:57:01
2ZLOY: ?

: Re:
ZLOY 23.01.2022 03:02:20

on 1642867707, Strax5 wrote:

, .

on 1642877821, desants wrote:

, ? ( ), , . :)

: Re:
desants 23.01.2022 10:00:15
2ZLOY: ??? 30 !

: Re:
GoodNight 23.01.2022 10:31:10

on 1642896140, ZLOY wrote:
, ?  
. , .

: Re:
ZLOY 23.01.2022 11:49:16
. , , .

: Re:
desants 23.01.2022 12:00:20
2ZLOY: )

: Re:
Nemo 30.01.2022 11:42:53

on 1642406114, GoodNight wrote:
-, - , - -?
- - (3 SIM).

: Re:
GoodNight 31.01.2022 09:26:40
2Nemo: ! , ?

: Re:
Nemo 31.01.2022 12:38:20
2GoodNight: . . ! 8)

: Re:
GoodNight 31.01.2022 14:11:18
2Nemo: , , "" . -?

: Re:
Nemo 31.01.2022 18:56:22
2GoodNight: " !" ;)

: Re:
pipetz 31.01.2022 20:01:40
, , ?

: Re:
Raty 31.01.2022 21:01:27

on 1643648500, pipetz wrote:
, , ?

800- ;D

: Re:
Nemo 01.02.2022 10:05:52

on 1643648500, pipetz wrote:
, , ?
- .

: Re:
pipetz 01.02.2022 21:05:17

on 1643699152, Nemo wrote:
- .  

, . , ! "" 40 !

: Re:
Nemo 02.02.2022 13:46:41
2pipetz: --... ? ::)

: Re:
pipetz 02.02.2022 19:09:01

on 1643798801, Nemo wrote:
--... ?

" """, , , . , , .

: Re:
Nemo 03.02.2022 06:27:05
2GoodNight: , - ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 03.02.2022 09:28:22
2Nemo: , , , .

: Re:
Nemo 03.02.2022 11:43:13
2GoodNight: "... , ..." :(

: Re:
Nemo 04.02.2022 10:34:37
, ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 04.02.2022 10:47:19
2Nemo: , , , . , .

: Re:
Nemo 05.02.2022 07:32:13
2GoodNight: , ... ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 07.02.2022 09:09:39
2Nemo: !
Everyday is holyday!

: Re:
Nemo 08.02.2022 12:07:26
2GoodNight: ! ! ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 08.02.2022 12:43:51
2Nemo: :

, ! , ! - , , !

: Re:
Nemo 13.02.2022 11:12:41
-, , , ? - ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 14.02.2022 09:29:52
2Nemo: , , .

: Re:
pipetz 16.02.2022 18:43:05

: Re:
ZLOY 16.02.2022 21:18:44
. , . ::)

: Re:
Raty 18.02.2022 20:24:21
, ? +, 2 2 ? , 2 ;D, - . .

: Re:
ZLOY 18.02.2022 20:40:08
, . , . :)

, .

: Re:
Raty 18.02.2022 21:42:35

on 1645206008, ZLOY wrote:
, .

, ? , ;D

: Re:
ZLOY 18.02.2022 21:54:47

on 1645209755, Raty wrote:
, ?

, , , . . ::)

: Re:
Strax5 19.02.2022 13:58:39
2Raty: . .

: Re:
ZLOY 19.02.2022 18:24:50

on 1645268319, Strax5 wrote:

- () (). , . , . :)

: Re:
Strax5 19.02.2022 19:03:56
2ZLOY: : "! !"

: Re:
GoodNight 22.02.2022 17:49:42
, , ?

: Re:
ZLOY 22.02.2022 18:14:19
, , - . ;)

: Re:
Nemo 23.02.2022 07:14:47

on 1645541382, GoodNight wrote:
, ?
? :o

: Re:
Strax5 23.02.2022 09:24:32
- .

: Re:
GoodNight 23.02.2022 09:52:00
2Nemo: - , , .....

2Strax5: , ?

: Re:
Nemo 28.02.2022 15:08:41

on 1645597472, Strax5 wrote:
- ? ;)

: Re:
ZLOY 03.03.2022 21:19:41
, , . : ? ?

: Re:
Strax5 03.03.2022 22:57:55
2ZLOY: , . .
, . .

: Re:
Nemo 05.03.2022 13:23:46
" ", 3- ... ... ::)

: Re:
ZLOY 05.03.2022 13:38:26
[offtop] ?. , . ;)[/offtop]

: Re:
ZLOY 14.03.2022 20:57:59
? , . ?

: Re:
pipetz 14.03.2022 23:03:13

on 1647280679, ZLOY wrote:
? , . ?  


: Re:
Strax5 15.03.2022 15:45:14
- - , . - .

- .

. - " " " " .

: Re:
desants 15.03.2022 21:14:49
2ZLOY: - - ,
- 2Strax5:

: Re:
Raty 16.03.2022 11:30:52
- . .

on 1647368089, desants wrote:
- - ,

. , . - .

: Re:
Strax5 16.03.2022 12:37:08
, .
. -.
- .

. ( - ) . - , . . .

: Re:
desants 16.03.2022 23:13:32
2Strax5: - , ( ) - . , .

: Re:
Strax5 17.03.2022 11:49:31
2desants:   . . . , ...

: Re:
desants 17.03.2022 21:41:02
2Strax5: )

: Re:
Green Eyesman 21.03.2022 20:56:34
- . - . "" ( ), , .

, . - ( ) - . ( - ), .

- - , ( ) . " ". , .

, ( ), . - "" ( ) " " ( ).

: Re:
Nemo 31.03.2022 08:07:10

on 1647885394, Green Eyesman wrote:
"", ? ;)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 02.04.2022 16:36:29
2Nemo: . , . , , . , , .

, : "... !.."

: Re:
Nemo 02.04.2022 16:44:18
2Green Eyesman: , ... :D

: Re:
Nemo 06.04.2022 07:33:35
2Strax5: " "? ::) 90-?

: Re:
ZLOY 13.04.2022 06:02:30
, ?

: Re:
Nemo 13.04.2022 06:48:21
2ZLOY: ? ;)

: Re:
ZLOY 13.04.2022 06:51:43
. . :(

: Re:
GoodNight 13.04.2022 08:26:07
2ZLOY: - " "

: Re:
ZLOY 13.04.2022 08:28:03
, .

: Re:
Nemo 14.04.2022 04:12:28
2ZLOY: . , - ! ;)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 15.04.2022 21:45:42
- ? , - ?

: Re:
pipetz 15.04.2022 22:13:58

on 1650048342, Green Eyesman wrote:
- ? , - ?  

: Re:
Nemo 16.04.2022 03:38:38

on 1650048342, Green Eyesman wrote:
51- - -2. ;)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 16.04.2022 09:06:21
2pipetz: , . . :P

2Nemo: . , . 2008- , "" . .
. , ( ), , , . .

: Re:
Strax5 16.04.2022 10:17:54

: Re:
Nemo 18.04.2022 04:03:39

on 1649827683, ZLOY wrote:
? ... :(

: Re:
ZLOY 18.04.2022 04:07:40
, , .

: Re:
Nemo 18.04.2022 11:21:07
2ZLOY: , ! :P

: Re:
GoodNight 18.04.2022 15:10:39
, , ?

: Re:
ZLOY 18.04.2022 22:40:04

: Re:
ZLOY 18.04.2022 22:52:47

: Re:
Nemo 19.04.2022 04:36:36
2ZLOY: . "" ? ::)

: Re:
Nemo 03.05.2022 03:50:31
2GoodNight: 2ZLOY: 2Green Eyesman: ? ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 03.05.2022 08:22:15
2Nemo: .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 03.05.2022 19:58:33

, ( ), ?

: Re:
Nemo 04.05.2022 02:23:50
2GoodNight: -, ! :D

: Re:
ZLOY 11.05.2022 00:01:28
, ? . .

: Re:
GoodNight 11.05.2022 08:20:18
2ZLOY: , , ?

: Re:
Strax5 11.05.2022 12:45:35
2ZLOY: " ". .


: Re:
Nemo 17.05.2022 14:27:37
2GoodNight: , , ? ::)

: Re:
Strax5 17.05.2022 14:48:27

: Re:
GoodNight 17.05.2022 15:28:57
2Nemo: , . , ,   .

: Re:
Nemo 19.05.2022 16:30:44

on 1652790537, GoodNight wrote:
.. . ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 19.05.2022 16:51:13
2Nemo: -, ?

: Re:
Nemo 21.05.2022 11:33:17
2GoodNight: . :(

: Re:
GoodNight 23.05.2022 09:00:42
2Nemo: ?

: Re:
Green Eyesman 23.05.2022 19:32:02
, , - ?

: Re:
Nemo 08.06.2022 10:23:02
2Green Eyesman: .

: Re:
GoodNight 08.06.2022 14:50:05
, "-", -, -?

: Re:
Nemo 08.06.2022 22:57:16
2GoodNight: , ! - . ! , ! :P

: Re:
GoodNight 09.06.2022 08:59:25
2Nemo: , , , .

: Re:
Nemo 09.06.2022 10:09:30
2GoodNight: , . :P , , ?

: Re:
GoodNight 09.06.2022 10:57:19
2Nemo: . , .

: Re:
Strax5 09.06.2022 19:08:51
, .

: Re:
Strax5 10.06.2022 16:48:16

( ) 13-17 . .
() 130-240 .
400 . 1 . 200 . + .


: Re:
Nemo 11.06.2022 14:23:10

on 1654868896, Strax5 wrote:
400 . 1 . 200 . +
, ...

: Re:
Raty 11.06.2022 15:15:15
- . , . , , - .
, ???

... , . , " , " ;D , - -, -, , . - ;)

: Re:
Nemo 15.06.2022 08:51:22
- , - ... ? ::)

: Re:
Tailor 15.06.2022 10:43:08

on 1655272282, Nemo wrote:
- , - ... ?

-, " , - !"

: Re:
Nemo 18.06.2022 00:09:33
. ?

: Re:
GoodNight 20.06.2022 09:28:09
2Nemo: . .... . . -, , , , , , , , -, , , , - .
, . . . . - . , , .

: Re:
Strax5 20.06.2022 13:20:52
, " ".

: Re:
GoodNight 20.06.2022 13:25:32
2Strax5: , . 90-. , , .

: Re:
desants 20.06.2022 21:09:11
2GoodNight: , !;)

: Re:
ZLOY 21.06.2022 01:36:24

on 1655706489, GoodNight wrote:

. ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 21.06.2022 09:10:13
2desants: ;))

2ZLOY: , . .
" ", - . , , , --, . , , .

: Re:
ZLOY 21.06.2022 16:37:51

on 1655791813, GoodNight wrote:

, , , --, - ?

: Re:
GoodNight 22.06.2022 08:26:26
2ZLOY: --. , . , , .

: Re:
Nemo 29.06.2022 14:11:39
2GoodNight: ., . ! ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 29.06.2022 14:16:00
2Nemo: . , .

: Re:
Nemo 29.06.2022 14:20:57
2GoodNight: . ;) !

: Re:
GoodNight 29.06.2022 14:22:10

on 1656501657, Nemo wrote:

: Re:
Nemo 29.06.2022 14:26:08
2GoodNight: .

: Re:
GoodNight 29.06.2022 16:55:11
2Nemo: !

: Re:
Nemo 01.07.2022 07:55:36
2GoodNight: , , - ?

: Re:
ZLOY 01.07.2022 10:36:58
? ;)

: Re:
Nemo 01.07.2022 16:22:58

on 1656661018, ZLOY wrote:
. , . ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 04.07.2022 08:55:58
2Nemo: . , , .

: Re:
ZLOY 04.07.2022 21:40:50
Jesse Jackson   - ?

: Re:
Green Eyesman 06.07.2022 20:33:19
2ZLOY: , - . :)

: Re:
Nemo 14.07.2022 11:58:18
? :(

: Re:
ZLOY 15.07.2022 11:00:21

on 1657789098, Nemo wrote:

, ? , . :( , ..

: Re:
Nemo 15.07.2022 11:08:32
2ZLOY: "-" ...

: Re:
ZLOY 15.07.2022 11:14:32

on 1657872512, Nemo wrote:


: Re:
Nemo 15.07.2022 12:33:22
2ZLOY: . "". ;)

: Re:
ZLOY 15.07.2022 12:38:45
( ::))

: Re:
Green Eyesman 15.07.2022 19:25:09
? , , - - "" , .

: Re:
Nemo 16.07.2022 07:40:32

on 1657902309, Green Eyesman wrote:
, . ;)

: Re:
ZLOY 16.07.2022 17:41:17
. , . - . , . :o

: Re:
Nemo 17.07.2022 08:30:47
2ZLOY: , ... :)

: Re:
GoodNight 19.07.2022 16:54:50
, ,  - , , ?

: Re:
ZLOY 19.07.2022 18:04:19

: Re:
GoodNight 20.07.2022 08:14:59
2ZLOY: , . , , .

: Re:
Nemo 20.07.2022 18:26:24
. . ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 21.07.2022 08:43:11
2Nemo: ""

: Re:
Nemo 22.07.2022 11:26:06
2GoodNight:  :o ? ?! :o

: Re:
GoodNight 22.07.2022 11:54:36
2Nemo: - , "" - -.

: Re:
Nemo 22.07.2022 14:27:15
2GoodNight: . . :(

: Re:
GoodNight 22.07.2022 15:21:39
2Nemo: ...

: Re:
desants 22.07.2022 23:29:57
2GoodNight: , , !

: Re:
Nemo 23.07.2022 03:12:26
2desants: . . ;D

: Re:
GoodNight 26.07.2022 09:07:28
, / "" ?

: Re:
Nemo 26.07.2022 11:18:04
2GoodNight: , . :)

: Re:
GoodNight 26.07.2022 11:19:21
2Nemo: ?

: Re:
ZLOY 26.07.2022 12:52:03

on 1658815648, GoodNight wrote:

. ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 26.07.2022 12:53:16
2ZLOY: , ?

, , ?

: Re:
ZLOY 26.07.2022 13:05:09

on 1658829196, GoodNight wrote:
, ?

- ;)

on 1658829196, GoodNight wrote:
, , ?  

- , . ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 26.07.2022 14:19:28
--. , , .

: Re:
Nemo 27.07.2022 05:28:43
2GoodNight:  :o, ! :o

: Re:
Green Eyesman 04.08.2022 20:39:15
" ", " "? "", ""? "" , ""... ""? "", !

? . ? , ( " " ""), . . ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 05.08.2022 08:14:07
2Green Eyesman: . !

: Re:
Nemo 05.08.2022 08:54:16

on 1659634755, Green Eyesman wrote:
. , ... ;)

: Re:
ZLOY 05.08.2022 11:15:06
, ;)

: Re:
Nemo 06.08.2022 08:07:32
, ? :(

: Re:
pipetz 08.08.2022 19:41:20
, , , ?

: Re:
Nemo 09.08.2022 15:02:53
2pipetz: . - ... ;) ! ! !

: Re:
GoodNight 09.08.2022 15:15:31
2Nemo: , , . 51% 49%

: Re:
pipetz 09.08.2022 19:09:26
" "?
, .

: Re:
GoodNight 10.08.2022 08:17:59
2pipetz: , , ...

: Re:
Nemo 10.08.2022 13:30:36
2GoodNight: . , ? ! ::)

: Re:
ZLOY 10.08.2022 14:29:41

on 1660127436, Nemo wrote:

, . ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 10.08.2022 14:57:33
2Nemo: , , . , , ...

: Re:
pipetz 10.08.2022 18:59:16

on 1660108679, GoodNight wrote:
, , ...

, .

on 1660047331, GoodNight wrote:

, . , , .

: Re:
desants 10.08.2022 21:12:50

: Re:
ZLOY 10.08.2022 21:18:45

on 1660155170, desants wrote:

, , , :(

: Re:
ZLOY 10.08.2022 22:37:15

on 1660132653, GoodNight wrote:

! ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 11.08.2022 08:10:13

on 1660160235, ZLOY wrote:
! ! !

: Re:
Nemo 19.08.2022 18:04:46
"-200" ? ::)

: Re:
pipetz 19.08.2022 18:27:09

on 1660921486, Nemo wrote:
"-200" ?  

, .

: Re:
Nemo 20.08.2022 07:59:39
2pipetz: ...

: Re:
ZLOY 20.08.2022 12:34:10

on 1660921486, Nemo wrote:

, ?
200 - 200.
= 8)

: Re:
pipetz 20.08.2022 12:38:53

on 1660971579, Nemo wrote:

- .
"" - -.
, , .
-, .
, .
- - - - , . ? , .  :)

: Re:
GoodNight 23.08.2022 13:23:12
2pipetz: , , , , ? ? - , , ?

: Re:
Nemo 25.08.2022 13:21:08
2GoodNight: , ... :(

: Re:
Nemo 31.08.2022 08:17:56
2ZLOY: ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 31.08.2022 10:18:14
2Nemo: ,

: Re:
ZLOY 31.08.2022 10:45:06

: Re:
Nemo 02.09.2022 06:16:41
, ? ::)

: Re:
desants 02.09.2022 07:02:05
2Nemo: , ?

: Re:
ZLOY 02.09.2022 08:40:48
. , , ::)

: Re:
Raty 02.09.2022 21:41:10
, ? ???

: Re:
Nemo 03.09.2022 08:05:51
2Raty: , . , .

: Re:
ZLOY 04.09.2022 20:02:42
. .

: Re:
Strax5 05.09.2022 02:21:36

on 1662310962, ZLOY wrote:


: Re:
ZLOY 05.09.2022 03:29:28

on 1662333696, Strax5 wrote:

. :o

: Re:
Nemo 05.09.2022 17:18:55

on 1662333696, Strax5 wrote:
? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 06.09.2022 09:56:53
2Nemo: , , !

: Re:
Nemo 06.09.2022 16:24:00
2GoodNight: , - ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 06.09.2022 16:36:47
2Nemo: . , .

: Re:
Nemo 08.09.2022 11:20:57
2GoodNight: 2024 ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 08.09.2022 11:21:58

: Re:
Strax5 08.09.2022 19:42:59
, . . .

: Re:
Nemo 10.09.2022 07:42:01
2Strax5: , . ;)

: Re:
Strax5 10.09.2022 09:57:03
2Nemo: . , .

: Re:
ZLOY 10.09.2022 23:21:56
Z :)

: Re:
Nemo 11.09.2022 12:46:56
2ZLOY: ? , ... ::)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 13.09.2022 18:41:25
? -, , ", !"

: Re:
ZLOY 13.09.2022 20:00:58
2Green Eyesman:

: Re:
Nemo 19.09.2022 16:56:49
2ZLOY: , ... ::) ? ::)

: Re:
ZLOY 19.09.2022 17:28:02

on 1663595809, Nemo wrote:

, ;)

: Re:
Nemo 20.09.2022 04:45:18
2ZLOY: ?  :o

: Re:
desants 20.09.2022 05:54:22
2Nemo: , ;)

: Re:
pipetz 21.09.2022 18:52:25
, ?

: Re:
ZLOY 10.10.2022 00:06:29
, ?

: Re:
JAggernaut 10.10.2022 00:26:44
2ZLOY: .

: Re:
pipetz 10.10.2022 18:51:45

on 1665349589, ZLOY wrote:
, ?

- , . .

1 , 2 . .

: Re:
Strax5 10.10.2022 19:18:55
- .
Oberleutnant Oberstleutnant .

: Re:
ZLOY 10.10.2022 21:45:42
1722-1731 ( )


- (. )


( )

(. )

( , )


() , - () ( )

(. )

- ( )


(. )

( )

( )

( )

- ( )

- ( )

- (-) ( )

- (, )
, .

p.s. , , .

: Re:
Nemo 11.10.2022 12:30:45

on 1665427542, ZLOY wrote:
? ;)

: Re:
ZLOY 11.10.2022 16:55:49
, , ():

: Re:
Nemo 13.10.2022 06:57:43
, , ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 13.10.2022 11:20:49
2Nemo: . , .

: Re:
GoodNight 13.10.2022 15:23:30
" "? - " "?

: Re:
Strax5 13.10.2022 15:46:35
2GoodNight: " ".

: Re:
Nemo 14.10.2022 09:24:08
""? ::)

: Re:
Zed 14.10.2022 17:26:20

on 1665728648, Nemo wrote:
""? : rolleyes :  

"" - :)

: Re:
Nemo 16.10.2022 18:14:55

on 1665757580, Zed wrote:
. , ... ::)

: Re:
ZLOY 19.10.2022 01:05:03
? ::)

: Re:
Nemo 19.10.2022 12:05:03
- . .

: Re:
ZLOY 19.10.2022 15:59:46

on 1666170303, Nemo wrote:

, , ;)

: Re:
Nemo 20.10.2022 07:15:40
2ZLOY: "", ? ::)

: Re:
desants 21.10.2022 22:08:50
2Nemo: ;)

: Re:
Nemo 22.10.2022 12:28:38
2desants: , ...

: Re:
desants 22.10.2022 15:09:00

: Re:
Nemo 27.10.2022 18:54:48

on 1666440540, desants wrote:

: Re:
ZLOY 27.10.2022 23:26:18
, ( ). , , . , . , , .
" " ?

: Re:
Nemo 28.10.2022 04:31:50

on 1666902378, ZLOY wrote:
, ? ;)

: Re:
ZLOY 28.10.2022 04:45:19
. .

: Re:
Nemo 28.10.2022 05:21:00
2ZLOY: !

: Re:
ZLOY 05.11.2022 03:25:34
, , ? , .

: Re:
desants 05.11.2022 06:23:04
2ZLOY: ,

: Re:
ZLOY 05.11.2022 08:07:28

on 1667618584, desants wrote:

, , , ?

: Re:
Nemo 05.11.2022 12:01:59

on 1667607934, ZLOY wrote:
, .
... :D

: Re:
ZLOY 07.11.2022 04:06:38

: Re:
Nemo 07.11.2022 07:32:43
2ZLOY: ? ;)

: Re:
Nemo 10.11.2022 05:21:25
? ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 10.11.2022 09:45:27
2Nemo: , .

: Re:
Nemo 11.11.2022 04:36:21
2GoodNight: -, , , ... :(

: Re:
ZLOY 13.11.2022 04:01:38

: Re:
Nemo 13.11.2022 13:42:23
2ZLOY: .

: Re:
Nemo 22.11.2022 05:19:01

on 1663775545, pipetz wrote:
, ?
. ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 22.11.2022 15:45:27
2Nemo: -... ?

: Re:
Nemo 26.11.2022 09:36:22
2GoodNight: , - ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 28.11.2022 12:28:10
2Nemo: , !
, , . , - .

: Re:
Nemo 29.11.2022 02:32:12

on 1669627690, GoodNight wrote:
, .
, . - . ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 29.11.2022 09:26:26
2Nemo: - ,

: Re:
Nemo 30.11.2022 03:53:44
2GoodNight: ...

: Re:
GoodNight 30.11.2022 10:13:45
2Nemo: ....

: Re:
Nemo 12.12.2022 05:01:45
...?  ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 12.12.2022 13:49:19
2Nemo: , - , . , - . .

: Re:
Nemo 13.12.2022 14:41:45
2GoodNight: 2- . ... ::)

: Re:
Nemo 23.12.2022 04:49:22
2GoodNight: ? ?

: Re:
23.12.2022 05:46:25
2Nemo: ,

: Re:
Nemo 23.12.2022 08:05:12
2: , . ...

: Re:
GoodNight 23.12.2022 09:40:17
2Nemo: , , , , , .

: Re:
Nikita_skail 24.12.2022 11:41:18

on 1671777617, GoodNight wrote:
, ,
- . ::)

: Re:
Nemo 25.12.2022 17:38:45
2Nikita_skail: ! ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 26.12.2022 12:24:40
2Nikita_skail: .

: Re:
Nemo 27.12.2022 06:53:11
2GoodNight:  .

: Re:
GoodNight 27.12.2022 11:58:33
2Nemo: , ?

: Re:
pipetz 27.12.2022 18:11:24
?  ;D

: Re:
Nemo 28.12.2022 05:12:51
2GoodNight: . ;)
2pipetz: , ... ::)

: Re:
Nemo 13.01.2023 05:15:07
? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 13.01.2023 11:19:51
2Nemo: . .

: Re:
Nikita_skail 15.01.2023 15:00:58
2Nemo: , .

: Re:
Nemo 16.01.2023 07:59:02

on 1673597991, GoodNight wrote:
?! :o . - .

on 1673784058, Nikita_skail wrote:
- , . , . ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 16.01.2023 12:04:14
2Nemo:  , . .

: Re:
Nemo 17.01.2023 08:47:09
2GoodNight: ?

: Re:
Tailor 17.01.2023 10:11:20

on 1673934429, Nemo wrote:

, ... ::)

: Re:
Nemo 17.01.2023 10:13:50
2Tailor: - ? ...

: Re:
Strax5 17.01.2023 11:57:58
80% ( , ) - . .

: Re:
Tailor 17.01.2023 13:48:26

on 1673939630, Nemo wrote:


: Re:
17.01.2023 13:51:49

on 1673945878, Strax5 wrote:
80% ( , ) - . .


: Re:
GoodNight 17.01.2023 15:34:49
2Nemo: , , , . , , , ...

: Re:
Nemo 18.01.2023 09:05:40

on 1673958889, GoodNight wrote:
, , . ;) .

: Re:
18.01.2023 13:06:11

: Re:
Nemo 19.01.2023 10:41:57
2: - ! ;)

: Re:
Nikita_skail 21.01.2023 07:10:47
. "" , .

: Re:
Nemo 23.01.2023 05:21:05
2Strax5: "" " "? , . ::)

: Re:
Strax5 23.01.2023 12:12:53
2Nemo: .

: Re:
Nemo 24.01.2023 08:18:35
2Strax5: ? ::) ...

: Re:
yuliamsc 07.02.2023 10:13:51
... , ...

: Re:
Nikita_skail 11.02.2023 11:05:58
2yuliamsc: , .

: Re:
Nemo 13.02.2023 05:06:43
? . :(

: Re:
desants 21.02.2023 17:54:21

: Re:
pipetz 21.02.2023 18:40:12

on 1676991261, desants wrote:

, ...  ;D
"They Live" 1988 . !  :)

: Re:
Nemo 24.02.2023 09:20:30
? ...

: Re:
GoodNight 02.03.2023 13:46:54

: Re:
Nemo 02.03.2023 18:37:06
2GoodNight: . . , . ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 03.03.2023 10:00:06
2Nemo: , ...

: Re:
SDV 03.03.2023 17:28:48

on 1677754014, GoodNight wrote:

  , , .

: Re:
Nemo 05.03.2023 08:52:57
? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 06.03.2023 10:50:44
2SDV: !

2Nemo: , . - .

: Re:
Nemo 08.03.2023 04:14:16
2GoodNight: ? ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 08.03.2023 13:56:48
.   , , .

: Re:
Nemo 09.03.2023 09:21:18

on 1678273008, GoodNight wrote:
?  :o ?

: Re:
GoodNight 09.03.2023 10:01:52
, . . , . .. - , . . - .
, . , , .

: Re:
Nemo 09.03.2023 10:56:20
2GoodNight: , ? " - - !" ;)

: Re:
SDV 09.03.2023 11:26:24

on 1678345312, GoodNight wrote:

  , ( 80- ), , , , , - , (!, , ).
    , , . , ,  ;D, !

: Re:
Olmat 09.03.2023 11:40:24

on 1678350384, SDV wrote:
, , , , - ,

"", "" ().
. , 1540 1961 ( 421 ) .
,, ;D

: Re:
GoodNight 09.03.2023 11:56:50
2Nemo: - " " - .
, / , , - , , , , .

: Re:
09.03.2023 13:20:30
2GoodNight: , - .

: Re:
GoodNight 09.03.2023 13:56:57
2: , , , . . , . , . , , , 3- , , "". ...

: Re:
Nemo 10.03.2023 06:05:59

on 1678359417, GoodNight wrote:
, "".
. , . ;)

: Re:
SDV 11.03.2023 10:09:05

on 1678351224, Olmat wrote:
"", "" ().

  " , ", , , -, . , , , , , . - .

: Re:
desants 12.03.2023 07:29:27

: Re:
GoodNight 13.03.2023 10:10:32
2desants: . .. c - .

: Re:
Nemo 16.03.2023 12:49:56
2GoodNight: , .
, , ""!
, , !
, ?
, ! !

: Re:
GoodNight 16.03.2023 14:26:17
2Nemo: , , .

: Re:
Nemo 17.03.2023 12:38:41
""? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 17.03.2023 14:23:30
2Nemo: , , , .

: Re:
pipetz 17.03.2023 23:49:22
?  :)

: Re:
18.03.2023 00:19:23

on 1679086162, pipetz wrote:

- , " , ". , , .

: Re:
SDV 18.03.2023 07:13:08

on 1679087963, wrote:

  "", ""...

: Re:
pipetz 18.03.2023 09:27:28

on 1679112788, SDV wrote:

"" ?  :)
"" . , - .

: Re:
SDV 18.03.2023 12:34:58

on 1679120848, pipetz wrote:
"" ?
"" . , - .

  "", - . , , "" , "" , .

: Re:
Nemo 18.03.2023 12:38:55

on 1679132098, SDV wrote:
"" , "" , .
!  ;)

: Re:
pipetz 18.03.2023 14:22:14

on 1679132098, SDV wrote:
, , "" , "" , .  

, "" "" . , , - .

: Re:
SDV 18.03.2023 17:56:36

on 1679138534, pipetz wrote:
"" "" .

  - , , , , , , - , - , "" "".
  , - "12- ", - "" - -, , , - , - -.
  (, , ? 1? 2? 3 ?)

: Re:
18.03.2023 18:39:58

on 1679151396, SDV wrote:


: Re:
yuliamsc 19.03.2023 14:16:07
... ...

: Re:
GoodNight 20.03.2023 10:18:16
2yuliamsc: , , ! , , !

: Re:
desants 20.03.2023 16:44:20
2GoodNight: ,

: Re:
GoodNight 20.03.2023 17:12:49
2desants: --! .

: Re:
Nemo 26.03.2023 04:08:19
- ? ::)

: Re:
Tailor 26.03.2023 10:41:46

: Re:
pipetz 26.03.2023 18:17:11

on 1679816506, Tailor wrote:


: Re:
Tailor 26.03.2023 22:40:47

on 1679843831, pipetz wrote:


: Re:
GoodNight 27.03.2023 08:49:47
2Tailor: . , .

: Re:
Nemo 27.03.2023 17:10:51

on 1679792899, Nemo wrote:
- ?
, , -. ;)

: Re:
Tailor 27.03.2023 21:35:04

on 1679926251, Nemo wrote:

. . . ;D

: Re:
Nemo 28.03.2023 07:17:22
2Tailor: " "? :P

: Re:
yuliamsc 01.04.2023 11:32:54
2GoodNight: ...

: Re:
Nikita_skail 02.04.2023 03:08:17
2yuliamsc: 2yuliamsc: " "!

: Re:
Nemo 02.04.2023 12:52:18
2yuliamsc: , .. ::)

: Re:
yuliamsc 02.04.2023 13:27:56

2Nikita_skail: ?

: Re:
GoodNight 03.04.2023 08:56:51
2yuliamsc: , , . .

: Re:
GoodNight 03.04.2023 16:21:03
.. "", , ?

: Re:
Nemo 05.04.2023 04:11:48
2GoodNight: , ! :o "" ?! :o

: Re:
GoodNight 05.04.2023 09:28:08
2Nemo: , , . , , , - " -", " -", , .

: Re:
desants 05.04.2023 22:04:33
2GoodNight: , . ,

: Re:
GoodNight 06.04.2023 08:52:14
2desants: , ?

: Re:
desants 06.04.2023 19:27:03
2GoodNight: , ;) ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 07.04.2023 08:51:09
2desants: . - , - ?

: Re:
arheolog 07.04.2023 09:54:03
() .

: Re:
GoodNight 07.04.2023 10:24:21
2arheolog: . .

- , , Ѹ.
80-, . , , , . . , . , .

: Re:
desants 07.04.2023 20:04:18
2GoodNight: ,

: Re:
Nemo 09.04.2023 03:37:54
" " ? ... :(

: Re:
yuliamsc 09.04.2023 05:01:52

: Re:
yuliamsc 09.04.2023 07:10:27
2Nemo: , ???

: Re:
09.04.2023 12:44:37
2Nemo: , - , .

: Re:
Nemo 10.04.2023 03:39:58
2: " ! ." ;)

: Re:
Raty 10.04.2023 12:01:19
. .
: " " ;) , ::) .

: Re:
Nemo 11.04.2023 04:02:49
2Raty: ... ;D

: Re:
desants 11.04.2023 06:33:21

: Re:
Nemo 11.04.2023 12:36:46
2desants: .

: Re:
Nemo 19.04.2023 03:38:31
. , ... . , . :(

: Re:
GoodNight 20.04.2023 09:27:44
, , ?

: Re:
Nemo 20.04.2023 10:28:15
2GoodNight: -! "" "". ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 20.04.2023 11:06:58
2Nemo: , , ...

: Re:
Nemo 20.04.2023 12:43:28
2GoodNight: , , ... . ;D

: Re:
yuliamsc 29.04.2023 16:19:07
""? ...

: Re:
Strax5 29.04.2023 21:37:50
2yuliamsc: .
"" "" (Tenet) - .

: Re:
yuliamsc 30.04.2023 13:29:19
2Strax5: , ... ...

: Re:
SDV 02.05.2023 11:01:55

on 1682850559, yuliamsc wrote:
, ... ...

  , , , , , , .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 07.05.2023 09:47:42
, ( ) - , ... .
, - . , , . , .

, ( , ) . , , .

on 1682774347, yuliamsc wrote:
""? ...
- . - . . , . , .

on 1681864711, Nemo wrote:
. , ... . , .
- . ! , - , . .

: Re:
yuliamsc 08.05.2023 15:00:08

: Re:
GoodNight 08.05.2023 15:27:23
2yuliamsc: .

, " ". , , .

: Re:
yuliamsc 08.05.2023 17:43:47
2GoodNight: , , , ....

: Re:
GoodNight 09.05.2023 09:21:57
2yuliamsc: ? ?

: Re:
yuliamsc 09.05.2023 15:06:15
2GoodNight: , , , , .. , , ...

: Re:
GoodNight 10.05.2023 13:32:29
2yuliamsc: . ... . 3 , , , , 1,5 .

: Re:
10.05.2023 13:34:50

on 1683714749, GoodNight wrote:
1,5 .

. , .
, , ,

: Re:
GoodNight 10.05.2023 13:39:35
2: ? ?
, , , 3.

: Re:
Strax5 10.05.2023 23:31:09
2GoodNight: . .

: Re:
Nemo 11.05.2023 03:56:55

on 1683714890, wrote:
, .
, ? :o

: Re:
yuliamsc 11.05.2023 11:01:22
, ... , , ... ....... ... - , ?

: Re:
GoodNight 11.05.2023 13:29:09
2Strax5: , .
, , , "".

on 1683792082, yuliamsc wrote:
? , ?

: Re:
yuliamsc 12.05.2023 11:37:06
2GoodNight: , ??

: Re:
GoodNight 12.05.2023 13:40:19
2yuliamsc: . - .
, , , . , , , .

: Re:
yuliamsc 12.05.2023 16:07:59
2GoodNight: , ... ... , ...

: Re:
GoodNight 15.05.2023 09:13:00
2yuliamsc: --. . , , .. , . , , . , , , .   , , - . ?

: Re:
yuliamsc 15.05.2023 15:14:06

: Re:
Nemo 16.05.2023 03:49:41
2GoodNight: - . ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 16.05.2023 13:18:53
2Nemo: , !
- , - .

: Re:
arheolog 16.05.2023 13:25:19
, , , , .

: Re:
GoodNight 16.05.2023 13:29:28

on 1684232719, arheolog wrote:
! , , .
, , , ...
- , .

: Re:
arheolog 16.05.2023 17:16:33

on 1684232968, GoodNight wrote:
! , , .  
- , .

- .
, , , - , .
, . .
;D ;D ;D

: Re:
Nemo 17.05.2023 14:18:15

on 1684246593, arheolog wrote:
, ? . ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 18.05.2023 12:43:21

on 1684246593, arheolog wrote:
, . - .
- , , , . , , - , , , .
, , , , , .
, , , -.
, , - " !", . .

: Re:
Nemo 18.05.2023 12:53:20

on 1684403001, GoodNight wrote:
, . , , ! ;)

: Re:
arheolog 18.05.2023 16:12:44
, , .  :(
, , !

: Re:
GoodNight 19.05.2023 10:19:52
2arheolog: , ?
, - , .
, , , ?

: Re:
Nemo 19.05.2023 15:42:17

on 1684480792, GoodNight wrote:
, . ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 20.05.2023 13:40:43
2Nemo: , , .

: Re:
GoodNight 31.05.2023 12:01:25
. . .
"", , - "", "" ""?

: Re:
JAggernaut 16.06.2023 14:47:41

: Re:
Nemo 17.06.2023 07:40:30
2JAggernaut: .

: Re:
JAggernaut 17.06.2023 11:15:14
2Nemo: .

: Re:
Nemo 23.06.2023 17:59:25
2JAggernaut: . ...

: Re:
GoodNight 18.07.2023 12:14:18
, , , , ?

: Re:
Nemo 18.07.2023 12:53:27
2GoodNight: . 8)

: Re:
Nemo 19.07.2023 15:45:58
, , , , ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 19.07.2023 16:10:46
2Nemo: , , .

: Re:
Nemo 28.07.2023 09:30:53

on 1689772246, GoodNight wrote:
:" , ..." ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 28.07.2023 09:36:57
2Nemo: , , , -, , ,

: Re:
Nemo 28.07.2023 10:42:04

on 1690526217, GoodNight wrote:
, ,
, ...

: Re:
GoodNight 28.07.2023 11:33:39
2Nemo: . . , .

: Re:
desants 28.07.2023 12:51:30

: Re:
GoodNight 28.07.2023 13:24:24
2desants: , ?

: Re:
arheolog 28.07.2023 13:29:43
, .

: Re:
GoodNight 28.07.2023 13:49:54

on 1690540183, arheolog wrote:

: Re:
desants 28.07.2023 14:22:09
2GoodNight: , . , . , .

: Re:
GoodNight 28.07.2023 15:39:44
2desants: - ? .. , , ( ), , , 100 ?
? , !!!

: Re:
desants 28.07.2023 16:25:17
2GoodNight: ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 28.07.2023 16:36:02
2desants: , ?

: Re:
arheolog 28.07.2023 16:51:43

on 1690551362, GoodNight wrote:
, ?


: Re:
GoodNight 28.07.2023 17:34:06

on 1690552303, arheolog wrote:
- ;))

: Re:
desants 28.07.2023 17:41:19
2GoodNight: , .

: Re:
Nemo 30.07.2023 17:03:57
2desants: - . . ;)

: Re:
Raty 30.07.2023 17:52:32
-157, 130 131?

: Re:
GoodNight 31.07.2023 09:22:12
2desants: , ;)) -.

2Nemo: , - . , - !

: Re:
desants 31.07.2023 11:08:05
2GoodNight: ,

: Re:
GoodNight 31.07.2023 11:15:24
2desants: !
. , , , ....

: Re:
desants 31.07.2023 18:36:14
2GoodNight: , . . - ,

: Re:
Nemo 01.08.2023 05:01:14

: Re:
GoodNight 01.08.2023 08:28:02
2desants: . - , . , .

: Re:
desants 01.08.2023 08:34:14
2GoodNight: ;)

: Re:
GoodNight 01.08.2023 08:37:31
2desants: , !

: Re:
Nemo 10.08.2023 05:15:44
2GoodNight: ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 10.08.2023 11:15:49
, . , "-". 2 7, . 1 , 2-4 , 4-8.

: Re:
10.08.2023 13:28:25

: Re:
GoodNight 10.08.2023 14:43:02
2: ! , -, , , , .
, - .

: Re:
11.08.2023 00:22:19
2GoodNight: .

: Re:
pipetz 11.08.2023 22:21:43
, .  :o:gulp::puke:
, .

: Re:
Nemo 13.08.2023 16:36:49

on 1691781703, pipetz wrote:
, .  
, . ;)

: Re:
Green Eyesman 28.08.2023 20:42:02
, "" , ?

: Re:
Nemo 29.08.2023 08:01:15
2Green Eyesman: , . ;)

: Re:
Nemo 08.09.2023 07:03:03
.. "" ? , ... ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 08.09.2023 09:24:23
2Nemo: . . , - ? . ? . ? . .

: Re:
Nemo 22.09.2023 07:57:07
2 ?

: Re:
GoodNight 22.09.2023 08:42:59
2Nemo: - ,  , ,  , .

: Re:
GoodNight 13.10.2023 18:10:01
, , , ?

: Re:
desants 13.10.2023 20:00:30

: Re:
Green Eyesman 20.10.2023 13:44:30
-, , . sin .
-, ?

: Re:
GoodNight 20.10.2023 15:27:42
2Green Eyesman: , , ?

: Re:
Nemo 21.10.2023 13:09:50
2GoodNight: .

: Re:
GoodNight 23.10.2023 09:37:12
2Nemo: .

: Re:
GoodNight 06.11.2023 10:24:52
, , ?

: Re:
Strax5 06.11.2023 11:22:27
, , , ? . , ... , , , , ? , ...

: Re:
GoodNight 29.11.2023 13:32:16
, , ?

: Re:
Nemo 09.12.2023 06:22:37
2GoodNight: , , ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 11.12.2023 10:56:20
2Nemo: , .

: Re:
Nemo 20.01.2024 07:41:35
2GoodNight: ? ::)

: Re:
Raty 20.01.2024 13:55:12
. . , .
. .

: Re:
desants 20.01.2024 14:32:20

: Re:
Nemo 21.01.2024 07:34:06
2Raty: , , , ? ::)

: Re:
21.01.2024 08:50:44
2Nemo: ,   ?

: Re:
Nemo 21.01.2024 10:05:58
2: , . , - , - , , . ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 22.01.2024 10:13:17
2Nemo: , , , , , .

: Re:
Nemo 24.01.2024 04:49:01
2GoodNight: ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 24.01.2024 10:57:01
2Nemo: , ;))

: Re:
Nemo 25.01.2024 10:11:01
2GoodNight: , ...

: Re:
GoodNight 25.01.2024 10:12:27
2Nemo: -, , ? , .

: Re:
Nemo 25.01.2024 10:18:01

on 1706166747, GoodNight wrote:
, ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 25.01.2024 10:20:38
2Nemo: .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 25.01.2024 14:10:59
? , , . - .

: Re:
GoodNight 25.01.2024 15:28:41
2Green Eyesman: , . ,

: Re:
Raty 25.01.2024 15:39:51
2Green Eyesman:
. .
, , . , - ( ), . . + .

: Re:
Nemo 25.01.2024 17:14:05

on 1706181059, Green Eyesman wrote:
- ...

: Re:
Nemo 27.01.2024 02:50:25
2Strax5: " "?

: Re:
Green Eyesman 16.04.2024 18:34:30
, ? , ,   .

: Re:
Raty 16.04.2024 19:35:42
2Green Eyesman:
, ;D

, , .

: Re:
Green Eyesman 16.04.2024 21:19:47
2Raty: .

: Re:
Nemo 27.04.2024 09:31:31
, ( ) ? ::)

: Re:
GoodNight 29.04.2024 09:52:11
- , .

: Re:
Nemo 30.04.2024 16:45:03
2GoodNight: ... ;)

: Re:
Nemo 29.05.2024 14:10:15

: Re:
GoodNight 30.05.2024 09:27:37
2Nemo: . , , . , . .

: Re:
Nemo 31.05.2024 04:33:47
2GoodNight: , !:idea:

: Re:
Green Eyesman 01.06.2024 15:11:28
XXI , - . ?

: Re:
Nemo 02.06.2024 07:21:28
2Green Eyesman: . , ...

: Re:
GoodNight 03.06.2024 10:27:23
2Green Eyesman: - ? .

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