A.I.M. Jagged Alliance2

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A.I.M. « JA:FB повторная реанимация »
   Jagged Alliance 3 и другие приключения Шурика
   Jagged Alliance: Flashback
(Модераторы: bugmonster, Lion, KombaT)
   JA:FB повторная реанимация
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Репутация: +318
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #300 от 24.05.2013 в 06:16:32 »

Q: Item combinations
A: We definitely want to include trash items and finding these randomly around the map.
This could unlock an entire crafting system, but this is not part of the core game for us in the minimum budget. For us we want to get a JA2 style engine up running with a new story - and make the story as big as possible inside the budget + enable modding for expansion.
Q: Is your plan that all new sectors' maps are black? Should't mercs usually know the outside layout of the area?
A: Fog of War - it totally depends on where you enter and what intel you have. Did you maybe talk to the locals to gain info on sector X? Did you find a map? Did you upgrade your base with some tech that allows for air recon?
But its not something we are 100% fanatic about, but its something we want to try to experiment with to give the game an exploration aspect. Knowing that there is a chest on a small island in a swamp automatically makes you go there. Why not discover each sector first?
But for some sectors it makes no sense to have FoW - definitely!
Q: What improvements (the "additions of our own") are you going to implement regarding the gameplay mechanics?
A: Core mechanics should stay as intact as possible. There might be some contradictions with 1.13 mechanics like suppression and better cover display.
We want to definitely add onto the strategic layer more, while trying to keep the tactics part pretty similar to JA2. This means base building and factions for example.
We got some updates out on the kickstarter page that go a little more into detail on what we want to do
Q: Can you hint about the mercs you're going to do first?
A: The i-team definitely is back. They are some of our favorites and one of the reasons we wanted to bring in the Red Army as part of the story in such a prominent way.
Q: What about night-ops?
A: Night ops is part of the core game. The AI will similar to JA2 have units patrol a given sector differently at night than at day. Detection ranges are different and LoS.
Artillery - only if the story includes artillery ;-) Mortar we will have as a weapon.
Q: Which parts will be open to outside changes?
A: There are 2 parts to this.
We are already in talks with some well known modders (cannot say who until they sign on) to help us identify which parts of the game should be moddable, and what the given file formats and data formats should be.
The other side of the coin is, that we are not making a game engine that others can mod into all corners and details. There will be parts that are closed off, simply because of the fact we are making a moddable game. Not a moddable game engine.
Examples definitely include adding and modifying weapons, new units and so on. All the obvious things.
Q: what about a map editor?
A: We have a map editor in work for Space Hulk. If budgets allow, we want to expand this into JA as well. But its a different beast in some ways, and will have to be looked at in prioritized order with the modders we are talking with. To see whats most important first.
Q: how many sectors, how many cities, how many mercs will the game have.
A: That totally depends on the final budget that the Kickstarter ends up with. We have prioritized getting the core game running fully first - and then expand with as much content as possible as a second priority. Because we can then work ourselves on more content after release and have modders give their contribution as well.
More money = more sectors + mercs
Q: Will (some of the) the original A.I.M. mercenaries from Jagged Alliance Classic be available?
A: Yes - we have been and are continuing to trawl through all the backstories for the existing mercs. And the ones that age wise and story wise could be pre-AIM founding mercs are candidates for being in Flashback.
That doesnt guarantee them being there. Its partly a budget thing, and partly a matter of if they fit into the story. We will definitely also include new mercs.
Q: Are you in contact with anyone from the old Jagged Alliance 2 team (Sir-Tech)? If so with whom exactly and will they take a part in your project?
A: We have initial positive responses for several of the old-timers. But as mentioned elsewhere we are not going to say who. They have to be able to withdraw from this project due to e.g. not being allowed by their current employer or for whatever other reasons - without people harassing them or given backlash.
But we have very positive response from multiple high profile old-timers, and hope to be able to bring them on board
Q: What does "Enemy response" mean? Is it spoken or just text?
A: Its both - we are getting mercs done with voice overs
Q: What type of "Space Hulk" game will it be?
A: Space Hulk will be a true turn-based game. We are not making an EA shooter or even a FPS.
GameSpot has a gameplay recording of Space Hulk GDC developer demo that we brought with us. You can see the gameplay there.
We do try to blend a little into action cameras similar to XCOM, and the art is top notch AAA quality. But at its core we stay true to TBS - thats what we do for both Space Hulk, Jagged Alliance and future games we make.
Q: If I select a digital download, from where I can claim this?
A: We just today announced that we've partnered with Humble Bundle to distribute both the game itself, as well as the Classic pack that we have thrown into the pledges.
It will hopefully not be the only place you can get it, but also (if accepted) via Steam and so on. Totally depends on who wants to have it - but we got Humble Bundle 100% certain.
Patches can be handled in multiple ways - either integrating Steam (for non-DRM) or via downloadable patchers like in the good old days.
Q: Do you plan to integrate Bloodcats and maybe some more wild Animals?
A: Nothing we have decided upon either or. If budgets allow or something that can be added later and it makes sense. Why not?

[Lion. King Lion.]

Welcome to Metavira!

Репутация: +362
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #301 от 24.05.2013 в 06:23:43 »

2cardio_machine: Разумеется, но пока это не становится абсурдно.
Точнее не совсем так, в нормальной игре - пока это остаётся разумно.
А вот если в игре заранее заявлен стиль пародийной утопии (антиутопии), в которой всё строится на совмещении несовместимого и сюжетных отсылок ко всему сразу (с железнодорожными составами пасхалок) - тогда да.
Вот только сколько секторов будет в JA:F 100-150, вряд ли сильно больше. А среди них 9 - откровенно странные и не особо нужные. А сектора надо рисовать, для этих секторов понадобятся дополнительные текстуры, и 3D модели, частью анимированные. Я боюсь, чтобы это не слишком негативно отразилось на основной части игры.

[Ваивалый Дид]
Гас Тарболс

Репутация: ---
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #302 от 24.05.2013 в 06:25:54 »

100 - 150??? 60 -80 дай бог!  :D

[Lion. King Lion.]

Welcome to Metavira!

Репутация: +362
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #303 от 24.05.2013 в 06:27:20 »

2cardio_machine: Тем более.  :D


Арурико-но акай неко

Репутация: +151
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #304 от 24.05.2013 в 06:40:20 »

2Lion:  24.05.2013 в 06:23:43, Lion писал(a):
А вот если в игре заранее заявлен стиль пародийной утопии (антиутопии), в которой всё строится на совмещении несовместимого и сюжетных отсылок ко всему сразу (с железнодорожными составами пасхалок) - тогда да.

Да начхать уже)

https://new.vk.com/ja2nonews - новостная лента по моду Jagged Alliance 2 Night Ops. актуальные версии,ченжлоги, техподдержка.ссылки на сей форум=)
https://new.vk.com/jagged_alliance -группа по JA в ВК


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Репутация: +318
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #305 от 24.05.2013 в 06:41:28 »

Q: How do you plan to handle diplomacy between the factions?
A: Story will be driven by your choices. If you constantly kill the drug lords couriers, you might gain a lot of here and now money - but increasingly get hunted by the cartels. But at the same time the locals will like you better.
Mercenaries and other people helping you will react on this and possibly become available/unavailable due to the faction standings
Q: how many hours of sleep are you getting per day during this campaign?
A: Way too little :-D And our families are only seeing us while sleeping more or less.
So dont run a Kickstarter if you think its easy work. But its also immensely rewarding to be in direct contact with fans
Q: Can you elaborate on some of the differences between the previous Jagged Alliance games and this one, besides the story and setting?
A: We are primarily making a new story and doing it in a modern 3d engine - using the JA2 mechanics with some of the modifications from 1.13 and some ideas of our own (Fog of War, factions, better cover and stealth).
So I think the hardcore crowd should be super happy about this, as we are NOT trying to dumb it down - that would be suicide and is not the intention.
But we cannot on the smaller budget make a game with 200+ individual created sections and hundreds of mercs. Thats what we mean by a different game that scales with stretch goals.
Q: will it be possible to enter certain occupied sectors, like a city, without provoking conflict, to talk to npcs, shop, etc.?
A: Occupation would definitely depend on what faction and your faction standing. There is also stealth involved in this and what specifically you are trying to do. Sneaking into an enemy base is different than going into a shop run by a friendly faction inside occupied territory.
If you are a mercenary group that is hostile towards faction "Drug Lords" and enter one of their domains even unarmed - why should they not recognize you and be potentially hostile towards you?
But sure there can definitely be situations where it doesnt make direct logical sense. But end of the day its a game and not a real life sim. So have to have some kind of generic system in place for faction loyalty
Q: are there going to be drugs in the game?
A: NO DRUGS? What do you mean. We got a drug cartel as one of the factions :-D
And one of our pledges is being made as your own pimp in your own brothel........
Q: In your recent update, you talked about different groups of enemy. Are you planing to integrate also different AI behaviours? What I mean is, can we see a difference between a biker and an elite Soldier through his AI behaviour?
A: Yeah - we got our own AI system in our games. And the AI definitely knows what faction a given unit are and how to behave more in line with its class.
Will it be hyper realistic? No - its a turn based game and the AI can only do so and so much with the actions possible (run, hide, attack, intelligently use weapons it should know about etc)   :'(  :'(  :'(
Q: Is this game going to be along the same vein where you can pop in and out or if you have 20 or 30 minutes to spare?
A: Yeah - we like to make bite sized hardcore themed games that are turn-based. Basically because turn-based allows you to stop at any time.
A lot of us are family fathers and know exactly what you are speaking off.
But bite sized doesnt mean you cannot have a large and complex game. As long as its accessible and you dont have to read 200 page manual every time you start up.
Q: I definitely think that a properly hardcore TBS game like that is pointing to a very small audience but I do hope for the best. Good luck to you sir.
A: A smaller studio like us doesnt need millions of unit sales to "make it".
We long ago abandoned the idea of trying the iOS "one button click" mechanic lottery race and want to make games that we would want to play ourselves. So less sales but...., more happy us, more happy TBS fans. Win!
And I think there are more TBS fans out there than immediate obvious
Q: could you elaborate a bit on what you mean by "an isometric 3D camera view of the battlefield"? Will we be able to rotate/zoom freely, and that be an integral part of the gameplay, or will we have a constant point of view (making it more of a 2D view of a 3D scene)?
A: Totally free camera - most likely not. It makes more sense to have a camera that works best in the given context. Looking straight down usually isnt very good - so isometric look is a good default to go with.
As its 3d, it could even be that some zoom or some rotation makes sense.
We simply have to playtest and make it as good to play as possible.
Q: I understood that bitComposer was looking for a developer for a Jagged Alliance game. Why did you not let them to fund you?
A: Because we want to make JA:F together with you directly. If a publisher funds a game, they usually have a very big say in the production and what features are put into the game (very normal, very natural).
Through a Kickstarter and our own money we could make a true game by fans, for fans.
That was the idea at least - so please help us and spread the word. If you share our vision that is.
We could also have waited until we had a half done game and a demo to show. But that would mean that the community would have very very little to say and change, and it would have been more of a pre-order kickstarter than a true community effort
Q: what is the total number of playable sectors you'll be aiming for? (assuming the game gets funded with a final value somewhere in the $350,000-$400,000 range)
A: The final number comes down to not only budget, but also how many community created sectors we can put in as well as the final detailed story.
With that said, We definitely want to have something like 80-100 levels. Else the world is small
Q: Your art style seems to walk the line between realistic and stylized, which is a sensible choice for the kind of studio you are and the resources at your disposal, but does this mean that you're moving away from the more 'gory' character of the original Jagged Alliance games?
A: If you check out the diorama, we have headshots and want to do blood, gore and gun porn.
But we at the same time do not want to run into an art pipeline that takes too long to make - and that essentially will end up looking generic like any "modern FPS". No style, all brown and grey. Thats not what we want to do.
So yeah - we will walk a fine line - and have it gore and bloody.
Q: Any chance to see Ivan Dolvich??? We ara all backers from Russia, we want him back to game!!1
A: Ivan is my favorite! So lets get him back.
Q: Your only PC game so far seems to be "Frontline Tactics" which seems to have got pretty bad reviews (granted, a big part of that was thanks to the pay-to-win singleplayer, but still). Why should we expect JA Flashback to be a great game?
A: Civilians are a faction in the game like any other. So yes - but if you do there is a new faction system where your choices matter, so you might piss them off enough that you are missing out on love from the locals.
Not offended by any question.
Frontline was not pay-to-win. If was "non-evil" freemium, where everyone can play to the same level without paying. We definitely saw it as an experiment, but I think in hindsight it was a mistake. The core mechanics though are pretty hardcore for a iPad game that was also put on PC. Actually we also did Monster Ball for PC many years ago. And a ton of PC work-for-hire projects.
Making bigger PC games costs a lot of money - and we have funded ourselves until now. Its simply down to $$$ and wanting to explore different aspects of TBS.
If you want to back or not is totally up to you. I cant and wont force you
Q: multiplayer in flashback expansion
A: Our core tech HAS multiplayer. But we want to make the best single player possible and then who knows. It requires some setting, some meaningful way to do multiplayer. Else it will just be some slapped on deathmatch stuff that no ones really likes. Coop?
We do coop in Space Hulk :-)
Q: the game's current expected release date is Nov 2014. Could you give us some guesses for approximately when could we expect to see the distributions of the Alpha and Beta builds (and also the "early access" release)?
A: TOOOOOTAL guess. But we want a vertical slice aka Alpha out somewhere around xmas 2013 I would say. Beta would not be until 2-3 monthn prior to launch. So there is a huge difference between the 2
Q: genetic mutation
A: Oh - not decided yet. But now with the special sectors I think we have lots of fun things that could be exploited - or is even enough. Lets see!
Q: Will the beta also be playable under linux? And is the graphic setting really that "comic" like, as seen in the 3d scene?
A: Linux beta - yep! The 3d scene is some kind of guideline for us, yeah. Its not "final" in any way - but it gives a direction for us
Q: regarding modding (and sorry if this has been answered somewhere else already): will it be possible to script new interactions/dialogues between the mercs and NPCS? or put another way: will modding be limited to creating new settings for the fights to take place in, and new weapons, or will it also be possible to create new stories/quests within the game?
A: We had it partly covered in an update. Try to check it out in the Kickstarter changelog! But we will essentially work with our modder advisors to define what we can externalize. Dialogs and story are definitely high on the list there
Q: video
A: Yes - and we want to do developer videos and such as well. One of the backer rewards is a documentary that we will record at the same time
Q: Please guys, I beg you to take a slightly different art direction. Something a little more realistic and true to JA2.  
I pledged myself and got few of my friends pledge for this kickstarter, I'm excited about the project, but what I'm seeing graphically bugs me a little.
A: We will not make it comic. We are not into cell shaders and comic style. But we want to have a more bright colorful visual style. NOT photo realistic and NOT comic
Q: Would you mind sharing another one aside that story about "Flugente"?
A: Another anecdote - hmmm. There are a few - some we even have thinking about making a postmortem post about.
Little known to everyone we almost totally got fucked on launching the Kickstarter. One of the big sites broke the interview embargo with the Kickstarter project not approved, and we were forced to delay our launch by a week. Trying to make it look like it was all planned. DUH!!
Q: where you close to throw in the towel at one point during this campaign or have you always been assured of your success?
A: Uhhh - I had the thought a few times I must say. Especially after the first week where we simply hit wall after wall after wall. But then we took it as a challenge and said "if we quit, there wont be any JA for many years" and also how would it look that we simply quit after some resistance!
Q: Hi, can we have support fire, aircraft air/cover or bombing, artillery fire from 2-3 square away, maybe just to slow down the enemy on the world map or in action, or off-map action in general, like planing 2 group entering a territory, with 30min between them, from 2 sides of the map, like in JA2
A: We want to get several of these in. Especially the 2 squads into same sector from different direction
Q: Did you have any discussions about the UI?
A: Not yet no! Its something we take ultra serious as well. We definitely want to make it modern, accessible, easy to use and still very informative
Q: In one of the updates you've shown M16 "evolving" from lvl1 to 3. Is it the whole concept behind upgrading guns or will there be some proper gun porn (maybe not the 1.13 level, but at least ja2)?
A: was more thought as a concept. But Jesper might be the one to answer what he thought on while doing the concept


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Репутация: +318
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #306 от 24.05.2013 в 06:52:49 »

list of the features that are open to modding:
- Adding Items (Weapons, Trash, armor etc.)
- Balancing (which comes along with Items but also with already existing stuff)
- Adding more characters
- Adding new options to the game (optional things to activate / deactivate)
- Prbly, if we can do that, new maps with an editor.
We try to open up everything else as well. However, that's quite tricky and we're already searching for a solution here. Unity doesn't directly support loading code via external loading the easy way. We're trying to find a solution here however. So that everyone will be able to add new functions / features as well, if he / she wants to do so.
- AI Routines: Not yet. But we're on it for outsourcing this as well.
- Dialogue and quests: As far as I know, yes (will have to talk to my boss about that to back me up :D)
- Chance to Hit and damage formula: That's balancing again
- weapons and armor models + attribs including their effect on cth and dmg: That's adding Items again
- weapon and armor addons / attachments: Same here
- merc, rpc, npc models incl. hitboxes: I'm not quite sure, prbly. The rest: Yes. Will ask Thomas too but as far as I know: Yes.
- ingame objects and their attributes (see expanding tilesets in ja2): That's adding Items again I think?
- interface: That's quite a thing I really have to ask.
« Изменён в : 24.05.2013 в 06:56:47 пользователем: jz » Зарегистрирован

[Баги! Баги везде!]


Репутация: +1337
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #307 от 24.05.2013 в 06:57:14 »

24.05.2013 в 06:41:28, jz писал(a):
If you constantly kill the drug lords couriers, you might gain a lot of here and now money - but increasingly get hunted by the cartels. But at the same time the locals will like you better.  

Как далеки они от жизни в своей уютненькой Дании. Пару лет назад, когда на Ямайке власти хотели арестовать наркобарона, население взялось за оружие в его защиту, была небольшая гражданская война.

Восславим же радость и мужество,
Труда и науки содружество
Восславим мудрую партию,
Помолимся за неё.

А Пентагон в свои руки поганые,
Пусть возьмёт свои доллары сраные
И в ж... себе затолкает

Green Eyes
[Добрый волшебник]
Прирожденный Джаец

Иногда мне дико не хватает мозгов.

WWW Ё-мэйл

Репутация: +675
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #308 от 24.05.2013 в 07:08:29 »

2bugmonster: Не, пока не попробую, фигушки куда заплачу (хотя даже если хотел, нечем). :P
 24.05.2013 в 06:57:14, bugmonster писал(a):
Как далеки они от жизни в своей уютненькой Дании. Пару лет назад, когда на Ямайке власти хотели арестовать наркобарона, население взялось за оружие в его защиту, была небольшая гражданская война.  
- у них немецкий бункер на карибских островах. Не удивляюсь, тому что у них немного не по местному. : rolleyes :
Европейцы ж. Видят свет в каких-нибудь очках (или очке). Не знает, что прогрессивное человечество (Ямайка там, Доминиканская республика, Мексика, Боливия, и прости Господи Колумбия) давно работает на частный сектор, который платит и защищает больше правительственного.  
Но уже хочется посмотреть на это (а вдруг у меня часть идеи слизали (хотя откуда там слизывать)). ;D
 24.05.2013 в 05:46:18, Lion писал(a):
Вам не кажется, что кто-то употребляет вещества?  
- чур мне хижину вуду. Буду вуду. :D
« Изменён в : 24.05.2013 в 07:10:40 пользователем: Green Eyesman » Зарегистрирован

Модельки от меня.

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Репутация: +318
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #309 от 24.05.2013 в 07:44:43 »

A: About AI. R@S made up a good point. What will we do if the AI becomes to good and makes the game kinda frustrating? Well, than it shall be frustrating. JA is Hardcore. And it won't be a pony-game. We know the target audience. And they are not dumb. And the AI shall not be dumb either.
I passed it on to our coders and Thomas so that this topic can be discussed in an upcoming update somewhen. I'm no coder-specialist, so this has to be answered on Kickstarter directly.
Q: The time pressure and Enrico's emails to hurry you up (or lose the cities) adds to the story and emphasizes the time pressure you are living with, but sometimes I just enjoy having squads sit in fortified blocking positions for 600 days because I've started 'Operation Kill Every Living Thing'.
A: We haven't yet decided how to punish the player and about the details in the difficulty settings. What should be clear is, that, as this will be a JA game, you don't necessary need to follow the story. So your 600 days operation should be possible here, too.
Q: fog of war
A: That's a total fog of war so to speak. It still enables tactics. But you have to be more careful as you can't see the whole map. That doesn't mean that you can't see anything. The radius will be quite big of what you actually can see (far enough to plan your moves). But again: You won't see the whole map at once. This way each map can also contain some interesting surprises.
Q: I think what most people mean when they tell you not to use 3D portraits is really just "Don't do THIS:"
They all look the same ;-)
A: Right now, everything is set for 2D Faces, just to make that clear. If we can find a way to make them not lose any "atmosphere" in 3D, we might add this as an option. But you know, don't fix something which isn't broken.
Q: Sir-tech basically blew our minds 12 years ago by simply releasing one sector demo of JA2. The demo was so awesome that it got its own mods before even the full game was released. Will JA:F have a demo sector to show off?
A: See. We have a very clear idea of what we want to create (that's what the updates on KS are for). We know that we can realize that with the estimated budget. What we want to say is that we'd like to include the community already at the very beginning. You know this community very well and, let's be honest, it's a picky one. So imagine us being in the middle of the development. And than we realize "holy shit, they hate this". We want to avoid this actually. Otherwise we could also be in Action, if you know what I mean.
Q: so enmies will recognize you even if you are unarmed?
A: We know what that is. And there also stealth elements in the game. But in the end, we have to calculate with our budgets and make the core game right. Adding super-cool features comes afterwards. This may not be the answer everyone likes to hear, but it is the truth in the end.
Q: Is the current amount of money pledged to your kickstarter higher or lower than you expected it to be at this point?
A: Well, what we fear is that if this fails, there'll be no new turn based Jagged Alliance with a new technology. While we also still play JA2, the name slowly gets forgotten. And we don't want to see that happen as it is one of the greatest games ever. And it deserves to live on. On both ways: Within the modding community and within the commercial sector.
I know, many people are depressed by how the brand has been handled over the years and are now careful. But seriously: We all want the same. Basically. A bright future for this brand. And that's why we're also around here.
Q: pg13 rating
A: Gore, Drugs and Prostitutes. I mean, this is life. Why should we paint a flower with bees around it on the screen?
Q: So how about this idea, FC focuses on making a lot of maps, and the community helps with creating items and weapons. FC needs to have some quality control, and I think many of the asset creators would like some dough for their work.
A: And we said that we don't need that. I wish I could tell you more about that. But that requires some talks to other persons. The thing is that we have access to a lot of assets already. So Art won't be our problem. Coding-wise we have a turn based system available. For a proper JA game we however need to evolve this whole thing and add a lot of things. This is pretty much the thing where we will need the most money for (well, and balancing stuff and reworking the assets we have plus creating new ones and lots of other stuff as well. But we don't need 1.5 Million for that to be honest). I hope we will be allowed to announce more on that soon.  
We really don't want to insult anyone. Especially not the Jagged Community who did prbly the best job in terms of modding in the whole gaming industry ever. All we ask for is to help us to give players a Jagged Alliance based on a new technology so people can play around with that, too. Sure, it's also a possible to continue another 12 years. And we'd love to see that as well. We do not even want to displace the Zeus of turn based games, that ain't possible. But maybe introducing Hercules in his young years in addition to it.
Q: sector inventory
A: I am now using it. But then again, that was my mistake. Thomas however used it before and says that it's still not perfect (although 1.13 made some interesting additions but is yet maybe too complex for beginners, so that is a matter of explanation than).
Q: Kickstarter
A: So did we expect to get applause right from the very beginning? No. Again. We didn't. Are we shocked cause of the negativity? Somehow. A bit. Are we shocked that it is a hard way to our target? Then again, no. And about the negativity, well, we did know there was some, but we didn't expect people to be THAT scared of anyone touching the franchise. A lot of wrong things were done to Jagged. So it's on the other hand quite understandable. We don't blame people for that by the way. We're just a bit...surprised.
Q: real time
A: We'd need a new engine for that. And fuck that real time stuff. Srsly. Still gets me confused while overtaking a sector.
Q: initial campaign will be short in JA:F
A: It won't be that short. This might be communication problem in the end. Sure, we're talking about the base-game for 350k. But we're talking about a game which will prbly take 20 hours or even more maybe, depending on your playstyle. Something around that. Plus the option to avoid the main story and just farm the country for more loot.
A: Now that's an interesting question. You know, the game, for being a F2P MMO, it ain't that bad. I'm not a fan of MMOs. No matter what the fuck they are about. Orcs, elves, turn based, dungeons or villages. The thing is that there's not enough game and content in there. They got some things right, yes. But the overall game seems to be missing somehow.
Q: I'm really concerned about the aesthetic of this game, though. As Ian Currie said in his interview, the atmosphere, the feeling that you're going to enjoy spending a lot of hours playing this thing, is of vital importance. I do not want to feel like I'm playing with a bunch of plastic soldiers. One of the nice things about JA2 was that you knew who was who just by what they were wearing. That is one of the things that make it a game, not a simulation.
A: And Ian is right. It must feel right. It doesn't matter if you have the best combat simulation ever if it doesn't feel like a game. A cool fucking awesome game.
« Изменён в : 24.05.2013 в 07:50:14 пользователем: jz » Зарегистрирован


Арурико-но акай неко

Репутация: +151
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #310 от 24.05.2013 в 07:58:51 »

2jz: Это твой диалог? или тыбзинг откуда?

https://new.vk.com/ja2nonews - новостная лента по моду Jagged Alliance 2 Night Ops. актуальные версии,ченжлоги, техподдержка.ссылки на сей форум=)
https://new.vk.com/jagged_alliance -группа по JA в ВК


Я люблю этот Форум!

Репутация: +318
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #311 от 24.05.2013 в 08:03:27 »

24.05.2013 в 07:58:51, Баюн писал(a):
Это твой диалог? или тыбзинг откуда?
форумы, live-конференции.
« Изменён в : 24.05.2013 в 08:03:49 пользователем: jz » Зарегистрирован


Арурико-но акай неко

Репутация: +151
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #312 от 24.05.2013 в 08:04:36 »

2jz: Переводить надо однако. Чтобы тыбзингом в группу себе. ладно, с этим завтра.  
Интересно, мы за два часа успеем наскрести на Крепость испанскую?

https://new.vk.com/ja2nonews - новостная лента по моду Jagged Alliance 2 Night Ops. актуальные версии,ченжлоги, техподдержка.ссылки на сей форум=)
https://new.vk.com/jagged_alliance -группа по JA в ВК

[Баги! Баги везде!]


Репутация: +1337
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #313 от 24.05.2013 в 08:44:36 »

2Баюн: Уже наскребли.
Первый действительно уместный сектор из списка.
« Изменён в : 24.05.2013 в 08:45:22 пользователем: bugmonster » Зарегистрирован

Восславим же радость и мужество,
Труда и науки содружество
Восславим мудрую партию,
Помолимся за неё.

А Пентагон в свои руки поганые,
Пусть возьмёт свои доллары сраные
И в ж... себе затолкает

[Lion. King Lion.]

Welcome to Metavira!

Репутация: +362
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #314 от 24.05.2013 в 08:56:15 »

24.05.2013 в 08:44:36, bugmonster писал(a):
Первый действительно уместный сектор из списка.  
КПД не слишком высок.
« Изменён в : 24.05.2013 в 08:56:25 пользователем: Lion » Зарегистрирован

[Баги! Баги везде!]


Репутация: +1337
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #315 от 24.05.2013 в 09:08:51 »

Это так, но...
Немецкий бункер,
Испанская крепость,  
ферма с крокодилами,
хижина вуду,
шахта с обсидианом,
руины Bear's Pit'а,
фургон с мороженым в болоте,
древние руины,
обломки самолёта  
амфитеатр с кошками,  
ферма с реднеками,
хижина учёного-робототехника,
шахта с жуками,
логово кошек,
фургон с мороженым на обочине,
древние руины,
фабрика где дети шьют футболки для NBA  
тут ещё вопрос кто лучше понимает дух джаги. ;)

Восславим же радость и мужество,
Труда и науки содружество
Восславим мудрую партию,
Помолимся за неё.

А Пентагон в свои руки поганые,
Пусть возьмёт свои доллары сраные
И в ж... себе затолкает

[Lion. King Lion.]

Welcome to Metavira!

Репутация: +362
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #316 от 24.05.2013 в 09:29:59 »

2bugmonster: В оригинале это было органично и по углам, тут на этом как-то специально заостряется внимание. Всё-таки встретить машину на дороге логичней, чем в болоте.  ;)

[Баги! Баги везде!]


Репутация: +1337
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #317 от 24.05.2013 в 09:44:24 »

2Lion: На этом заостряется внимание, потому что это дополнительные "наградные" сектора. То есть их могло и не быть.

Восславим же радость и мужество,
Труда и науки содружество
Восславим мудрую партию,
Помолимся за неё.

А Пентагон в свои руки поганые,
Пусть возьмёт свои доллары сраные
И в ж... себе затолкает

[Баги! Баги везде!]


Репутация: +1337
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #318 от 24.05.2013 в 09:57:37 »

Господа, остался час, собрано $365к и ~10k на PayPal, я правильно понимаю, что мы набрали на первый Stretch goal? : smoke :
Там уже и до редактора рукой (Вексельберга) подать.

Восславим же радость и мужество,
Труда и науки содружество
Восславим мудрую партию,
Помолимся за неё.

А Пентагон в свои руки поганые,
Пусть возьмёт свои доллары сраные
И в ж... себе затолкает


Я люблю этот Форум!

Репутация: +318
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #319 от 24.05.2013 в 10:33:53 »

Не выдержала душа поэта. Я написал им в "хотелки", что хрен с ними со статуями, золотыми Калашниковыми - наймите профессионального ИИ-программиста!  
Congratulations for you guys.  
I want to say something. Now everyone is happy, and it seems that there is still plenty of time - 1.5 years! But this is not true when it comes to the development of tactical strategy. The real tactical strategy, you know.
I'm not talking about games for tablet computers, where the AI makes decisions like this: "take cover - shoot - call for backup - flanking"
If you make such a game, it is no different from "BiA", "Jazz", etc. There each soldier acts as Rambo on the battlefield - he is the one and only thinks about himself. He has no idea about the commander's intent. These games will soon get bored when the player learned the basic tactics of the AI and he gets a good weapon.
I'm talking about the actions of the AI groups. Each group has a local order. If order is flanking, they are not engaged in a firefight with the player until they have accomplished an order!
AI must have a plan, the number of choices of plans should be plenty. In this case, the player will always be surprised by AI, the unpredictability of tactical action!  
Chess ... How many years have passed ... 2000 years. In this game, cool graphics? No. Maybe a bunch of weapons and equipment? Not noticeable. Or maybe there is a lot of sectors with zombies, abandoned bunkers, treasures and genetic bloodthirsty monsters? So why is it so popular so far?
Please, please, please, please, please ... please hire a professional AI programmer, while you still have time! I respect you, I know that you are professionals. But this is a special area of knowledge. Let's hire a guy like Jeff Orkin (creator of F.E.A.R. AI).
All of these new sectors, the golden weapons, new mercenaries - modders can do it. But modders will not significantly change AI after the release of the game.
If the AI in the game will be stupid, "Jagged Alliance: Flashback" turns into another "BiA" or "Jazz". After all, this is a strategic game that requires thinking. The player needs to think how to deceive the AI, the player should not just drop off the edge of the sector and stupidly clean up the entire map.
I'm afraid that being in the pursuit of new sectors, golden guns, statues, memories of Ivan and quests we forget about the most important - strategy and tactics!
good luck
« Изменён в : 24.05.2013 в 10:34:28 пользователем: jz » Зарегистрирован

[Баги! Баги везде!]


Репутация: +1337
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #320 от 24.05.2013 в 11:00:57 »

Сбор закончен
pledged of $350,000 goal  
В последние минуты назад забрали почти тысячу долларов. :)

Восславим же радость и мужество,
Труда и науки содружество
Восславим мудрую партию,
Помолимся за неё.

А Пентагон в свои руки поганые,
Пусть возьмёт свои доллары сраные
И в ж... себе затолкает

[Баги! Баги везде!]


Репутация: +1337
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #321 от 24.05.2013 в 11:07:31 »

2jz: Если под "Jazz" ты имел ввиду "Джаз", то они не поймут, международное название Джаза "Hired guns".

Восславим же радость и мужество,
Труда и науки содружество
Восславим мудрую партию,
Помолимся за неё.

А Пентагон в свои руки поганые,
Пусть возьмёт свои доллары сраные
И в ж... себе затолкает


Я люблю этот Форум!

Репутация: +318
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #322 от 24.05.2013 в 11:29:44 »

24.05.2013 в 11:07:31, bugmonster писал(a):
Если под "Jazz" ты имел ввиду "Джаз", то они не поймут, международное название Джаза "Hired guns".
Кажется мне, что получится "Fronltine-Tactics" с сюжетной кампанией про Ивана и Тень. Они оба разочаруются в своих работодателях (США и СССР) и будут основателями АИМ.


Арурико-но акай неко

Репутация: +151
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #323 от 24.05.2013 в 15:23:33 »

2Green Eyes:  
 Вы ребят, такие интересные. Говорите "Сделайте нам платформу для модов, а дальше мы сами" - а нам, обычным юзверям, то что делать? ждать еще пару лет, пока вы хоть что нибудь на ней на коленке соберете?  
К тому же, Модер далеко не такой святой. Очень часто можно видеть, когда в хороший, в общем-то, мод начинают запихиваться всякие непонятные и ненужные части игроков примочки. Но главное, что они понятны и нужны самому Модеру. И в итоге получается не очень хорошо.
Или новые плюшки в модах добавляются по принципу "как могли, так и сделали", и пофиг что эту самую плюшку нужно активировать левой пяткой на перекрестке в полнолуние. Она же есть.

https://new.vk.com/ja2nonews - новостная лента по моду Jagged Alliance 2 Night Ops. актуальные версии,ченжлоги, техподдержка.ссылки на сей форум=)
https://new.vk.com/jagged_alliance -группа по JA в ВК

Green Eyes
[Добрый волшебник]
Прирожденный Джаец

Иногда мне дико не хватает мозгов.

WWW Ё-мэйл

Репутация: +675
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #324 от 24.05.2013 в 20:33:55 »

24.05.2013 в 15:23:33, Баюн писал(a):
обычным юзверям, то что делать
- как вы правильно сказали, мой дорогой друг, модеры - не святые, так что мне пофигу на "обычных юзверей".: devil : Шутка. ;D
Я сам являюсь скорее "юзверем", чем "модером". Но люблю пересобирать проги и игры под себя. Ибо разрабы тоже не святые, слава Шиве. ;)
И мне самому интересно (уже) во что превратиться эта игра.

Модельки от меня.
[Хороший ариец]

Враг Джавдета в анимации ДжА2, Бон-а-рьен-ц!

Репутация: +346
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #325 от 24.05.2013 в 20:35:19 »

Хочешь, пару книжечек тебе пришлю, про ИИ? Основы могу рассказать...
Не слушаете же ни фига...

Deleatur (лат.) - Стереть все, совсем все!

Я люблю этот Форум!

Репутация: +318
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #326 от 24.05.2013 в 21:51:03 »

24.05.2013 в 20:35:19, Bonarienz писал(a):
Хочешь, пару книжечек тебе пришлю, про ИИ?

delaisam-logo.png ;D

[Хороший ариец]

Враг Джавдета в анимации ДжА2, Бон-а-рьен-ц!

Репутация: +346
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #327 от 24.05.2013 в 22:40:59 »

Вот-вот! Этим и занимаюсь! Типа, JA2.013, хе-хе...

Deleatur (лат.) - Стереть все, совсем все!
[Ваивалый Дид]
Гас Тарболс

Репутация: ---
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #328 от 24.05.2013 в 23:13:44 »

24.05.2013 в 11:29:44, jz писал(a):
Ивана и Тень. Они оба разочаруются в своих работодателях (США и СССР) и будут основателями АИМ.

Учи матчасть! Полковник Моханед, командир Спайс и Белый Азиат - все будут в игре! : angry :

[Lion. King Lion.]

Welcome to Metavira!

Репутация: +362
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #329 от 25.05.2013 в 06:16:16 »


Прирожденный Джаец


Репутация: +342
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #330 от 25.05.2013 в 07:06:12 »

Mylene Farmer - Fuck Them All

Шахматы и разводки... опасное сочетание.
Я твердо усвоил одну вещь: в любой игре всегда есть соперник и всегда есть жертва. Вся хитрость - вовремя осознать, что ты стал вторым, и сделаться первым.

Прирожденный Джаец

"Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo"(с) BHG


Репутация: +680
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #331 от 25.05.2013 в 09:05:25 »

Подпись: "Пришел первый транш на разработку игры..."

"спор на форуме - это как олимпиада среди умственно отсталых. даже если ты выиграл - всё равно идиот"
[Хороший ариец]

Враг Джавдета в анимации ДжА2, Бон-а-рьен-ц!

Репутация: +346
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #332 от 25.05.2013 в 10:29:37 »

Тема пилы не раскрыта...

Deleatur (лат.) - Стереть все, совсем все!
Прирожденный Джаец

"Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo"(с) BHG


Репутация: +680
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #333 от 25.05.2013 в 17:46:42 »

Как говорит Каневский: "А это уже совсем другая история..."
На самом деле молодцы ребята. Дай бог чтобы получилась нормальная игруха.

"спор на форуме - это как олимпиада среди умственно отсталых. даже если ты выиграл - всё равно идиот"
[Хороший ариец]

Враг Джавдета в анимации ДжА2, Бон-а-рьен-ц!

Репутация: +346
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #334 от 25.05.2013 в 21:56:52 »

Пока выглядит даже хуже ДжАБы...

Deleatur (лат.) - Стереть все, совсем все!

Я люблю этот Форум!

Репутация: +318
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #335 от 29.05.2013 в 22:53:22 »

"With our Kickstarter completed, we will slowly start building up the team. Almost all spots are already taken by the existing Space Hulk team, but we are lacking a good writer.
Jagged Alliance is a turn-based roleplaying game full of b-movie style humor. It is set in an open chessboard style world where the player can freely send his squads around - there is NOT a linear story but lots of small chunks leading in the same direction. A lot of the fun comes from each of your units having their own personality with 1-liners all over the place. Think "A-team" the old tv-series.
The overall story is given - cold war setting with a rogue soviet general setting fire to a tropical island (think cuban missile crisis #2). You will be dropped into this initially as a CIA agent trying to restore order - and suddenly you are on your own, have to navigate different faction loyalty and build up a small mercenary team.
Your responsibilities would include:
- finalize the grand overall story
- work with existing mercenaries (from the old games) as well as new mercs to fit them into the storyline
- come up with new merc personalities similar in style to http://jaggedalliance.wikia.com/wiki/Ivan_Dolvich
- write NPC dialogs
- write quests/mission stories tying into merc personalities
- work with the level designer to tie it all into the overall island map
We are looking for someone that has one or more of the following
- a structural approach to writing
- experience in writing RPG stories
- experience in designing character personalities
- preferably knows the Jagged Alliance universe
- has sarcastic and b-movie style humor
- can work alone as well as in a team
- can start asap in pre-production
We will prefer someone working at our offices in Copenhagen.
We can offer project based or freelancer style employment. Length depends on your availability and the final size of the game production (still somewhat early)
If you qualify, then please send an email to info | @ | fullcontrol.dk

[Баги! Баги везде!]


Репутация: +1337
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #336 от 30.05.2013 в 07:27:46 »

Атлична, атлична, "мы тут придумали унылую завязку и теперь ищем человека, который из неё напишет нам сюжет-конфетку".

Восславим же радость и мужество,
Труда и науки содружество
Восславим мудрую партию,
Помолимся за неё.

А Пентагон в свои руки поганые,
Пусть возьмёт свои доллары сраные
И в ж... себе затолкает

Green Eyes
[Добрый волшебник]
Прирожденный Джаец

Иногда мне дико не хватает мозгов.

WWW Ё-мэйл

Репутация: +675
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #337 от 30.05.2013 в 07:46:55 »

"think cuban missile crisis #2" - иммо, такого бы не было (хотя если бы Американцами тогда другой президент управлял - все могло быть). Но если бы такое было бы - капут миру.
Вообще "холодной войне" лучше подходит шпионский боевик, а не стратегия. А вот "бандитские" войны в Африке и некоторых странах Азии - самое то, для наемников.

Модельки от меня.
[Сибирская Язва]
Прирожденный Джаец

Лимонадный Джо

WWW Ё-мэйл

Репутация: +20
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #338 от 30.05.2013 в 08:06:44 »

30.05.2013 в 07:27:46, bugmonster писал(a):
Атлична, атлична, "мы тут придумали унылую завязку и теперь ищем человека, который из неё напишет нам сюжет-конфетку".  

Помяните мои слова: вы еще долго будете офигевать от JA:FB, когда она выйдет. Ибо игра попала в руки, мягко говоря, очень недалекого но упертого разработчика.

Будте реалистами - требуйте невозможного!
[оловянный солдатик]
Прирожденный Джаец

Репутация: +28
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #339 от 30.05.2013 в 09:21:11 »

2Green Eyes:  
Солидарен. Нужно сделать так что бы за казалось бы простой на первый взгляд истроией, крылись ужасные тайны и интересности. На меня такое впечатлени, а точнее впечаления, произвела Silent Storm: вот вторая мировая, вот солдаты, вот ничего такого, но потом из документов узнаешь понемногу тааакоее. И подается все порциями, а потом СЕКРЕТНОЕ ОРУЖИЕ! БАХ! Не знаю как у кого. Вот и в Африке к примеру такое замутить: вроде бы война группировок, но потом открывается СТРАШНОЕ! В Ф3Геймс хотели сделать третью сторону к примеру с уникальным оружием и чего то такое. Ну и еще пододжать джва года конечно же.  :P


Арурико-но акай неко

Репутация: +151
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #340 от 04.06.2013 в 20:51:47 »

« Изменён в : 04.06.2013 в 20:52:07 пользователем: Баюн » Зарегистрирован

https://new.vk.com/ja2nonews - новостная лента по моду Jagged Alliance 2 Night Ops. актуальные версии,ченжлоги, техподдержка.ссылки на сей форум=)
https://new.vk.com/jagged_alliance -группа по JA в ВК

[Баги! Баги везде!]


Репутация: +1337
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #341 от 05.06.2013 в 00:01:57 »

2Баюн: Ну ты сравнил. Если бы старая команда сиртеха собралась делать джа3 на КС, они бы тоже собрали 100500 триллиадов тонн золота от игроков.

Восславим же радость и мужество,
Труда и науки содружество
Восславим мудрую партию,
Помолимся за неё.

А Пентагон в свои руки поганые,
Пусть возьмёт свои доллары сраные
И в ж... себе затолкает


Арурико-но акай неко

Репутация: +151
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #342 от 05.06.2013 в 23:07:32 »

ненарочно сравнил) хотел просто пластилина забросить)

https://new.vk.com/ja2nonews - новостная лента по моду Jagged Alliance 2 Night Ops. актуальные версии,ченжлоги, техподдержка.ссылки на сей форум=)
https://new.vk.com/jagged_alliance -группа по JA в ВК


Я люблю этот Форум!

Репутация: +318
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #343 от 07.06.2013 в 03:09:20 »

Project Update #31
What’s next?
Good question, mainly getting an overview and getting a story writer on board so we can get started on the whole story structure and mercenary profiles. We already have some cool candidates and are in the middle of doing job interviews.  
Official Forum  
We’re fully reworking our Kickstarter mini-site, which also covers making a new and more professional forum. We want to get it up as soon as possible, but it won’t be until the PayPal Kickstarter comes to an end, at the earliest.  
We are also taking a closer look at budgets and resource planning at this phase, now that we know the Kickstarter and Paypal budget.  
Community involvement  
We want to engage with the community on various levels and are currently working on setting up structures that will enable us to do so, where the official forum is one of those initiatives. It’s important to keep in mind that this doesn’t happen overnight and that we are not sure what we actually need before we’re further down the line in production. More info on this in later updates once we have everything in place.  
Documentary/progress updates  
As most of you know, we’ll be making a documentary of “The Making of JAF”, which will require a bit of planning along the way, but will make for a fun experience in the end. We’ll be doing progress updates along the way having a certain theme or focus every time.  
We’ll be doing surveys to figure out which add-ons you’ve chosen, but it will take a while before we get to that point as we need to give our other game, Space Hulk, some love.  
We will be attending Rezzed in Birmingham, UK (22-23 June), allowing participants to try out a playable demo of Space Hulk, feel free to drop by and say hi. Thomas, Javier and Andreas will be there.  
We are looking forward to bringing you much more info, images, videos from Jagged Alliance: Flachback and all your contributions and suggestions :)  
Until next time  
The Full Control JAF Team


Я люблю этот Форум!

Репутация: +318
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #344 от 21.06.2013 в 05:15:31 »

Project Update #32
Right now Space Hulk is taking up a lot of our time as we are getting a playable demo ready to show fans how the game is developing. As the final budget for JAF is also very dependent on how well Space Hulk performs, we have to make sure we do what we can to promote the game and get it done right.  
However, this doesn't mean that nothing is happening for JAF
« Изменён в : 21.06.2013 в 05:17:33 пользователем: jz » Зарегистрирован

[Баги! Баги везде!]


Репутация: +1337
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #345 от 21.06.2013 в 07:06:25 »

До редактора карт осталось добрать 10 килодолларов до 15 июля.

Восславим же радость и мужество,
Труда и науки содружество
Восславим мудрую партию,
Помолимся за неё.

А Пентагон в свои руки поганые,
Пусть возьмёт свои доллары сраные
И в ж... себе затолкает

[Lion. King Lion.]

Welcome to Metavira!

Репутация: +362
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #346 от 26.06.2013 в 04:34:11 »

Выкачал себе классический пак.  
1.8 гб архивом за 6 минут через WiFi - это приятно.
Потом посмотрю на это по-подробней.  : rolleyes :

[Ламер всмятку]
Прирожденный Джаец

Prime directive:Wait for good games


Репутация: +36
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #347 от 16.07.2013 в 01:08:15 »

Есть ли какие-нибудь свежие новости по проекту?А то кампания кикстартера прошла и все тишина. :o

1.Serve the Public Trust
2.Protect the Innocent
3.Uphold The Law


Я люблю этот Форум!

Репутация: +318
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #348 от 16.07.2013 в 01:18:56 »

16.07.2013 в 01:08:15, PARKAN писал(a):
Есть ли какие-нибудь свежие новости по проекту?
В общем, "JA: F" будет типа DLC к их проекту "Space Hulk". Т.е. на основе "SC" будет делаться новая джага. Поэтому, в силу немногочисленности команды, и отсутствия PR-отдела, все силы брошены на успешный выпуск "SC".  
Помимо базы для "JA: F", успешные продажи "SC" дадут дополн. финансирвоание для "JA: F".
Все это они сообщили на прошлой неделе на форуме Bear's Pit - там народ тоже волнуется.  
Как я понял, в "JA: F" упор делается на сюжет и новых персонажей, а не на крутой ИИ или геймплей. Судя по их готовой стратегии, тактика врагов такая: занять укрытие и палить в сторону игрока. В это время подтягиваются собраться и помогают. Прорывов там вряд ли стоит ожидать, поскольку команда уровня разработчиков Android-приложений.

[Ламер всмятку]
Прирожденный Джаец

Prime directive:Wait for good games


Репутация: +36
Re: JA:FB повторная реанимация
« Ответ #349 от 16.07.2013 в 01:41:12 »

Довольно таки странно сначала обещать кучу всего а в итоге будет что-то непонятное.ладно пожуем,увидим что да как

1.Serve the Public Trust
2.Protect the Innocent
3.Uphold The Law

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